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- A: adv.m. then; so; well; then (abbreviated form of ari)
- A: fon. (vocal phoneme of the quechua language)
- ABRIL: s.(mes)(esp) April
- ACHACHA: s. toy
- ACHACHAW!; ACHACHÁW!: interj.(1) What a pity!; What a surprise!; For goodness sake!
- ACHACHI: s.(aym) old man
- ACHACHILLA: s. marvel
- ACHAKAW!: interj. Ouch!; What a pain!; [exclamation of pain]
- ACHALA: s. ornament
- ACHALACHIY: to adorn; to decorate
- ACHALAKUY: v.intr. to adorn
- ACHALASQA: p.p.p. adorned
- ACHALAW!: interj. How pretty!; How beautiful!; [exclamation of joy]
- ACHALAYKI: s. luxury
- ACHANQARAY; ACHANKARAY: s.(bot) begonia; kind of herbaceous plant; plant used for red dye
- ACHHIY: s. sneeze
- ACHHIY: v.intr. to sneeze
- ACHHUMUY: to approach (in the speaker’s direction)
- ACHHURAY; ACHHURIY: to withdraw; to go away; to depart
- ACHHUY: to approach
- ACHHUYKUY: to approach
- ACHHUYUY: to approach
- ACHIKYAY: s. dawn
- ACHIKYAY: v.impers. to dawn; to clear up
- ACHIKYAY; ACHIKWAY: v.intr. to shine; to clear up; to get light
- ACHIRA: s.(bot) kind of plant with broad leaves and yellow flowers; plant like the potato; plant, seeds used in red dye
- ACHITA: s.(bot) a grain or cereal similar to quinua
- ACHIWA: s. small parasol
- ACHIWA-ACHIWA: s.(bot) kind of shrub whose leaves are used for blue dye
- ACHIWITI: s.(bot) kind of tree; plant, red paint or dye made from seeds; lipstick tree
- ACHIY: to enjoy
- ACHOQALLA: s.(zoo) weasel
- ACHOQCHA: s.(bot) kind of pumpkin; achogcha; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
- ACHUPALLA: s.(bot) achupaya; kind of ananas-like plant; plant similar to maguey of the upper suni
- ACHURA: s.(mat) quote; rate; ration; daily rations
- ACHURAY: to deal out
- ADIYÚS: expr.(esp) Good bye!
- ADMIRASQA KAY: v.intr.(esp) to be amazed
- ADUBI: s.(esp) a brick baked in the sun
- AGENTI; AQENTI: s.(esp) agent
- AGOSTO: s.(mes)(esp) August
- AHAHAY!; AHAW!: interj. How funny!
- AKA: s. excrements; droppings; shit; faeces; feces
- AKA HINA SENQAYOQ: s.p.(k) shit-nosed
- AKA K’ISKI: s.(med) constipation
- AKA K’UCHU: s. excrement corner; a shallow latrine behind houses
- AKA WARA; AKASWARA: s. nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch
- AKAKALLÁW!: interj. What a pity!; What a pain!; Oh, poor boy!
- AKAKÁW!: interj.(1) Ouch!; How hot!
- AKANAYAQ RUNA: expr.(k) grumblehuts; grouch; grumpy
- AKATANQA: s.(zoo) dung-beetle; black beetle; dung beetle; (lit.) pupe-pusher
- AKAY: to excrete; to shit; to defecate
- AKAYTA MIKUY SUPIYTA PITAY: expr.(k) eat my shit and smoke my fart!
- AKILLA: s. metal beaker; bowl; vase; high quality wide-mouthed vase
- AKLLA: s.(his) virgin selected for religious service in Inka times; virgin of the sun
- AKLLAKUY: to choose; to prefer
- AKLLASQA: p.p.p. selected
- AKLLAY: to select; to elect; to choose; to classify
- AKLLU: adj. stutterer; stammerer
- AKLLU: s.(med) stammering; dyslalia
- AKNU: s.(tex) ceremonial dress; place where ceremonies take place
- AKNUPU ÑAÑAKA: s.(tex) precious women’s dress
- AKSU; AQSU: s.(tex) skirt; dress; smock; cape; cloak; woven cloth worn on back by Indian women; overskirt; skirt woven in two equal pieces; women’s black wrap skirt or overdress; square piece worn by women, fastened at waist, which serves as a petticoat
- AKSULLICHIY: to dress someone
- AKSULLIKUY; AQSULLIKUY: to dress oneself
- AKULLIY: v.intr. to chew coca
- AKUPANA: s. sunset
- AKWA: s.(l.esp) needle
- AKWA-AKWA: s.(bot) red-stemmed filaree; kind of annual endemic plant of the high mountain region
- ALA KHUYAY KHUYAYLLA: s.(ant) unlucky fellow
- ALALAW!; ALALÁW!: interj.(1) How cold!; [cold]; burr!
- ALALAW!; ALALÁW!: interj.(1) How cold!; It’s cold!; Brrr!
- ALAMU: s.(bot)(esp) poplar; plant used to dye yellow
- ALARIY: to appear
- ALAW!; ALAW: interj. what terribly pain!
- ALI: s.(bot) plant; branch
- ALKILAY: to rent
- ALKUL: s.(esp) alcohol
- ALLACHU: s. hoe; mattock
- ALLALLANKA: s.(zoo) lizard
- ALLAQ: s.a. digger
- ALLAWSU: s.(bot) mashua; certain tuber plant
- ALLAY: s.(agr) harvest of tuber plants; potato harvest; act or task of digging up tubers
- ALLAY: to dig up; to dig; to dig out potatoes; to dig up tubers; to excavate
- ALLEQ; ALLI: adv.l. right; right (side); right (hand side)
- ALLI RUK’ISQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- ALLICHAKUY: v.intr.(1) to prepare oneself; to do oneself up; to arrange; to arrange well; to arrange; to accommodate (to)
- ALLICHAY: to prepare; to arrange; to arrange well
- ALLICHIY: to correct; to repair
- ALLICHU: expr.(1) please
- ALLICHU?: expr.(2) Is it OK?
- ALLILLAMANTA: adj. slow; careful; slowly
- ALLILLANCHU?; ALLILLANCHU?: expr. how are you? (sir, lady)
- ALLILLANMI!; ALLILLANTAQMI!: expr. I am fine!; ok; fine; good
- ALLIMANTA: adv.m. gently; at a leisurely pace; slow; carefully
- ALLIN: adj.(1) good; fine; ok; nice; healthy; right
- ALLIN: adv.m. well
- ALLIN CH’ISI!: expr. Good evening!
- ALLIN CH’ITIKAY: s. vivacity
- ALLIN KAWSAY: s. well-being; health
- ALLIN P’UNCHAY!: expr. Good morning!
- ALLIN PURIY: v.intr. to behave; to behave well; to conduct oneself
- ALLIN RIKCH’AY: v.intr. to conduct oneself
- ALLIN RIKUY: v.intr. to behave well; to be considerate
- ALLIN RUWAY: s. benefit
- ALLIN SONQO: adj. good-hearted; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; charitable; pious
- ALLIN SUKHA!: expr. Good afternoon!
- ALLIN SUPAY: s. good angel
- ALLIN TUTA: expr. Good evening!; Good night!
- ALLIN YUYAY: s. conscience
- ALLINCHAY: to arrange; to fix; to decorate; to correct; to repair; to make better; make good; to improve; to cure; to fold clothes
- ALLINCHIY: to correct
- ALLINLLA MUSUQ WATA!: expr. Happy New Year!
- ALLINLLA ÑAN; ALLINLLAÑA: expr. Good journey!; See you later!; Farewell!
- ALLINLLA RAYMI!: expr. Merry Christmas!
- ALLINNIYOQ: s.p. wealthy; fortunate
- ALLINPAQ HAP’IY: to approve of; to commend
- ALLINPIRAQ: adv.t. in the early afternoon
- ALLINYAY: s. relief
- ALLINYAY: v.intr. to recover; to convalesce; to cure; to become healthy; to reconcile; to improve
- ALLIPUNAKAPUY: v.recip. to agree
- ALLIPUNAKUY: v.recip. to agree
- ALLIPUNKAPUY: to resolve
- ALLIYUPAY KAYNIY: s.(spi)(his) honour; honor
- ALLKA HUK’UCHA: s.(ant) big thief
- ALLPA PACHA: s.(ast) planet earth; Earth
- ALLPA TUPUQ APU: s.(his) land surveyor
- ALLPA; HALLP’A: s.(geo) land; earth; dust; ground; soil; terrain; dirt; field
- ALLPAQA: s.(zoo) alpaca; relative of the llama
- ALLPASAPA: s. landlord
- ALLPAYOQ: s.a. land owner
- ALLQA QOWIKUNA: s. brown guinea pigs
- ALLQA; ALQA: adj.(col) brown
- ALLQO SIRWISYU: s.(p.esp) task of a five-year-old girl to prepare food for dogs
- ALLQOTA YALLIQ QELLAPUNIQ: s.a. lazier than a dog
- ALLWAKUY: v.dic. to bark
- ALLWI: s.(tex) warp (weaving)
- ALLWI MASI: s.(tex) warping partners, often a master weaver and protegee
- ALLWIKAMAYOQ (HUCHO, KAMA ALLWIYKACHAQ): s.(ass) litigant; manager
- ALLWINA: s.(tex) place to warp; loom with warp
- ALLWINA K’ASPIKUNA: s.(tex) loom; loom with warp
- ALLWINA Q’AYTU: s.(tex) warp thread
- ALLWINA TAKARPU: s.(tex) warp beam
- ALLWINAYAY: to be ready to warp (weaving)
- ALLWIRAYAY: v.intr.(tex) to remain warped
- ALLWIRQUY: to finish warping
- ALLWISQA: s.(tex) warp
- ALLWISQATA AYKAQ ILLAWA Q’AYTU: s.(tex) threads that open the tissue
- ALLWITAMUY: to keep warped
- ALLWIY: to plot; to manage; to instigate
- ALLWIY; AWILLIY: to warp (weaving); to warp a loom; to prepare the warp (weaving)
- ALLWIYSIY: to help to warp (weaving)
- ALMUSA: s.(esp) lunch
- ALMUSAY: to have lunch
- ALQA: adj.(col) white and black; black and white; two-coloured; alternate
- ALQA: s. error; failure; breaking off; stop; rupture; gap; breach; uncompleted work
- ALQA: s.(ana) white of the eye
- ALQA: s.(geo) cold place
- ALQA ALQA: adj. mottled; striped; speckled
- ALQAMARI: s.(zoo) kind of falcon
- ALQAMAYU: s.(top) river that springs from Machu Pikchu
- ALQO CHINA: s.(zoo) female dog
- ALQO ONQOY: s.(med) rabies
- ALQO; ALLQO: s.(zoo) dog
- ALQOCHA: s.(zoo)(1) small dog
- ALQOCHAKUY: to treat without respect; to abuse
- ALQOCHAY: to mock at; to deride; to insult; to make a dog of; to treat someone like a dog
- ALQOCHAY: to rape; to violate (sexual violence)
- ALQOKISKA: s.(bot) dog thornbush
- ALTO: adj.(esp) high
- ALTO: s.(esp) height; high region; zenith
- ALTOMESAYOQ; ALTO MISAYOQ; ALTUMISAYOQ: s.(spi) high shamane; high priest; an andean priest of the third level; a diviner of the highest order
- ALTOPIÑA CH’ASKA: s.(ast) star in the zenith; star which is already high
- AMA: adv.neg. [Negation imperative]; [prohibitive]; do not … (prohibitive); don’t; no; not
- AMA …-CHU!: expr. Don’t …!; [Negation imperative]; [prohibitive]
- AMA HINA KAYCHU: expr. please
- AMA LLULLA, AMA Q’ELLA, AMA SUWA!; AMA QELLA, AMA LLULLA, AMA SUWA: expr. Don’t ly, don’t be lazy, don’t steal!
- AMA PHIÑAKUSPA!; AMA PHIÑAKUSPA: expr. don’t be angry!
- AMACHAQ: s.a. protector; defender
- AMACHAQE ANQEL: s.(p.esp) guardian angel
- AMACHAY: s. protection
- AMACHAY: to defend; to protect; to support
- AMAHINA!: expr. Don’t be that way!
- AMAÑA: adv.neg. stop …!
- AMAPUNI: adv.neg. by no means [imperative]
- AMARU: s.(zoo) snake; viper; serpent; big snake; anaconda; symbol of knowledge and learning in incan times; large snake
- AMARU KUNTUR: s.(ast) Serpent changing to the condor: Scorpio (provenience: Chumbivilcas)
- AMARUKANCHA: s.(top) court of the snakes; Inka palace in Qosqo
- AMAWT’ATA NAPAYKUNI: expr. greetings to the teacher
- AMAYCHURA: s.(med) cachexia
- AMERQOY: v.intr. to tire
- AMI: s. disgust
- AMIY: to satisfy; to satiate; to fill
- AMPARU: s.(esp) protection
- AMPARUCHAY: to protect
- AMPULLU: s. grand-granddaughter; grand-grand-granddaughter
- AMU: adj. dumb
- AMUQLLI ONQOY; AMUKLLI ONQOY: s.(med) tonsilitis
- AMUQLLI; AMOQLLI; AMUKLLI: s.(ana) tonsil
- ANA: s. beauty grain; mole
- ANAKU: s.(tex) dress; skirt; woman’s dress reaching to the ankles
- ANANA: s.(bot)(gua) ananas
- ANANAW!: interj. Ouch!; What a pain!; [exclamation of pain]
- ANANAW!: interj. How tiring!; How tired …
- ANAQ: adj. hard; resistant; consistent
- ANAQ K’IRI: s.(med) ulcer
- ANARIWA: s. watchman
- ANCHA: adv.m. well; very well
- ANCHA: adv.preadj. very; big; too much; a lot
- ANCHA ALLINMI: expr. very good!
- ANCHA CHANIYUQ: adj. expensive
- ANCHANCHU: s.(mit)(aym) goblin; benevolent spirit who helps miners find gold or mineral; supernaturally powerful being
- ANCHAY: adv.l. there
- ANCHAYPI: adv.l. there
- ANCHHUCHIY: to displace
- ANCHHUY: to retreat; to separate
- ANCHHUYKUY: to approach
- ANCHIY: v.dic. to sigh; to moan
- ANHAS P’ACHA: s. blue dress
- ANIMU: s.(esp) soul (spirit); soul; life force
- ANKA: s.(zoo) eagle; Andean eagle; sparrow-hawk; falcon; hawk
- ANKACHA: s.(aym) early harvest
- ANKALLI: adj. insurgent; rebel
- ANKALLIKUY: s. resistance
- ANKALLIKUY: v.intr. to offer resistance
- ANKALLU: s.(tex) precious dress of women in old times
- ANKALLU P’ACHAYOQ: s.(tex) woman dressed with precious clothes
- ANKAY: adv.l. here
- ANKAYPI: adv.l. here
- ANKHARI: s.(mit)(aym) messenger spirits of the apus
- ANKUQALA: s.(top) gold mining and herding settlement in the District of Kuyu Kuyu (Cuyo Cuyo, Province of Sandia, Department of Puno, Peru), located at approximately 1000 meters above the main community Puna Ayllu; (Span.) Ancoccala
- ANPI: s.(bot) cotton
- ANQAS: s.(bot) indigo; plant used for dyeing blue
- ANQAS MAYU: s.(top) river in southern Colombia, northern border of the Inka empire under Wayna Qhapaq; (Span.) Angasmayo
- ANQAS; ANQHAS; ANHAS: adj.(col) blue
- ANQHAS ÑAWI: adj. blue-eyed
- ANTA: adj. copper-coloured
- ANTA: s.(min)(1) copper
- ANTARA: s.(mus) pan flute; cane panpipes
- ANTASITWA: s.(mes) July
- ANTASITWA KILLA: s.(mes) July
- ANTAWARA: s. reddish clouds seen in morning and evening
- ANTAWAYLLA(CHA): s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Qispiqanchi (Peru); (Span.) Andahuaylillas (copper meadow, name in diminutive form to avoid confusion with Antawaylla in Apurimaq)
- ANTAWAYLLA; ANTAWAYLA: s.(top) city in the Department of Apurimaq (Peru); (Span.) Andahuaylas (copper meadow)
- ANTI: adj.(geo) eastern
- ANTI: s.(geo) east; eastern region; Region to the east of Qosqo; jungle; land from where the sun rises; ethnic groups that inhabited the eastern region
- ANTI: s.(top) the Andes
- ANTI ONQOY: s.(med) tropical disease
- ANTI RUNA: adj. people from the East; Andean people
- ANTI RUNAQ: adj.poses. Andean
- ANTISUYU: s.(geo) mountain region
- ANTISUYU: s.(top) eastern region of the Tawantinsuyu (Inka Empire); jungle area to the east of Qosqo; one of the four regions of the Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyu)
- ANTUTA: s. arc; bow
- ANYAY: to reprimand; to berate; to advise; to give good advices; to convince
- AÑAKA: s. pleasure
- AÑAKA: s.(mik) honey; sweet
- AÑAÑAW!; AÑAW!: interj. How wunderful!; How tasty!; Wonderful!; Wow!
- AÑAÑAW!; AÑAW!; AÑANAW!: interj. How wunderful!; How tasty!; Wonderful!; Wow!
- AÑAS: s.(zoo) skunk; mephitis; kind of marten
- AÑATHUYA: s.(zoo) skunk; mephitis; kind of marten
- AÑAY: s. thank; gratitude; admiration; admirable thing; fascination; enthusiasm
- AÑAY: v.dic. to bark
- AÑAY!: expr. Thank you!; Thanks!
- AÑAYCHAY: s. gratitude
- AÑAYCHAY: to thank
- AÑAYLLU: s.(zoo) ant
- AÑU: s.(bot) mashua
- APA: s.(tex) very thick blanket
- APACHEQTA: s.(mit) an ancient prayer of thanks spoken upon arrival at the top of a mountain, meaning roughly, “lord surely you must have carried me”
- APACHETA; APACHITA: s. indicator; sign; pile of stones in honor of Pachamama; pile of divers elements left by travelers on the highest passes as offerings; a modern transliteration of apachiqta, apachita now refers to the large stone houses often erected at the peaks of mountains to mark one’s passing and honor the spirits
- APACHIY: to send something; to send; to load
- APAKAMUY: to bring along
- APAKUY: to carry for oneself; to take away
- APAMUY: to bring; to fetch
- APANQORA: s.(zoo)(1) big spider; tarantula
- APANQORA: s.(zoo)(2) crayfish; crab
- APAPU SUWAPU: s. who steals as much as he can
- APAQ: s.a. carrier
- APARIKAPUY: to carry away; to carry off; to carry away someone else’s
- APARIKUY: to carry away; to carry off; to carry away one’s own
- APARKI: s.(tex) thick blanket sewn together out of many cloths
- APASANKA: s.(zoo) big spider; tarantula; spider that carries its eggs on its back
- APAY: to carry; to take with one’s self; to bring; to carry; to bring; to take; to carry up
- APAYKUPUY: s. divorce
- APHATA: s.(aym) reciprocal “gift” given at weddings and other fiestas
- API: s.(mik) pudding; soup; porridge; drink made from purple corn flour; cloves and toasted citrus peels
- APICHU: s.(bot) sweet potato; sweet variety of sweet potato
- APIKI: adv.m. perhaps; maybe
- APU: adj. mighty; powerful; rich; wealthy; supreme
- APU: s. chief; cazique; boss; authority; lord; god
- APU: s.(mit) mountain god; superior spirit or deity; mountain spirit; supreme being; god; the tutelary nature deity of a village or region, inhabiting the peaks of the highest mountain; classically there are twelve tutelary mountain spirits of Qosqo City: Apu Ausangate, Apu Salkantay, Mama Simona, Apu Pikol, Apu Manuel Pinta, Apu Wanakauri, Apu Pachatusan, Apu Pijchu, Apu Saqsaywaman, Apu Wiraqochan, Apu Pukin, Apu Senq’a. Apus are generally considered male nature energies, except for a few aberrant females like Mama Simona in Qosqo, Veronica in the Sacred Valley, and Putukusi in Machu Pijchu; sacred mountain peak; energy spirits of nature that live in the mountains, generally masculine in aspect; mountain spirit; most sacred places and highest mountain peaks
- APU SINAK’ARA: s.(mit) tutelary mountain spirit of the Qoyllor Rit’i festival
- APU SUNTUR TIYANA: s. amphitheater
- APU T’OQTO: s.(bot) kind of very lily with beautiful crimson-red, wide-open flowers; jasmine; nard; delicate flower
- APUCHA: s. grandfather
- APUKUNA: s.(spi) spiritual lineage
- APUP SIMIN: s. law; word of the leader
- APURAYMAN YACHAY: expr.(p.esp) to learn fast
- APURIMAQ: s.(top) river in the Departments of Qosqo and Apurimaq (Peru); (Span.) Apurímac
- APUSIMI: s. mandate
- APUSKACHAQ: s.a. proud
- APUSKACHAY: s. pride
- APUSKACHAY: v.intr. to boast
- APUSKI: s. ancestor; former generation
- APUSKIKUNA: s.(his) birth origin; descent; caste
- APUSKINNAQ; MANA APUSKIYOQ: s.p.(his) casteless
- APUSONQO: adj. conceited; pretentious
- APUSTAY: v.intr.(esp) to bet
- AQAPAQ KURAKA: s.(his) lord of chicha (Inkan official)
- AQARQITU: s.(zoo) locust
- AQARWITU: s.(zoo) small crop-destructive lizard
- AQCHI: s.(zoo) bird of prey
- AQE: s. a woman’s mother in law
- AQHA WASI; AQHAWASI: s. chicha bar
- AQHA; AQA; AHA: s. drink (made of fermented corn); chicha; corn beer; corn liquor; fermented corn beverage
- AQHAWIKSA: s. drunkard
- AQHAY: v.intr. to brew chicha; to make corn liquor
- AQNIY: v.intr. to gargle
- AQNUY: to chew partially
- AQO: s.(fam) mother-in-law of the man
- AQO: s.(geo) sand
- AQO PAMPA: s.(geo) desert
- AQO-AQO: s.(geo) sandy area
- AQOCHINCHAY: s.(ast) comet; shooting star
- AQOMAYU: s.(top) town and province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Acomayo (sandy river)
- AQOPANPA: s.(top) town in the Department of Junín (Peru); (Span.) Acopampa (plain of sand)
- AQOPIYA: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Aqomayu (Peru); (Span.) Acopía
- AQORAKI: s. calamity
- AQOYRAKI: s. misfortune; calamity
- AQTU: s. vomit
- AQTUY: v.intr. to vomit; to puke; to spit out; to spit
- ARANWA: s. theater; theatre; tale; fable; legend
- ARANWAQ: s. actor
- ARANWAY: s. fable; tale; legend
- ARANWAY: to dramatize; to write a drama; to perform
- ARAP’AY WASKATA: to entangle ropes; to entwine ropes
- ARARANKHA: s.(zoo) lizard; grass snake; type of lizard
- ARARIWA: s.(his) guardian of fields and fruits
- ARARIWA APU: s.(his) judge of the fields
- ARARIWAY: to watch or guard the fields
- ARATA: s.(bot) banana
- ARAWA: s. prong; pitch-fork
- ARAYAN: s.(bot)(esp) kind of tree
- AREQHEPA; AREQ QHEPA; ARIQHEPA: s.(top) departmental city in Peru; (Span.) Arequipa (behind the volcano?, Yes, stay behind?)
- ARÍ: adv.afirm. yes
- ARICH: adv.m. perhaps; maybe
- ARICHA: adj. affirmative
- ARICHA NISQA: adj. affirmative
- ARIKA: s.(top) town in the north of Chile; (Span.) Arica
- ARINSA: s. rent; rental; charge; fee; renting
- ARIQ: s.a. volcano
- ARIWAY KAMAY KILLA: s.(mes) April
- ARIY: to use first time; to open (something new)
- ARMACHIY: to bathe; to bathe somebody; to make bathe (a punishment sometimes)
- ARMAKUY: v.intr. to bathe
- ARMAY: v.intr. to bathe
- ARMUTHUY: v.intr. to germinate
- ARPAY: s. effort; success; reaching the summit; sacrifice
- ARPAY: to be successful; to succeed (success); to have success; to reach the summit; to sacrifice
- ARPHA: adj. blind
- ARPHA: s. semi-darkness; half-light
- ARPHA ÑAWI: adj. blind
- ARPHAYAYKAPUY: v.intr. to go blind
- ARWI: s. thicket; involvement; confusion
- ARWI; ARUWI: s.(l.esp) a brick baked in the sun; adobe
- ARWI-ARWI: s.(bot) dodder (parasitic plant)
- ARWIY: to bind; to confuse; to get into disorder; to entwine
- AS: adj. little; small quantity; a little; kind of (prefix)
- AS KIKIN: pron.indef. almost the same
- ASCHALLA: adv.m. too little; very small quantity
- ASHKACHAY: v.intr. to abound; to be abundant
- ASHKAMA!: expr. see you later!
- ASICHIKUQ: adj. funny; comedian
- ASIKUY: v.intr. to smile; to laugh
- ASINA: s. joke; laughter
- ASINDA: s.(esp) hazienda
- ASINDA WASI: s.(esp) hazienda house
- ASIRIKUY: v.intr. to smile
- ASIY: v.dic. to laugh
- ASKANKU: s.(zoo) sea urchin
- ASKANKU: s.(zoo) hedgehog
- ASKANTUY: s.(zoo) kind of white worm (insect larva) living in the central spike of achapalla plants
- ASKHA RUNA: s. crowd
- ASKHA; ASHKHA: adj. a lot; much; many; much
- ASKHAYAY: v.intr. to increase
- ASKHAYUPA: s.(gra) plural
- ASLLA: adj. little; small quantity
- ASNAPA: s. herb
- ASNAQ: adj. stinking; fetid; loathsome; objectionable; awful; stinking person
- ASNAY: s. stench; stink
- ASNAY: v.intr. to stink; to smell (bad)
- ASNU: s.(zoo)(esp) donkey
- ASPAS: conj. but
- ASTAKUY: v.intr. to go to; to set out to; to change clothes
- ASTAKUY: to bring to; to carry off
- ASTANA: s. things that can be brought
- ASTAWAN: adv.preadj. more; also; especially
- ASTAY: to bring; to cart; to carry; to carry in a convenyance; to transport
- ASUCHIY: to postpone; to move near
- ASUKA: s.(zoo) seal
- ASUKAR: s.(esp) sugar
- ASUY: to approach
- ASUYKAMUY: to approach hither
- ASWA: s. drink (made of fermented corn); chicha; corn beer
- ASWAN: adv.m. more
- ASWAN: adv.preadj. more (comparative)
- ASWAN ASWAN: adv.m. more and more
- ASWANCHASQA: adj. extraordinary
- ASWANPAS: conj. better said; but (and not)
- ASWANTA: adv.m. above all
- ATAKACHAW!: interj. What a pleasure!; How exciting!
- ATAKAW!: interj. Ouch!; What a pain!; [exclamation of pain]
- ATARA: s.(tex) thick blanket sewn together out of many cloths
- ATATAW!: interj. Disgusting!; How ugly!; How nauseating!
- ATAW: s. luck; fortunate
- ATAWALPA: s.(per) the thirteenth ruler of the Inka Empire (1532-1533); son of Wayna Qapaq and his Ecuadorian Queen. He waged war against his half brother, Waskar, and lost his Empire, defeated and murdered by the Spaniards. Because he and Waskar inherited an Empire and did not return one to their children, they broke the law of ayni, therefore becoming full of heavy energy and sinking to the underworld. Myth states that he and Waskar are in the underworld now teaching ayni to the beings there until they can return to this world.
- ATAWCHI: adj. prominent; respected; important
- ATAWQAY: s.(ant) fortune in war and honor, renovation of the Inka empire
- ATI: s. fatality; undoing; mishap; accident
- ATICHAY: to bear; to endure
- ATIKAMUY: to ramsack; to plunder
- ATIKUQ: adj. capable (of); able to; capable; possible
- ATILLCHA PURANTIN; ATILLCHA MATINTIN: adj.(ant) two equal things
- ATINAKUY: v.recip. to combat
- ATINALLA: adj. easy
- ATINLLA: adj. easy
- ATIPA: s. victory
- ATIPACHAW: s.(pun) Tuesday
- ATIPACHAW; ATICHAY: s.(pun) Tuesday
- ATIPAKUQ: s.a. obstinate; stubborn
- ATIPAKUY: s. violence
- ATIPAKUY: v.intr. to persist
- ATIPANAKUY: s. competition
- ATIPANAKUY: v.recip. to compete
- ATIPANKUY: s. competition
- ATIPAQ: s.a. mighty; powerful; rich; attacker; opponent
- ATIPASQA: p.p.p. defeated
- ATIPAY: s. power; ability
- ATIPAY: to win; to defeat; to abuse; to bear; to beat; to conquer; to attack; to contradict; to overcome; to attack; to conquer; to contradict
- ATIPAYAY: to compel; to force
- ATIPAYNIYOQ: s.p. abusive
- ATIQ: s.a. winner; victor; mighty
- ATIRPAY: s. bravery
- ATISHANKA WASI: s. jail; prison
- ATISQA: p.p.p. defeated
- ATITAPHYA: adj. cruel
- ATITAPHYA: s. sadness
- ATIY: s. power; ability; abilities; victory; triumph
- ATIY: v.mod. to be able; to be able to; to be able; to can
- ATIY: to defeat; to win; to escape
- ATIY RIKCH’AY: s.(spi) awaking of power of movement
- ATIYKUY: s. possibility
- ATIYKUY: to strain
- ATIYNIYOQ: s.p. capable (of)
- ATOQ: s.(zoo) fox
- ATOQ: adj. sly; cunning; wily; foxy
- ATOQ: s.(ast) Fox (constellation), a dark spot in the Milky Way (Mayu), formed by dark interstellar space
- ATOQ: s.(zoo) fox
- ATOQ SIWIS; ATOQ SEDRO: s.(bot) fox cedar; kind of tree
- ATOQ-ATOQ: s.(zoo) scorpion
- ATOQLLAÑA: s. cunning; shrewd
- ATOQ-WAQACHI: s.(bot) kind of cactus used for hedges against foxes
- ATUQ CHINA: s.(zoo) female fox
- ATUQ ORQO: s.(zoo) male fox
- AWA: s. fabric; cloth
- AWA: s.(tex)(1) warp
- AWA K’ASPIKUNA: s.(tex) two roller bars holding warp taut on horizontal loom
- AWAKI KASANA UNKU: s.(tex) shirt with chessboard design on the shoulders
- AWAKI UNKU: s.(tex) shirt with chessboard design from the shoulders to the chest
- AWAKIPA: s.(tex) after-weaving; edge binding (of textile); edging of textile put on after finishing
- AWAKU: s.(zoo) kind of fish
- AWAKUY: to weave with a loom; to weave for oneself
- AWANA: s.(tex)(1) loom
- AWANAKUNA: s.(tex) loom and weaving utilities
- AWANKAY: s.(top) departmental city of Apurimaq (Peru); (Span.) Abancay
- AWAPA: s.(tex) crossed-warp tubular edging used to finish tissue (llijllas, etc.)
- AWAQ: s.a. weaver
- AWAQMASI: s. weaving assistant
- AWARANK’U: s. loom
- AWARAYAY: to keep weaving long time
- AWARIY: to start weaving
- AWASQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) woven dress
- AWATAMUY: to go leaving the woven thing
- AWAY: to weave
- AWAY KAMAYOQ: s.(his) official weaver (Inka time)
- AWAYMANTU: s.(bot) goldenberry; peruvian gooseberry
- AWAYSIY: to help to weave
- AWAYTIYAY: to intend
- AWIYUN: s.(esp) airplane; aircraft
- AWKI: adj. old (man); old (male)
- AWKI: s.(fam) grandfather; grandparent; old man
- AWKI: s.(his) prince; chief; leader; senior; elderman; authority
- AWKI: s.(mit) minor spirit or deity; spirit
- AWKI ROWAL: s.(mit) major spirit or deity living in the major mountains
- AWKIKUNA: s. lineage; ancestors
- AWKILLA: s. grand-grandmother
- AWKILLO: s. grand-grandfather
- AWQA: adj. hostile
- AWQA: s. enemy; rebel; rival; villain; warrior
- AWQA AWQA PACHA: s. war time
- AWQALLIKUSPA RIMAY: v.dic. to curse; to blaspheme
- AWQALLIKUY: v.intr. to rebel
- AWQANA: s. war
- AWQANAKUNA: s.(mil) offensive weapons
- AWQANAKUQ: s. warrior
- AWQANAKUY: s. war; battle; fight; hostility
- AWQANAKUY: v.recip. to battle; to make war; to fight
- AWQANAKUY KAMAYOQ: s.(mil) experienced soldier
- AWQAPAKUY: s. blockade
- AWQAPI CHAPATIYAQ: s.(mil) sentry; sentinel; guard
- AWQAQ: s.(mil) soldier; warrior
- AWQAQ SUYU: s.(mil) army
- AWQAQKUNAP APUN; AWQAQKUNAQ APUN: s.(mil) general (of an army); field marshal
- AWQAQNINTA SUYUCHAQ: s.(mil) sergeant
- AWQAQOQ: s.(ast) planet Mars
- AWQAQTA PUKLLACHIKOQ APU: s.(mil) military instructor; general
- AWQAQTA YACHACHEQ APU: s.(mil) military instructor; general
- AWQATINKUYPI ILLAN: s. booty; plunder
- AWQAY: s. fight; combat
- AWQAY: v.intr. to fight; to combat
- AWQAY CHAPCHA: s.(his) destructor of enemies
- AWQAY HAYCHAY: s.(his) war-cry; war-whoop
- AWQAY PAYLLI: s.(his) victory chant
- AWQAY PINKULLU: s.(his) fife (in the Inka’s army)
- AWQAY PUKLLAY: s.(his) skirmish
- AWQAY WANKAR: s.(his) war drum
- AWQAYACHIY: to conspire with; to conspire
- AWQAYLLI: s. warrior; soldier
- AWQAYQENCHA: s.(mil) fort
- AWSANQATI; AWSANQATE: s.(top) mountain in the Department of Qosqo, 6165 m; (Span.) Ausangate
- AWYA YALA: s.(top)(cuna) the continent of America (term used by the Cuna of Panama for the whole continent of America. The Aymara leader Takir Mamani proposes all native people to use it) (land in full maturity)
- AY!: interj. Oh!
- AYA: s. corpse; dead; dead body; cadaver
- AYA MARQ’AY: s.(his) Inkan ceremony in which the dead were carried (in november)
- AYA P’AMPANA: s. cemetery; graveyard
- AYA TAKI: s. who sings to the dead; song to the dead
- AYA WANTUNA: s. hearse; carriage to transport the corpse
- AYAK’UCHU: s.(top) departmental city in Peru, also Wamanqa; (Span.) Ayacucho (Huamanga)
- AYAMARKA KILLA; AYAMARQ’AY KILLA; AYA MARQ’AY KILLA: s.(mes) November; november (in the Inka era: Month of carrying the dead. The dead were taken out of their vaults, dressed and given food and drink. The were carried in stretchers from house to house and then returned with meat and clothes into their graves. Communal cattle were visited. Virgins were recruited to learn spinning and weaving for the Inka and the aristocracy)
- AYAMARKA; AYA MARKA: s. cemetery; graveyard
- AYAMAYCH’A: s.(bot) rhinanthus; kind of herbaceous plant
- AYAP P’AMPAYNIN: s. funeral
- AYAPAKA: s. gravedigger
- AYAPANPA: s. cemetery; graveyard
- AYAR AWQA: s.(mit) present age of iron and war
- AYAR WAYQEKUNA: s.(per) the mythical brothers of Paqariq Tampu: Ayar Manqu (later Manqu Qhapaq, mythical founder of the Inka empire), Ayar Kachi, Ayar Uchu and Ayar Awqa with their sister wives Mama Uqllu, Mama Qura, Mama Rawa and Mama Waku
- AYAWASI: s. grave; tomb; graveyard; cemetery
- AYAWASKA; AYAWASKHA: s.(bot) kind of liana of the Amazon region, used together with samiruka (chaqruna) for a hallucinogenic beverage; ayahuasca; kind of liana of the jungle (main use: medicinal, ritual); vine of the soul
- AYAWIRI: s.(top)(aym) town in the Department of Puno (Peru); (Span.) Ayaviri
- AYAYAW!: interj. Ouch!; What a pain!; [expression of pain]
- AYCHA: s. meat; body; flesh
- AYCHA KANKA: s. roasted dry meat
- AYCHA KARA: s. skin
- AYCHA KURKU: s. body
- AYCHA MIKUQ: s.a. carnivore; carnivorous
- AYCHA QARA: s.(ana) skin
- AYCHA QHATU: s. meat sale
- AYCHA THIKTI: s. fried meat
- AYCHA WASI: s. slaughter-house; butchery
- AYCHASAPA: adj. well in flesh
- AYCHATA MANAM MIKHUNICHU!: expr. I don’t eat meat!
- AYCHATA MIKHUY: expr. eat meat
- AYLLU: s. village; community; family; brotherhood; clan; community; community (build); tribe; extended family unit language and people closely related to; brotherhood; clan; community; family and/or spiritual community to which one belongs; andean community; clan; extended-family; Andean social group; in particular, indigenous peasant community; distinguishable indigenous group (generic term – while typically kinship-based, the identifying link may also be religious, territorial, communal, or work ties)
- AYLLU: s.(fam) relative; family; community
- AYLLU APU: s.(mit) a local tutelary mountain spirit who oversees a small village or community, related with the first level of the andean path
- AYLLU KAWSAY: s. communal life; collective energy
- AYLLUCHAY: to marry into a family
- AYLLUCHAY: to marry into a family
- AYLLUKUNA: s. the relatives
- AYLLUMASI: adj. familiar
- AYLLUNAKUY: v.recip. to recognize kinship
- AYLLUPOQPO SAYWACHAKUY: s.(spi) construction of a collective energy bubble and of a Saywa (column of living energy)
- AYMA: s. procession
- AYMURA: s.(agr) harvest
- AYMURAY: s.(agr) harvest; time of harvest
- AYMURAY: to harvest
- AYMURAY KILLA; AYMURAY: s.(mes) May; may (in the Inka era: Time of harvest. In this month there was abundance of food, the produce was stored in storehouses to assure alimentation for the next year. Communities, fields and big animals of comunal property were visited. Big cattle painted in all colours were sacrificed)
- AYNI: s. Community work; mutual help; sacred reciprocity; if you give you will receive and if you receive you must give back; this is the one law of the andean mystical tradition still often witnessed in small mountain villages today; a way of life founded by the inkas upon which, in the high andes, one’s very survival depends; reciprocity, especially reciprocal labor used for building houses, herding, and certain gold mining tasks; sacred art of reciprocity (exchanging of energies); voluntary, balanced reciprocal aid, to be returned in kind at a later date
- AYNI KARPAY: s.(spi) specific ceremony or ritual in which two initiates/priests exchange all of their power and knowledge with each other, directly through their energy ‘bubbles’ (auras)
- AYNI QOPUY: to return help
- AYNINAKUY: v.recip. to help each other; to lend help for help
- AYNIY: s. communal help; returned help; recompensation; loan; return; mutuality
- AYNIY: to help (in communal work); to pay back
- AYNIY: to contradict; to oppose
- AYÑI: s. weapon; arm; contradiction; opposition; incompatibility
- AYPAY: v.intr. to suffice; to be sufficient
- AYPAY: to reach; to do easily
- AYQE: s. evasion; flight; escape
- AYQECHIY: to chase away
- AYQEKUY: to escape
- AYQEQ: s.a. fugitive; runaway; refugee
- AYQEY: s. flight; escape
- AYQEY: to flee; to escape
- AYRAMPU: s.(tex) red dye from cactus plant (kind of opuntia) or from red molle fruits
- AYRANPU: s.(bot) dye cactus; cactus used to dye red; small cactus with red fruit whose seeds are used to color drinks
- AYRIWAKI: s.(agr) big corn cob
- AYRU AYRU: adj. who staggers when walking
- AYSAKUY: to drag on; to drag oneself; to crawl
- AYSANA: s.(1) basket
- AYSAY: to pull; to drag; to stretch; to extend; to put bulls in the field; to order; to straighten out, as in repair; to hoe and hill in a potato
- AYSAY: to carry with the hand
- AYSAYKACHAY: to drag
- AYTIY: to rinse; to clean up; to clear up; to sway
- AYU: s. adultery
- AYUY: to commit adultery
- AYWAQE: s. breeder
- AZUL: adj.(esp) blue
- BANDA: s.(esp) band
- BAÑAKUY: v.intr.(esp) to bathe; to wash oneself; to swim
- BARATU: adj.(esp) cheap
- BARCO: s.(esp) boat; ship
- BAWTISAY: s.(cri)(esp) baptism
- BAWTISAY: to baptize
- BAWTISMU: adj.(cri)(esp) baptised
- BENDECIY: to bless
- BILA: s.(esp) candle
- BINDIY; VENDEY: to sell
- BINTANA: s.(esp) window
- BIRNIS: s.(pun)(esp) Friday
- BISIKLITA: s.(esp) bicycle
- BOLA: s.(esp)(1) coward
- BOLA: s.(esp)(2) ball
- BOLEADORA: s.(ast)(esp) shooting stars (lit. lasso with three balls at the end, thief – provenience: Misminay)
- BUNDAY: to peel something
- BUQUE: s.(esp) ship; boat
- BUTAS: s.(esp) boot
- CH: fon.(1) (consonant phoneme of the Quechua language, /ts/ in Ankash)
- CH: fon.(2) (consonant phoneme of the Quechua language, /ch/ with the tongue folded back, preserved only in the dialects Wanka, Qasamarka, Inkawasi-Kañaris, Corongo [NW Ankash] and Yauyos, elsewhere /ch/)
- CH’: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -CH; -CHA: [putative]; possibly; probably
- -CHA: small; little; [diminutive]
- -CHA-: to make
- -CHÁ: [forecast]; [prediction]; [putative]; possibly; probably
- CH’ACHA: adj. curly
- CHACHÁ: adj. strict; severe
- CH’ACHACHIY: to imprison
- CHACHAKUMA; CHACHAKUMU: s.(bot) kind of tree whose wood is used for furniture, healing plant
- CH’ACHANA: s. captivity
- CHACHAPUYA; CHACHAPOYA: s.(top)(?) ancient people and city in the Department of Amazonas (Peru); (Span.) Chachapoyas
- CH’ACHAY: v.intr.(2) to fast
- CH’AK: adj. clear (sky)
- CH’AK: s. blue sky
- CHAKA: s. bridge
- CHAKA: s.(ana) hip; groin; leg
- CH’AKA: adj. hoarse
- CHAKA AYCHA: s.(ana) thigh
- CH’AKA KAY: s.(med) hoarseness
- CHAKA TULLU: s.(ana)(2) femur
- CHAKA TULLU: s.(ana) femur
- CHAKA; CHAKANA: s.(ast) Bridge, Stair: Belt of Orion (provenience: Misminay)
- CHAKACHIKUY: v.intr. to choke on food; to choke (swallow)
- CHAKAKAKAY: v.intr.onom. to make noise when breaking
- CHAKANA: s.(ast) Southern Cross; Square Cross (important symbol of Andean cosmology), Southern Cross, in some places also other celestial crosses
- CHAKANWAY: s.(ast) Bridge, Stair: delta, epsilon, eta Canis Majoris (provenience: Sonqo)
- CHAKATA: s. cross
- CHAKATARAYAY: to be crucified
- CHAKATASQA: p.p.p. crucified
- CHAKATAY: to put to one another; to form a cross; to cross
- CHAKATAY: to crucify
- CH’AKAYAY: v.intr. to become hoarse
- CHAKI: s.(ana) foot; leg
- CH’AKI: adj. dry
- CHAKI HANK’U: s.(ana) foot tendon
- CHAKI KUNKA; CHAKIKUNKA: s.(ana) ankle
- CHAKI MOQO: s.(ana) ankle; knee
- CHAKI PAMPA: s.(ana) sole of the foot
- CHAKI RUK’ANAKUNA: s.(ana) toes
- CHAKI SENQA: s.(ana) tibia; shin; front part of lower leg
- CH’AKI SIMI: s.(med) dry mouth
- CHAKI TAKLLA: s.(ast) Plough: Scorpio (provenience: Lucre); Plough (Andean constellation)
- CHAKI TAWQAY: to cross one’s legs
- CHAKI TULLU: s.(ana) femur
- CHAKI TULLUKUNA: s.(ana) foot bones
- CH’AKI UHU: s.(med) dry cough
- CH’AKICHIKUY: v.intr. to dry oneself; to dry
- CH’AKICHIY: to dry; to drain
- CHAKISAPA: s.p. big-handed
- CH’AKISONQO: adj. sober; serious
- CHAKITAKLLA: s.(agr) spade
- CH’AKIY: s. thirst
- CH’AKIY: s.(met) drought
- CH’AKIY: v.intr. to dry
- CH’AKIY: v.pron. to be thirsty; to thirst
- CHAKRA: s.(agr) land; farm; field; agricultural plot or field; field in the rainforest area just cleared (initial open field, first three years after clearing) with cassava as the leading crop
- CHAKRA LLANK’AQ: s. farmer; peasant
- CHAKRA QONAKUY: s.(agr)(his) distribution of fallow land among the poor, cultivated in communitarian form (every year in July, in Inka times)
- CHAKRA QONAKUY KILLA: s.(mes) July (in the Inka era: Month of land distribution among the poor peasants. Among others, one hundred blood-coloured wethers (llamas) and one thousand white guinea pigs were sacrificed by burning them on the public square so the sun would not damage food nor seed)
- CHAKRA RUNA: s. farmer; peasant
- CHAKRA RUWAQ: s.a. farmer; peasant
- CHAKRA YAPUY: s.(agr) time of ploughing
- CHAKRA YAPUY TARPUY KILLA; CHAKRA YAPUY KILLA: s.(mes) August; august (in the Inka era: Month of ploughing. The Inka the whole empire assisted in the mink’a; during the ploughing before beginning the sowing of maize, they ate, chanted and drank. During this month, offering were given to the wak’as; the poor gave what they could, like guinea pigs, shells, chicha and wethers (llamas))
- CHAKRAYOQ: s.p. field-owner; field owner
- CHAKU: adj. unequal; different
- CHAKU: s. hunt; hunting (without killing)
- CHAK’U: adj.(ant) unequal not coming together
- CHAK’U CHAK’U: adj.(ant) unequal things
- CHAKUQ: s.(zoo) kind of very aggressive ant
- CHAKUY: to grasp; to grab; to take; to catch; to hunt together without killing
- CHAKUY: to hunt; to hunt together without killing
- CHALAMANTA HAMUNI: expr. I come from the coast
- CHALATAY: to punish; to chastise
- CHALLA; CHHALLA; CHALA: s.(geo) coast; altitude level in the Andes from 0 to 500 m
- CH’ALLANA: s. instrument to sprinkle
- CH’ALLASQA: p.p.p. sprinkled with drinks
- CH’ALLAY: to splash; to sprinkle
- CHALLCHACHIY: to boil rapidly
- CHALLCHAY: v.intr. to boil rapidly
- CHALLI: adj. sly; cunning; wily; foxy
- CHALLKUCHIMA: s.(per) Inka captain in the times of the Spanish conquest
- CHALLPUY: to soak; to dip briefly in the water
- CH’ALLU: adj. ripe; ripe; ready for the harvest
- CHALLWA: s.(zoo)(1) fish; little fish; tadpole; pollywog; challua (also used for certain kinds of small fish in the Amazon)
- CHALLWA KANKA: s. roasted dry fish
- CHALLWAKUY: to fish
- CHALLWAQ: s.a. fisherman
- CHALLWAQHATU: s. fish sale; fish market
- CHALLWAY: to fish
- CH’AMA: adj. toilsome; troublesome; difficult; hide
- CHAMARA: s. jacket
- CH’AMAY: to work
- CH’AMPI: s.(mil) cudgel; truncheon
- CHAMPI; CHANPI: adj. fearful; timid; shy; humble
- CHANA: adj.(fam) smaller; less; minor; younger; youngest
- CHANA WAWA: s. last-born child
- CHANAKU: adj.(fam) final
- CHANAKU: s.(fam) last son (has to stay in his father’s house, also after marriage)
- CH’ANCHAY: to chew noisily
- CHANI: adj. correct
- CHANI: s. price; value
- CHANIN: adj.(1) correct; apt; competent; a lot; much; value; true
- CHANIN: s. just price; value; truth
- CHANIN RIMARIYKUNA: s. declaration
- CHANINCHAQ: s. judge
- CHANINCHASQA: adj.p. just; appreciated
- CHANINCHASQA KAMACHIY: s.(pol) constitutional state; rule of law
- CHANINCHAY: to appreciate; to add to something there is already a lot of; to determine; to evaluate; to value
- CHANINNIYOQ: s.p. just; sincere
- CHANINPUNI: adj. perfect
- CHANIYOQ: adj. worth; valuable; expensive; important
- CHANKA: s.(tri) ancient people in present Department of Ayakuchu and a part of Apurimaq (Peru), enemies of the Inkas, conquered by Pachakutiq; Quechua spoken in Ayakuchu
- CH’ANKA: s.(geo) gorge; ravine; canyon
- CHANKA MOQO: s. knee
- CHANKA; CHAKA: s.(ana) leg; calf
- CH’ANPA; CH’AMPA: s. sod; turf piece dug out with soil and roots; small lump of roots and soil
- CHANPI: s.(1) axe; ax; cane (staff); scepter; rod; staff
- CHANPI: s.(min) bronze; alloy of copper and gold; bronze
- CHANQAY: to throw (towards a precise point); to throw; to cast; to throw (with force); to launch; to throw stones
- CHANRARA: s.(mus) little bell; handbell
- CH’ANTAYLLA: s. good knowledge; life in good order
- CH’AÑAN: s.(ana) gland
- CHAPA: s.(2) spy; police officer; cop; watcher
- CHAPA: s.(mil) watchman; caretaker; guard; sentry; sentinel; lookout; scout
- CHAPATIYAQ: s.(mil) vantage point; sentry; watchtower
- CHAPATIYAQ AWQAQKUNA: s.(mil) guard; men on guard; watchmen
- CHAPATIYAY: to watch; to observe
- CH’APHRA: s.(bot) scrub; brush
- CHAPI: s.(bot) plant used in Huancayo to dye reddish yellow
- CHAPI: s.(min) tin
- CHAPIY: to solder; to weld
- CH’APRIRIKUY: v.intr. to buck; to prance; to kick
- CH’APU: s. beard
- CH’APU; CH’AKU: adj. hairy; bearded
- CHAPUQEYOQ: adj. lunatic; moonstruck
- CHAPUY: to wet; to mix; to submerge; to mix grain with water; to blend
- CH’APUYOQ: adj. bearded
- CHAQALLU: s. legume
- CH’AQCHU: s. sprinkling; spraying; splash
- CH’AQCHUNA: s. watering-can
- CH’AQCHUSQA: p.p.p. watered
- CH’AQCHUY: v.impers. to fall dew
- CH’AQCHUY: to sprinkle
- CH’AQEY: to throw an object with force; to stone
- CH’AQLA: s. slap
- CH’AQLAY: to slap; to slap; to hit
- CHAQLLA: s.(arc) branch used as pile for a roof
- CHAQLLA WASI: s. birdcage
- CHAQMAY: to plough first time; to plow first time; to cultivate; to clear land; to remove soil using a mattock; to reharvest; to remove earth using a hoe
- CHAQNA: s. load; light freight carried on an animal’s back
- CHAQNAY: s. handcuff
- CHAQNAY: to load; to charge (burden); to load an animal
- CHAQO: s.(zoo) kind of very aggressive ant
- CH’AQO: s.(min) kaolin; clay
- CHAQOY: to take down; to level
- CHAQOY: to clear and burn a piece of land
- CHAQRO: adj. mixed; combined
- CHAQRUNAKUY: v.recip. to mix
- CHAQRUSQA: p.p.p. mixed
- CHAQRUY; CHHAQRUY: to mix; to mix in; to rock; to swing; to mix together two distinct things
- CHAQWA: s.(zoo) South American partridge
- CH’AQWA; CHAQWA: s. noise; din; shouting; yelling; discord
- CH’AQWAKU: adj. noisy
- CH’AQWAY: v.dic. to shout (animal); to bark; to make noise; to make din; to yell; to make noise; to bark; to argue
- CH’ARANCHAY: to wet; to moisten; to humidify; to make wet
- CH’ARANYAY: v.intr. to become wet
- CHARAPA: s.(zoo) turtle; arrau turtle
- CH’ARIWIY: to ensnare
- CH’ARKI; CHARKI: s.(mik) dried meat; jerky; dried beef
- CH’ARKIY: to dry meat; to pull out meat in shreds; to make jerky
- CHARUYKUY; CHARUKUY; CHANKRUKUY: v.intr. to get entangled (thread, rope); to be entwined (thread, rope)
- CH’ARWI: s. thicket; involvement; confusion; ball; disorder; mess; tangle
- CH’ARWIPI: adj. confused
- CH’ARWIY: to bind; to entwine; to entangle; to confuse; to get into disorder; to perplex
- CH’ASKA: s.(ast) planet Venus; venus star; star; morning star
- CH’ASKA MAYU: s.(ast) Milky Way
- CH’ASKA PLATA: s.(ast) shooting stars (lit. silver stars, provenience: Misminay)
- CH’ASKA QOYLLUR: s.(ast) morning star; Venus with long hair
- CH’ASKACHAW; CH’ASKACHAY: s.(pun) Friday
- CH’ASKACHUKI: s.(mil) lance with tassels (weapon of the Kañaris)
- CH’ASKAYAY: v.intr. to embellish extraordinarily (woman)
- CHASKI: s.(1) messenger; deliverer; delivery person
- CHASKI: s.(2) post; mail; receipt
- CHASKI WASI: s. post office
- CHASKICHIY: to give or reach something; to deliver; to entrust; to give or entrust
- CHASKIKUY: to deserve
- CHASKINA: adj. acceptable
- CHASKIQ: s.(1) receiver; who gets something; who has the right to get
- CHASKISQA: s. inheritance
- CHASKIY: to get; to receive; to bear; to accept; to admit
- CH’ATAKUY: s. accusation; complaint; complete; complaint
- CH’ATAQ: s.a. accuser; squealer
- CH’ATAY: to complain against; to accuse; to denounce; to fasten
- CH’ATAY: to bind together; to lock
- CHAWA: adj. uncooked; raw; unripe
- CH’AWANA: s. container in which to milk
- CH’AWAR: s. tipsiness; drunkenness; bristle
- CH’AWAR: s.(bot) kind of plant growing on dry places
- CH’AWAR: s.(tex) agave fibres; rope
- CH’AWAR: s. rope made out of chaguar fibres; hemp-like fibers from chawar leaves
- CH’AWAR MULLAYPA: s.(tex) rope made out of three agave threads
- CH’AWAR WASKA; CHAWAR WASKA: s.(tex) rope made out of agave fibres
- CHAWAWARKI KILLA: s.(mes)(reg) September (in some places also August)
- CH’AWAY; CHAWAY: to milk; to squeeze out; to wring; to squeeze
- CHAWCHA: s.(agr) broader or juicier fruit; better sort of potato
- CH’AWI: adj. wrinkled; anhydrous
- CHAWKA: s. swindler; charlatan; liar
- CHAWKACHIY: to mislead; to cheat; to deceive; to swindle
- CHAWKATU: s.(zoo) mocking bird; kind of bird that imitates other animals
- CHAWKAY: v.dic. to lie
- CHAWKAY: to mislead; to cheat; to deceive; to swindle; to lie at
- CHAWPI: adj. central
- CHAWPI: adv.l. between; in between
- CHAWPI: num.fract. half
- CHAWPI: postpos. among; between; in the middle of
- CHAWPI: s. middle; center; centre; half
- CHAWPI: s.(fam) intermediate sons
- CHAWPI AWASQA: p.p.p. medium moven
- CHAWPI P’UNCHAY: s. noon; midday; noontime
- CHAWPI QOCHA: s.(geo) gulf
- CHAWPI RUK’ANA: s.(ana) middle finger
- CHAWPI TUTA: s. mid night; midnight
- CHAWPI YUNKA: s.(geo) intermediate zone between cold and hot climate
- CHAWPICHASQA: p.p.p. centered; centred; focused
- CHAWPICHAY: to put into the middle; to centre; to center
- CHAWPINASQA; CHAWPINASQAQI: postpos. by means of
- CHAWPINASQAPI: postpos. through
- CHAWPINCHAY: to place into the middle; to place in the middle; to center
- CHAWPIPI: adv.l. between; within
- CHAWPIRUNA: s. man of middle age, neither too young nor too old (Quechua archetype)
- CHAY: adj.(1) that
- CHAY: pron.dem. that
- CHAY CHIKA: adj. so much
- CHAY HINAQA; CHHAYNAQA: conj. so; so that; in that case; then
- CHAY QHEPANTA: adv.t. then; thereafter
- CHAYA CHAYA!: expr. Look, there they are!
- CHAYACHIY: to affect; to hit; to aim at
- CHAYACHIY: to cook
- CHAYAMUY: to arrive; to arrive here; to come here; to come
- CHAYANTA: s.(min) tin
- CHAYAPU: s.(med) incurable chronic disease
- CHAYAQELLAY: adj. adequate; fitting one’s nature; conforming to one’s talent
- CHAYAQEY: s. belongings
- CHAYASQA: p.p.p. cooked
- CHAYAY: to arrive; to get done (food)
- CHAYAY: to cook one’s meal
- CHAYAYNINMAN SIMIYTA CHACHICHIY: v.dic. to say, do or think exactly what is necessary
- CHAYLLA: adj.(1) brief
- CHAYLLA: adv.m. just that; only
- CHAYLLAÑA: adj. enough
- CHAYLLATA: expr. just that
- CHAYMAN: adv.l. thither; to there
- CHAYMANTA: adv.l. from there
- CHAYMANTA: adv.t. then; after that; afterwards
- CHAYMI: adv.m. so
- CH’AYÑA: s.(zoo) goldfinch
- CHAYPACHA: adv.t. then; in that time; then (used with maypachachus)
- CHAYPAS: conj. although; though; even if; in spite of; notwithstanding; (at the end of the word group)
- CHAYPI: adv.l. there
- CHAYPI KASHAQ: s.a.(fil) being there
- CHAYQA: conj. if
- CHAYQA: pron.dem. that; there is
- CHAYRAQ: adv.t. just; just a moment ago; in this moment; recently; still
- CHAYRAQ KILLA: s. new moon
- CHAYRAQRUNA: s. stranger; foreigner; greenhorn; Spaniard in colonial Peru
- CHAYSI: adv.t. then; in that time; then (report form)
- CHAYTUKUY: adj. so much; abundant
- CHAYWANPAS: adv.m. but; nevertheless; nevertheless
- CH’ENQO: adj.(2) small; tiny
- CHEQA: adj.(1) true; certain; evident; positive
- CHEQA: s. truth
- CHEQA CHEQALLAN: adj.(his) lined up in a row (peasants in Inka times)
- CHEQAMANTA LLAÑU UNUY: s. very fine, thin and soft cloth
- CHEQAN: adj. straight; upright; vertical; direct; straight; just
- CHEQAN SIMI: adj. faithful; honest; loyal
- CHEQAN SONQO: adj. faithful; honest; loyal
- CHEQANPIRUNA: s.(ant) stranger; foreigner
- CHEQAPAQ: adj. evident
- CHEQAQ: adj. true
- CHEQAQ: s. truth
- CHEQAQCHAY: to clarify; to confirm; to confirm
- CHEQAQMANTA: adv.m. truly; undoubtedly; certainly; certainly; surely
- CHEQAQTA: adv.m. honestly; truly
- CH’EQCHE: s. freckles; spots in the fur or the feathers
- CH’EQCHE: adj.(col) grey; gray
- CH’EQCHE: s.(bot) plant, root used to dye yellow
- CH’EQCHE; CH’IKCHI: adj. spotted; shaded
- CHEQCHI: s. smile
- CH’EQCHI P’ACHA: s.(tex) shag; coarse, woolen cloth
- CH’EQECHIY: to put in disorder; to disorganize; to destroy; to prevent; to hinder; to obviate; to splash
- CH’EQERICHIY: to disperse; to break up
- CH’EQEY: to disperse; to break up; to scatter
- CH’EQMI: s. annoyance; discomfort
- CH’EQMIKUY: v.intr. to be bothered
- CH’EQMIY: s. bother
- CH’EQMIY: v.intr. to be annoyed at; to be annoyed with; to be sleepless
- CHEQNI: adj. disgusting
- CHEQNIKUQ: s.a. enemy
- CHEQNINA: adj. hateful; odious; abominable
- CHEQNINAKUY: v.recip. to hate each other; to detest each other
- CHEQNIPAKUQ: s.a. hateful
- CHEQNIPAKUY: s. abhorrence
- CHEQNIPAKUY: to abhor; to despise
- CHEQNISQA: p.p.p. hated; detested; abhorred
- CHEQNIY: to hate; to despise
- CHEQNIY: to hate; to despise
- CH’EQOLLO: s.(zoo) nightingale
- CH’EQOY: s. sculpture
- CH’EQOY: to carve (stone); to work stone; to metal or wood
- CH’EQTA: adj.(1) half
- CH’EQTA: num.fract. a half
- CH’EQTA: s. half; part; chip; splinter; crack; rift; gap; crevice
- CH’EQTA: s.(mat) division; part; fraction
- CHEQTA RUNKU: s.(agr)(his) half a basket for coca or chili (Inka agriculture)
- CH’EQTASQA: p.p.p. chopped firewood
- CH’EQTAY: v.intr. to crack
- CH’EQTAY: to split; to divide; to chop; to crack; to make firewood out of a stem; to chop wood; to cut firewood; to break open a slaughtered lamb; to tear; to rip
- CH’ERAQE: s. combat
- CHERQAN: s. region; area
- CHH: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- CHHACHU: adj. ragged; in rags; bum; hairy
- CHHAFCHIY: to shake
- CHHALARIY: to barter
- CHHALAY: s. barter exchange; barter-exchange
- CHHALAY: to barter; to exchange; to interchange
- CHHALLA: adj. light (not heavy); light
- CHHALLA: s.(agr) dry plant; stem of corn without cob; dry corn plant; ox food; fodder; dried corn stalk
- CHHALLALA; CHHALLALLA: adj. easy; light
- CHHALLU: adj. cracked
- CHHALLUY: to thresh; to shatter; to smash glass or break things that produce a glass-smashing sound when broken
- CHHALUY: to smash glass or break things that produce a glass-smashing sound when broken; to thresh
- CHHANQA: adj. granular; grainy; rough
- CHHAPA: s.(mik) bran
- CHHAPHCHISQA: p.p.p. shaken
- CHHAYNA; CHAY HINA: adv.m. in such a manner; like that; that way; so
- CHHAYNATA: conj. as
- CHHELQOY: to claw
- CHHIKA: adj. many; substantial; much; plenty; so much
- CHHIKA: adv.preadj. so much; so strongly; that much; very
- CHHIKANKAMA: expr. Good bye!; See you once later!
- CHHILLPA: s. chip; splinter
- CHHOQO: s. padlock; bracelet; bracelet (usually of gold)
- CHHUCHU: s. medicine man; healer
- CHHUKRUNA; CHHURUNA: s.(zoo.ana) beak
- CHHULLA: s. dew
- CHHULLAY: v.impers. to fall dew; to dew
- CHHULLCHU: s.(mus) small bell; bell
- CHHULLI: s.(med) influenza; cold (illness); upper respiratory infection
- CHHULLI HAP’IY: v.pron. to catch a cold
- CHHULLI ONQOY: s.(med) cold (illness)
- CHHURU: s.(zoo.ana) beak
- -CHI: [putative]; possibly; probably
- -CHI-: [causative]; to make someone do something; to allow; to let
- CH’ICHI: s. dirt; dregs; sediment; little spots; little grains
- CHICHILLA: s.(tex) thin strip to decorate the scarf
- CH’ICHILLA: s.(tex) twenty-four-strand braid with four strands doubled (total of 28 strands)
- CHICHU: adj. pregnant; pregnant (animals)
- CHICHU: s.(1) pregnant woman; pregnant animal
- CHICHUYAKUY: to conceive (animals)
- CHICHUYAY: v.intr. to become pregnant
- CH’IKANA: s.(zoo.ana) beak
- CH’IKAY: to peck; to bite
- CHIKCHI: adj.(1) gappy teeth; hail
- CHIKCHI: s.(met)(aym) hail
- CH’IKCHI MISI: s.(zoo) spotted cat
- CHIKCHIPA: s.(bot) marigold
- CHIKCHIY: v.impers.(met)(aym) to hail
- CH’IKCHIY: to bud
- CHIKI: s.(1) misfortune; disaster; evil; bad omen; danger
- CHIKIKUY: s. envy
- CHIKIKUY: to envy
- CHIKIMACHU: s.(med)(p.aym) tropical illness with symptoms of yellow skin, big eyes, and big feet (possibly Quechua/Aymara translation of anemia meaning “old man’s skin”)
- CHIKLAYU: s.(top) departmental capital of Lambayeque in Peru; (Span.) Chiclayo
- CH’IKLLU: s. selection
- CHIKMU; CH’IKMU: s.(bot) clover; kind of pink-flowering clover
- CHIKUCHA: s.(p.esp) boy
- CH’ILA: adj.(1) hard; resistent; solid
- CH’ILA ALLPA: s. hard soil
- CH’ILA RUMI: s. hard stone
- CHILI: s.(bot) ivory palm
- CHILI; CHILI-CHILI: s.(tex) stepped, scalloped pallay motif in weaving (geranium)
- CHILI-CHILI; CHILI: s.(bot) kind of crane’s bill used as medicine against aphthas; geranium
- CHILINA: s.(ana) spinal cord
- CH’ILLA: s.(ana) bladder
- CH’ILLA: s.(ana) vena cava
- CH’ILLCHIQ: s. filtrated liquid
- CH’ILLCHIY: to filter; to filtrate; to filter up; to filtrate; to bubble up (in springs)
- CH’ILLI K’UTU; CH’ILLIK’UTU; CH’ILLIKU: s.(zoo) cricket; grasshopper
- CH’ILLIKU: s.(zoo) cricket
- CH’ILLILLILLIY: v.intr.onom. to make noise (running fat or sweat)
- CH’ILLKA: s.(bot)(2) plant used to dye yellow
- CH’ILLKA; CH’ILKA: s.(bot)(1) kind of shrub; plant used to dye yellow; plant used to dye yellow or greenish-yellow
- CH’ILLMIY: v.intr. to blink; to blink eyes involuntarily; to wink
- CH’ILLPI: s.(2) peel of tubers; cuticle
- CH’ILLPI: s.(3) fragment
- CH’ILLPIY: to split; to divide; to crack; to mark livestock by cutting their ears
- CH’ILLU: adj. dark black; a tone of black
- CH’ILLU: s. soot
- CHILLWAR: s.(bot) grass species of the puna region
- CHIMPA; CHINPA: s.(1) coast; shore; bank; front
- CHIMPAKUY: v.intr. to cross
- CHIMPAY: to come closer; to come near; to approach; to appear
- CHIMPAY: to start fighting
- CHIMPAYKAMUY: to approach
- CHIMPAYKUY: to approach
- CHIMPU: s.(2) measure; mark
- CHIMPU OQLLO: s.(per) sister of the Inka Wayna Qhapaq
- CH’IN: adj. silent; barren; desert (adj.); quiet
- CH’IN: s. silence
- CHINA: s. female (animal)
- CHINA HAWAQ’OLLAY: s.(bot) kind of cactus with white flowers and yellow spines used to obtain water
- CHINA MULLI: s.(bot) kind of Peruvian mastic-tree
- CHINAKU: adj. gay; homosexual
- CHINCHA: adj.(geo) northern
- CHINCHA: s.(geo) North
- CHINCHA: s.(tri) people in the north of Qosqo
- CHINCHASUYU; CHINCHAYSUYU: s.(top) one of the four large territories of Tawantinsuyu; northern region
- CHINCHAY: s.(zoo) ozelot; kind of cat-like animal
- CHINCHI: s.(bot) kind of chilly
- CHINCHI PUTU: s.(zoo)(p.esp) kind of small monkey
- CHINCHIRKUMA; CHINCHILKUMA: s.(bot) kind of shrub, used for heart diseases
- CHINCHIRU: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Urupampa (Peru); (Span.) Chinchero (sinchi ‘strong’?)
- CHINISKU: s.(mus) triangle
- CHINKA: s. loss
- CHINKACHIY: to lose; to mislay; to mislead; to disorient; to make lose
- CHINKAKUY: to disappear
- CHINKANA: s.(2) cavern; labyrinth; maze
- CHINKAPUY: to disappear
- CHINKAQ: s.a. disappeared; missing
- CHINKARIY: v.intr. to get lost
- CHINKASQA: p.p.p. lost; disorientated
- CHINKAY: to get lost; to lose one’s way; to disappear
- CHINKAY: to lose
- CHINKAYACHIY: v.intr. to sink
- CH’INKIL: s.(bot) watercress; kind of water plant
- CH’INLLA: adv.m. quietly
- CH’INLLAPI: adv.m. in silence
- CH’INNIQ LLAQTA: s. unpopulated village or town
- CHINPA: adv.l. opposite
- CHINPA: s.(fil) opposite
- CHINPACHIY: to infect; to examine
- CHINPAY: to cross; to cross over
- CHINPU; CHIMPU: s.(1) halo; aureole
- CHINPUSQA: p.p.p. measured; marked
- CHINRU: adj. bent down
- CHINRU: s. side
- CHINRUY: v.intr. to bend down
- CHINUNAKUY: v.recip. to caress each other (pigeons and other birds)
- CH’INYAY: v.intr. to keep silent; to shut up; to be quiet
- CH’IÑI: adj. tiny; mashed; very small; minute; miniscule
- CH’IÑI: s.(zoo) very small fish
- CH’IPA: s.(1) net used to carry things; string bag; bundle compressed and interweaved
- CH’IPANA: s. bracelet; bracelet on the arm; armlet
- CH’IPAY: to pack; to wrap; to press together; to print
- CHIPHCHIRIY: v.intr. to sparkle; to spark; to shine; to twinkle
- CHIPI: s.(zoo) monkey
- CH’IPIPIPIQ: s.a. shining thing; glittering clothes
- CHIPIPIPIY: v.intr. to twinkle; to glitter
- CH’IPIPIPIY: v.intr. to shine; to glance; to gleam; to glow; to light; to brighten
- CH’IPU: adj. greedy
- CH’IPU: s.(med) wrinkle
- CH’IPUY: to close up; to mend
- CH’IQALU: s. left-handed child
- CHIRA: s.(bot) seed of a red pepper species
- CHIRAPA: s.(met)(1) rain with sun; sun shower; drizzle with sunshine; rainbow
- CHIRAPAY: v.impers.(met) to drizzle with sunshine
- CHIRAW: s.(1) winter
- CHIRAW PACHA: s.(1) winter
- CHIRAW PACHA: s.(2) spring
- CHIRAW PARA: s. drizzle; mist; breeze; breeze; drizzle; fog; mist
- CHIRAW TIMPU: s.(p.esp) cold, dry season
- CH’IRAWASQA: p.p.p. frost bitten; bleeding of skin due to coldness
- CH’IRAWAY: v.intr. to freeze; to stiffen; to solidify
- CH’IRAWAY: v.pron. to bite (frost); to bleed due to coldness (skin)
- CHIRI: adj. cold
- CHIRI: s.(med) a “cold” temperature or essence in a food or in the environment that enters the body and causes illness
- CH’IRI: s. ruffled hair
- CHIRI; CHHIRI: adj. cold
- CHIRI; CHHIRI: s. frost; cold
- CHIRICHIKUY: v.intr. to catch a cold
- CHIRICHIQ: s. refrigerator, fridge
- CH’IRI-CH’IRI: s.(bot) gumplant
- CHIRIHUNP’I; CHIRI HUMPI: s.(med) shivering
- CHIRIMAWAY: s.(bot) ananas
- CHIRIMITA: s. winter
- CHIRIMUYU; CHIRIMUYA: s.(bot) kind of tree with sweet fruits; custard apple
- CH’IRIRINKA; CHIRIRINQA: s.(zoo) big blue fly that lays eggs in meat; meat-fly; blow-fly
- CHIRIWANMI: expr. I am cold
- CHIRIWASHANMI: expr. I am cold
- CHIRIY: v.impers. to be cold; to freeze
- CHIRIY: v.impers. to be cold; to freeze
- CHIRIYACHIY: to cool
- CHIRIYASQA: p.p.p. cooled
- CHIRIYAY: v.intr. to cool down; to get cold
- CHIRMA: s.(met) cloudburst; downpour
- CHIRMAY: to impair; to harm; to damage
- CHIRU: s. side
- CHIRU: s.(ana) flank; side
- CH’IRU: s. small, strong horse
- CH’IRWARA: s. biting frost; bleeding of skin due to coldness
- CH’IRWAY; CH’ARWAY: to squeeze out; to wring out; to wring; to squeeze
- CH’IS CH’IS ÑIY: v.dic. to cheep (chicken)
- CH’ISI: adv.t. yesterday evening; last evening
- CH’ISI: s. evening; afternoon; night; late day
- CH’ISIN CH’ASKA: s.(ast) evening star
- CH’ISIYAY: v.impers. to become evening; to fall dusk
- CHITA: s.(zoo) sheep; goat; lamb
- CHITAY: to favor
- CH’ITI: adj. agile
- CH’ITI: s.(k) dwarf; child (age); kid; child; little brat
- CH’ITI CH’USPI: s.(zoo) mosquito
- CH’ITILLA: adj. agile
- CH’ITIRIPUY: v.intr. to be alert
- CH’ITIYAY: to alert; to animate
- CHIWAKU; CHIWILLU: s.(zoo) thrush; dappled bird
- CH’IWAY: to wring; to scour [cloth]
- CHIWCHI: s.(zoo) cock; rooster; chick; chicklet
- CHIWILLU: s.(zoo) thrush; dappled bird
- CHIWO: s.(zoo)(esp) goat
- CH’IYA: s.(zoo) nit; louse egg; larva
- CH’IYA K’UTU: adj.(k) nit-eating; careless; negligent
- CH’IYASAPA: adj. lousy
- CH’OHO HAP’IY; CH’OQO HAP’IY: v.pron. to catch a cough
- CH’OHO ONQOY; CH’OQO ONQOY: s.(med) cough
- CH’OLLQE: adj. corrugated
- CH’OLQE: s. wrinkle
- CH’ONQANA: adj. sweet used for sucking
- CH’ONQAY: to suck; to suck in; to absorb
- CHONTA: s. a dark and extremely hard wood from the jungle; hard stick
- CHOQAQ: s.a. thrower
- CHOQASQA: p.p.p. thrown
- CHOQAY: to throw; to hurl; to fling
- CHOQCHI: adj. very skinny
- CHOQE: s.(min) metal; mineral; metal in its natural state
- CHOQE CHALLWA: s.(zoo) anchoveta; frequent fish of the South American Pacific coast
- CHOQE CHINCHAY: s.(ast)(2) Golden Cat (Ozelot): Tail of Scorpio (or dark spot inside tail) (provenience: Sonqo); Jaguar or Ozelot (constellation); Celestial Man, Shepherd, Hunter (constellation)
- CH’OQE RUNA: s.(his) praise of the worker who is tireless until old age
- CH’OQHO; CH’OHO; CH’OQO: s.(med) cough
- CH’OQHOY; CH’OHOY; CH’OQOY: v.intr. to cough
- CHOQLLO WAYK’U: s. cooked corn; cooked maize
- CHOQLLO; CHOQLO: s.(bot) corn cob; corn on the cob
- CH’OQÑA: adj.(col) green
- CH’OQÑE; CH’OQÑI: s.(med) dirtiness on the eyebrows; crust on the eyelids; runny-eyed secretion
- CH’OQÑI: adj. blind in one eye; blurry-eyed; bleary-eyed
- CH’OQÑI ÑAWI: adj. who has dirty eyes
- CH’OQOY: to gulp
- CH’OQRI: s.(med) wound
- CH’OQRIKUY: v.intr. to be wounded
- CH’OQRIY: v.intr. to be wounded
- CH’OSAQ; CH’USAQ: adj. empty; absent
- -CHU: [decisive question]; [negation]
- CHUCHAW: s.(bot) century plant; agave
- CHUCHI: s.(met) hail
- CHUCHPAKUY: to resist
- CHUCHU: adj. hard; dried out
- CHUCHU: s.(ana) breast; nipple
- CH’UCHU: s.(bot) kind of tree of the Sapindaceae familiy with black, round fruits with thick, soft skin, grows on the coast, the Andean valleys and the Amazon area
- CHUCHUPAKUY: to contend; to struggle
- CHUKCHA: s.(ana) hair
- CHUKCHA: s.(ana) hair
- CHUKCHA K’UTU: s.(zoo) dragon fly
- CHUKCHA K’UTU: s.(zoo) dragon fly
- CHUKCHA RUTHUY: v.intr. to clip hair
- CHUKCHA RUTUSQA: s. haircutting; first haircutting ritual, generally performed for children aged 1-2
- CHUKCHA SAPA: adj. hairy
- CHUKCHU: s.(med) malaria
- CH’UKCHU: s. dwarf
- CHUKCHUY: v.intr. to shiver; to shake; to tremble; to shake violently; to temblor
- CHUKI: adj. very hard; resistant
- CHUKI: s.(agr) spade
- CHUKI: s.(mil) spear; sword
- CHUKIQ ÑAWCH’IN: s.(mil) tip of lance; tip of spear
- CHUKIQ ÑAWIN: s.(mil) tip of lance; tip of spear
- CHUKISQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- CHUKIY: to press together the threads in the tissue
- CH’UKLLA; CH’OQLLA: s. shack; cabin; hut; cottage; little hut out in the fields; rustic cabin
- CH’UKLLACHAKUY: v.intr. to cascade; heaping up in hut-like shapes
- CH’UKRU: adj. hard; hard (food); hard and dried out (like bread)
- CHUKU: s. hat; helmet; cap; helmet; hat; head band; woolen veil worn by women
- CHUKUKUKUY: to shake
- CHUKUKUY: v.intr. to put on a hat
- CHUKULLU: s.(tex) cap; bonnet
- CHUKUWITU: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Chucuito (point of helmet?)
- CH’ULI: s. sheepdog
- CH’ULLA: adj. only one; only; alone; single; odd; unpaired; unequal; asymmetric
- CH’ULLA SONQO: adj. egotist; egoist; selfish
- CH’ULLACHAY: to unbalance
- CH’ULLALLATA: adv.m. just once
- CHULLAN: s.(tex) warp pair (one in each lease) used to make a list stripe in warp-faced cloth
- CH’ULLANCHAY: to pair
- CHULLCHU: adj. delicate; sickly; weak; weak; vulnerable; susceptible to illness
- CHULLCHU KAY: s.(med) weakness; the state of being vulnerable to illness, caused by experiencing hunger, cold, or negative emotions, or by being in a dangerous location or out at night
- CHULLPA: s.(aym) mummy; ancient artifact; round tomb; stone house-like prehispanic graves, still visible in the Lake Titicaca region
- CH’ULLPA: s. corner of cloth
- CH’ULLU: s.(tex) cap; cap with ear flaps (also lluch’u); a traditional andean woven wool hat with earflaps, often sporting colorful tassles and intricate bead work; colorful knit cap with ear flaps worn by Andean men; man’s knit cap with ear flaps
- CHULLUCHIY: to water; to make someone water something; to wet
- CHULLUNKU; CHHULLUNKA; CHHULLUNKU: s. ice; ice (on body of water)
- CHULLUY: v.intr.(2) to melt; to be dissolved
- CHULLUY: to water; to soak; to melt
- CHULU: s.(esp)(2) cholo; indigenous who has adopted European habits
- CH’UMAKUY: v.intr. to be reduced
- CHUMAY: to drain; to filter
- CH’UMAY: to wring; to squeeze; to drain off water from cooked food
- CHUMPI AWAY: s.(spi) ceremony of opening the energy belts
- CHUMPI AWAY: to weave belts; to make energy belts
- CHUMPI PAQO: s.(spi) in andean mysticism this refers to a special designation of mystical priest initiated in the art of the chumpi’s or opening the energy belts
- CH’UMPI PAQO: adj.(col) brown like an alpaca
- CHUMPI QERO: s. wooden cup painted in stripes
- CHUMPILLICHIY: to belt someone; to girdle someone; to swaddle someone
- CHUMPILLIKUCHIY: to belt; to girdle; to swaddle
- CHUMPILLIKUY: s. girdle; belt; swaddling for an infant
- CHUMPILLIKUY: v.intr. to belt up; to put on a belt; to put on woven belt
- CH’UMPIWILLKA: s.(top) province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Chumbivilcas
- -CHUN: he should; she should
- CH’UNCHU: adj. bad-dressed; tattered; uncivilized; wild (man)
- CH’UNCHU: s.(tex) pallay motif in weaving (meaning: lowland indian); a traditional hourglass design in Q’ero weaving, it is a symbol of the jungle dancer
- CH’UNCHU; CH’UNCHO; CHUNCHU: s. lowland indian; savages (derogatory for natives of the jungle); inhabitants of the lowland jungles; native of the jungle (the term is often used derogatorily)
- CH’UNCHUL: s.(ana) intestine; intestines
- CH’UNCHULMAYU: s.(top) river in the city of Qosqo
- CH’UNI: s.(med) blurry eyes
- CHUNKA: num.c. ten
- CHUNKA HUKNIYOQ: num.c. eleven
- CHUNKA ISKAYNIYOQ: num.c. twelve
- CHUNKA ISKAYNIYOQ URA: adv.t. twelve o’clock
- CHUNKA ISQ’UNNIYOQ: num.c. nineteen
- CHUNKA KIMSAYOQ: num.c. thirteen
- CHUNKA ÑEQEN: num.o. tenth
- CHUNKA PICHQ’AYOQ: num.c. fifteen
- CHUNKA PUSAQNIYOQ: num.c. eighteen
- CHUNKA SOQTAYOQ: num.c. sixteen
- CHUNKA TAWAYOQ: num.c. fourteen
- CHUNKANA: s. game of chance
- CHUNKU: s. tenderness; crowd; mob; multitude
- CH’UNKU: s. crowd
- -CHUNKU: they should
- CH’UNKU RUNA: s. crowd
- CH’UNKUNAKUY: v.recip. to bunch up (people); to crowd together
- CH’UNKUNASQA: p.p.p. crowd
- CH’UNKUY: to crowd together
- CH’UNKUYKUY: to crowd together
- CHUNO: adj. without external ear
- CHUNPI; CHUMPI: s.(tex) belt; girdle; woven belt; handwoven women’s belt; in andean mysticism this term also refers to the belts of living energy that surround the human body and make up the human ‘bubble’ or energy field
- CH’UNPI; CH’UMPI: adj.(col) brown; hazel-brown; chestnut color
- CHUNPIKUY; CHUMPIKUY: v.intr. to belt up; to put on a belt; to put on woven belt
- CHUNTA: s.(bot) peach palm; palm tree; kind of palm tree of the jungle (main use: food, construction); a hardwood jungle tree; the wood of this tree
- CHUNTA PAQPA: s.(bot) kind of plant similar to the agave used to gain ropes
- CHUNYA: s. baked potato
- CH’UÑU: s. dried potato; freeze-dried potatoes; dry, hard, small black potato that has been freeze-dried inka style; dehydrated potatoes, made by a process of alternate freezing and thawing before drying in the sun
- CH’UÑUCHAY: to make dried potatoes
- CHUPA: s.(bot.ana) root
- CHUPA: s.(zoo.ana) tail
- CH’UPA: s.(ana) calf (of the leg); leg
- CHUPAKURU: s.(tex) fringe
- CHUPANCHAY: to append; to add (at the end of something)
- CHUPI: s. potato soup
- CH’UPU; CHUPU: s.(med) pimple; boil; lump; blister; infected pimple; skin tumor; tumor
- CHUPULLO: s. grand-grandchild
- CHUPULU: s. lineage
- CH’UPUY: v.intr. to be infected
- CH’URA: s.(geo) swamp; bog
- CHURAKUY: v.intr.(1) to prepare oneself
- CHURANA: s. wall cupboard
- CHURANAKUY: v.recip. to provoke each other; to argue; to argue; to dispute; to dispute; to quarrel
- CHURAPU: adj. dressed showily
- CHURAPUY: to put back
- CHURARINA: s. shelf
- CHURAY: to put; to put on clothes; to plant; to place; to lay; to set; to give
- CHURI: s.(fam) child (referring to the father); son (Ecuador: son in general – Peru, Bolivia: son of father); son; son (of father)
- CHURICHAKUY: to adopt a child (man)
- CHURIYAY: to beget; to engender
- CHURPUY: to put a pot on the oven
- CHURU: s.(zoo) cow
- CH’URU: s.(zoo) snail; snail shell; snail shell used as music instrument; sea shell
- -CHUS: [uncertainty]; [doubt]
- CH’USA: s. space
- CH’USAQ: pron.indef. nothing
- CH’USAQ: s.(ana) spleen
- CH’USAQ: s.(fis) vacuum
- CH’USAQAPUY: to obliterate; to wipe out
- CH’USAQTA KACHIQ: s.a.(cri) God, who makes the not existing be
- CH’USAQYACHIY: to empty
- CH’USAY: to go away; to leave; to travel
- CHUSCHA: s.(zoo.ana) paw; animal leg up to the knee
- CHUSI: s.(tex) woollen blanket; wool blanket with stripes of natural colors; wool blanket (chusi is one of two varieties of cobertores – the other is qumpi); coarse cloth for blankets
- CHUSIQ: s.(zoo) owl; barn owl
- CHUSKU: s. cross-breed
- CH’USKU: s. rage
- CH’USKULLIKUY: to anger
- CH’USPA; CHUSPA; CHHUSPA: s.(tex) bag for coca or tobacco; coca bag; coca bag; little woven bag used to carry coca; purse; small, handwoven cloth bag used to carry coca
- CH’USPI: s.(zoo) fly; mosquito; bee; bug; bug; small biting fly or gnat
- CH’USTIKUY: v.intr. to undress
- CH’USTIY: to skin; to uncover
- CHUTARISQA: p.p.p. extensive; vast
- CHUTAY: to pull; to stretch; to extend; to reach out; to stick out (a hand); to peel (like a tuna)
- CHUTAYUKUY: v.intr. to lengthen; to become longer; to widen; to become wider; to stretch
- CH’UTIKUY: v.intr. to take off one’s clothes; to drop one’s pants
- CH’UTILLO: adj. refined; imitating foreign customs
- CH’UTIY: to attack; to hit (the hitting together of marbles); to flay; to skin
- CH’UTU: s.(ana) lips; upper lip; protuberant lips; snout
- CH’UTU: s.(k) indian
- CH’UTU: s.(med) lump; swelling; hill; wad of coca in the mouth
- CHUTUKUY UNKUTA: to put off a shirt
- CHUWA: s. bowl; plate
- CHUWI: s.(bot) legume fruit; bean
- CHUWIY: v.intr. to play at skittles
- CH’UYA: adj.(1) clear; transparent; clean; crystalline; obvious; pure; clear
- CH’UYA: adj.(3) holy; saint
- CH’UYA P’ACHA: s.(tex) very thin or light cloth
- CH’UYA UNU: s. clear water
- CH’UYACHAY: to clarify; to clear up; to rinse; to dry something; to explain
- CH’UYA-CH’UYATA AWAY: to weave loose or thin cloth
- CH’UYANCHAY: to rinse; to clean up; to clear up; to rinse the washed dresses
- CH’UYANCHAY: to edit; to refine; to explain; to define
- CH’UYAYACHIY: to clarify; to clear up; to rinse; to clean; to dry something
- CH’UYAYAY: v.intr.(1) to clear up; to get clear
- CH’UYCHUKUY (P’ACHA): v.intr. to become wet (clothes)
- CHUYK’UCHA: s. cup
- CHUYLLUR: s.(bot)(1) kind of tree
- CHUYLLUR: s.(bot)(2) kind of tree
- CH’UYLLUR; CHUYLLUR: s.(bot) kind of tree
- CH’UYMAY: to drain
- CH’UYTU: adj. oval
- COLERINA: s.(med)(esp) anger sickness, characterized by upset stomach and the vomiting of green bile
- CONSOLAY: to console
- CONTRATO: s. covenant; contract
- COSTUMBRE: s.(esp) custom
- DAÑU: s.(esp) witchcraft; wizardry; magic; sorcery
- DAÑUQ: s.(esp) sorcerer; ritual specialist who performs sorcery
- DERECHA: adv.l. right (hand side)
- DESPACHO: s.(esp) traditional andean offering of thanks or supplication sent to the nature spirits, can contain up to 200 different ingredients and are made in a ceremony performed by andean priests – this offering is traditionally burned, buried, or sunk in a lake or other body of water depending on the meaning and purpose of the offering – haywarisqa is the actual quechua term; ritual pack assembled as an offering to the apus or other spirits
- DIBUHAY: to draw
- DIBUHU; DIBUYU: s.(esp) drawing
- DIOSPI SUYANA: s.(cri) confidence in God
- DIYABLU; DIYABLO: s.(esp) devil
- DIYAGRAMA: s.(esp) diagram
- DUMINGU: s.(pun)(esp) Sunday
- DYUS; YUS: s.(cri)(esp) god
- DYUSPA AKLLANKUNA: s.(cri)(p.esp) nuns
- DYUSPA GRASYAN: s.(cri)(esp) grace of God; mercy of God
- DYUSPA SIMIN QELQA: s.(cri)(p.esp) Bible
- E; I: fon. (vocal phoneme of the quechua language); ([e] – next to [q]/[qh]/[q’] and in Spanish loanwords); ([i] – next to [k]/[kh]/[k’] and generally in Quechua words without [q]/[qh]/[q’])
- EJERCITO: s.(esp) army
- ELA: adj.(esp) cold
- ENGAÑAY: to cheat; to deceive; to take advantage of
- ENQA: s. amulet
- ENQA: s.(spi) black hole; who can absorb all the living energies
- ENQHEY: v.intr. to whimper
- EQEQO: s.(aym) jointed doll; amulet; talisman
- EQHA: s.(med) abrasion; scratch
- EQO: s. dwarf; sickly baby
- ERQE: s. child weaned too early; small child; weak child; crybaby; tearful child
- ERQE KAY: s. childhood
- ERQE; HERQ’E; ERQHE: s.(fam) child; baby; boy; child (under six years); child, four to six years old (who needs no more nappies); any child until 5, 6 or 7 years’ age; child in his/her second childhood; any child until 5, 6 or 7 years’ age (general meaning in Qosqo, Puno and Bolivia); child, 4 to 6 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: haircut, help at housework, care for younger brothers and sisters, grazing cattle, autonomy in mobility and care for oneself, beginning of school); toddler; young child
- ERQECHAKUY: to adopt a child
- ERQECHAY: to caress a child
- ERQEKUNA: s. cry-babies
- ERQETA MUNAY: to caress a child
- ESPAÑA; ISPAÑA: s.(top)(esp) Spain
- ESPIRITU: s.(esp) spirit; ghost; bird
- ESPIRITU PACHA: s.(mit)(p.esp) spirit world; coming era of the Holy Spirit
- ESPIRITU SANTU: s.(cri)(esp) Holy Spirit; Holy Ghost
- ESQHA: adv.m. fast; quick
- ESTANSYA: s.(esp) ranch; fields; farm; agricultural terraces and lands
- FAYINA: s.(l.esp) task; job; duty; labor tax used for public works projects
- FIAKUY: to guarantee
- FIESTA: s.(esp) celebration; party
- FILU: s.(tex)(esp) edge (of a knife); cutting thread
- FOTO HORQOY: to take photos
- FRAZADA: s.(esp) blanket
- FUSFURU: s.(bot)(esp) plant, leaves used to dye black
- FUSFURU: s.(esp) match (to make fire)
- GALLU: s.(zoo)(esp) cock; rooster
- GLORIA ONQOY: s.(med)(p.esp) lightning sickness, an illness attributed to being struck by lightning in the lowlands
- GRASYAS!: expr.(esp) Thank you!
- GRASYAYOQ HANAQ PACHA CHAYAQEYOQMI: expr. Who has mercy has the right of glory (to come to heaven)
- GRINGA: s.(esp) gringa
- GRINGU: s.(esp) gringo
- GUSTAY: to appreciate; to like
- H: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- HACHA: s.(esp) axe; ax
- HACHHIY: v.intr. to sneeze
- HAHATIY: v.dic. to breathe noisily through the open mouth; to pant, as when over-exerted
- HAHATIYAY: v.dic. to pant
- HAK’AKLLU; AKAKLLU; HAK’ACHU: s.(zoo) woodpecker; Andean flicker (bird)
- HAKIMA: s. bridle; rein; break (of a vehicle); narrow, general purpose tie or band; bridle strap (piece that goes around muzzle of an animal); narrow strip of cloth used as strap or for tying
- HAKLLUY: v.dic. to stutter
- HAKU MIKUMUSUNCHIS!; HAKU MIKUMUSUN!: expr. let’s go to eat
- HAKU WASITA!: expr. let’s go to the house
- HAKU!: interj. Let’s go!; Come on!
- HAK’U; AKU: s. flour; fine flour; flour (from toasted corn, wheat, or barley); powder
- HAK’UCHAY: to flour
- HAKUCHIS!: interj. Let’s go all!
- HALANTAY: to fly
- HALAY: to fly
- HALLMAY: to earth up; to put ground at the foot of a plant; to protect a plant from the light; to weed; to make a border; to build a mound around a potato plant
- HALLMUYAY: v.intr. to lose one’s teeth; to lose the edges of one’s teeth
- HALLPA: s. gravy made of corn flour to eat with “coles yano”
- HALLPAY: v.intr. to chew coca
- HALLP’ISQA: p.p.p. ripped up; rupture
- HALLP’IY: to rip up; to rupture
- HAMAK’U: s.(zoo) tick
- HAMANQ’AY: s.(bot) amancay; kind of tuber herb
- HAMAWT’A: adj. skillful; wise; leader
- HAMAWT’A; AMAWTA: s. teacher; wise; sage; learned person; teacher; scientist
- HAMP’ATU: s.(ast) Toad (constellation), a dark spot in the Milky Way (Mayu), formed by dark interstellar space
- HAMP’ATUQ SIMIN: s.(ast) Hyades; Mouth of the Toad (Toad = dark cloud in the Milky Way): The Hyades (provenience: Misminay)
- HAMPI QORA: s. medical herb
- HAMPIKUQ: s.a. fosterer; one who performs ritual cures and divination
- HAMPIKUY: to calm
- HAMPINA WASI: s. hospital; medical center
- HAMPIWAY; HAMPIWAY!: expr. heal me
- HAMPIYOQ WASI: s. pharmacy
- HAMU: s. reason; cause
- HAMULLAYKI: expr. I come to visit you
- HAMUPAYAY: v.intr. to visit frequently; to repeat one’s visits
- HAMUQ: s.a. future; coming
- HAMUQ PACHA: s. future; coming time
- HAMUT’A: s. thought (of wise); thought; reason
- HAMUTAQ: s. thinker
- HAMUT’ASQA: p.p.p. proverb; scientific
- HAMUT’AY: s. science; reasoning; reflection; ponder; reason; comprehension
- HAMUT’AY: v.intr. to ponder; to think (over, about); to meditate
- HAMUT’AY: to consider; to ponder
- HAMUY: to come
- HANAN: adj. upper; high; elevated; superior
- HANAN: adv.l. above; up; north
- HANAN: s. upper part
- HANAN ANQHAS: s. blue sky
- HANAN QOSQO: s.(top) Upper Qosqo; upper part of the Inka capital Qosqo; second Inka dynasty (approx. 1350 – 1533), under which the upper part of Qosqo was built
- HANAN SUYU: s. upper part (region)
- HANANSAYA: s.(pol) upper region of an ayllu; upper part of a community, upper moiety (contrasts with urinsaya)
- HANAQ: adj. upper; high; elevated; superior; above; high up
- HANAQ: adv.l. above; up; north
- HANAQ: s.(1) upper part
- HANAQ PACHA; HANAQPACHA: s. sky; heaven; the upper or superior world, defined by it’s abundance of super-refined energy or sami; superior world, a realm of refined energies, inhabited by beings such as Jesus, some of the Inkas, saints, etc.
- HANAQPACHA, KAYPACHA, UKHUPACHA: s.(spi) the three worlds
- HANCH’I: s. residue of chicha production
- HANCH’UY: to shred with the teeth; to chew (munch); to chew or suck on cane or corn stock
- HANKA: s.(geo)(aym) white (like snow); highest altitude level in the Andes from 5000 m upwards
- HANK’A: adj. toasted
- HANK’A: adj. lame
- HANK’A; HAMK’A: s. toasted corn; toasted maize; toasted grain or legumes
- HANK’ANA: s. toaster; roast
- HANK’ASQA: p.p.p. toasted
- HANK’AY: to toast cereal; to toast
- HANK’AY: to limp; to go lame
- HANKU: adj. uncooked; raw; crude (food); raw
- HANK’U: s.(ana)(1) tendon; nerve; small tube; cord; whip; tube
- HANLLALLI: s.(fon) vowel
- HANLLARIY: v.intr. to yawn
- HANP’ARA; HAMP’ARA: s.(neo) table; altar; table used in rituals
- HANP’ATU: s.(top) city in Ecuador (provincial capital of Tungurahua); (Span.) Ambato ([hill of the] toad)
- HANP’ATU; HAMP’ATU: s.(zoo) toad; frog
- HANPI QHATOQ: s. pharmacist
- HANPI; HAMPI: s. medicine; cure; remedy; drug; poison; fertilizer
- HANPIKAMAYUQ; HAMPIKAMAYUQ: s. medicine man; healer; pharmacist; chemist; doctor
- HANPIKUY: v.intr. to recover
- HANPIQ RUNA: s. healer
- HANPIQ; HAMPIQ: s.a. medicine man; healer; physician
- HANPISQA: p.p.p. healed
- HANPIY; HAMPIY: to heal; to cure; to cure; to give medicine; to heal
- HANPUY!: expr. come!; command form of the verb to come used by andean priests to call the spirit of a person, god, teacher, or a nature being
- HANQ’ARA: s.(ana) death’s head; skull
- HANQ’ARA; ANQARA: s. bowl; big bowl; anything having to do with calabazas
- HANRA: s. semi-darkness; half-light
- HANUK’ACHIY: to wean
- HANUK’AY: to stop suckling; to wean
- HANUK’AY; HANUKAY: s. weaning; weaning (forbidding) (happens when the child is between one and a half and two years old)
- HAÑAKUY: to come along
- HAÑAY: to call attention to; to attract attention to
- HAP’A: s. belch; burp
- HAP’AKA: s. corral; porch; shed
- HAP’ICHIY: to light
- HAP’INA: s.(1) handle
- HAP’INAKUY: s. emulation; rivalry; competition
- HAP’INAKUY: v.recip. to quarrel; to argue; to compete
- HAP’IÑUNU: s.(mit)(his) ghosts who used to appear with two big breasts and violently carried off men, women, and children
- HAP’IPAKUY: v.intr. to seize
- HAP’IPAKUY: to adore
- HAP’IPARIY: to catch
- HAP’IQASQA: s.(med) the grabbing; illness thought to be caused by Earth spirits capturing the soul or life force of a person when he or she is in a state of debility (debilidad)
- HAP’ISQA: p.p.p. captured; caught; taken
- HAP’IY: to grasp; to grab; to grip; to catch; to capture; to take; to receive; to hold; to take hold of; to grab onto; to hunt; to occupy; to seize; to utilize; to put into order
- HAP’IY: to grasp; to grab; to grip; to take; to receive; to take hold of; to grab onto; to catch; to capture; to hold; to hunt; to occupy; to seize; to utilize; to hold of
- HAP’IY: to understand
- HAPKAY; HAWKAY: v.intr. to breathe through the mouth
- HAPU: s.(mit) sacred couple – finest form of yanantin; a sacred couple who have both reached full development of the three human powers: mind, heart, and body; highest development
- HAQAWARIY: to estimate
- HAQAYKUNA: pron.dem. those
- HAQAYMAN: adv.l. thither; to there
- HAQAYMANTA: adv.l. from there
- HAQAYNA; HAQAY HINA: adv.m. in that manner
- HAQAYPI: adv.l. over there; on that place
- HAQCHU: adj. bitter
- HAQE: adj. abstract
- HAQE: s. abstraction; abstract reality
- HAQLLO: adj.(k) stammerer
- HARAWI: s.(ass) poetry
- HARAWI: s.(mus) poem; song; work song; devotional song
- HARAWIQ: s. poet
- HARAWIYACHAY: s.(neo) literature
- HARK’AKUY: v.intr. to protect oneself
- HARK’ANA: s. barrier; obstacle
- HARK’APA: s. tower; defense; obstruction; cover
- HARK’APAKUY: to intercept; to obstruct
- HARK’APAY: to block; to stop; to protect
- HARK’AQ: s. stopper; blocker; defender
- HARK’AQ: s.(mil) garrison; guard
- HARK’ASQA: p.p.p. stopped; stuck; caught
- HARK’AY: to stop; to halt; to delay; to prevent; to hinder; to hold; to block; to be in the way; to block a path; to hold back; to impede; to defend; to detain; to interrupt; to obstruct; to prohibit; to forbid
- HARK’AY: to defend; to protect; to intervene in favor of another
- HARK’AYKUQ: s.a. protector
- HARWIY: to rub; to warm up
- HASA: s. premature dentition (coming of teeth)
- HASP’IKUY: to cultivate
- HASP’IQ: s. pencil
- HASP’IY: to scrape; to scratch; to scrape oneself; to dig out; to scratch something; to scratch
- HASUT’I: s.(l.esp) whip
- HASUT’IY: to whip; to punish; to chastise
- HAT’ALLIQ: s.a. landlord
- HATALLIY: to keep up, to sustain, to maintain
- HAT’ALLIY: to hold; to possess; to keep; to convince; to assimilate; to perceive; to keep in mind
- HAT’AQO: s.(bot) wild fodder plant; wild amaranth; kind of amaranth; plant with edible leaves
- HATARICHIKUY: to raise something for oneself
- HATARICHIY: to make someone stand up; to make to stand up; to make to get up; to disturb; to incite
- HATARIPAKUQ: p.p.p. guerrilla fighter
- HATARIY: to get up; to stand up; to rise up
- HATUCHA: s. grandmother
- HATUN: adj.(1) big; tall; grand; high; large; long; great; important
- HATUN HISP’AY: s. human excrements; shit
- HATUN HISP’AY: to shit
- HATUN HUK’UCHA: s.(zoo) rat
- HATUN KAMACHINA: s.(pol) constitution
- HATUN KARPAY: s.(spi) the great or high initiation or transmission
- HATUN KAY: s. greatness; magnitude; majesty
- HATUN KRUS: s.(ast) Great, or Large Cross: (a) Betelgeuse, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon (cross of the northern suyu or quarter); (b) Procyon, Castor, eta and mu Geminorum (provenience: Misminay, Sonqo)
- HATUN KURAKA: s.(his) high official
- HATUN LLAKI: s. calamity
- HATUN LLAQTA: s. city
- HATUN LLULLA: s. liar; swindler
- HATUN LLUTHU: s.(zoo) big tinamu; American partridge
- HATUN MAMA: s.(fam) grandmother
- HATUN POQOY: s.(agr) time of great plant growth
- HATUN POQOY KILLA: s.(mes) February; February (in the Inka era: Time of great plant growth, also time of ceremonial vestments. There was abundance of water with strong plant growth. The fruits were still unripe, so people were often hungry and ill. The Inka and his reign offered gold, silver and cattle as sacrifices to the deities)
- HATUN Q’ERO: s.(top) High Q’eros. This town serves as the ceremonial center, umbilicus or Qosqo of the Q’ero Nation
- HATUN QOCHA: s. sea
- HATUN QOCHA PUMA: s.(zoo) seal
- HATUN QOYLLUR: s.(ast)(1) planet; large star (first magnitude)
- HATUN QOYLLUR: s.(ast)(2) Sirius (lit. large star, provenience: Sonqo)
- HATUN RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) December
- HATUN RUMI: s. boulder
- HATUN SIMI: s. word that multiplies in many ways; big word
- HATUN SIRK’A: s.(ana) aorta
- HATUN SISAQ: s.(bot) kind of aquatic plant of the Amazon region
- HATUN SULLU-SULLU: s.(bot) kind of plant
- HATUN TAWNA SIRK’A: s.(ana) aorta
- HATUN TAYTA: s.(fam) grandfather
- HATUN TONQOR: s.(ana) windpipe; trachea
- HATUN WASI: s. big house
- HATUN YACHAY: s.(neo) higher education
- HATUNCHACHAQ: p.p.p. giant
- HATUNCHAKUY: v.intr. to build oneself up
- HATUNCHAY: to increase; to aggrandize; to build up (morally)
- HATUNKARAY: adj. big (man); very big
- HATUNSONQO: adj. magnanimous
- HATUNYACHIY: to enlarge; to make big
- HATUNYAY: v.intr. to expand
- HAT’UPA: s.(bot) corn cob attacked by carbon fungus
- HAW!: interj.(1) How spicy!; How strong!; How hot!
- HAWA: adj. next; upper; outer
- HAWA: adv.l. outside; after; above
- HAWA: postpos.(1) over; on; above; out of; after
- HAWA: s.(1) upper part; cover; peak; top
- HAWA: s.(3) surface
- HAWA CHURI: s. step-son
- HAWA LLAQTA: s. country; country village
- HAWA MAMA: s. step-mother
- HAWA RUNA: adj. stranger; foreigner
- HAWA SONQO LLIKA: s.(ana) pericardium
- HAWA TAYTA: s.(fam) step-father
- HAWA USUSI: s.(fam) step-daughter
- HAWAN: adv.l. upwards
- HAWANCHAY (QOSANTA, WARMINTA): to commit adultery
- HAWANPI: adv.l.(1) above
- HAWANPI: adv.l.(2) outside
- HAWANTA: adv.l.(1) over
- HAWAQ’OLLAY; HAWQ’OLLAY: s.(bot) giant cactus
- HAWARIKUY SIMI: s. fabulous words of admiration
- HAWAS PHASI: s.(p.esp) toasted and cooked fava bean
- HAWAS; HABAS: s.(bot)(esp) favas
- HAWAY: s.(fam) grandchild
- HAWCHA: adj. cruel
- HAWCHA: s.(ast) planet Saturn
- HAWI: s. ointment
- HAWISQA: p.p.p. anointed; consecrated
- HAWIY: to smear; to rub on; to rub; to scour; to scrub; to anoint; to consecrate; to annoint
- HAWKAY: s. autumn; vacation
- HAWKAY: s.(2) recreation; leisure; vacation
- HAWKAY: v.intr. to amuse oneself; to relax; to be happy
- HAWKAY PACHA: s. leisure time; recreation time
- HAWKAYPATA: s. square (place)
- HAWKAYPATA: s.(top) square in the city of Qosqo where celebrations took place
- HAYA: adj. tasty; spicy; pricking; hot
- HAYA: s. hot spice
- HAYAQ: adj. bitter; spicy; hot (spicy); tasty; pricking
- HAYAQ WILLK’U: s.(bot) kind of radish-like plant used as food crop and medicinal plant
- HAYAQE: s.(ana) gall; bile; gall bladder
- HAYAQE; HAYAQEN: s.(ana) gall bladder; bile gland; bile
- HAYAQEN ALLINTA RIMAY: v.dic. to talk admirable things
- HAYAY: to burn (hot, spiced meal)
- HAYK’A?; HAYQ’A?; MAYK’A?; MAYQ’A?; MASHKA?; HAYKA?; HAYK’A: how many?; how much?
- HAYK’AQ?; MAYK’AQ?: when?
- HAYK’AQ?; MAYK’AQ?: when?
- HAYK’AQMANTA?: yet how long?
- HAYKUCHIY: to introduce
- HAYKUNA: s. entrance; entry; access; entrance
- HAYKUY: to go in; to enter; to come in
- HAYLLI: s. chant of victory; religious, heroic or agricultural song; triumph; shout or song of triumph; joy and glory; ovation
- HAYLLIKUQ: s.a.(his) those who celebrate victory cheering and offending the defeated enemies
- HAYLLIY: to sing chants of victory; to salute
- HAYMA: s. help
- HAYMAY: to help
- HAYRILLA: s. moment
- HAYT’A: s. kick
- HAYT’ANAKUY: v.recip. to kick each other
- HAYT’AQ: s.a. kicker
- HAYT’AY: to kick
- HAYU: adj. contradictory
- HAYU: s. enemy
- HAYU: s.(fil) contradiction
- HAYUY: to contradict
- HAYWAKUY: s. banquet
- HAYWANAKUY: v.recip. to share
- HAYWARIQ: p.p.p. donor
- HAYWARISQA: s.(spi) ritual offering; despacho (traditional andean offering to the gods); traditional andean offering of thanks or supplication sent to the nature spirits (despachos can contain up to 200 different ingredients and are made in a ceremony performed by andean priests. This offering is traditionally burned, buried, or sunk in a lake or other body of water depending on the meaning and purpose of the offering)
- HAYWAY: s. sacrifice; rite
- HAYWAY: to reach; to hand over; to give; to offer; to pass
- HAYWAYKACHAQ MAKI: s. thief who steals everything
- HEP’EQAY: v.intr. to suffocate
- HEQ’E: s.(ana) stomach
- HICH’ASQA: p.p.p. thrown
- HICH’AY: to throw out; to throw; to tip; to pour; to spill; to throw out a liquid; to spill; to pour out; to waste
- HIK’I: s. hiccups; sob
- HIK’I: s. hiccups
- HIK’IY: s. hiccup
- HIK’IY: v.dic.(1) to sob; to whimper
- HIK’IY: v.dic.(2) to have a hiccups
- HILAQATA: s.(pol) leader of a part of an ayllu; mayor; foreman; boss
- HILLI: s. juice
- HILLORINA: s.(bot) flower of the orchid
- HILLP’UNA: s. funnel
- HILLPUY: to boil in dye
- HILLP’UY: to pour; to decant; to fill; to bottle
- HILLU: adj. sweet-toothed; fond of nibbling; gluttonous; greedy
- HINA: alike; equal; same
- HINA: [comparing]; as; like; equal
- HINA: expr. as … as
- HINA: adv.m.(1) that way; in that way
- HINA: postpos., conj. like; as
- HINA PURALLAM RIKCH’AY: to look like; to resemble
- -HINA; -YNA: [comparing]; as; like
- HINALLA: adj. same
- HINALLA: adj. empty
- HINAMAN: adv.t. after; afterwards
- HINAN!: expr. That’s it!
- HINANTIN AWQAQTA SUYUCHAQ APU: s.(mil) sergeant major
- HINAPAS: conj. but; however; while
- HINAPUNI: adv.m. precisely; exactly
- HINAQA: adv.m. so
- HINAQTIN: adv.m. then; if it is that way
- HINARIMANA: s.(gra) adverb
- HINASPA: adv.m. then; that way
- HINASTIN: pron.indef. everything; all parts
- HINAY PACHAPI: adv.t. always
- HINK’IY: to walk on tiptoe
- HISP’AKUNA: s. urinal; lavatory
- HISP’ANA: s. place used as a toilet
- HISP’AY: to urinate; to pee; to piss
- HISP’AY P’ITI: s.(med) incontinence of urine; cystitis
- HISP’AY PURU RUMI: s.(med) bladder stone
- HISP’AY P’URU; HISP’AY PURU: s.(ana) bladder
- HISP’AYKUKUY: v.intr. to piss in
- HITA; QETA: s.(ana) lips; lip
- HIWI: s. decrease
- HIWIY: v.intr. to lessen; to dwindle; to shrink
- HOQ: adj. another; other; another one
- HOQ HINA: conj. but
- HOQ HINA QHAWAYKUYPIQA – HOQPITAQ: expr. in one sense – in the other
- HOQARIY; OQARIY: to raise; to lift; to raise up; to lift up
- HOQCHAKUQ: adj. variable
- HOQCHAQ: adj. alternate
- HOQHINA KAY: s. difference
- HOQKAY: pron.indef. the other
- HOQMANTA: adv.m. again
- HOQNINRAQ: adj. different; distinct
- HOQ’O: adj. wet; moist; damp
- HOQ’OLLU: s.(zoo) tadpole of a toad; tadpole; pollywog
- HOQ’OYAY: v.intr. to become wet
- HOQ’UY: to wet; to moisten; to humidify
- HOQWAN KASHAQ: s.(fil) being with another
- HORQOMUY: to go to pull out
- HORQOY: s. extraction; subtraction
- HORQOY: to pull out; to take out; to extract; to pick; to harvest; to get; to obtain; to exploit (minerals); to take away; to remove; to decrease; to substract; to skin
- HUCHA: s. guilt; fault; sin; offence; crime; heavy energy; heavy energy created by humans
- HUCHA MIKHUY: s.(spi) to eat and digest heavy energy with the spiritual stomach, this is the central spiritual practice of the andean priest
- HUCHA YACHAQ: s.a.(his) Secretary of the Inka
- HUCHACHAKUY: s. accusation
- HUCHACHAY: to condemn morally; to accuse; to make guilty
- HUCHACHAY (-MAN); HUCHACHAYKUY (-MAN): to blame (for)
- HUCHALLIKUQ: s.a. sinner
- HUCHALLIKUY: v.intr. to commit a crime; to sin; (lit.) to carry sin; to sin
- HUCHASAPA: s.p. bad; full of sin; sinner; guilty
- HUCHATA KAMATA ALLWIYKACHAY: v.intr. to start negotiations with great zeal
- HUCHATA KAMAYTA YACHAQ: s.a.(his) Secretary of the Inka
- HUCHAYUQ: s.p. guilty; sinful; sinner
- HUCH’UY: adj. small; short; low; little; short; small
- HUCH’UY: s.(fam) child, 0 to 3 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: weaning)
- HUCH’UY KRUS: s.(ast) Small Cross: The Southern Cross (Crux) (provenience: Sonqo)
- HUCH’UY WAWACHA: s.(fam) child under one year’s age; baby
- HUCH’UY WISLLA: s. spoon
- HUCH’UY; UCHUY: adj. small; low
- HUCH’UYACHIY: to reduce
- HUCH’UYCHAY: to make short clothes; to make small shoes
- HUCH’UYLLA: adj. small; short; low
- HUK: num.c. one
- HUK CHHIKANTA: expr. a little
- HUK KUTI: adv.t. once
- HUK KUTIKAMA!: expr. Good bye!; See you once later!
- HUK KUTITAWAN: adv.m. again
- HUK NISQALLA: adv.m. all together
- HUK P’UNCHAYKAMA: expr. see you another day
- HUK RATUKAMA: expr. Good bye!; See you once later!
- HUK RATULLA: adv.t. briefly
- HUK RUNANTIN P’ACHA: s.(tex) entire clothing
- HUK SAYAY P’ACHA: s.(tex) entire clothing
- HUK SUYU AWQAQKUNA: s.(mil) army
- HUK TINKI P’ACHA: s.(tex) a whole piece of male or female clothing
- HUKAQ: adj. another; the other
- HUK’I: s. core; corner (interior); inner part; heart; interior corner or angle
- HUKKAQNIN: pron.indef. one of them
- HUKLLA: s.(1) unity
- HUKLLA; UKLLA: adj. only; lonesome; single
- HUKLLA; UKLLA: pron.indef. just one
- HUKLLACHAKUY: v.intr. to unite
- HUKLLACHAY: to join; to unite; to union
- HUKLLAKUY: to join
- HUKLLANAKUY: s. conjunction
- HUKLLASQA: p.p.p. united; associated
- HUKNIRAQCHAY: to change
- HUKNIRAQTA: adj. changed
- HUKNIRAQYAY: v.intr. to change
- HUKTATAQ PALTAYKUCHIKUQ WARMI: s.a. woman who cuckolds her husband; woman who deceives her husband
- HUKTAWAN: adv.t. again; once more; once again; one more time
- HUKU: s.(zoo) owl
- HUK’UCHA: s.(zoo) mouse; rat
- HULLAQA; CHULLASQA: s.(top) city in the Department of Puno (Peru); (Span.) Juliaca
- HUMINT’A: s.(mik) dessert containing young corn; tamale; a sweet tamale of fresh ground corn steamed in husks
- HUNK’USQA: p.p.p. depressed
- HUNP’I; HUMP’I: s. sweat; perspire
- HUNP’IY; HUMP’IY: v.intr. to sweat; to perspire
- HUNT’A: adj.(1) full
- HUNT’A: postpos. full of
- HUNT’A RIMAY: s.(gra) speech; sentence
- HUNT’A RIMAYPA T’AQANKUNA: s.(gra) parts of speech
- HUNT’ACHIY: to fill; to satisfy; to compel
- HUNT’ANA: s. responsibility
- HUNT’ASQA: p.p.p. full; filled; satisfied; very full; swollen; completely occupied
- HUNT’AY: v.intr. to be filled up; to fill; to fill up; to satisfy oneself
- HUNT’AY: to fill; to fill up; to fulfil; to fulfill; to pay (for); to keep; to complete
- HUNT’AY HUNT’AY: adv.m. completely
- HUNT’AYKUY: v.intr. te be filled up
- HUNU: num.c. one million; million
- HUÑICHIY: to convince; to win someone giving advice
- HUÑIY: to accept; to assent
- HUÑUNACHIY: to unite (others)
- HUÑUNAKUY: s. meeting
- HUÑUNAKUY: v.recip.(1) to meet; to assemble; to gather
- HUÑUNAKUY: v.recip.(2) to copulate; to fuck
- HUÑUNASQA: p.p.p. assembled
- HUÑUNAYKUKUY: v.recip. to assemble; to congregate
- HUÑUNTIN: s. assembly; congregation; congregation
- HUÑUQ: s.(gra) conjugation
- HUÑUSQA: p.p.p. assembled; collected
- HUÑUY: v.intr. to assemble; to gather
- HUÑUY: to assemble; to gather
- HUPTASQA CHURI: s.(ant) son born out of wedlock
- HUPTASQA WARMI: s.(ant) public woman (whore); whore
- HUSK’U; HUTK’U: s.(1) hole; opening; canal; tunnel; mouth
- HUSK’UNA: s. drill; awl; pricker; borer
- HUTK’U: s.(2) canal
- HUTK’U (P’ACHA, WASI, PERQA, QATA): adj. full of holes (clothes, house, wall, roof, blanket)
- HUTK’UQ: s. drill; punch; driller
- HUTK’USQA: p.p.p. perforated
- HUTK’UY: to pierce; to perforate; to drill; to bore; to bore a hole; to dig; to make a hole; to punch holes in
- HUT’U KIRU: s.(med) carious teeth
- HUT’UKUY KAMAYOQ: s.(his) master of hair dresses
- HUYRA Q’UWA: s.(bot) aromatic plant tied to the baby and his/her mother
- HUYWIY: v.dic. to whistle
- ICHA: adv.m. perhaps; maybe; possibly; probably
- ICHA: conj.(1) but
- ICHA: conj.(2) or
- ICHACH: adv.m. perhaps; maybe
- ICHAPAS: adv.m. perhaps; maybe; possibly
- ICHAQA: adv.m., conj. but; nevertheless
- ICHAS: adv.m. maybe; perhaps
- ICHHU: s.(zoo.ana) esophagus of animals
- ICHHU; ICHU; ISCHU: s.(bot) straw from the lofty region; straw grass of the high andes; high altitude grass used for roofing material, cooking fuel, and guinea pig fodder; straw grass of the Andean puna
- ICHHU-ICHHU: s.(bot) straw from the lofty region
- ICHHUNA: s. sickle; scythe
- ICHHUY: to mow
- ICHIY: to make small steps
- ICHOQ: adv.l. left; left (hand side)
- IDEYA: s.(esp) idea
- IDUKAKUY: v.intr. to educate oneself
- IDUKASYUN: s.(esp) education
- IGLESIA: s.(esp) church
- IKMA; IHMA: s. widow; widower
- IKMAYAY: v.intr. to become widow; to become widower
- ILLA PATA: s. Platform of Light; sacred rock altar near the ruins of Q’enqo, used by many Andean priest/shamans
- ILLA TUPA: s.(per) Inka captain in the times of the Spanish conquest
- ILLA; ILLAPA: s.(met) lightning; ray; reflected or artificial light; precious stone; jewel; hidden treasure; tree or rock hit by a lightning considered sacred; enlightenment
- ILLANCHAY: v.intr. to radiate
- ILLAPA: s.(1) rifle; gun; fire weapon
- ILLAPA: s.(met) lightning; ray
- ILLAPA; ILLA: s.(met) lightning; ray
- ILLAPACHAW; ILLAPACHAY: s.(pun) Thursday
- ILLARIMI CH’ASKA: s.(ast) dawn star; morning star; Venus
- ILLARIY: s. dawn
- ILLARIY: v.impers. to rise (sun); to dawn
- ILLARIY: to leave; to go away; to start travelling
- ILLASQA: p.p.p. an illumined person
- ILLAWA: s.(tex) heddle loops; heddle assemblage; heddle; comb (for weaving); tool used in weaving to keep the threads straight
- ILLAWA K’ASPI: s.(tex) heddle stick; shedding stick (for weaving)
- ILLAY: v.intr. to shine
- IMA: adj. any
- IMA: adv.m. also; and
- IMA: s. thing; something
- IMA …-PAS: expr. any
- IMA HAYK’A: pron.indef.(2) all
- IMA KAYNINKUNA: s.(fil) essential qualities; main properties
- IMA(KUNA-TA)N: pron.rel. what (rel.pron.)
- IMA?: what?
- IMAKUNA: s. things
- IMALLA?: expr. What’s the matter?
- IMALLAPAS: pron.indef. anything; just something
- IMAMAN?: to what thing?
- IMAMANTA!: expr. You are welcome!
- IMAMANTA?: from what?
- IMAN SUTIYKI?: expr. what is your name?; What is your name?
- IMAN?: what?
- IMANALLATAPAS: adv.m. anything; whatever
- IMANAY: v.interr. to do?; to do what?
- IMAPAQ?; IMAPAQMI?: what for?; for what reason?
- IMAPAS: pron.indef. something
- IMAPI?: in what?
- IMAQMI: pron.rel. which (rel.pron.)
- IMASMARI: s. riddle; guess
- IMATA?: what?; what thing?
- IMATAN?: what?
- IMATAPAS: pron.indef. something
- IMAWAN?; IMAWANMI?: what with?
- IMAY URA?; IMAY URAN?: when?; at what time?
- IMAYMANA: pron.indef. all; everything
- IMAYMANA: s. species; sort; type; class; quantity
- IMAYMANA RIKCH’AQ: adj. all kinds of
- IMAYMANACHANTA: adv.m. in detail
- IMAYNA MANA: expr. of course; surely; obviously; why not?
- IMAYNA?; IMA HINA?: how?
- IMAYNAN: conj. as; how
- IMAYNAPI?: for how much?
- IMAYNATAN: conj. how
- IMAYNATAQ KASHANKI?: expr. how are you?
- INCHIS: s.(bot) peanut; groundnut; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
- INKA: s. lover
- INKA: s.(his) inka; ruler; king; governor; inca; son of the sun; a ruling class of people inhabiting the Qosqo valley in the late 1100’s to 1532 a. d. (possibly comes from ancient word enqa which means “black hole” or one who can absorb all the living energies)
- INKA: s.(spi) one who shines or glows and who also is able to gather power and living energies and distribute them to wherever and whomever needs them (ancient meaning)
- INKA MALLKU: s.(spi) a male initiate of the fifth-level; one who can heal every illness, every time, with only a single touch; comes from the root word meaning tree (mallki), thus it also means “one connected to the spiritual geneaology of the inkas”; the female counterpart is ñust’a
- INKA MUHU: s.(spi) the royal seeds
- INKA ÑAN: s. inka road
- INKA P’ACHA: s.(tex) elegant men’s dress
- INKA RAYMI: s.(his) fiest of the Inka
- INKA RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) April (in the Inka era: fiest of the Inka. In this month everyone, the Inka, the principals, the mighty, the poor, the birds and the mice had something to eat. On the public square the Inka sang the chant of the wethers (llamas) and rivers. The lords practiced games and rejoicings)
- INKA ROQ’A: s.(per) the sixth Inka ruler
- INKA UNKU: s.(tex) elegant shirt
- INKA WASI: s. inka’s house
- INKA-INKALLA P’ACHALLIKUY: to put on elegant clothes (man)
- INKAP MICH’USQAN RUNA: s.(his) people mixed by the Inka
- INKAP SAPAY CHURIN: s.(his) crown-prince of the Inka
- INKARÍ; INKARRÍ: s.(mit) Inka King (Inka Rey); mythical founder of Qosqo city, defeated Qollarí on the Raya pass and married his daughter Qollarina. Lord of the world before the Spaniards, who killed him. His return is predicted in the myths in the region of Qosqo; a mythic, messianic figure in Quechua legends. He is a composite figure, once and future king, revolutionary, Manco Qhapaq, Atawallpa, and Tupaq Amaru I and II rolled into one. According to legend, he is underground and will someday return to reign in a new Anka era. His name derives from the Spanish (Inca Rey)
- INKHUÑA: s.(tex)(aym) small, handwoven cloth used by women to carry coca and other valuables in their waistbands; a small, square cloth used by women to carry coca leaves or foodstuffs, also used as a groundcloth for ceremonial offerings, until the 20th century the incuña was also used as a woman’s head covering
- INKILL: s. meadow in flower; prairie; meadow
- INLISYAQ KANCHAN: s.(p.esp) cemetery; graveyard
- INTI: s.(ast) sun
- INTI: s.(esp->run) Peruvian national currency in the eighties of the twentieth century
- INTI HAYKUY: s. sunset; where the sun sets; West; sundown
- INTI RAYMI: s. sun celebration; sun celebration (June 24th)
- INTI RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) June
- INTI TAYTA: s.(mit) father sun
- INTI T’IKSUY: s. afternoon
- INTI WAÑUY: s. solar eclipse; eclipse of the sun
- INTI WATA: s. solar year
- INTI WATANA: s. a place to read the sun’s standing position; sun watch
- INTI WATANA K’UCHU: s.(neo) calendar
- INTICHAW; INTICHAY: s.(pun) Sunday
- INTICHAY: s. East
- INTIKA: s.(top) island in Lake Titicaca with Quechua-speaking population; (Span.) Taquile (after the Catalan aristocrat Taquila)
- INTIMPA: s.(bot) kind of coniferous tree
- INTIPUKYU: s.(top) original name of the Inka baths near Cajamarca (Baños del Inca) (spring of sun)
- INTIQ CHINKANAN: s. West (where the sun sets)
- INTIQ LLOQSINAN: s. East (where the sun rises)
- INTUY: to surround; to build around; to cover
- INTUY: to predict
- IÑAKA: s.(tex) fine headcloth; elegant scarf
- IÑAKA AKSU: s.(tex) elegant coloured women’s dress
- IÑAKA ÑUSTA: s.(his) noble lady; aristocrate woman; Inka lady
- IÑAKA-IÑAKALLA P’ACHALLIKUY: to put on elegant clothes (woman)
- IÑAKAS LLIKLLA: s.(tex) elegant coloured women’s dress
- IÑAY: to swim
- IÑI: s. belief; faith; creed
- IÑINA: s. belief; faith; creed
- IÑIQ RUNA: s. believer
- IÑIY: s. belief; faith; creed; religion
- IÑIY: to believe
- IÑIYPA: adj. credible; trustworthy
- IÑU: s.(bot) pampas grass
- IPA: s.(fam) aunt; father’s sister
- IPHALLA: s. bow decorated with flowers
- IPHU: s.(met) drizzle; mist; breeze; fog
- IPHU PARA; IPU PARA: s.(met) drizzle; mist; fog
- IPHU-IPHU: s.(met) drizzle
- IPHUY: v.impers.(met) to drizzle
- IRAY; ERAY: to thresh
- IRITASQA: p.p.p.(med) incurable; deep-seated; chronic; impossible to cure
- IRU: s.(bot) straw from the lofty region
- IRURU: s. circle; segment
- ISANKA: s. basket; sieve
- ISILLA: s.(ana) mucosa
- ISKAY: num.c. two
- ISKAY CHUNKA: num.c. twenty
- ISKAY KIMSA PATARA: s.(tex) two or three folds
- ISKAY ÑEQEN: num.o. second
- ISKAY P’AKI: adj.(tex) tissue folded in two in form of a bag (wich is filled with the product)
- ISKAY SONQO: adj. wavering; faltering; vacillating; doubtful; undecided; irresolute
- ISKAYAY: to doubt
- ISKAYCHAY: to double; to multiply by two; to duplicate; to clone; to divide into two parts
- ISKAYNIN: adj. both
- ISKAYNIN: adj. both
- ISKAYNINCHIS: pron.indef. the two of us
- ISKAYRAYAY: v.intr. to doubt
- ISKRIBIY: to write; to write; to sign
- ISKU: s.(min) lime; chalk
- ISKUYLA: s.(esp) school
- ISMAY: to shit
- ISMU: adj. rotten (fruit, vegetable); rotten
- ISMUCHIY: to make something decay; to favour decay
- ISMURIY: v.intr. to rot
- ISMUSQA: p.p.p. rotten (fruit, vegetable)
- ISMUSQA: s.(med) gangrene
- ISMUY: v.intr. to decay; to rot; to decompose
- ISP’A: s. urine; piss
- ISPALLA: s.(agr) first harvest obtained in february in the time of the celebration of Virgen de la Candelaria in Puno
- ISPI: s.(zoo) kind of fish of lake Titicaca
- ISQHAYLLU: s.(zoo) hydra
- ISQON CHUNKA: num.c. ninety
- ISQON ÑEQEN: num.o. ninth
- ISQON PACHAK: num.c. nine hundred
- ISQUN; ESQON; HISQ’UN; ISQ’UN: num.c. nine
- ISTALLA: s.(tex) small bag; cocbag; large cocleaf bag used on ceremonial occasions
- ISTUDIYANTI: s.(esp) student
- ISU: s.(zoo) mite
- ITAPALLU: s.(bot) nettle; plant, used to dye yellow and green
- ITHA: s.(zoo)(1) bird louse; flea
- ITU: s.(spi) adoration of the sun
- ITU APU: s.(mit) masculine spirit of one’s place of birth, also known as the “guiding star” don benito spent hours scrying in a cosmic plate to communicate with his guiding star, it makes you part of a larger cosmic system
- ITUY: to carry something heavy with both hands; to carry a pot from the oven to the table
- IWKALISTU: s.(bot)(l.esp) eucalipto
- IWRUPA: s.(top)(esp) Europe
- K: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- K’: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- KACHA: s. messenger
- K’ACHA: adj. pretty; beautiful; sympathetic; neat; good (person); nice; friendly; elegant; pretty
- K’ACHA: s.(1) elegance; grace; mercy
- K’ACHA: s.(2) axe; ax
- KACHALAWA; KANCHALAWA: s.(bot) canchalawa (Andean plant); kind of shrub
- K’ACHALLIKUY: v.intr. to spruce oneself up; to dress oneself up
- KACHAN: s.(bot) kind of plant with spicy fruits
- KACHAPURI: s. messenger
- KACHARICHIQ: s. boss
- KACHARISQA: adj. free
- KACHARIY: to release; to let go; to allow; to permit; to drop; to loosen; to release; to unfasten
- KACHARPARI: s. farewell; good-bye; send-off
- KACHARPARIY: to leave someone; to separate from someone; to bid one’s farewell; to bid farewell; to send off
- KACHASQA: p.p.p. sent
- KACHAY: to send; to send a person; to command; to order
- K’ACHAY: to remove soil superficially
- KACHI: s.(min) salt
- KACHI CHURANA: s.(1) salt-shaker; salt shaker
- KACHISAPA: adj. salted
- KACHIYASQA: p.p.p. salted; salty
- KAFIY: s.(esp) coffee
- K’AHAY: to heat; to make fire; to braise; to have fever; to itch; to crack; to be hot
- KAKA: s.(fam) maternal uncle
- KAKA: s.(fam)(2) father-in-law of the man
- K’AKA; WAK’A: s. crack; cleft; fissure; crevice; short (skirt or pants)
- K’AKALLI: s. chappy, greasy skin
- K’AKARA: s. cockscomb
- KAKAWA K’ASPI: s.(bot)(p.esp->naw) cocoa (tree)
- K’AKCHAN: s. half; a half of something (whole) divided in half
- K’AKCHANA: s.(tex) handle to begin braiding; section of the sling braided second
- K’AKCHAY: to tighten the weave of a weaving (generally with a llama bone, a tool called wich’una); to spin the extremities (of something)
- K’AKI: s.(ana) chin; jaw
- KAKINA: s.(tex) loom bars
- K’AKLLA: s.(ana) cheek; cheek-bone
- K’AKLLATULLU; K’AKLLA TULLU: s.(ana) cheek-bone
- K’AKTU: s. crack; cleft; fissure; crevice
- KAKU: s. uncle on mother’s side; mother’s brother
- K’AKU: s. stammerer
- K’ALA SIKI: adj. very poor
- KALASTU: s.(bot) kind of tree
- KALKA: s.(top)(?) city and province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Calca
- K’ALLALORO: s.(zoo) aratinga; kind of parrot causing damage to the fruits of intimpa trees during fructification, producing lesions with its beak and premature falling of the fruits
- KALLAMPA: s.(myk) fungus; mushroom; type of mushroom
- K’ALLANA: s. ceramic pan for toasting food grains; flat pan used to toast corn
- KALLANKA: s. big building (palace)
- KALLAWAYA: s.(tri) renowned traveling healers from Bolivia
- K’ALLAY: to toast
- KALLCHAY: to harvest corn or beans; to reap; to mow
- KALLCHAY PACHA: s. autumn
- KALLI: s.(esp) street
- KALLKI: s.(geo)(2) pedregal; lugar pedregoso
- K’ALLMA: s.(bot.ana) branch; twig
- K’ALLMACHAKUY: v.intr. to branch out
- K’ALLMAY: s.(bot.ana) branch
- K’ALLMAY: to break branches off; to cut off (prune)
- KALLPA: adj. strong
- KALLPA: s. hurry; strength; force; force; power; might
- KALLPACHAKUY: v.intr. to make an effort; to try hard; to gain force; to regain force; to inspire oneself; to strive oneself; to exert oneself
- KALLPACHARIY: to comfort; to console
- KALLPACHASQA: p.p.p. strong; brave; courageous
- KALLPACHAY: to encourage; to give strength; to encourage; to exercise; to strengthen; to enforce; to train; to inspire
- KALLPAMANAY: s. despair; despondency; low spirits; depression
- KALLPANNAQ: adj. strengthless; powerless; weak
- KALLPAPISIY: v.intr. to decay
- KALLPARUKU: s.(fon) apostrophe (sign for glottal stop in Quechua and Aymara)
- KALLPASAPA: adj. vigorous; strong; brawny; stalwart; mighty; powerful
- KALLPAWAÑUY: s. loss of strength
- KALLPAYOQ: adj. strong; vigorous; mighty; powerful
- KALLWA: s.(tex) weaving sword; batten (of a loom); beater (for compacting weft); board to press the tissue together; batten; sword
- KALLWAY: to press tissue together beating with a board (weaving)
- KALWARYU: s.(ast)(esp) Cross of Calvary: Southern Cross (provenience: Yucay)
- KALWARYU KRUS: s.(ast)(esp) Cross of Calvary: (a) head of Scorpio, (b) Betelgeuse, Rigel, Sirius, and Procyon, (c) Procyon, Castor, Belt of Orion, beta Tauri, (d) Belt of Orion, tau Orionis, and Rigel (provenience: Misminay, Sonqo)
- -KAMA: until; till
- KAMACHARIY: to command
- KAMACHI: s. service; law; servant
- KAMACHIKUQ: s.a. authority
- KAMACHIKUY: s. commandment; mandate; order
- KAMACHINAKUY: s. meeting; gathering; consultation
- KAMACHINAKUY: v.recip. to agree
- KAMACHIPAYAY: to order in an exaggerated and excessive way
- KAMACHIQ: s.a. authority (person); authority; boss; congressman; ruler; leader; authority; boss; ruler; senator; creator
- KAMACHIY: s. order; law; law; rule
- KAMACHIY: to order; to command; to dictate; to govern; to order; to reign; to rule
- KAMACHIYKUNA: s. commands
- KAMACHIYNIYOQ: s. authority
- KAMALLAY: adj. adequate; fitting one’s nature; conforming to one’s talent
- KAMALLIY: to entrust; to recommend
- KAMAQ: s.(ass) administrator; manager
- KAMAQ: s.a. lord; creator; founder; god
- KAMARI: s.(2) organization
- KAMARIKUSQA: s. foundation
- KAMARIKUY: s. decision
- KAMARIKUY: to decide
- KAMARISQA: p.p.p. ready
- KAMARIY: to found; to plan; to prepare
- KAMASQA: s. unique type of fourth-level priest who receives Kuraq Akulliq initiation (fourth level) directly from God or Wiraqocha
- KAMAY: s.(his) voluntary fulfillment of a public obligation
- KAMAY: to create; to found; to form; to order; to govern; to command; to rule; to reign; to grasp; to take hold of; to prove
- KAMAY KILLA: s.(mes) January; January (in the Inka era: Time of fiest of creation, month of rest. Sacrifices, processions, fasting and penitences for local deities (wak’as) were also made)
- KAMAY RAYMI: s.(mes) fiest of creation in Inka times (in January)
- KAMAYCHAY: to assign a task
- KAMAYKUY: to inspire (not inhale)
- KAMAYNIYPA CHAYAQEN: adj. adequate; fitting one’s nature; conforming to one’s talent
- KAMAYOQ: adj. responsible; specialist
- KAMAYOQ: s. guard; watchman; spokesman; specialist; manager
- KAMBIYAY: to change; to exchange
- KAMBIYU: s.(esp) change; exchange
- K’AMINA: s. insult
- K’AMINAKUY: v.recip. to argue; to quarrel
- K’AMISQA: p.p.p. insulted; mistreated
- K’AMIY: to insult; to ridicule; to satirize; to reprimand; to criticize; to scold; to mistreat
- KAMPA: s.(tri)(1) Campa, Ashaninka (indigenous people, Peru)
- KAN: f.v.aux. … is; there is
- K’ANA: s.(top)(aym) province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Canas (light [aym.])
- KANAQ: adj. burner
- KANAY: s.(spi) power of becoming
- KANAY; K’ANAY; KAÑAY: to light; to set fire to; to burn; to burn up; to burn; to make a flame
- KANCHA: s.(1) court; palace; patio; corral; public space; square; market area; enclosed courtyard or garden
- KANCHA: s.(2) skin mycosis
- K’ANCHA: s. light; brightness
- K’ANCHANA: s. lamp; lantern
- K’ANCHAQ: adj. shining; brilliant
- K’ANCHARIY: s. splendor
- K’ANCHARIY: to brighten; to illuminate; to shine; to light; to give light; to light
- KANCHAY: to surround; to build around
- K’ANCHAY: s. light; brightness; glory; light
- K’ANCHAY: v.intr. to shine; to light; to brighten
- K’ANCHAY: to brighten; to illuminate; to shine; to light; to give light; to light
- K’ANCHAYCHAY: s.(neo) illustration
- K’ANCHAYKUY: v.intr. to brighten; to light
- KANCHIS; KANCHEQ: f.v.aux. we are (incl.)
- KANI: f.v.aux. I am
- KANIKUY: v.dic. to bark
- KANIPU: s.(his) silver plate for the forehead (sign of the Inka nobility)
- KANIQ: adj. biter
- KANIY: v.dic. to bark
- KANIY: to bite; to sting
- KANKA: s.(mik) roast; roasted meat; roast meat
- K’ANKA: adj. arrogant
- K’ANKA: s. boaster; rooster; tall person; rooster
- K’ANKA: s.(zoo) rooster; cock; gringo
- KANKANA: s. frying pan
- KANKAY: to roast; to bake (in flame); to grill; to cook; to bake; to roast; to roast
- KANKI: f.v.aux. you are (singular)
- KANKICHIS; KANKICHEQ: f.v.aux. you are (plural)
- KANKU: f.v.aux. they are
- KANLLI: s.(bot) kind of shrub; type of sagebrush
- K’ANTI: s.(tex) the spinning tool (phushka) used to spin two threads together for weaving; plying spindle, larger than puchka; spindle used for plying and overspinning
- K’ANTINA: s.(tex) plying spindle (larger than puchka)
- K’ANTIY: to twist; to spin two threads together; to ply
- KANTU: s. border; edge; bank (shore)
- KANTUNQA: s.(tex) braid with core
- KAÑARI: s.(tri) ancient people in present Ecuador (Cañaris), enemies of the Inkas, conquered by Tupaq Yupanki; local Quechua variety in Cañaris (Ecuador); also the Quechua varieties spoken in Cajamarca and Ferreñafe (Peru), which belong to another main dialect of Quechua
- KAÑAY; K’ANAY: to warm up again
- KAÑU: s.(esp) canal (used for gold mining); placer mine
- K’APA RUNA: s. person happy at work
- K’APA; K’APALLU: s. cartilage
- K’APACHA KUMUY: s. will to work more than the others
- K’APAK: adj. exact; exactly; entire; whole
- K’APAKUY: to cut
- K’APALLU: s. cartilage
- K’APAQ: adj. exact
- K’APHKIY: to clean off completely
- K’APHRA; K’AKRA: s. ceramic; ceramics
- K’APHTAY: to break off a piece; to chip away the border; to chip off
- K’APHTIY: to chip away the border; to chip off
- KAPIN KAY: v.intr. to be the beginning of a lineage or another founded thing
- KAPNU SENQA: s. bumped nose
- KAPULI: s.(bot)(esp->naw)(1) black cherry; capuli cherry; kind of tree of the Andes
- KAPULI: s.(bot)(esp->naw)(2) goldenberry; peruvian gooseberry; cape gooseberry
- KAPUY: v.pron. to belong; to have (lit. to belong); to be (health)
- KAPUY (-PAQ): v.pron. to belong (to)
- KAQ: postpos. -th; [ordinal number]
- KAQ KIKIN: adj. original
- KAQCH’A: adj. blinded or stupefied by a brilliant light; in mystical terms this light usually refers to the light or living energy of anothers’ soul
- KAQEYOQ: s.p. capitalist
- KAQLLA: adv.m. equal; identical
- KAQLLA SIMI: s. synonym
- KAQLLATAQ: adv.m. likewise
- KAQNINKUNA: s. essential qualities; main properties; elements (of something); constituents
- KAQNIYOQ: s.p. rich; wealthy
- K’ARA: s. burn (sensation); burning sensation; hate
- K’ARALLIKUY: to anger; to hate
- K’ARAQ: adj. itching
- K’ARASQA: p.p.p. burning (sensation)
- K’ARAY: to smart; to sting; to itch; to burn; to hurt (pain like alcohol on a wound)
- K’ARCHIY: v.dic. to crunch; to crackle
- KARGUYOQ: s.p.(pol)(p.esp) someone assigned to organize festivity; person who holds cargo
- KARIY; QARIY: v.intr. to be tired
- KARKA: s. skeleton; death
- K’ARKU: adj. bitter; sour; vinagry
- KARMAY: to pile up; to stack
- KARPA: s. tent; awning; sun roof; tent
- K’ARPA: s.(cer) pot; pottery
- K’ARPA: s.(zoo) kind of fish living in rivers
- KARPAY: s. initiation; transmission
- KARPAY: to initiatiate; to transmit
- KARPAY AYNI: s.(spi) exchange of spiritual power
- KARQAN: f.v.aux. was; he was; she was; it was
- KARQANI: f.v.aux. I was
- KARQANKI: f.v.aux. you were
- KARU: adj. distant; far; far away; expensive; fear; distant; long; extensive; far (away)
- KARU: adv.l. far; distant
- KARU RUNA: adj. foreign; stranger
- KARUMANTA RIKUNA: s.(neo) television
- KARUNCHAKAPUY: to abandon; to leave
- KARUNCHAKUY: v.intr. to go away; to leave
- KARUNCHAY: to take away; to remove; to leave something; to go far away from; to withdraw
- KARUNCHAY: to distinguish
- KARUNCHAYKUY: v.intr. to separate (oneself)
- KARUQHAWANA: s.(neo) television set
- K’ASA: s. open space on a mountain
- KASARAKUNQAÑA KAY SIPASCHA: expr. this young girl is already old enough to marry
- KASARAKUY: s.(esp) wedding; marriage; marriage; wedding
- KASARAKUY: v.intr.(esp) to marry; to get married
- KASHAY: s. evidence; reality
- KASHAY: v.aux. to be now
- K’ASKACHIY: to tame; to affix; to glue
- K’ASKAKUY: v.intr. to stick
- K’ASKALLIKUY: v.intr. to consecrate oneself
- K’ASKALLIY: to consecrate
- K’ASKAQ: s.(gra) suffix; grammatical morpheme
- K’ASKAQ SIMI: s. own words
- K’ASKASQA: p.p.p. united
- K’ASKAY: to remain at the side of someone; to stick; to adhere; to attach; to get closer; to stick together; to attach
- K’ASPI: s. pole; rod; bar; stick; wood; shaft of spindle; spindle stick
- KASQAN CHANIYOQ: adj. equivalent
- KASTILLA WIRU: s.(bot) sugar cane
- K’ASU: s. annihilation
- KASUKUQ: s.a.(esp) obedient
- KASUKUY: to obey
- KASUY: to obey; to submit to; to pay attention to
- K’ASUY: to break up soil
- K’ASUYACHIY: to annihilate
- K’ATA: s. particle; pinch
- KATARI: s.(zoo) poisonous snake
- KAW KAW: s.(zoo) fish eggs
- KAWALLU; KABALLU; KABALLO: s.(zoo)(esp) horse
- KAWALLUPI RIY: to ride
- K’AWCHI: adj.(1) sharp
- K’AWCHI: s.(geo) ridge
- K’AWCHIY: to sharpen
- KAWITU: s. bed; large bed; hammock
- KAWKA: s.(mus) kind of plucked instrument with one single string
- KAWNA: s.(tex) rope of three threads
- KAWPUSQA: s.(tex) rope of threads twisted two in two, three in three
- KAWPUY ISKAY PASQATA, KIMSA PASQATA, TAWA PASQATA: s.(tex) to twist threads two in two, three in three, four in four
- KAWPUY; KAWPIY: to twist threads; to ply
- KAWRA: s.(zoo)(esp) goat
- KAWRI: s.(bot) roots of various reed species
- KAWSACHIY: to sustain; to keep alive; to instill courage; to inspire the soul
- KAWSACHUN!: interj. Hurrah!; Hooray!
- KAWSAQ MALLKI: s.(spi) tree of the living
- KAWSARIY: v.intr. to revive; to flourish
- KAWSARIY: to animate
- KAWSAY: s. life; culture; living energy
- KAWSAY: v.intr. to live
- KAWSAY PACHA: s. world of life; the world of living energies; the energy universe; energy universe
- KAWSAY POQP’O; KAWSAY POQ’PO: s.(spi) aura; the bubble of living energy around a human, plant, animal, town, mountain, or nature being; energy bubble
- KAWSAY SACH’A: s.(bot) kind of Peruvian mastic-tree
- KAWSAYYACHAY: s.(neo) biology
- K’AWSI: adj.(2) chewy; chewable
- K’AWSI: s.(2) chewing gum
- K’AWTIY: v.intr. to chew gum
- KAY: adj. this; here
- KAY: pron.dem. this
- KAY: s. being; essence
- KAY: v.aux. to be; to exist; to mean; to have (expr.)
- KAY PACHA: s. current age; present era; the world of material consciousness; the “middle” world, filled with both heavy and refined living energies, typically symbolized by the puma; material world and consciousness, mix of refined and heavy energies, inhabited by incarnated humans, apus and ñust’as; this world
- KAY QATEQ: expr. (the) following
- K’AYARA: s.(bot) kind of succulent shrub; kind of plant from which the teeth for combs are obtained, the tallitos are dried in the sun, the points are burned and then soaked to make durable. This type of peine is more like a brush, “pequeña escobita”, than a comb
- KAYKU: f.v.aux. we are (excl.)
- KAYKUNA: s. possessions
- KAYLLA: adv.l. close; near
- K’AYLLA: s.(zoo) parrot
- KAYLLAPI: adv.l. here
- KAYMAN: adv.l. hither; to here
- KAYMANTA: adv.l. from here
- KAYNIN: kind; sort; nature (of someone or something); structure
- KAYPI: adv.l. here
- KAYQA: pron.dem. this
- KAYQAMPACHA: s. this miserable world; deceiving, infernal world
- K’AYRA: s.(zoo) frog
- K’AYRAPIN: s.(ana) pancreas
- K’AYRAPIN: s.(ana)(reg) spleen
- K’AYRAPIN PHIRU ONQOY: s.(med) acute pancreatitis
- KAYRAYKU: adv.m. therefore
- KAYWA: s.(bot) kind of pumpkin
- KAYWAN: adv.m. herewith; hereby
- KH: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- KHACHA: adj. fatty, callous skin
- KHACHU: s. bit; morsel; bite
- KHACHUY: to bite; to chew; to break or to bite off with the teeth
- KHAKA: adj. thick (liquid); viscous; doughy
- KHAKUKUY: to crumble
- KHALIY: to spread
- KHALLA: s. incision; slit; opening
- KHALLAPACHA: adj. full of holes (clothes, house, wall, roof, blanket)
- KHALLAPACHA P’ACHA (UNKU, YAQOLLA): s.(tex) dress full of holes
- KHALLAY: to cut; to slit; to break through
- KHALLKA: adj. rough
- KHALLKI: s. paving-stone; cobble
- KHALLKIY: to pave
- KHALLMU: adj. raw; half-cooked
- KHALLPA: adj. defective; deficient; damaged; notched; chipped
- KHALLPA: s. defect; deficiency; damage; notch
- KHALLPAY: to chip; to make notches
- KHALLWA: s.(tex) shuttle (of a loom)
- KHALLWA: s.(zoo) swallow
- KHALLWAY: to pass the shuttle with the thread
- KHAMUY: s. bit; morsel; chewing
- KHAMUY: to chew; to chew (with molars)
- KHANKA: adj. dirty; grubby
- KHANKA: s. bum
- KHANKIY: to nibble; to gnaw
- KHAÑA: s.(aym) spoiled (child)
- KHAPAY: v.intr. to belch; to burp
- KHAPAY: to walk by long steps
- KHAPAY: to cross; to take long strides
- KHAPHNISHAQ: adj. crisp
- KHAQMAY AWATA: to press tissue together
- KHARATATAY: to drag
- KHARI KHARI: s.(bot) blackberry
- KHARKA: adj.(k) dirty; rough; filthy
- KHARKA: s.(1) dirt; filth; excrements
- KHARKATIY: v.intr. to tremble of fear; to tremble
- KHARMU: s. cold food (for travel)
- KHARWINCHU: s.(bot) kind of shrub; plant, flowers used to dye yellow; karwinchu (kind of wild plant, an illa of potato)
- KHASAPAKUY: to belch; to burp
- KHASAY: v.intr. to belch; to burp
- KHASTUY: to chew; to masticate
- KHATA: s.(agr) furrow; furrowed rows of field
- KHATA: s.(tex) twill; ridged texture of plain-woven cloth; alternating color (horizontal) stripes produced by regular alternating sheds without pickup
- KHATATATAY: v.intr. to shiver; to tremble
- KHAWCHI: adj. raw; half-cooked
- KHAYA; QHAYA: s.(mik) dried oca; a type of dried oca, fermented in pools of water, dried in the sun, and used in soups
- KHAYAY: to make dried oca
- KHAYCHUY: to sweep; to drag clothes
- KHAYNA; KAY HINA: adv.m. in this manner; like this
- KHIKI: adj.(k) scabious
- KHIKI: s.(med) scabies; scabbers
- KHIPU: s. knot; knot string; mnemonic knotted string device; quipu; the old system of record keeping (different colored knots); system by which the Incas kept records of various things with knots made in string; knot; series of knotted cords used by the ancient inkas for accounting
- KHIPUKAMANA: s. knot string craft; calculation with knot strings
- KHIPUY: to knot; to make a quipu; to tie a knot; to secure
- KHIRKI: adj. very uneven; very rough; pimply; pimpled
- KHIRKI: s.(med) pimple
- KHIRKICHASQA: p.p.p. bumpy (surface)
- KHIRKINCHU: s.(zoo) armadillo
- KHIRKIY: to challenge; to dare; to risk; to risk
- KHITUKUY: v.intr. to rub oneself; to scratch oneself; to scratch or rub against something
- KHITUY; QHETUY: to rub
- KHIWIY: to roll up a wire
- KHUCHI: s.(zoo) pig; swine; hog
- KHUCHI MICHIQ: s.adj. swineherd
- KHUCHI SONQO WARMI: adj.(k) lewd woman
- KHUCHI WASI: s. pigsty
- KHUCHINILLA: adj.(col) purple
- KHUCHINILLA: s.(zoo) cochenille; kind of coccid (insect) from opuntias used for red dye
- KHULLPI: s. chips of firewood
- KHULLU: adj. tiny; minute
- KHUMPALLI: s. ally
- KHUMPANTINLLANPI: adv.m. amicably
- KHUNKU: s. stallion
- KHUNU: s.(geo) cyclone; whirlwind
- KHUNU WAYRA: s.(geo) cyclone; whirlwind
- KHURPA: adj. crisp; thickset; stocky
- KHURU: s.(myk) potato wart disease
- KHUSKUY: to shear
- KHUSLAY: to burn the hair to roots; to burn off
- KHUSLUY: to cut the hair to roots; to burn the hair to roots; to burn off (hair)
- KHUTU: adj. cold; ice cold; frozen
- KHUTUCHIY: to congeal; to freeze; to coagulate
- KHUTUY: v.intr. to congeal; to freeze; to coagulate
- KHUTUY: to gnaw
- KHUYA: s. love; impassioned love
- KHUYA: s.(spi) amulet; magic stone; love energy that a master teacher infuses into an object (tile) to give to his student; coloured tile with certain symbols on it given by an Andean priest to his students to infuse them with love energy; a stone or metal amulet made in the form of an animal, sacred object, or god
- KHUYA RUMI: s. gift stone of teacher to disciple
- KHUYAKUQ: s.a. compassionate; sympathetic; pitying; generous; kind
- KHUYAKUY: s. compassion
- KHUYAKUYNIYOQ: adj. compassionate; sympathetic; pitying
- KHUYAPAKUY: v.intr. to lament
- KHUYAPAYAY: s. compassion; generosity; favour; favor
- KHUYAPAYAY: to have compassion (with)
- KHUYAPAYAYKUQ: adj. compassionate; sympathetic; pitying
- KHUYAPAYAYKUY: v.intr. to have compassion
- KHUYAQ: s.a. loving; affectionate; tender
- KHUYAQ SONQO: adj. compassionate; sympathetic; pitying
- KHUYASQA: p.p.p. beloved; esteemed; precious
- KHUYAY: s. love; favor
- KHUYAY: to love; to like; to give affection to; to caress; to pity; to give presents to; to have compassion; to admire; to respect; to love (with respect); to spoil
- KICHA: s. opening
- KICHARI: adj. wide; open
- KICHARISQA: p.p.p. open; opened; open; wide
- KICHARIY: to open
- KICHASQA: p.p.p. open
- KICHAY: to open
- K’ICHIY: to pinch
- KIKI-: adj.pron. oneself; same; equal; identical
- KIKILLANMANTA: adv.m. by itself
- KIKIN: adj. similar; equal
- KIKIN: pron.indef. same; himself; herself
- KIKIN PACHAPI: adv.t. at the same time
- KIKIN TUYLLAPI: adv.t. at the same time
- KIKINKUYUCHIKUQ: s.(neo) car; automobile
- KIKINMANTA: adv.m. automatically; by itself
- KIKINPI KASHAQ; KIKIN PACHAPI KASHAQ: s.(fil) being in oneself
- KIKIY: pron.indef. myself
- KIKIYKI: pron.indef. yourself
- K’IKLLU: adj. narrow
- K’IKLLU: s. street; lane; narrow street; narrow passage
- KIKU Q’ELLO: adj.(col) orange
- KIKU T’IKA: s.(bot) plant used to dye yellow
- K’IKUCHIKUY: to celebrate a young woman’s first menstruation
- K’IKUY: s.(med) menstruation
- K’IKUY: v.intr. to menstruate
- K’IKUY (WARMI): v.intr. to menstruate first time (woman)
- K’ILI WAYTA: s.(tex) twill plain weave
- KILLA: s.(ast) moon; the female living energy or consciousness of the moon, oftened referred to as mama killa, mother moon
- KILLA: s.(tmp) month
- KILLACHAW; KILLACHAY: s.(pun) Monday
- KILLAPAMPA: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Quillabamba (plain of the moon)
- KILLAWAÑUY: s.(2) lunar eclipse
- KILLAY UNKU: s. coat of mail; suit of armour
- KILLAY; Q’ELLA: s.(min) iron; metal
- KILLI: s.(tex) selvage; seam; stripe
- K’ILLI: adj. sewn together; tied together; continued on another thing
- K’ILLI: s.(zoo) small falcon
- K’ILLI WARA; K’ILLA WARA: s.(tex) design of small falcon
- K’ILLICHU: s.(zoo) small falcon
- K’ILLI-K’ILLI: s.(tex)(1) stripes sewn together
- K’ILLI-K’ILLI: s.(tex)(2) design of small falcon
- K’ILLI-K’ILLI P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress of stripes sewn together
- K’ILLI-K’ILLIYOQ: s.(tex) dress of stripes sewn together
- K’ILLIMSA; K’ILLINSA: s.(min) carbon; coal; charcoal
- K’ILLIY: to sew together
- KILLKI: s. angel
- KILLMU: adj.(col) orange
- K’IMICHU: s. assistant
- KIMSA URA; KINSA URA: adv.t. three o’clock
- K’INLLAY: v.intr. to blink; to wink
- KINRA: s. side
- KINRAY: s.(geo) hillside; side
- KINRAY: to cross; to go across; to go to the other side; to turn to the side
- KINRAYÑAN: s. path on the hillside
- KINRAYSAPA: adj. wide
- KINRAYTA QHAWANI: expr. I see the hillside
- KINSA: num.c. three
- KINSA K’UCHU: s.(bot) plant, leaves used to dye green
- KINSA ÑEQEN: num.o. third
- KINSA P’AKI: adj.(tex) tissue folded in three in form of a bag
- KINSACHAY: to triple
- KINSAK’UCHU: s. triangle
- KINSAMANTA: s.(tex) technique of warping design panel using tripled yarns
- KINTAL: s.(uni)(esp) hundred-weight (equivalent to 4 arrobas or 100 pounds)
- KINTU: s. bouquet
- K’INTU: s. coca leaf offering; small green pepper; sacred coca leaves, generally a bundle of three perfect coca leaves, chosen as an offering to the nature spirits; k’intu are generally used in multiples of three when making despachos; a bundle of three perfect coca leaves used to make an offering to the nature spirits; k’intu are a central element in the despacho and are generally used in multiples of three; cluster of three perfect coca leaves (The ritualist or energy worker blows on the cluster three times, offering his energies to the apus, ñust’as, sun, etc. Then these clusters of leaves become part of a despacho, or the cluster can be used to draw in the energies of the apus, etc.); offering of coca leaves, usually three in number, with the leaves carefully arranged one on top of the other; specially chosen coca leaves, often grouped in threes and placed one over the other, exchanged in social situations and offered to the spirits
- K’INTUY: v.intr. to make a bouquet of coca to divine
- KINWA; KIWINA; KIWNA: s.(bot) quinua (grain or cereal); Andean rice; quinoa
- K’IÑA: s. crack; fissure; split
- K’IÑAY: to cleave; to crack; to crack; to dent
- K’IPCHAN: s.(ana) liver
- K’IPHCHAN: s.(ana) pancreas
- K’IPHCHAN PHIRU ONQOY: s.(med) acute pancreatitis
- K’IPU: s.(bot) thistle; thistle whose burs stick to the clothes
- K’IRANA: s. armchair; sofa; couch; chaise loungue
- K’IRARA: s. shield
- K’IRAW: s. cradle
- K’IRAWKUY: to put the child into the cradle
- KIRAWPI KAQ WAWA: s.(fam) child, 1 to 5 months old (meaning in Inka times); breast-fed child, recently born, in the cradle
- K’IRAY: v.intr. to lean (on); to incline; to recline
- K’IRI: s. wound; lump; knot from a wound; injury
- K’IRIKUNA P’ISTUY: to bandage
- K’IRISQA: p.p.p. wounded; injured
- K’IRIY: to wound; to injure; to break down; to harm; to mistreat
- K’IRKU: adj. rigid; invariable
- KIRPANA: s. lid; cover
- KIRPAY; K’IRPAY: to cover with a lid; to top; to cover
- KIRU: s.(ana) tooth
- KIRU CHAKUY: s.(med) dentition
- KIRU ISMU: s.(med) dental caries
- KIRU LLUCH’A; KIRU LLUCHA: s.(ana) gum; gums
- KIRU NANAY: s.(med) tooth ache
- KIRU SIK’IQ: s. dentist
- KIRU T’OQO: s.(med) carious tooth
- KIRUKUNA: s.(ana) teeth
- KIRUSAPA: adj. with big teeth
- K’IRUSQA: s.(aym) infant wrapped up tightly
- K’IRUY: s.(aym) the manner of wrapping infants up tightly with only the face exposed, for approximately the first three months of life
- K’IRUY: to change nappies; to change diapers; to put a nappy on a child; to wrap up a baby
- KISA: s.(bot) nettle; minor nettle; bramble
- KISA KURU: s.(zoo) caterpillar with stinging hairs
- KISKA: s. spine; thorn; thorn bush
- KISKA: s.(bot) brambles; needle
- KISKA: s.(bot.ana) thorn; spine; spine (generic term)
- KISKALURU: s. point (of a spine); trifle; a little
- KISKALURU: s.(bot) prickly pear; fruit of a cactus
- K’ISKI: s. constipation
- K’ISKI; K’ISKU: adj. narrow; compressed; cramped together; pressed; together; tight (clothes)
- K’ISKICHIY: to make block
- K’ISKIKUY: v.intr. to jostle; to hustle
- K’ISKILLA KAMAS PAPAS KAMAQ P’ACHA: expr.(tex) tight clothes
- K’ISKILLA P’ACHA: s.(tex) tight clothes
- KISKIS: s.(per) Inka captain in the times of the Spanish conquest
- KISKIS: s.(zoo) kind of bird living in the leaves of cane
- K’ISKISQA: p.p.p. blocked
- K’ISKIY: to choke; to choke to death; to strangle
- K’ISKIY: to affix
- K’ISKIYAY: v.intr. to get narrow
- KISMA: s.(ana) womb; uterus
- KISMA: s.(fam) mother-in-law; a man’s mother-in-law
- KISMAQ KUNKAN: s.(ana) cervix uteri
- KISMAQ MUHUN: s.(ana) ovary
- K’ISPIÑU: s.(mik) small quinua bread; dumpling; small ball of dough slightly steamed and then eaten
- KISU: s.(esp) cheese
- K’ISUY: v.intr. to detach
- KISWAR: s.(bot) kind of tree; poplar; white poplar tree
- KISWARKANCHA: s.(top) Wiraqocha Inka’s palace in Qosqo
- K’ITA; KITA: adj. wild; savage; wild; untamed
- K’ITAKUY: to escape; to run away; to flee
- K’ITI: s. place; site; region; department; province; district
- KITIN: adj. alike; equal
- K’ITKU: s. small river; reduced space
- KITU: s.(top) capital of Ecuador (Quito); (Span.) Quito
- KIWACH; KIWACHI: s. mother-in-law of the woman
- KIWACHI: s. father-in-law
- KIWICHA: s.(bot) a grain or cereal similar to quinua; plant, used for red dye
- KLASE: s.(esp) kind; sort
- KREEY: to believe
- KRISTIYANU: adj.(esp) christian
- KRISTO: s.(cri)(esp) Christ
- KRISTOQ ÑAWIN: s.(ast) Eyes of Christ: alpha and beta Centauri (provenience: Misminay)
- KRUS: s.(esp) cross
- KRUSCHAKUY: v.intr.(esp) to make the sign of the cross
- -KU-: [reflexive]; for oneself; oneself
- KUCHA: s.(fam) niece
- KUCHI: adj. dirty; immoral
- K’UCHI: adj. active; hard-working; dynamic; diligent; lively
- K’UCHU UNKHUÑA: s.(tex) ritual unkhuña shirt divided vertically and horizontally into quarters of contrasting color
- K’UCHU UNKU: s.(tex) elegant coloured shirt
- K’UCHU; KUCHU: s. corner; edge; rim; shore; bank; angle; inside corner; angle
- KUCHUNA: s. knife; shears; scissors
- K’UCHUNCHAY: to arrange; to repair
- KUCHURAPUY: to cut
- KUCHUS; QOCHUS: s.(ana) elbow
- KUCHUY: to cut; to carve; to carve; to cut with a knife
- KUKA CHURANA: s.(tex) coca bag
- KUKA; QOQA: s.(bot) coca; cocaine; cocaine bush
- KUKHI: s.(med) scurf; dandruff
- KUKU: s. ghost; spirit; enemy
- K’UKU: adj.(1) greedy; mean; miserly
- KUKUCHI: s.(mit) ghost; spirit; ghost or evil spirit; condemned soul; ghosts, or souls trapped on earth after death who roam the earth by night, frightening humans and causing illness; cannibalistic soul of the damned
- K’UKU-K’UKULLA: adj. tight (clothes)
- K’UKU-K’UKULLA UNKU: s.(tex) tight shirt
- KUKULI: s.(zoo) dove; pigeon
- KUKUPIN: s.(ana) liver
- KUKUPIN Q’EWI: s.(med) colic of the liver and biliar duct
- KULEQYU: s.(esp) college
- KULIS: s.(bot)(esp) cabbage
- KULIS: s.(tex) skirt of the little chidren
- KULIS YANU: s. cooked cabbage with pork meat
- KULLA: s. tickle
- KULLI: adj.(col) purple; dark purple
- KULLI AQA; KULLI AWA: s. drink of purple corn; drink of purple maize
- KULLI SARA: s. purple corn; black maize or very dark purple maize, mixed with cochineal and used to dye purple (morado)
- KULLI WAYTA: s. purple flower
- KULLIYACHIY: to color purple
- KULLKU: s.(zoo) turtledove
- KULLMA: s.(agr)(his) half a sillku, which is an eighth of a basket for coca or chili (Inka agriculture)
- KULLMU [RUNKU]: s.(agr)(his) half a sillku, which is an eighth of a basket for coca or chili (Inka agriculture)
- K’ULLPI: s. chip; splinter
- K’ULLU: s. wood; trunk; block; chump
- K’ULLUCHAY: to parquet; to inlay (floor); to panel; to wainscot
- KUMANA: s.(tex) bobbin; shuttle; comb (for weaving)
- KUMAR; KHUMARA: s.(bot) sweet potato; bitter variety of sweet potato; camote; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
- KUMARI: s.(esp) godmother of one’s children
- KUMPA: s.(mil) stone thrown downhill in combat
- K’UMPA: s. ball; bundle
- KUMPA; KHUMPA; KHUNPA: s.(esp) accomplice; comrade; buddy; boulder; person considered very friendly; friend
- KUMPA; KUNPA: s.(tex) thick stripe; selvage
- KUMPARI: s.(esp) godfather of one’s children
- KUMPASQA: s.(tex) cross-knit loop stitch
- K’UMPAY: to form
- K’UMPAY: to push
- KUMPAYUKUY: to lie down
- K’UMPI P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress of fine cloth
- K’UMPI; Q’OMPI: s.(tex) fine cloth; tapestry; fine cloth, equally finished on both faces; fine cloth (tapestry), woven by specialists on upright looms
- K’UMPINAKUNA: s.(tex) loom and utilities to weave fine cloth
- K’UMPIQ: s.a. weaver of fine cloth
- K’UMPISQA: p.p.p. fine cloth; tapestry; fine cloth, equally finished on both faces
- K’UMPIY: to weave fine cloth
- K’UMPIY KAMAYOQ; K’UMPIYKAMAYOQ: s. master of fine weaving
- KUMPUTADURA; KUNPUTADURA: s.(esp) computer
- K’UMU: adj. lowered; hunchbacked; bent over; warped; bent down; hunch-baked; stooping; slouching
- K’UMU K’UMU: adj.(k) sly
- K’UMU SENQA: adj. hook-nosed
- K’UMUCHIY: to humiliate
- K’UMUKUY: v.intr. to bow down to
- K’UMUY: v.intr. to bend; to stoop; to bow; to lower or drop the head; to submit; to stoop; to cower; to huddle
- K’UMUY: to bow
- K’UMUYKUKUY: v.intr. to bend down; to bend over
- K’UMUYKUY: s. reverence
- K’UMUYKUY: v.intr.(1) to bow down; to bend down; to bend over; to bow; to kneel; to bow
- K’UMUYKUY: v.intr.(2) to bend
- K’UMUYKUY: to revere; to venerate
- KUNALLAN: adv.t. immediately; at once; soon
- KUNAN: adv.t. now; today; immediately; just
- KUNAN PACHA; KUNA PACHA: s. present; current age; present era
- KUNAN P’UNCHAY: adv.t. today
- KUNAN TUTA: adv.t. this night
- KUNAN WATA: adv.t. this year
- KUNANKUTIPI: adv.t. this time; at this occasion
- KUNANPACHA: adv.t. in this era; today
- KUNANPAQ KAQLLA: adj. present
- KUNANPI: adj. contemporary
- KUNAWA: s. counselor
- KUNAY: to advise
- KUNDISYUNAL: adj.(esp) conditional
- KUNKA: s. voice
- KUNKA: s.(ana) neck; throat
- KUNKA KUCHUNA: s. axe (literally throat-cutter)
- KUNKA QHORUY: v.intr. to behead; to decapitate
- KUNKAKUCHUNA CHAMPI: s.(mil) hatchet; halberd
- KUNKALLIY: v.intr. to resound
- KUNKALU: adj. sonorous
- KUNKANANAY: s.(med) angina; tonsilitis; sore throat
- KUNKASAPA: adj. long-necked
- KUNKATA KUCHUY: to behead; to cut one’s throat
- KUNKATA KURUY: to behead; to slice one’s head off
- KUNKAWAKI: s.(fon) consonant
- K’UNKUYKUY: to cuddle up
- KUNPAKUY; KUMPAKUY: v.intr. to lie down
- KUNPAY: to tear down; to pull down; to knock down; to overturn
- KUNTI; QONTI: adj.(geo) western
- KUNTI; QONTI: s.(geo) West
- KUNTISUYU; QONTISUYU: s.(top) Western territory of the Tawantinsuyu
- KUNTUR: s.(ast) Condor: (a) head of Scorpio, (b) head = delta, epsilon, eta Canis Majoris, wing = alpha, beta, gamma Pyxidis, wing = alpha Monocerotis, tail = alpha Hydrae (provenience: Misminay); Condor (constellation)
- KUNTUR: s.(zoo)(1) condor
- KUNUNUNUY: v.intr. to rumble
- K’UNUY: to beat on the back
- K’UPA CHUKCHA: s. curly hair
- K’UPAM K’UPASQA: p.p.p. curly
- KURA: s.(esp) priest
- KURAKA: s.(pol) leader of a whole ayllu; mayor; cacique; chief; indigenous chief; province governor in Inka times; Inca administrator who inherited the office; representative of the gods; native official during colonial times
- KURAQ: adj. elder; very expensive; very heavy; older; an elder or old person; ancient
- KURAQ: s.(fam) eldest brother (has to look after his younger brothers and sisters and to protect them)
- KURAQ: s.(pol) superior; elder
- KURAQ AKULLEQ; KURAQ AKULLIQ: s.(spi) great chewer of coca leaves, this term refers to a fourth-level priest; high priest
- KURAQ RUNA: s.(pol) community elder; man who has completed the cargo progression and becomes a community elder, informally sought after for advice by younger men
- KURAQTAYTA: s. grandfather
- KURKU: s. beam (wood); trunk; beam; tree trunk; wood beam; trunk or thick pole; vertical poles for weaving
- KURKU: s.(ana) trunk; body
- KURKU AYCHA NANAY: s.(med) myalgia
- K’URKUR: s.(bot) kind of grass; dwarf bamboo
- K’URPA: adj. sluggish
- K’URPA; KURP’A: s.(agr) a flat clod of earth; clump; clump of earth; clod of dirt; dirt clod; sphere; bullet; ball; cleared land
- K’URPANA: s. club
- KURSUS ONQOY; KURSUS ORQOY: s.(med)(p.esp) haemorrhage
- KURU: s.(med) any invisible illness-causing agent (analogous to “germ” or “microbe” in English)
- KURU; K’URU: s.(zoo)(1) worm; larva; insect; bug
- KURUR: s.(tex) ball (of wool etc.); ball of yarn; ball
- KURURAY: to wind; to ball up; to wind into ball
- KURURIY: to wind; to ball up; to wind into ball
- KURURU; KURUR; KULULU: s.(ana) belly button; navel; bellybutton
- KURUYAY: v.intr. to be eaten by worms; to get worms
- KUSA: adj. good (thing); tasty; well; nice
- KUSAY: to roast; to bake; to grill
- KUSI: adj. happy; pleased; glad; delighted; content; diligent; active
- KUSI: s. happiness; joy; fun
- K’USI: s.(bot) small pumpkin
- KUSI KAWSAY: s. peaceful and lucky life
- KUSI KAY: s. happiness
- KUSICHIY: to please; to delight; to entertain
- KUSIKUSI: s.(zoo) small spider; type of small spider
- KUSIKUY: s. happiness
- KUSIKUY: v.intr. to be glad; to be pleased; to be happy
- KUSIKUY: to celebrate
- K’USILLU: s.(fig) buffoon; clown
- K’USILLU: s.(zoo)(1) monkey
- KUSIMANTA: adj. glorious
- KUSIPATA: s.(top) square in the city of Qosqo where games and performances took place
- KUSIPAYAY: v.intr. to gloat (over); to feel malicious joy
- KUSIPAYAY: to celebrate
- KUSIQELLPU: s. glory
- KUSIRICHIY: to delight
- KUSISAMIYOQ: adj. blessed
- KUSISQA: p.p.p. happy; pleased; glad
- KUSITUY: s. band (music); orchestra
- KUSIY: v.intr. to be happy
- KUSKA: adj.pron. common; equal
- KUSKA: adv.m. together
- KUSKA KACHAY: to bring together; to unite; to level; to plane; to settle ( a conflict); to adjust; to arrange
- KUSKA KUSKALLA: adj. equal; plain; even
- KUSKACHAKUY: v.intr. to balance
- KUSKACHAQ: s. judge
- KUSKACHAY: to pair; to unite
- KUSKACHAY: to balance
- KUSKACHAY: to decide; to accord
- KUSKACHAY AWQANAKUQKUNATA: to pacify; to calm down a rebellion
- KUSKALLA: adv.m. united
- KUSKAN: adj. half
- KUSKAN: s. half; half again
- KUSKI: s.(agr) fallow; relaxation; resting
- K’USKI: adj. curious
- KUSKI KILLA: s.(mes)(1) June; June (in the Inka era: Resting after harvest. It was taken into account everything the peasants had to assure abundance of food to sustain themselves and others. In this month a moderate fiest for the sun was held, in its (his) name sacrifices were made and offerings given to the Inka)
- K’USKIKUY: v.intr. to examine one’s own acts
- KUSKIPAYAY: to research; to investigate; to inspect; to examine
- KUSKITA YAPUY: to plough hard soil
- KUSKIY: to plough first time; to plow first time; to cultivate; to clear land
- K’USKIY; KUSKIY: to examine; to investigate; to analyse; to search
- KUSKIY; KUSKUY: to clear a field; to cultivate land; to plough hard soil; to level; to plain; to search emphatically for a dry and hard place; to make peace; to make friendship
- KUSMA: s.(tex) shirt; small poncho; coarse shirt worn by indios; poncho-type textile; dark blue or black men’s shirt; men’s shirt
- K’USPA: adj. curly
- K’USTUKUY: s. constriction; contraction; construction
- K’USTUKUY: v.intr. to constrict; to contract; to double-up; to cuddle up
- KUTAMA: s. woollen blanket
- KUTANA: s. mill; grinder; rammer for mortar
- KUTANA WASI: s.(neo) mill
- KUTAPA PHORMULA: s.(neo)(p.esp) molecular formula
- KUTAPANPA: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Cotabamba (plain of mills)
- KUTAY: to grind; to pulverize
- KUTI: s.(1) … times; time; instance; times
- KUTI: s.(2) child’s intelligence in a positive moral sense, with qualities like being rational, reflexive, creative, diligent and honest
- KUTI: s.(agr)(1) handle
- KUTI: s.(agr)(2) hoe; potato hook
- KUTI: s.(agr)(3) plants with regenerative effect on fallow fields
- KUTI: s.(tex)(1) fugitive dye on yarn
- KUTI: s.(tex)(2) S-shaped pallay motif in weaving (that which returns, reverses, potato hook)
- KUTICHIKU: s. answer
- KUTICHIPUY: s. compensation; reward
- KUTICHIPUY: to give back something borrowed; to compensate
- KUTICHIY: to return; to give back
- KUTICHIY: to answer; to reply; to send back; to give back; to return something; to make return
- KUTICHIY: to vomit
- KUTIMUNAYKAMA: expr. see you when I come back
- KUTIMUY: to return
- KUTIMUY ATISPAQA: expr. Come back if you can
- KUTIPAKUY: s. objection; backtalk; rebellion
- KUTIPAKUY: to object; to backtalk; to contradict
- KUTIPAY: to answer; to reply; to repeat
- KUTIPUY: v.intr. to return definitively; to become
- KUTIQ: s.a. who returns; who comes back
- KUTIQTA: adv.m. vice versa
- KUTIQTA P’ACHALLIKUNKI: expr.(tex) you dressed yourself vice versa
- KUTIRIKUQ: s.a. believer; convert
- KUTIRIKUY: v.intr. to recover; to convalesce; to cure; to become healthy; to become
- KUTIRIKUY (-MAN): v.intr. to convert (into)
- KUTIRIMPUY: v.intr. to be born again
- KUTIY: v.intr.(esp) to return; to come back
- KUTIY: s. return; comeback
- KUTIY: to return; to come back
- KUTIY: to change; to alter
- K’UTUPA: s. cut; profile
- K’UTUPAKUY: v.intr. to get angry
- KUTUTU: s.(1) male guinea pig
- K’UTUY: to cut open; to slit; to cut; to shrink; to cut down
- K’UTUY: to bite; to bite hard things; to eat toasted seeds; to bite (insects)
- K’UYCHI: s.(met) rainbow
- KUYCHI LLIKLLA: s.(tex) striped women’s dress (like rainbow)
- KUYCHI ÑAÑAKA: s.(tex) striped women’s scarf (like rainbow)
- K’UYCHICHAW; K’UYCHICHAY: s.(pun) Saturday
- K’UYKA: s.(zoo)(1) tapeworm; worm
- K’UYKA: s.(zoo)(2) ascaris
- KUYSU P’ACHA: s.(tex) long dress with train
- K’UYTUCHIY: to ridicule
- K’UYTUY: adj. sullen; gloomy; moody; embarrassed; shy
- K’UYTUY: v.intr. to contract; to shorten; to cuddle up; to curl up; to squat
- K’UYU: adj.(col) violet; lilac
- K’UYU: s. wrapping
- KUYU KUYU: s.(top) name of a town, a valley and a district in Sandia province, Department of Puno (Peru); (Span.) Cuyo Cuyo
- KUYUCHIY: to move
- KUYULI: s.(bot) kind of palm tree
- K’UYURAY: to untwist
- KUYUY: s. movement
- KUYUY: to move
- KUYUY: to move
- KUYUY: to twist ropes
- K’UYUY: to twist a thread or cord; to twist thread or rope; to pack
- KUYUYKACHAY: v.intr. to stagger
- KUYWIY: v.intr. to whistle
- KWERPO; CUERPO: s.(esp) body
- L: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- LA MAR; LA MAR QOCHA; LAMARQOCHA: s.(esp) sea; ocean
- LABIO: s.(ana)(esp) lip
- LACHIWA: s.(mik) honey
- LACHIWA: s.(zoo) bee; wasp; black bee-like insect that carries honey; honey
- LACHIWANA: s. beehive; honeycomb
- LAKAWITI; LAKAWETE: s.(bot) kind of pumpkin
- LAMPA: s.(agr) shovel; hoe; mattock; shovel-faced hoe
- LAMPIY: to lick
- LANLAKU: s. bad gost; athlete
- LANQ’E: s. sandal
- LAPHI: s.(ana) thigh; thigh muscle
- LAQ’AKUY: to fall to all one’s length
- LAQ’AY: to slap; to give slaps; to slap in the face; to throw mud on the wall; to throw anything muddy on the earth
- LAQHA: adj. dark; shady; dark
- LAQHAYAQ: s. darkness
- LAQHAYAY: v.impers. to darken; to get dark; to darken
- LAQMU: adj. toothless
- LAQO: s.(bot) alga; kind of alga living in stagnant water
- LAQ’O: s. joke; swindle
- LAQOLLA: s.(ana) diaphragma; cape
- LARANHA: adj.(l.esp) orange
- LARPA: s.(med)(aym) illness suffered by infants, with symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss (thought to be caused by a pregnant woman viewing a human corpse or dead animal, or by the quality of a mother’s breast milk)
- LARPA ÑUÑUYUQ: s.(med)(p.aym) woman with an intrinsic (supposed) quality of her breast milk, thought to be one of the causes of larpa in breast-feeding infants
- LAS NUYWI: adv.t.(esp) nine o’clock
- LAST’A: adj. plain; plane; flat
- LAST’A: s. flat, extended lamina
- LAST’AY: to widen; to make wider
- LATA: s.(esp) tin (metal plate); tin (can)
- LAT’AQ WAWA: s.(fam) child beginning to crawl
- LAT’AQCHA: s.(fam) child beginning to crawl
- LAT’ARIY: s. beginning of crawling (child)
- LAT’AY: to walk slowly; to crawl
- LAT’U: s. just born; very tender
- LAW; LARU; LADU: s.(esp) side
- LAWA: s. thick soup; type of thick soup; sauce; sauce; soup
- LAWRASHAQ: s.a. burning (flamming)
- LAYQA: s. wizard; witch; sorcerer
- LAYQAKUY: to bewitch
- LAYQASQA: p.p.p. bewitched
- LAYQAY: to bewitch; to practice witchcraft
- LENQ’O: s. ball; something round
- LEQHE: adj. overcooked; rotten; having leprosy
- LERQ’O: s. squinter; cross-eyed; one-eyed
- LERQ’OY: v.intr. to squint; to peep; to blink; to wink
- LIBRO PIRWA: s.(p.esp) bookcase
- LIBROCHAPASQA: s.(neo) reedition
- LIBROCHASQA: s.(neo) edition
- LICHI: s.(esp) milk
- LICHITA RANTIMUY!: expr. buy milk
- LIMA: s.(top) capital of Peru ( rimaq “speaker, river in Lima”)
- LIMA QOWI: s.(zoo) rabbit
- LIMA-LIMA: s.(bot) kind of tree
- LIMATANPU: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Limatambo (amphitheatre of conversation)
- LIMBU: s.(mit)(esp) the souls of unbaptized babies trapped on earth; usually referring to the souls of unwanted babies who have been killed by their mothers
- LIMBU WAYRA: s.(med) illness caused when a person’s body is invaded by the soul or essence of a limbu (dead unbaptized baby)
- LINRI: s.(myk) tripe fungus; jew’s ear
- LINUN KRUS: s.(ast) Wooden Cross or Crucifixion Cross (Linun=Lat. Lignum): head of Scorpio (provenience: Misminay)
- LIRPUKUY: to admire
- LISINSIYAYKIMANTA: expr.(p.esp) mit deiner Erlaubnis
- LIW IMAPAS: s. anything
- LIWI; RIWI: s. South American hunting weapon; slingshot; three ropes tied together with balls at their ends used as weapon, thrown to hunt animals, formerly also in warfare to tie the enemies’ legs together
- LIWITAKA: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Ch’umpiwillka (Peru); (Span.) Livitaca
- LIWRO CHIPACHINA: s.(p.esp) book printing
- LIWRU; LIBRO: s.(esp) book
- LIYIY: to read
- LL: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -LLA: [modesty]
- -LLA: only; just
- LLACHA: s. scratch
- LLACHAPA: s. rag; cloth
- LLACHI: s. fiction
- LLACHIY: to imaginate
- LLACHU: s.(bot) kind of water plant
- LLAKATU: s.(zoo)(1) snail; slug
- LLAKHUN: s.(bot) yacuma; certain tuber plant
- LLAKI: s. sorrow; grief; disgrace; problem; accident; pain; suffering
- LLAKICHIY: to make sad; to worry; to harm; to mistreat; to torture; to punish
- LLAKIKUQ: s.a. gloomy; dejected
- LLAKIKUY: s. melancholy; depression; sadness; depression (cause of illness and death)
- LLAKIKUY: v.intr. to become sad; to worry; to feel bad
- LLAKIMANA: adj. afflicted; sorrowful
- LLAKIPAKUY: v.intr. to despair; to groan; to moan; to sigh
- LLAKIPAYAY: to pity
- LLAKISQA: p.p.p. sad
- LLAKIY: s. sadness; afflixion; suffering; sorrow; affliction; sorrow
- LLAKIY: v.intr. to be sad; to suffer
- LLAKLLARIY; LLAQLLARIY: v.intr. to be cautious; to be concerned; to worry; to be apprehensive
- LLAKLLAY: to feel; to sense
- LLALLINAKUY: v.recip. to compete
- LLALLIPAY: to conquer
- LLALLIY: to win; to defeat; to beat; to conquer; to compete
- LLALLIYNIYOQ: s.p. victorious
- LLAMA: s.(ast) Llama (constellation), a dark spot in the Milky Way (Mayu), formed by dark interstellar space
- LLAMA: s.(zoo) llama; camel-like animal; sheep
- LLAMA HINA KUNKASAPA: adj.(k) long-necked like a llama
- LLAMA KANCHA: s.(ast) Llama corral (constellation of 56 stars, provenience: Misminay)
- LLAMA ÑAWI: s.(tex) tiny diamonds common on little bands; twenty-four-strand braid with concentric diamonds
- LLAMA ÑAWI; LLAMAQ ÑAWIN: s.(ast) alpha and beta Centauri; Eyes of the Llama (two stars in the Llama, which is a large Dark Cloud constellation in the Milky Way): alpha and beta Centauri (provenience: Misminay, Yucay, Sonqo, Lucre, Quispihuara)
- LLAMAKUNATA IPURUWAY: to lasso many llamas
- LLAMIY: s. sensation
- LLAMIY: to touch; to taste; to try; to feel (with hand); to sense
- LLANK’ANA: s. tool; work to be done; job
- LLANK’AQ: s.a. worker
- LLANK’AQ MAQTA: s.(fam) boy, 14 to 16 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: handling of plough and oxen, beginning of love relations)
- LLANK’AQ MASI: s. worker
- LLANK’ASUNCHIS: expr. wir werden arbeiten
- LLANK’AY; LLAMK’AY; LLANKAY: s. work; labor; the power of the body; industriousness; the power of physical work; a category of work that involves hard, physical labor, as in mining and agricultural work
- LLANK’AY; LLANKAY: to work; to work at; to handle; to cultivate
- LLANKHUY: to feel; to touch without looking; to grope in the dark
- LLANK’I: s. clay
- LLANLLAY: to renew; to revive
- LLANP’U; LLAMP’U: adj. soft; tender; smooth; flat; soft
- LLANP’UYACHIY: to make soft; to soften; to straighten; to polish
- LLANQA: adv.preadj.(col) more intensive and vivid tone of the same colour
- LLANQA PANTI: adj.(col) flesh-coloured; orange; crimson; deep red
- LLANQA PATA: s.(tex) shirt of very fine and intensive colours
- LLANQA PUKA: adj.(col) crimson; deep red
- LLANQA YANA: adj.(col) jet-black; pitch-black; black as pitch
- LLANT’A: s. fire wood; firewood
- LLANT’A KURU: s.(zoo) Phasmid; stick insect; walking stick
- LLANTAN: s.(bot)(esp) plantain
- LLANT’AQ: s.a. logger
- LLANT’AY: to cut wood; to chop wood
- LLANTHU: s. shadow; shade
- LLANTHUCHAY: beschatten
- LLANTHUY: to shadow; to shade
- LLANTHUYAY: v.impers. to cloud over
- LLANTO: s.(spi)(his) gifts or greetings to the wak’as and apachiqtas
- LLANTU: s.(tex) turban-like headband; headband; turban
- -LLAÑA: very
- LLAÑU P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress of very thin yarn
- LLAÑUY; LLAÑU: adj. thin (long, cylindric things); narrow; pointed
- LLAPA: postpos. all
- LLAPA: adj.pron. all; whole
- LLAPAATIQ: adj. almighty
- LLAPAN: adj. universal
- LLAPAN: pron.indef. all; everything; everyone; everybody
- LLAPANCHIS; LLIPINCHIS: pron.indef. all of us
- LLAPANKICHIS; LLIPINKICHIS: pron.indef. all of you
- LLAPANKU; LLIPINKU: pron.indef. all of them
- -LLAPAS: at least (even just)
- LLAPHI: adj. lukewarm
- LLAP’I: s. nightmare
- LLAPSA: adj. thin (flat things)
- LLAQ: s.(2) verdure; greenery
- LLAQA CHUKI: s.(mil) lance with feather tassels
- LLAQE: s.(bot) cow’s tongue; plant used to dye green
- LLAQLLAQ: s.adj. carpenter
- LLAQLLAY: to carve wood; to whittle; to sand down and shape; to carve
- LLAQOLLA; YAQOLLA; YAQOLLQA: s.(tex) cloak; cape; cape for men; man’s cloak; man’s mantle; man’s mantle worn in pre-columbian times and through 19th century, presently said to be worn by women
- LLAQOLLAY: to cover with a cape
- LLAQPIY: s. beginning of crawling
- LLAQTA: s. town; city; village; country; place; people; community; community (build); city; father land; nation; country; community
- LLAQTA AMACHAQ: s.(pol) ombudsman
- LLAQTA APU: s.(mit) a medium-sized tutelary mountain spirit related with the second level of the andean path
- LLAQTA AYLLU: s.(pol) district capital; town
- LLAQTA AYLLU: s.(top) the town; local name for the District capital of Cuyo Cuyo (El pueblo in Spanish)
- LLAQTA KAMAYOQ: s.(his) second in command; executive; deputy
- LLAQTA WASI: s. house in the city
- LLAQTACHAKUY: v. to be nationalized
- LLAQTAMANTA QARQUY: to banish; to exile; to expel
- LLAQTAMASI: s. fellow citizen; compatriot; fellow-countryman
- LLAQTANTIN; LLAQTANTIN RUNA: s. people as a whole; union of peoples
- LLAQTAQ KAMACHIYNIN; LLAQTAQ KAMAYNIN: s.(pol) people’s power; democracy
- LLAQTAQ KAYNIN: s.(pol) public property
- LLAQTARUNA; LLAQTA RUNA: s. common people
- LLAQTAYOQ: s.p. resident; native; original inhabitant; indigenous; native citizen
- LLAQTAYOQ RUNA: s. common people
- LLAQWA: s. piquant sauce; hot sauce
- LLAQWAQ: adj. lickspittle
- LLAQWAY: to lick; to taste; to try (food)
- LLASA: adj. heavy
- LLASA: s.(fis) weight; gravity
- LLASAQ: adj. heavy; enough; much; numerous; plenty; clumsy; awkward
- LLASAQTA RIMAQ: s.a. who talks in a complicated way
- LLASAY: to weigh (to have weight); to weigh
- LLATAN: adj. naked
- LLATAN: s. nakedness; nudity
- LLATANAKUY: v.intr. to put off naked
- LLATANAKUY UNKUTA: to put off one’s shirt
- LLAT’ANAY: to dispossess
- LLAT’ANAY; LLATANAY: to put off naked
- -LLATAQ: also
- LLAT’AY: to undress completely (negative connotation of complete poverty); to crawl
- LLAWCH’I: adj. weak; underfed
- LLAWLLI: s.(bot) kind of spiny shrub with red or white flowers
- LLAWQ’A: s.(zoo) earth worm
- LLAWSA: s. saver; slime; spit; mucus; drool; saliva; slobber
- LLAWSA SURU: adj. slimy
- LLAWSAY: v.intr. to slaver; to secrete slime
- LLAWT’U; LLAYTU: s.(tex) tassel of status (incan); crown; wreath; head band; head band worn by men
- LLAWT’ULLIKUY: to put on a headband
- LLEQTI: adj. hot
- LLEQTI ONQOY; LLEQTHI ONQOY: s.(med) leprosy
- LLIKA: s.(tex) web; net; cobweb; spider’s web; fishing net; cloth (web-like transparent); bag weaved with plant fibres; membrane
- LLIKA-LLIKA: adj. badly woven; loose (tissue); thin (tissue)
- LLIKA-LLIKA AWASQA: s.(tex) loose, badly woven tissue; woven web
- LLIKA-LLIKA P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress of very loose, thin cloth
- LLIKA-LLIKA P’ACHAM: expr. the loose dress is transparent
- LLIKA-LLIKATA AWAY: to weave loose or thin cloth
- LLIKAWIRA: s.(ana) protective body fat; peritoneum
- LLIK’I: s. patch; rag
- LLIK’I SIMI: adj.(k) braggart
- LLIK’IY: v.intr. to wear out (clothes); to tear (flexible things)
- LLIK’IY: to beat into parts; to destroy; to break; to claw; to rip; to tear; to tear (not break); to fractionate
- LLIKLLA: s.(tex) women’s shoulder scarf; woven cape for women with elaborate border; shawl; a small rectangular cloth woven from alpaca and used to to wrap the andean priests collection of power objects (the mesa); colorful, handwoven mantle used by women to keep warm and to carry loads; women’s rectangular cloak; manta; carrying shawl; shoulder-wrap
- LLIKLLAKUY: v.intr. to put on one’s scarf
- LLIKLLALLICHIY: to make someone put on a scarf
- LLIKLLALLIKUY: to put on one’s scarf
- LLILLI: s. milk
- LLILLI: s.(med) dermatitis; ulcer; diaper rash
- LLILLITA RANTIMUY!: expr. buy milk
- LLIMP’A: adj. full
- LLIMPHIY; LLIMP’IY: to paint; to color; to colour
- LLIMP’ISQA: s. painting
- LLIMP’ISQA QERO: s. cup (of wood) painted with all kinds of colours
- LLINK’I: s. clay; residue; filtrate; prepared clay
- LLINK’U: s. curve
- LLINP’AY; LLIMP’AY: v.cop. to abound
- LLINP’AY; LLIMP’AY: to fill
- LLINPHI; LLINP’I; LLIMPHI; LLIMP’I: s. colour; color
- LLINPHI; LLINP’I; LLIMPHI; LLIMP’I: s.(2) painting
- LLINPHIY: v.intr. to shine
- LLINP’IKUNA; LLIMP’IKUNA: s. painting; colors; colours
- LLINP’IKUY; LLIMP’IKUY: v.intr. to paint oneself; to paint one’s face; to make up oneself
- LLIPHCH’I: s. pinch; snip
- LLIPHCH’IY: to pinch; to snip off with the fingernails; to pinch; to nip
- LLIPHIPIY: v.intr. to shine
- LLIPHLLI: s. brilliance (reflected); brilliancy (reflected); flash
- LLIPHLLIY: s. to shine; to glance; to gleam; to glow
- LLIPHLLIY: v.intr. to flash; to twinkle
- LLIPI: s.(ana) lid; eyelid
- LLIPIPIPIQ: adj. new thing; new dress; fresh fruit; things of silk, gold and silver; well treated; well cleaned; well folded; suitable
- LLIPIPIPIQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) glittering dress
- LLIPIPIPIQ Q’AYTU: s.(tex) silk thread
- LLIPIPIPIQKAMA (LLIPIYAQKAMA) PURIQ: s.(tex) person, dressed with new glittering clothes of silk with gold or silver
- LLIPIQ-LLIPIQ: s.a. new thing; new dress; fresh fruit; things of silk, gold and silver; well treated; well cleaned; well folded; suitable
- LLIP’IY: to remove hairs from leather
- LLIPIYAQ: s.a. new thing; new dress; fresh fruit; things of silk, gold and silver; well treated; well cleaned; well folded; suitable
- LLIPIYAQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) glittering dress
- LLIPIYAQ P’ULLU-P’ULLU: s.(tex) velvet
- LLIPT’A; LLIFT’A; LLIKT’A; LLIPHT’A: s. lye; condiment for coca; substance made from vegetable placed in the mouth when chewing coca leaves (it causes the release of the cocaine drug); ash and lime; ball of vegetable ash, especially quinoa or qañiwa, placed in the mouth when chewing coca to release the coca’s alkaloids
- LLIW …-MANTA ASWAN: expr. most
- LLIW …-MANTA ASWAN …: expr. [Superlative]; most …; …-st
- LLIW MAKIWAN; LLIW MAKI: adv.t. attentively
- LLIW; LLUY: adj. all; entire; conjoin
- LLIWA: s.(bot) kind of grass
- LLIWLLA; LLUYLLA: pron.indef. absolutely everybody
- LLIWMANTA ASWAN: expr. most
- LLIWMANTA ASWAN …: expr. [Superlative]; most …; …-st
- LLONA: num.c. thousand million; billion (109)
- LLOQ’AQ WAMRA: s.(fam) child, 1 to 2 years old (meaning in Inka times); child who crawls – his/her education is done exclusively by his/her mother
- LLOQ’AQ WARMI WAWA: s.(fam) girl, 1 to 2 years old (meaning in Inka times); girl who crawls – her education is done exclusively by her mother
- LLOQ’AQ WAWA: s.(fam) boy, 1 to 2 years old (meaning in Inka times); boy who crawls – his education is done exclusively by his mother
- LLOQ’E: adj. left
- LLOQ’E: s.(bot) kind of tree
- LLOQ’E: s.(tex) left-spun yarn; left-spun (wool) yarn; yarn twisted in direction opposite to normal, imbued with magic qualities
- LLOQ’E MAKI: s.(ana) left hand
- LLOQ’E SORQ’AN: s.(ana) left lung
- LLOQ’E YUPANKI: s.(per) the third Inka ruler
- LLOQ’E; LLOQE: s. left hand; left-hand side of the path; relates to the magical knowledge or application of spiritual knowledge in the physical world; healing, magic, therapy, remedies, all are considered gifts of the left-hand side of the path; the complement is pana, or right-hand knowledge (see paña)
- LLOQ’E; UPA: adv.l. left; left (hand side)
- LLOQ’E-LLOQ’ELLAM CHOQAY: to miss; to throw and miss
- LLOQ’EMAN Q’ESWAY: to spin left
- LLOQ’EMKAY: to miss; to shoot and miss; to throw and miss
- LLOQ’ENCHU: adj. left-handed
- LLOQ’EÑEQMAN: adv.l. to the left
- LLOQ’EÑEQPI: adv.l. on the left side
- LLOQ’ESUYU AWASQA: p.p.p. left-woven (tissue)
- LLOQHAQ: s.a. climber
- LLOQHAY: to climb; to go up; to ascend; to creep; to crawl; to mount; to ride; to copulate
- LLOQHE: adj. brittle
- LLOQLLA: s. landslide; alluvion; flood
- LLOQSEQ: s.a. rising; going out
- LLOQSI: s. mandat; departure; escape
- LLOQSICHIY: to take out
- LLOQSIMUY: to appear here
- LLOQSINA: s. exit
- LLOQSIPUY: v.intr. to leave; to exit
- LLOQSIY: to rise; to come out; to go out; to leave; to depart
- LLOQSIY: to rise; to come out; to go out; to leave; to depart
- LLUCHA: s.(aym) organ displacement caused by abrupt movements or vibrations
- LLUCH’I: adj. naked; nude; very poor
- LLUCH’I: s.(1) skinning
- LLUCH’IY: to skin; to flay; to strip; to disrobe
- LLUK’IY: to take under the armpit; to bribe; to carry; to carry under one’s arm; to carry under the armpit
- LLUKLLU: adj. rotten
- LLUKLLU: s. rotten egg
- LLUKLLUY: v.intr. to coagulate
- LLUKU: s. net; net used with pack animals for carrying straw; fishing net; net to catch viscachas, guinea pigs or rabbits
- LLUKULLA: adv.m. quickly; fast
- LLUKUY: to catch viscachas, guinea pigs or rabbits with a net
- LLULLA: adj. untrue; untruthful; false; deceptive; lying; mendacious; deceitful
- LLULLA: s. lie; liar; falsehood; deceit
- LLULLAKUY: s. falsehood; lie
- LLULLAKUY: v.intr.(1) to lie
- LLULLAY: to lie; to tell someone lies
- LLULLAY: to lie; to tell someone lies
- LLULLAYKUQ: s. consoler
- LLULLAYKUY: s. consolation
- LLULLAYKUY: to console
- LLULLU: adj. unripe; young; tender; not yet ripe; green; immature; not ripe; not full grown
- LLULLU KILLA: s.(ast) waxing moon; crescent moon
- LLULLU WAMRA: s.(fam) child, 1 to 5 years old (meaning in Inka times); child who already plays and explores his/her immediate environment
- LLULLU WARMI WAWA: s.(fam) girl, 1 to 5 months old (meaning in Inka times); breast-fed child, recently born, in the cradle
- LLULLU WAWA: s.(fam) infant, from new-born until two years; child, 0 to 2 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: learning of speech, crawling, ability to stand up and walk); boy, 1 to 5 months old (meaning in Inka times); breast-fed child, recently born, in the cradle
- LLULLUYAY: v.intr. to become tender
- LLUMP’A: s.(fam) virgin
- LLUMPAQ: s. virgin
- LLUMPAQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) clean dress
- LLUMPAQ P’ACHAYOQ: s.p. clean-dressed
- LLUMPAY: s. bashfulness; shyness
- LLUMP’AY: s. dignity; modesty; purity
- LLUMP’AY: v.intr. to be clean; to shine; to be worthy
- LLUMPAYCHAY: to purify
- LLUMPAYLLA: s. honor
- LLUMPAYWAN: adv.m. respectfully
- LLUNK’U: s. flatterer; bootlicker; intrigant; party crasher; flatterer
- LLUNK’UPAYAY: to butter-up (slang); to compliment; to court (flatter); to flatter
- LLUNK’UQ: adj. licker
- LLUNK’UY: to lick; to clean with the tongue; to flatter; to clean the plate and lick the fingers
- LLUNP’AQ; LLUMP’AQ: adj. clean; worthy; innocent; pure; hygienic; righteous; dignified
- LLUPIKUY: to tear the wool off and leave the leather bald; to unhair
- LLUQIRIKUQ MAKI: s. thief who steals everything
- LLUSI: s. anointing
- LLUSINA HAMPI: s. medical ointment
- LLUSIY: to paint; to apply ointment or grease
- LLUSK’A; LLUSKHA: adj. slippy; smooth
- LLUSK’AY; LLUSKHAY: to slip; to slide; to glide; to slip
- LLUSP’IY: to slip out of the hands
- LLUSP’IYACHIY; LLUSP’AYACHIY: to smooth; to polish; to polish
- LLUSTIKUY UNKUTA: to put off a shirt
- LLUT’ASQA: p.p.p. filled; covered over; obstructed
- LLUT’AY: to fill; to cover over; to plaster; to throw mud on the wall; to seal
- LLUTHA; LLUTHU: s.(bot) kind of tree
- LLUTHU: s.(ana) external ear
- LLUTHU; YUTHU: s.(zoo) South American partridge; tinamu; partridge; pheasant
- LLUY; LLIW: adj. universal
- LLUY; LLIW: pron.indef. all; every; everybody; everyone; everything
- LONQ’O: adj. chubby; spherical
- LOQHEYAY: s. fury; wrath
- LOQIKA: s.(esp) logic
- LOQ’O: s.(2) hollow; depression (of an area)
- LOQSO: adj. bald
- LORAYPU: s.(tex) diamond shape (pallay motif in weaving)
- LUKRI: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Qispiqanchi (Peru); (Span.) Lucre
- LULUY: to caress; to stroke
- LUMP’U: s.(1) ball; sphere; circle; something round
- LUNI: s. point; topic
- LUNLA; LONLA: s.(k) mad woman
- LUNTATA: adv.m. crazily
- LUQHI: adj. useless; worthless
- LURASNU; DURASNU: s.(bot)(esp) peach
- LUSIRU: s.(ast)(esp) morning star; Venus; star
- LUTI: s. insult; offense
- LUTIY: to insult; to offend; to offend; to accuse (unjustly)
- LUYCHU; LUYCH’U: s.(zoo) deer; roe
- LUYLU: adj. clean
- M: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -MÁ: [surprise]
- MACHA: s. drunkenness
- MACHA MACHA: s.(bot) machamacha (big, fern-like plant of the cold and humid regions, has fruits similar to the black grape, hallucinatory and nauseating, poisonous after eating it excessively)
- MACHAQ: s. drinker
- MACH’AQWAY: s.(ast)(2) Serpent (Andean constellation), a dark spot in the Milky Way (Mayu), formed by dark interstellar space
- MACH’AQWAY: s.(zoo) snake; serpent
- MACHASQA: p.p.p. drunk
- MACHAY: s. drunkenness
- MACHAY: v.intr. to get drunk
- MACH’AY: s. cave; niche
- MACHAY TANPU: s. pub; bar; saloon
- MACH’IN: s.(ana) upper arm
- MACHINA: s. cube; die; dice
- MACHU: adj. old (man); ancient; old (male)
- MACHU: s. old man
- MACHU: s.(mit) evil; spirit; ambiguously good and evil ancestor spirits who inhabit the night-time world. They and their remains, ancient burials and bones, are feared as a source of illness. Conversely, their night-time tilling of the fields is thought to ensure success in agriculture
- MACHU ALLQO: s.(k) useless man
- MACHU KAY: s.(1) age
- MACHU MACH’AY: s. cave
- MACHU RUNA: s. old man
- MACHU WAYRA: s.(med) illness caused when a person’s body is invaded by the bone, or essence of a machu (spirit of an ancestor)
- MACHULA: s.(fam) grandfather; ancestor
- MACHULA; MACHALA: adj. old; old (male)
- MACHULLAY: s. grandfather (address)
- MACHUPIKCHU: s.(top) Incan town in present Department of Qosqo, province of Urupampa (Peru), probably the historical Willkawaman of Willkapampa; (Span.) Machu Picchu
- MACHUYAY: v.intr. to age (man); to become old (man)
- MADRE: s.(med)(esp) lower back, digestive tract, urinary tract, and reproductive organs of a woman (Spanish, “mother” or “womb”), and symptoms in this area (analogous to riñón in men)
- MADRE ONQOY: s.(p.esp) womb sickness
- MAHU MANSANA: s.(bot) kind of tree
- MAKA: s.(bot) kind of radish-like plant used as food crop and medicinal plant; pepperweed
- MAK’A: s. chest and arms; arms and chest
- MAK’A TULLU: s.(ana) humerus
- MAK’AS: s. ceramic jar
- MAKI: s.(ana) hand; arm; hand and arm below elbow; an extension carrying an active part
- MAKI LLUK’IY: v.intr. to cross one’s arms
- MAKI MOQO: s.(ana) wrist; elbow; fist
- MAKI PANPA: s.(ana) palm (of the hand)
- MAKI T’AQLLA; MAKI T’AKLLA: s.(ana) palm (of the hand)
- MAKI TULLUKUNA: s.(ana) hand bones
- MAKIKUKUCHU: s.(ana) elbow
- MAKILLAÑA: adv.m. eagerly
- MAKI-MAKI: s.(bot) kind of shrub with hand-like leaves
- MAKI-MAKI: s.(tex) pallay motif in weaving (a whorl of arm and fist-like forms)
- MAKIPURA: adv.m. in equal conditions; on delivery
- MAKIPURA: s. direct trade; direct commerce; labor provided by renters to hacendados on a monthly basis in exchange for a small wage
- MAKISAPA: s.(zoo) spider monkey; white-bellied spider monkey
- MAKIYOQ: adj. pickpocket
- MALLI: s. sample to be tasted
- MALLICHIY: to make try
- MALLISQA: p.p.p. tried
- MALLIY: to try; to sample; to taste
- MALLKI; MALKI: s.(bot) tree; shrub; bush; plant; fruit tree; cultivated plant
- MALLKIY: to plant
- MALLKU: s.(spi) male priest/shamans of the 5th level; those who can heal anyone anytime and every time with only one touch
- MALLQO; MALLKU: s.(bot) bitter potato
- MALLULLU: s.(myk) tripe fungus; jew’s ear
- MALLUNWA: s.(bot) dodder (parasitic plant)
- MALOGRADO: s.(med)(esp) spoiled; ruined; malfunctioning; body damaged by hard work or childbirth, susceptible to illness
- MALOGRAPUY: v.intr.(esp) to break down
- MALQO: s.(zoo) chick; young bird; young animal
- MALQOCHIY: to bring up chicken
- MALTA: adj. medium; young; young but not too young; young (boy, man); adolescent; young or not fully grown; yearling llama of either sex; young (male); young (female)
- MAMA: s.(fam) mother; madam
- MAMA: s.(mat) matrix
- MAMA MAYU: s.(top) river in Lima; (Span.) Rímac
- MAMA OQLLO: s.(per) sister and wife of the first Inka ruler, Manqu Qhapaq
- MAMA QOCHA: s.(geo) sea; ocean
- MAMA QOCHA: s.(mit) female spirit of the great ocean, water; mother of all waters
- MAMA RAWA OQLLO: s.(per) wife of Wayna Qhapaq and mother of Waskar
- MAMA RUK’ANA: s.(ana) thumb
- MAMAKU: s. grandmother
- MAMAN CHUMPI; MAMANCHUMPI: s.(tex) short, wide, thick belt worn next to acsu, under chumpi
- MAMAN MUQUQ QUYLLUR: s.(mit)(his) star that watched and punished everyone committing the crime of incest with parents
- MAMANA: s.(ast) Celestial Woman (constellation); Virgo (constellation)
- MAMANTA MIKHUQ: s.(ast) Eater of his mother (the one who eats his mother, a zig-zag line of stars near the mouth of the Dark Cloud Serpent or Mach’aqway): pi, sigma, nu, tau Puppis (provenience: Misminay)
- MAMATAYTA: s. parents
- MAMÁY!: expr. Madam!; Ma’am!; My lady!
- -MAN: [DATIVE]; for; to
- -MAN: [conditional]; would …
- -MAN KUTIRIKUY: v.intr. to become again
- -MAN TUKUCHIY: v.intr. to become
- -MAN TUMPAY: to blame for
- MANA: adv.neg. no; not
- MANA …-CHU: expr. [Negation indicative]
- MANA ALLI SUPAY: s.(ant) bad angel
- MANA ALLIN: adj. bad
- MANA ALLIN KAMARISQA: p.p.p. chaotic
- MANA ALLIN KAMARISQATA: adv.m. chaotically
- MANA ALLIN PURIY: v.intr. to behave badly
- MANA CHANIN: adj. absurd
- MANA CHEQAQ: adj. false; untrue
- MANA CH’OQRINTA YUPAYCHAQ: s.a. who does not feel his wounds; who does not feel pain
- MANA HAYK’AQPAS: adv.t. never
- MANA IMAPAS: pron.indef. nothing
- MANA IMATAPAS: s. nothing
- MANA IMAYOQ: adj. empty
- MANA IMAYOQ: s.p. poor
- MANA ISKAYANA: adv.m. indubitably; doubtlessly; undoubtedly
- MANA ISKAYASPA: adv.m. indubitably; doubtlessly; undoubtedly
- MANA KASUKUQ: s.a. disobedient
- MANA KUYUQ: s.p. fixed
- MANA LLASAQ: adj. light (not heavy)
- MANA MANCHAKUQ: adj. confident
- MANA MAT’I: adj. badly woven; loose (tissue); thin (tissue)
- MANA MAT’ISQA: p.p.p. badly woven; loose (tissue); thin (tissue)
- MANA MAYPIPAS: adv.l. nowhere
- MANA MIKHUNAYAY: s.(med) anorexia
- MANA MISK’I: adj. bitter
- MANA P’ACHAYOQ: adj. naked; hardly dressed
- MANA P’ENQAKUQ RUNA: s. beggar
- MANA P’ENQAYNIYOQ: s.p. outrageus; impertinent
- MANA PINIYOQ: adj. alone; companionless
- MANA PIPAS: pron.indef. nobody; no one; no-one
- MANA P’ITIQ: adj. continuous
- MANA Q’ANRA: adj. clean
- MANA QANTISQA LLIPIWAQ Q’AYTU: s.(tex) thin silk; loose silk
- MANA QASIQ: adj. busy
- MANA REQSISQA: p.p.p. unknown
- MANA SONQOYUQ: expr.(k) unmerciful
- MANA THANIYTA: adv.m. ceaselessly
- MANA TUKUKUQ: adj. infinite
- MANA TUKUKUYNIYOQ: adj. constant
- MANA TUPUYOQ: s.p. infinite; endless; inaccessible; unreachable
- MANA WARAYOQ: adj. who wears no trousers
- MANA WARMIYOQ: s.p. bachelor; single man
- MANA WARMIYOQ RUNA: s. bachelor
- MANACH: adv.m. perhaps not; maybe not; possibly not
- MANACHA: adj. negative
- MANACHU?: do not …?; does not …?
- MANAM HAP’INICHU: expr. I do not understand
- MANAM INTINDINICHU: expr.(p.esp) I do not understand
- MANAN; MANAM: adv.neg. no; not
- MANANCHAY: to deny; to excuse; to oppose
- MANAÑA: adv.m. no more
- MANAPUNI: adv.m. in no way; by no means; not at all; never
- MANAQARAKU: s.(zoo) kind of chicken-like bird of the Andes
- MANARAQ: adv.m. not yet; still not
- MANCHA: s. fear
- MANCHACHI: s.(mit) ghost
- MANCHACHIKU: s.(mit) ghost
- MANCHACHIKUQ: s.a. phantom
- MANCHACHIKUYNIYOQ: adj. awe-inspiring
- MANCHACHIY: to frighten; to intimidate; to horrify; to drive off; to make scared; to frighten; to threaten
- MANCHAKUQ: s.a. frightened; timid
- MANCHAKUY: adj. awe-inspiring; awesome; fearful
- MANCHAKUY: s. fear
- MANCHAKUY: to be afraid of; to fear
- MANCHANAN: adj. respectable
- MANCHARIKUY: s. ferocity
- MANCHARIKUY: v.intr. to be frightened; to be afraid; to fear
- MANCHARISQA: p.p.p. frightened
- MANCHAY: adj.(1) horrible; terrible
- MANCHAY: adv.preadj. very; too
- MANCHAY: s. fear; horror; panic; danger
- MANCHAY: to be afraid of; to fear
- MANCHAYNIYOQ: s.p. awe-inspiring; awesome; great authority
- MANCHAYRUNA: s.p. great authority
- MANKA: s. pan; pot; pot; cooking pot
- MANKA P’AKI: s.(bot) kind of boneset
- MANKHAY: to bore; to pierce; to perforate
- MANQO: s. base; basement; foundation wall
- MANQO: s.(zoo) ferret
- MANQOS WASI: s.(neo) church; temple
- MANQU QHAPAQ; MANKU QHAPAQ: s.(per)(1) the first Inka ruler (Manqu Qhapaq I), probably in the thirteenth century
- MANQU QHAPAQ; MANKU QHAPAQ: s.(per)(2) the first Inka ruler of Willkapampa (Manqu Qhapaq II, 1535-1344), enthroned by the Spaniards in Qosqo, resisted from 1536
- MANSANA: s.(bot)(esp) apple
- MANTA: s.(esp) blanket
- -MANTA: from; because
- -MANTA: from; since; because
- -MANTA ASWAN: expr. more than
- -MANTA ASWAN …: expr. -er than; [comparative]
- -MANTA ASWAN PISI: expr. less than
- -MANTA ASWAN PISI …: expr. less … than
- -MANTA HUNT’A: suf. full of
- -MANTA PISI: expr. less than
- -MANTA PISI …: expr. less … than
- -MANTAPACHA: since; since then; from there
- MANTARO: s.(top) river in Junín Department (Peru); Mantaro (river of fate or destiny)
- MANU: s. debt; debtor
- MANU KAY: s. obligation
- MANU SUWAKUQ: s.a. thief; who devotes oneself to stealing
- MANUCHAY: to demand; to claim; to reclaim; to exact
- MANUKUQ: s.a. debtor
- MANUQ: s. creditor
- MANUSQA: p.p.p. lent
- MANUY: s. loan
- MANUY: to lend money; to loan; to lend (when the equivalent of what is lent is returned; to not the thing lent); to lend
- MANUYPI MAÑAY: to borrow
- MAÑAKA: s. melting pot
- MAÑAKUQ: s.a. beggar
- MAÑAKUY: to request; to ask; to lend; to borrow (the thing lent is returned); to pray
- MAÑANKUY: to beseech
- MAÑAPAKUQ: s.a. beggar; craver
- MAÑAPAKUY: to beg; to crave
- MAÑAPAYAY: to demand; to claim
- MAÑARIY: to entreat; to beseech
- MAÑAY: to request; to demand; to ask for; to pray
- MAPA: s. wax
- MAP’A: adj. dirty; awful; bad; terrible; vulgar
- MAP’A: s. dirt; dregs; sediment
- MAPA MAMA: s.(zoo) bee
- MAP’ACHAKUY: v.intr. to get dirty
- MAP’ACHASQA: p.p.p. contaminated; contaminated (morally)
- MAP’ACHAY: to make dirty; to dishonor; to contaminate; to corrupt
- MAPAS: adv.m. definitely; certainly
- MAPAS!: interj. You will see!
- MAP’AYAKUY: to become corrupted
- MAP’AYAPUY: s. immorality
- MAP’AYAPUY: to become corrupted
- MAQ’ALLIY: to embrace; to hug
- MAQANA: s. club; bludgeon
- MAQANAKUY: s. argument; fight; combat; war; battle
- MAQANAKUY: v.recip. to argue; to discuss; to fight; to battle; to combat; to fight one another; to hit one another
- MAQASQA: p.p.p. beaten
- MAQAY: to beat; to box; to hit
- MAQCHIKUY: v.intr. to wash oneself
- MAQLLA: adj. miserly; mean; stingy; miserable
- MAQMA: adj. wide
- MAQMA: s. jar; vat
- MAQTA: s.(ana) thorax
- MAQT’A: adj. adolescent; young (male)
- MAQT’A; MAQTA: s.(fam) young person; teenager; servant; adolescent; young bachelor; boy; bachelor; adolescent boy; young man; school boy (seven years and older); boy, 7 to 13 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: participation in field work and cattle rearing); boy, 12 to 18 years old (meaning in Inka times); lads who grazed the cattle, hunted, helped sowing and went to serve the kurakas
- MAQTILLU: s. boy; adolescent boy; young man
- MARAN: s. mortar (for grinding); flat rock used in grinding (its ground upon); grinding stone (base)
- MARANKIRU: s.(ana) molar
- MARAS: s.(top) village in the Department of Qosqo, province of Urupampa (Peru); (Span.) Maras
- MARKA: s.(1) people; land; homeland; town; city; village; community
- MARKA: s.(2) protector; defender; lawyer
- MARKA: s.(3) storehouse; storage
- MARKAQERAR: s.(mil) big shield; captain’s shield
- MARKHU: s.(bot) kind of herb
- MARQ’A: s.(ana) arm
- MARQ’A: s.(uni) armful
- MARQ’ARIKUY: to embrace
- MARQ’ASQA: p.p.p. godchild
- MARQ’ASQA: s. godchild
- MARQ’ASQAY BAWTISMOPI: expr. my godchild
- MARQ’AY: to embrace; to carry in one’s arms; to carry in the arms; to carry a thing between the arms
- MARQHU: s.(bot) kind of herb
- MARU: s. plane wood; slice of a tree trunk
- MARU: s.(ass) tabulated list; table (list)
- MARU: s.(neo) instrument; instrument for breaking up clods of earth
- MARUY: to break up soil; to divide off beds
- MASA: s. pair; counterpart
- MASACHAKUY: s. matrimony
- MASANI: s.(fam) brother in law; sister in law
- MASI: adj.pron. equal
- MASI: s. comrade; colleague; friend; fellow; peer
- MASICHAKUY: s.(mit) the act of joining two similar energy bubbles (see yanachakuy)
- MASINTIN: s. pair of equal or similar persons or things; harmonious relationship between similar things; homologous
- MASKHAPAYCHA; MASKAPAYCHA; MASKAYPACHA: s.(his) the inca’s headband
- MASKHAQ: s. seeker; searcher; investigator
- MASKHAY WAYQ’OQTA: expr. look for the cook
- MASKHAY YANUQTA: expr. look for the cook
- MASKHAY; MASKAY: to look for; to search for; to seek; to seek
- MASKHAY; MASKAY: to look for; to search for; to seek; to investigate
- MAST’A: adj. wide; extended
- MAST’A: s. carpet; rug; blanket; stall (in a theatre)
- MAST’ANA: s.(tex) circular straw mat used a seat when working on horizontal loom
- MAST’ARIY: s. extension
- MAST’ARIY: to expand; to extend; to spread; to shed; to spray
- MAST’AY: to stretch; to tauten; to spread out; to extend
- MAST’AY: to tear down; to pull down; to knock down; to overturn
- MASU: s.(zoo) bat
- MASU TULLU: s.(ana) sphenoid bone
- MASWA: s.(bot) kind of tuber plant; mashua
- MATAPAY: adj. brown
- MATARA: s.(bot) kind of grass
- MAT’AY: to butcher
- MATE: s.(esp) infusion; herb tea; herbal tea, often medicinal
- MATE; MATI: s. small bowl
- MAT’E; MAT’I: s.(ana) forehead
- MATEQLLO: s.(bot) kind of plant
- MAT’EQLLU: s.(bot) kind of herb
- MATI: s.(bot) certain species of marrow (squash)
- MATI: s.(mik) breakfast
- MAT’I: adj. compressed
- MAT’I TULLU: s.(ana) frontal
- MATIKU: s.(bot)(1) pepper
- MATIKU: s.(bot) pepper
- MAT’INAKUY: v.recip. to press each other
- MAT’IPAYAY: to require; to adjust; to insist; to bring pressure to bear upon
- MAT’ISQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- MAT’IY: to lace; to tie; to compress; to tighten (belt); to oppress; to repress
- MAT’IY AWAYTA: to compress tissue
- MAT’U SIMI: s. barbarism (unwanted foreign word or structure in the language)
- MAT’U SIMIYOQ: s.p. who speaks improperly
- MAT’UY: to tell nonsense
- MAWK’A: adj. old; worn; spoiled; old (thing); worn out
- MAWK’A: s. old thing
- MAWK’A P’ACHA: s.(tex) worn-out clothes
- MAWK’A RIMAY: s. archaic language; archaism; old word
- MAWK’ACHIKUY: to let others spoil something
- MAWK’ACHIY: to wear out; to spoil
- MAWK’A-MAWK’A: adj. ragged; worn-out
- MAWK’A-MAWK’A: s. rag; rags
- MAWK’AYAY: v.intr. to be spoiled; to be worn; to become old; to be worn out (clothes)
- MAY?: Where?
- MAYCH’A: s.(bot) kind of shrub; arnica; plant with yellow flowers
- MAYK’A?; MAYQ’A?; MASHKA?: how much?; what quantity?; how many?
- MAYKUNAPI: adv.t. sometimes
- MAYLLIKUY: v.intr. to wash; to wash oneself
- MAYLLIY: to wash; to wash; to clean
- MAYMAN?: where? (to)
- MAYMANTA?: where from?
- MAYMANTAN?: where from?; from where?
- MAYNA?; MAY HINA?: how big?
- MAYNINPI: adv.l. wherever; anywhere
- MAYNINPI: adv.t. sometimes; from time to time
- MAYNINPI KAQ: adj. accidental
- MAYNINPI KAQ: s. accident
- MAYNINTA?: through what?; over what?
- MAYPACHACHUS: conj. when
- MAYPI KAY: s. place (where something is)
- MAYPI?; MAYPIN?: where?
- MAYPIN: conj. where
- MAYPIPAS: adv.l. everywhere; anywhere; somewhere
- MAYPITAQ?: where?
- MAYQEN: adj. any
- MAYQEN?: Which?
- MAYQENNIMPAS: pron.indef. anyone of them
- MAYRAQ: adv.t. early
- MAYTA QHAPAQ: s.(per) the fourth Inka ruler
- MAYTA?; MAYTAN?: where? (to)
- MAYT’U: s. armguard of leather; nappy; napkin; diaper; bandage; bunch; bundle
- MAYT’UNA: s.(tec) spool; reel; bobbin
- MAYT’UQ: s.a. surrounding
- MAYT’USQA: p.p.p. huddled; rolled up
- MAYT’UY: to roll up; to wrap; to fold; to roll; to tie up; to bind
- MAYU: s.(ast) Milky Way
- MAYU: s.(geo) river; stream; brook
- MAYU PURIY: s. current
- MAYUCHA: s. brook; stream
- MAYUCHULLA; MAYUCHHULLA: s.(zoo) kind of diving bird
- MAYUPATA: s. bank (of a river); shore
- MAYWAY: to win the heart of
- MAYWIY: v.intr. to swing; to vibrate
- MELQ’OTE; MELQ’OTI; MILQOY: s.(ana) alimentary canal
- MEQO: s. starch
- MESA: s.(spi)(esp) table of the paqo; collection of khuyas or power objects given by the teacher or nature spirits to the paqo (initiate); the mesa is a physical extension of the andean priests power and is used in almost all ceremonies; ceremonial table used in rituals and social events, laden with coca, alcohol, or foods to serve to supernatural beings or to the guests (Spanish “table” or “Mass”); Andean priest’s ritual power pack, filled with khuyas from his teachers and others close to him, and other objects
- MESA; MISA: s.(esp) table
- -MI: [personal knowledge]; [evidence]
- -MI/-N SUTIY: expr. My name is …
- MICH’A: adj. mean; miserly; stingy; greedy; poor; tight with money; greedy; stingy
- MICH’AKUY: to hinder
- MICHI: s.(zoo) cat; cat; also michi
- MICHIMICHI: s.(bot) kind of annual plant with lilac flowers
- MICHINA WARAQ’A: s. herding sling
- MICHIY: to graze; to pasture; to watch the herd of sheep; to graze; to shepherd
- MICHIY RUNATA: to govern
- MICH’U: s. mixture
- MICH’USQA: p.p.p. contaminated; contaminated (physically)
- MICH’UY: to mix
- MIHUNA: s. feeding trough; dish; bowl
- MIKHUCHIY: to nourish; to feed
- MIKHUKULLAÑA: adj. carnivorous
- MIKHUKUQ: s.a. savage; vicious
- MIKHUNA WASI: s. restaurant
- MIKHUNA WASIMAN HAYKUY: expr. go inside the restaurant
- MIKHUNA; MIHUNA: adj. eatable
- MIKHUNA; MIHUNA: s.(mik) food; meal
- MIKHUNATA QOWAY: expr. give me something to eat
- MIKHUPUKUQ, UPYAPUKUQ, KAYPI CHAYPI: s. bum who invites himself everywhere to eat and comes in without inviting the other
- MIKHUY; MIHUY: s.(mik) food; midday meal; lunch; diet; food; meal
- MIKHUY; MIHUY: to eat; to consume; to eat and digest living energy
- MIK’I: adj. moist; damp
- MIKIKIRAY: s.(ast) Instrument to dig irrigation ditches (constellation); Aquarius (constellation)
- MILLA: s. disgust; repulsion; aversion; nausea
- MILLA: s.(ana) instep
- MILLACHIKUY: v.intr. to suffer from repulsion
- MILLAKUY: adj. abominable; disgusting
- MILLAKUY: v.intr. to abominate
- MILLAKUY RUNA, MILLAY RUNA: s. badman; bad person
- MILLAPAKUY: s. aversion; disgust
- MILLAY: adj. bad; cruel; abominable; repugnant; dirty; disgusting; filthy; nauseating; ugly; nasty; hideous; disagreeable; evil
- MILLAY: v.intr. to feel disgust; to detest; to loathe; to be disgusted
- MILLAY KAWSAY: v.intr. to live a bad life
- MILLAY KAY: s. bad character
- MILLAYAY: v.intr. to be angry
- MILLAYKUY: v.intr. to abominate
- MILLAYMANA: adj. devilish
- MILLK’U: s.(bot) kind of herb
- MILLMA RUTHUY: v.intr. to clip hair
- MILLMA; MILLWA; MILMA: s. wool; down; wool; spinnable fleece
- MILLMAQ: . woollen; woolly; woolen; wooly
- MILLMASAPA QARA: s. woolly skin
- MILLMASAPA; MILLWASAPA: adj. hairy; rich of wool
- MILLMAYAY; MILLWAYAY: v.intr. to grow (wool, hairs)
- MILLP’UCHIY: to plunge into the water
- MILLP’UTI; MILP’UTI: s.(ana) pharynx
- MILLP’UY: to swallow; to devour; to swallow
- MILLU: adj. salty; salted; somewhat; more or less; off-color
- MILLUSQA APA: s.(tex) blanket made out of thick wool threads
- MILLUSQA WASKA: s.(tex) rope made out of thick wool threads
- MILLUY: to make wool ropes for sandals or lassos
- MILLWA: s.(ana) fuzz; soft hair
- MILLWAYARKARIY: v.intr. to start growing (wool, hairs)
- MILLWAYOQ: s.p. the one who has wool
- MINCHA; MINCHHA: adv.t. after tomorrow; day after tomorrow
- MINI: s.(tex) weft; yarn passed through the weave in weaving
- MINI QERO: s.(tex) shuttle; stick used to pass yarn through the weave in weaving
- MINICHAY: to weave the weft; to pass yarn through the weave
- MINIKU; MINI KUMA: s.(tex) shuttle; stick used to pass yarn through the weave in weaving
- MINIY: to weave the weft; to pass yarn through the weave (first thread, weft)
- MINK’A: s. service; mutual work given for returned work; a form of local wage labor, intermediate between wage labor and ayni (used primarily for agricultural work and for house construction); collective work party with music and dancing; collective work party where labor is rewarded with food, drink, and other goods but where there is no one-for-one reciprocation of aid at a future date; collective work
- MINK’A RUNA: s. delegate
- MINK’A SIMITA RIMAQ: s.a. who speaks a language mixed up with a foreign one
- MINK’AKUY: v.recip. to serve each other (mutual help); to petition
- MINK’AKUY: to ask a favor; to beseech
- MINK’AY: to ask for a service; to charge; to call a minga; to assign a duty; to ask a favor; to hire work for returned work instead of pay; to hire a substitute
- MIRACHIQ: s.a. cattle farmer; stock farmer
- MIRACHIY: to multiply; to increase; to make bigger; to breed cattle; to breed stock; to exagerate
- MIRAY: s. generation; multiplication; family
- MIRAY: v.intr.(1) to increase; to multiply; to proliferate
- MIRAY: to change nappies; to change diapers; to put a nappy on a child
- MIRAYWA: s. fecund woman
- MIRINDA; BIRINDAY: s.(mik)(esp) snack; light meal; lunch; picnic
- MIRKHA UYA: s. freckle face
- MIRQA-MIRQA: adj. mixed of several colours
- MIRQA-MIRQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress of various colours
- MISA: s.(cri)(esp) mass
- MISI; MICHI: s.(zoo) cat
- MISKA P’ASÑA: s.(fam) girl, 14 to 16 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: menstruation, beginning of love relations)
- MISK’AY; MITK’AY: to stumble; to trip
- MISKAYANI: s.(mit) the mythical city inhabited by highly evolved and extremely beautiful spiritual women, revealed in Q’ero mythology, the female counterpart to the myth of Paytiti
- MISK’I: adj. sweet; tasty; sweet; good tasting
- MISK’I: s. honey; sugar; sweet; sugar; sweet
- MISK’I CHURANA: s. sugar bowl
- MISK’I CHURAQ: s.(zoo) honey ant
- MISK’I CH’USPI: s.(zoo) bee; honey bee
- MISK’I RURU: s. sweet fruit
- MISK’I WIRU: s.(bot)(neo) sugar cane
- MISK’IYACHIY: to sweet
- MISKUY: to spin for a rope
- MISMI: s.(tex) thickly twisted wool, as in for plaiting ropes
- MISMINA: s.(tex) spindle for stick-spinning
- MISMINAY: s.(top) Andean village near Qosqo said to be constructed directly beneath the Milky Way
- MISMIY: to twist; to twist thick threads of wool; to spin with a stick
- MISTI: s.(l.esp) mestizo; upper class; white people in the Andean region; person of mixed indigenous and Hispanic descent
- MITA: s.(1) era; age; epoch; layer; season
- MIT’A: s.(1) season; weather; turn; period; station
- MIT’A: s.(2) shift (work); time of work; workday (8 hours); compulsory service for the landlord
- MIT’AKUQLLA: adj. relativ
- MITAN: s. category
- MIT’AWA: adv.t. periodic
- MITAY: to isolate humidity
- MIT’AYOQ: s.p. who has to fulfil his turn of work; assigned
- MITHMA; MITMA: s. colony
- MITHMAQ; MITMA: s. colonist; stranger; foreigner; resettler; compulsorily resettled person
- MITHMAY: s. exile
- MITK’A: s. false step; lapse
- MITMAQ: adj. stranger; foreigner; migrant
- MITMAY; MITHMAY: to colonize
- MIYU; MIW: s. poison
- MIYUY: to poison; to intoxicate
- MOLQO: s.(med) bump; lump; swelling
- MOLQOCHAKUY: v.intr. to swell
- MONTE HAMANQ’AY: s.(bot)(p.esp) kind of orchid
- MONTE KAPULI: s.(bot)(p.esp) kind of shrub
- MONTE KHUCHI: s.(zoo)(p.esp) peccary
- MONTE PAPAYA: s.(bot)(p.esp) kind of fruit tree
- MONTERA: s.(esp) flat, black woolen hat with upturned brim worn by women
- MOQO: s. hill; rise; knot; mound; hump; bulge; promontory; a jutting out; point
- MOQO: s.(geo) hill
- MOQO PHILLILLU: s.(ana) hams; back of the leg; leg butt
- MOQO; MOQETI: s.(ana) joint; knee; elbow
- MOQOCHU: s. knuckle
- MOQT’IYKACHAY: to choke (convulsing)
- MORAYA: s. fermented and dried bitter potato; a kind of freeze-dried potato that is processed by soaking in a pool of water before drying
- MORQ’A: adj. obtuse
- MORQO: adj.(tex) worn-out (clothes)
- MORQ’O: s.(tec) grind stone; grinding stone; rammer for mortar
- MORQOYAY (P’ACHA): v.intr. to be worn out (clothes)
- MOSOQ KILLA: s.(ast) new moon
- MOSOQ; MUSOQ: adj. new
- MOSOQLLAQTA: s. new town; slum
- MOSOQMANTA: adv.m. again; newly
- MOSOQYAY: v.intr. to renew; to become new; to renovate
- MOSQHOY; MOSQOY: s. dream
- MOSQHOY; MOSQOY: v.intr. to dream
- MOSQHOYSAPA: s.(neo) phantastic
- MOSQOKUY: v.intr. to dream
- MOT’E: s.(mik) corn cooked in water; maize cooked in water; mote; boiled grain; cooked corn
- -MU-: to go to …; hither; to here; elsewhere
- MUCH’A: s. kiss
- MUCH’ANA: adj. venerable; adorable
- MUCH’ANAKUY: v.recip. to kiss each other
- MUCH’AQ: s.a. the kissing
- MUCH’ASQA: p.p.p. kissed; adored; blessed
- MUCH’AY: to kiss; to worship; to adore; to bless
- MUCHHANA: s. tool to take grain off the corn cob
- MUCHHAY: to pick berries; to pick out the seeds; to take grain off the corn cob; to shell corn
- MUCHHI: s.(med) acne
- MUCH’U: s.(ana) back of the neck; back part of the neck
- MUCH’U TULLU: s.(ana) cervical vertebra
- MUCH’U TULLUKUNA: s.(ana) cervical vertebrae
- MUCHUCHIY: s. punishment
- MUCHUCHIY: to make suffer; to punish
- MUCHUQ: adj.(ass) necessary; needed; required
- MUCHUY: s.(1) poverty; misery; lack; scarcity
- MUCHUY: v.intr. to suffer
- MUCHUYPI: adj. necessary
- MUHU: s.(bot.ana) seed; kernel; core; pip; grain; pit; also the spiritual seed within each person (the Hatun Karpay provides the living energy necessary to germinate the seed)
- MUHU RIKCH’AY: s.(spi) activation of seeds
- MUKA: s.(zoo) opossum
- MUKIKUY: v.intr. to suffocate
- MUKIWA: s.(top) departmental city in Peru; (Span.) Moquegua
- MUKMU: s.(bot.ana) bud; shoot
- MUKMUY: v.intr. to bud; to sprout
- MUK’UCHIKUY: v.intr. to let bite oneself; to bite into one’s tongue
- MUK’UCHIKUY; MOQCH’IKUY: v.intr. to rinse one’s mouth; to gargle
- MUKUKU: s. top; crown (top); peak; summit
- MUKUKU: s.(ana) top of the head
- MUKUKU TULLU: s.(ana) occipital bone
- MUK’UY: to chew; to chew partially; to make alcoholic beverage from corn dough and saliva (usually drunk in a turu)
- MULLA: s.(1) a woman’s nephew
- MULLAYPA: s. rope; cord
- MULLAYPA WASKA: s.(tex) rope made out of agave or hemp fibres
- MULLAYPAY: to make a rope out of three threads; to twist threads already twisted
- MULLI; MOLLE: s.(bot) molle tree; Peruvian mastic-tree; kind of small thorny tree; molle; false pepper; type of tree
- MULLKHIY: to investigate; to palpate
- MULLPHA: s. decay
- MULLPHAY: to corrode; to eat away
- MULLU: s.(zoo) marine shell representing the “mother sea” (it was more valuable than any precious metal); coral
- MULLU KHUYA: s.(mit) a specific set of five stones, progressively carved with one to five humps, used to open the human energy belts, tools of the chumpi paqo
- MUNACHIY: to make someone want (to do) something
- MUNAKUQ: s.a. loving; affectionate; tender
- MUNAKUSQA: p.p.p. beloved
- MUNAKUY: s. love
- MUNAKUY: v.intr. to love oneself
- MUNAKUY: to love; to idolize; to adore
- MUNANA: adj. desirable; appreciable
- MUNANAKUY: v.recip. to love each other; to fall in love
- MUNANI AQATA: expr. I want chicha (a fermented fruit drink)
- MUNAPAKUY: s. ambition
- MUNAPAKUY: to covet; to desire; to long
- MUNAPAYAY: to covet
- MUNAQ: s.a. lover
- MUNAQE: adj. beloved; promised in marriage
- MUNASQA: p.p.p. beloved; esteemed; precious
- MUNAY: adj. beautiful; desire; good; beautiful; lovely
- MUNAY: s. will; the power of love and will together; desire; love; possessions
- MUNAY: v.mod. to want to; to will (to have the will, to be willing); to like
- MUNAY: to love; to want; to wish; to desire; to like; to appreciate; to like; to like; to love; to want; to wish
- MUNAY AWKIKUNA: s.(spi) powerful ancestors
- MUNAY KAWSAY: v.intr. to live a good life
- MUNAYCHA: adj. pretty; beautiful; beautiful
- MUNAYLLA: s. intention; will
- MUNAYNIYOQ: s.p. with willpower; willing; good-will
- MUNDAY; BUNDAY: to peel
- MUNDO: s.(esp) world
- MUÑA: s.(bot) kind of mint; sweet smelling sage brush; kind of medicinal herb
- MUQO: s.(zoo.ana) snout
- MUQUY: s.(ant) incest
- MUQUY: to commit incest
- MURANA: s. homespun woolen blouse worn by women
- MURU: adj.(1) blotched; spotted
- MURU: s.(bot.ana) fruit; grain; seed; bead (pearl)
- MURU: s.(med)(1) varicella; pox; small pox
- MURU HUK’UCHA RUNA: s.(ant) big thief
- MURU ONQOY: s.(med) pox; smallpox; measles; kind of eruptive disease
- MUSHK’A, MUSK’A, MUTK’A: s. mortar
- MUSIY: to economize; to save
- MUSKHIY; MISKHIY: to smell; to sniff; to inhale; to breathe
- MUSOQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) new dress
- MUSOQ WATA: s.(cal) New Year; New Year’s Day
- MUSPHA: s.(2) delirium; raving
- MUSPHACHISQA: p.p.p. amazed; bewildered; astonished
- MUSPHACHIY: to amaze; to bewilder; to confound; to astonish; to bewilder; to confound
- MUSPHAQ: adj. confused
- MUSPHAY: v.intr. to be confused; to lose one’s way; to get lost; to be disoriented
- MUSYACHIQ: s. sense
- MUSYACHIQKUNA: s.(ana) senses
- MUSYACHIWAQNIYKUNA: expr. my senses
- MUSYANQA: s. perception
- MUSYAY: s. perception
- MUSYAY: to perceive; to notice; to become aware of; to foresee
- MUTI-MUTI: s.(bot)(1) kind of plant
- MUT’U: adj. obtuse; dull (knife); mutilated
- MUT’U: s.(tex) hat (worn by the Kana and Qolla women)
- MUT’UY: to fell; to cut down; to cut off; to curtail; to trim; to snap off; to mutilate; to dull
- MUT’UY: s.(bot) kind of tree
- MUYA: s. orchard; kitchen garden; garden
- MUYU: adj. round
- MUYU: s. round; circle; circumference; ball; seed; fruit; circumference; egg
- MUYUPAYAY: to circle round something
- MUYUQ: s.a. circling
- MUYUQEN; MUYUKIN: s.(ana) duodenum
- MUYURIQNINTIN: s. neighborhood
- MUYURIY: to whirl; to turn around; to encircle; to surround; to turn
- MUYUY: s. surrounding area
- MUYUY: to circle; to rotate; to make a round; to go round; to go around; to ply
- MUYUYPERQA: s.(mil) wall; fence; fencing
- N: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -N: [personal knowledge]
- -N: his; her; its; their
- -N: [3rd pers. sing.]; he …; she …; it …
- -N KAN: expr.v.aux. he has (possesses) …; she has (possesses) …; it has (posesses) …
- -NA: [Gerundivum]; [Instrument]; (what is going to happen); (what is to be done)
- -NA-…(-MI/-N): expr.v.mod. to have to; must
- -NA-…-PAQ: in order that
- NACEY: v.intr.(esp) to be born
- -NACHA: perhaps; possibly; maybe
- -NACHU: yet?; already?
- NAK’ANA: s. butchery
- NAK’AQ; ÑAK’AQ: s.a. murderer; killer; butcher; throat-slitter; sacrificer; slaughterer
- NAK’AQ; ÑAK’AQ; SIPIQ: s.a. murderer; killer; butcher
- NAKARQAYASQA: p.p.p. new pierced dress
- NAK’AY: to murder; to kill; to behead; to butcher; to slaughter; to skin an animal
- NAK’AY: to murder; to kill; to behead; to butcher; to slaughter; to cut down (animal); to cut the throat of; to cut up; to operate (surgery)
- -NAKU-: [reciproque]; each other
- NANACHIKUY: s. regret
- NANACHIKUY: v.intr. to gain respect; to do oneself harm; to repent
- NANAQ: adj. strong; numerous; painful
- NANASQA: p.p.p. full of pain
- NANAY: s.(med) pain; ache; disease; illness
- NANAY: v.pron. to hurt (ache); to hurt; to hurt; to hurt
- NANAYPI Q’EWIYKACHAKUY: v.intr. to agonize
- NAPAKUY: s. greeting
- -NAPAQ: for to; in order to
- -NAPAS; -NAPIS: although; though
- NAPAYKULLAYKI!: expr. Hello!; Hey!
- NAPAYKUNAKUY: v.recip. to greet each other
- NAPAYKUY: to greet
- NAQ’E: adj. faded; withered
- NAQ’EY: v.intr. to fade; to wither; to become exhausted; to be out of water
- NAQ’OY: to weaken
- NARAY: to swim
- NASKA: s.(tri) Naska (an old culture of the coast of Peru, known by their huge drawings); a peruavian people, conquered by Inka Roq’a; (Span.) Nazca
- -NATA ATIY: expr.v.mod. to be able to; to be capable of; can
- -NATA MUNAY: expr.v.mod. to want to; to will (to have the will, to be willing)
- -NAYA: [desiderative]; to become eager to do something [usually only a desiderative morpheme]
- -NCHIS KAN: expr.v.aux. we (with you) have (possess) …
- -NCHIS; -NCHEQ: my and your; our; our and your
- -NCHIS; -NCHEQ: [1st pers. plur. incl.]; I and you …; we with you …; (ECU:) we (in general) …
- -NEQ: around; near
- NI: pron.indef.(esp) nothing
- -NI: [1st pers. sing.]; I …
- -NI-: [euphonic after consonant]
- NI PI: pron.indef.(p.esp) nobody; no-one
- -NIN: his (after consonants); her (after consonants); its (after consonants); their (after consonants)
- NINA: s. small fire for cooking; fire; candle; match; fire
- NINA QHELLAY: s.(min) firestone
- NINA SIKSI: s. coal (hot ash)
- NINA YAKU: s.(geo) thermal springs
- NINAKURU: s.(zoo) firefly; lampyrus
- NINAKUY: v.recip. to consult; to equal
- NINAQ’ARA: s. sting
- NINAY: to burn
- NINKU: expr. the say; it is said
- NINRI; RINRI: s.(ana) ear; hearing
- NIPUNI: adv.m.(p.esp) impossible
- NIQPI: adv.preadj. about; approximately; around
- NIRAQ: adj. similar
- NIRAY: s. figure; appearance; kind
- NISHU; ÑISU: adv.m. too much; very much
- NISPA: expr. … saying (at the end of direct speech)
- NISPAQA: adv.m. then
- NISQA: p.p.p. said; so-called
- NISUNMAN: expr. we should say
- NITAQ: adv.m.(p.esp) neither
- NIWA: s.(bot) pampas grass
- NIWA: s.(zoo) sand flea; chigger; parasitic insect that invades the feet or hands of its human host
- -NIY: my (after consonants)
- NIY; ÑIY: v.dic. to say; to tell; to sound; to speak; to mean; to express
- -NIYKI: your (after consonants)
- -NKA: group of
- -NKI: [2nd pers. sing.]; you …; you will …
- -NKICHIS; -NKICHEQ: [2nd pers. plur.]; you … (plural); you will … (plural)
- -NKU: their
- -NKU: [3rd pers. plur.]; they …
- -NKU KAN: expr.v.aux. they have (possess) …
- -NNAQ: without; -less
- NOQA: pron.pers. I
- NOQANCHIS: pron.pers. we (incl.); we; we (inclusive of person spoken to); we (inclusive)
- NOQANCHISPA: pron.pos. our (incl.); ours (incl.)
- NOQAPAS: expr. I also
- NOQAQ: pron.pos. my; mine
- NOQAWAN: pron.pers. with me
- NOQ’AY: s.(bot) kind of plant
- NOQ’AY: to tighten
- NOQAYKU: pron.pers. we (excl.); we (exclusive of person spoken to)
- NOQAYKUQ: pron.pos. our (excl.); ours (excl.)
- -NQA: he will …; it will …; she will …
- -NQAKU: they will …
- -NTA: through; across
- -NTIN: with; together with
- NUMYA: s.(bot) kind of bean
- NUNA: s. soul; spirit; conscience
- NUÑUMA: s.(zoo) wild duck
- NUSPHACHIY: to bid farewell
- Ñ: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- ÑA: adv.t. already; now; already
- -ÑA: already
- ÑA RIMASQAÑA: s. agreement
- ÑACHU?: expr. is it already?
- ÑAKAPAKUY: v.intr. to be cursed; to curse oneself; to be in a suffer anguish; to be anxious
- ÑAKAPANA: s. curse
- ÑAKAPAY: to curse; to anathematize
- ÑAK’ARICHISQA: p.p.p. victim
- ÑAK’ARICHIY: to cause pain; to make suffer
- ÑAK’ARIQ: s. who suffers physically
- ÑAK’ARIY: v.intr. to suffer physically; to suffer; to hurt
- ÑAKASQA: p.p.p. cursed
- ÑAKAY: to curse; to damn; to hate
- ÑAK’AY: s.(2) delay in growth and development of a child in general (sign of weakness)
- ÑAK’AY: v.intr. to suffer
- ÑAKAYKUY: to curse
- ÑAK’AYTA: adv.m. hardly; barely; with difficulty
- ÑAN: adv.m. already; now
- ÑAN: s.(1) road; way; path; street; road; path; trail; street; road; street
- ÑANNINTINPI: adv.l. on the way
- ÑAÑA: s.(fam) a woman’s sister; sister ( to a sister); sister’s sister; sister (woman’s)
- ÑAÑAKA: s.(tex) headcloth worn by women; fine headcloth; elegant scarf
- ÑAÑICHIY: to calm; to calm down
- ÑAÑIY: to sentence; to pass judgement
- ÑAÑU CH’UNCHUL; ÑAÑU CH’UNCHULL: s.(ana) small intestine
- ÑAÑU TONQOR: s.(ana) bronchia
- ÑAÑU; NANU: adj. thin; skinny; narrow; fine-spun yarn
- ÑAÑUCHA: s.(tex) very fine-spun yarn
- ÑAPUYAY: to soften
- ÑAQCH’A: s. comb; comb (for hair); toothed comb
- ÑAQCH’AKUY: v.intr. to comb one’s hair; to comb oneself
- ÑAQCH’ANA: s. comb
- ÑAQCH’APAYAKUQLLA QAPCHI-QAPCHILLA: s.a. who combs oneself very carefully
- ÑAQCH’ASQA: p.p.p. comed; hairdo
- ÑAQCH’AY: to comb
- ÑAQHA; NAQHA: postpos. ago
- ÑAQHA; ÑAQA; ÑAHA; NAHA: adv.m. almost; nearly
- ÑAQHA; ÑAQA; ÑAHA; NAHA: adv.t. recently; moments before; just now; a while ago; just a moment ago
- ÑAS: adv.t. already
- -ÑATAQ: but; also now; in addition; additionally
- ÑATAQ ÑATAQ: adv.t. often
- ÑAT’I: s.(ana) entrails; intestines; bowels; viscera
- ÑAWCH’ICHAY: to sharpen
- ÑAWI: s.(ana)(1) eye; sight
- ÑAWI: s.(bot.ana) bud; plant’s eye (lit.)
- ÑAWI: s.(tex) dots of opposite color that appear in a complementary float weave (lit. eye); spots from which something material or spiritual might issue (potato eye, water spring, knot in wood, etc.)
- ÑAWI AWAPA: s.(tex) eye design in tubular edging
- ÑAWI CH’ILLMI: s. moment
- ÑAWI CH’ILLMILLAWAN: adv.t. briefly
- ÑAWI KICHAY: v.intr. to open one’s eyes or subtle perspective centers
- ÑAWI ONQOY: s.(med) conjunctivitis
- ÑAWI PHUYU ONQOY: s.(med)(1) cataract (of the eye)
- ÑAWI PHUYU ONQOY: s.(med)(2) glaucoma
- ÑAWI QARA: s.(ana) lid; eyelid
- ÑAWI QARA ONQOY: s.(med) sty
- ÑAWINCHANA: s. reading; reading matter; book
- ÑAWINCHASQA ALLIN HAMUT’AY: s. reading comprehension
- ÑAWINCHAY: to read; to control; to calculate
- ÑAWINLLA: s.(ana) pupil (of the eye)
- ÑAWIRURU: s.(ana) pupil (of the eye)
- ÑAWIYUQ: s.a. who is able to read
- ÑAWPA: adj. old; former; ancient
- ÑAWPA: adv.t. before
- ÑAWPA: s.(1) former time
- ÑAWPA AYLLU: s. ancestors
- ÑAWPA KAWSAY: s. olf life; old way of life; ancestors; ancestors
- ÑAWPA MACHU: s.(mit) people of the world before the Inkas
- ÑAWPA MARQ’A: s.(ana) lower arm
- ÑAWPA PACHA: s.(1) past; old time; antiquity
- ÑAWPA QHASQO TULLU: s.(ana) sternum
- ÑAWPA SONQOQ UYA: s.(ana) auricle of the heart
- ÑAWPACHIY: to advance another; to move forward; to advance; to move ahead; to overtake; to anticipate; to advance; to move forward
- ÑAWPAMANTA: adv.t. before
- ÑAWPAQ: adj. front; first
- ÑAWPAQ: adv.t. before; first
- ÑAWPAQ: num.o. first
- ÑAWPAQ: s.(1) predecessor; herald
- ÑAWPAQ KAQ ÑAWPARIQ: s.a. predecessor; precedent; former; earlier; prior; antecedent
- ÑAWPAQ MARQ’A: s.(ana) lower arm
- ÑAWPAQ ÑEQEN: num.o. first
- ÑAWPAQ QHASQO TULLU: s.(ana) sternum
- ÑAWPAQE: s. front
- ÑAWPAQMAN RIY: to progress; to advance
- ÑAWPAQTA: adv.t. before
- ÑAWPARIQNIN: component
- ÑAWPARIQNINKUNA: variable components
- ÑAWPARIY: v.intr. to advance oneself
- ÑAWPAY: to advance; to go ahead
- ÑAWPAY: to move forward; to advance; to go on ahead; to overtake; to surpass; to anticipate; to lead; to go before
- ÑAWRA: adj. multicolor; multicolour; polychrome
- ÑAWRA: s. diversity; variety; multiplicity
- ÑAWRAYKUNA: s. musicians
- ÑAWRAYMIT’A QHAWA: s. colours for tissue; colours of earth for painting
- ÑAWSA: adj. blind
- ÑAWSA: s. blind person
- ÑAWSA: s.(ana) blind gut; caecum
- ÑAWSA KAY: s. blindness
- ÑAWSAYACHIY: to make blind
- ÑAWSAYAY: v.intr. to become blind; to go blind
- ÑEQEN; ÑEQE: postpos.num.ord. -th; [ordinal number]
- ÑEQEN; ÑEQE: postpos.num.ord. -th; [ordinal number]
- ÑEQWI: s. marrow
- ÑINA: adj. fine; perfect
- ÑINA AWASQA; NINA AWASQA: s.(tex) fine cloth; fine tissue
- ÑINA K’UMPI; NINA K’UMPI: s.(tex) fine tapestry; very fine cloth
- ÑINA LLIMPIKUNA; NINA LLIMPIKUNA: s.(tex) fine colours
- ÑINA P’ACHA; NINA P’ACHA: s.(tex) very fine, thin and soft cloth
- ÑINA QELLO; NINA QELLO: adj.(col) fine yellow
- ÑINA YANA; NINA YANA: adj.(col) fine black
- ÑISU KACHISAPA: expr. it is very salted
- ÑISU; NISHU: adv.m. much; too much
- ÑIT’IKUY: s. impression
- ÑIT’INAKUY: v.recip. to jostle; to hustle
- ÑIT’ISQA: p.p.p. compressed
- ÑIT’IY: s.(fil) impression
- ÑIT’IY: to press; to press together; to compress; to squeeze; to oppress; to squeeze
- ÑOQCH’A: s. daughter-in-law; sister-in-law; any female familiar adjunct; mother’s daughter
- ÑOSQHON P’ISTOQ LLIKA ONQOY: s.(med) menigitis
- ÑOSQHON P’ISTUQ LLIKA: s.(ana) meninges
- ÑOSQHON; ÑOSQ’ON: s.(ana) brain
- ÑUKCH’U: s.(bot) kind of sage; plant with yellow leaves and fruit; scarlet, tubular-shaped wild flower; a sacred flower of the Incas, symbolized on ceremonial vases and clothing, and thrown on the path before the passing Inca as he passed through the Empire (today, ñukchu is associated with Taytacha Temblores, the Lord of the Earthquakes, and it decorates the cross and is tossed from balconies by the faithful as the image is carried through the streets of Qosqo. In Qachin, ñukchu is used to decorate crosses for New Year’s residencia)
- ÑUKIYKACHAQ: adj. conceited; arrogant
- ÑUKÑU: adj. sweet
- ÑUKÑU: s.(2) spirit
- ÑUKÑU; ÑUQÑU: s.(1) milk; mother’s milk; sweet
- ÑUK’U: adj.(med) one-armed; disabled at the hands
- ÑUK’USQA: p.p.p. helpless
- ÑUK’UYAY: v.intr. to lose an arm
- ÑUÑU: s. milk; mother’s milk
- ÑUÑU: s.(ana) nipple; teat; tit; female breast; breast; udder
- ÑUÑUCHIY: to suckle; to give milk; to breast feed; to breast-feed
- ÑUÑUKUNA: s.(ana) nipples; teats; tits; female breast; bossom
- ÑUÑUNKU: s.(bot) cactus fruit
- ÑUÑUQLLARAQ: s.(fam) new-born child; lactant
- ÑUÑUY: v.intr. to be breast-fed; to breast-feed (baby oneself)
- ÑUÑUY: to suckle; to nurse; to give milk; to breast feed; to nurse
- ÑUSKHU: adj. useless; worthless
- ÑUSÑUY: v.intr. to breathe noisily
- ÑUST’A: s. girl; country woman; beautiful young woman
- ÑUST’A: s.(his) princess; inka princess; Incan princess
- ÑUST’A: s.(mit) female nature spirit; energy spirits living in water etc., generally feminine in nature
- ÑUST’A: s.(spi) female or priestess of 5th level
- ÑUTI: s. slime; snot; mucus; snot; nasal mucus; booger
- ÑUT’U: adj. soft; broken up; ground up food
- ÑUT’UPUY: to crumble
- ÑUT’USQA: adj.p. crumbled
- ÑUT’UY; ÑUTUY: to grind up food; to crumble; to flatter; to knead bread; to press together; to destroy
- O; U: fon. (vocal phoneme of the quechua language); ([o] – next to [q]/[qh]/[q’] and in Spanish loanwords); ([u] – next to [k]/[kh]/[k’] and generally in Quechua words without [q]/[qh]/[q’])
- OLLANTA: s.(bot) kind of plant
- OLLANTA: s.(per) governor of Antisuyu in the time of Pachakutiq Inka (cf. Ollantay play)
- OLLANTAY: s.(bot) kind of tree
- OLLANTAYTANPU; OLLANTAYTAMPU: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Urupampa (Peru); Andean fortress and Temple of the Wind; (Span.) Ollantaytambo
- OLLAYA; OLAYA: s.(min) quartz; firestone
- ONQO: s.(med) illness; sickness; disease; sickness
- ONQOCHIKUQ: s.a. nurse
- ONQOKUY: v.intr. to fall ill; to fall sick; to be taken ill; to be taken sick
- ONQOQ: s.a. ill; sick
- ONQOSQA: p.p.p. ill; sick
- ONQOY: s.(med) illness; sickness; disease; sickness
- ONQOY: v.intr. to be ill; to be sick; to get sick
- ONQOY: s.(med) illness; sickness; disease; sickness
- ONQOY: v.intr. to be ill; to be sick; to get sick
- OPA RUNA: s.(k) stupid person
- OPARAYAY: v.intr. to fool about; act the fool
- OQA: s.(bot) oca; certain tuber plant; potato-like plant
- OQARIY; HOQARIY: to raise; to lift; to raise up; to lift up
- OQE P’ACHA: s.(tex) coarse cloth
- OQE QORA; OQHE QORA: s.(bot) kind of herb
- OQE; OQHE: adj.(col) grey; gray; ash-gray; light blue; blue; ash-colored; brown; leaden; lead color
- OQE; OQHE: s. lead
- OQHE PESQO: s.(zoo) kind of bird
- OQHE PESQO HATUN: s.(zoo) kind of bird
- OQHO: s.(geo) swamp; bog
- OQLLANA: s. embrace
- OQLLANAKUY: v.recip. to embrace each other
- OQLLAY: to brood; to cover eggs; to incubate eggs; to hatch eggs; to hug; to embrace
- OQLLO: adj. female; feminine; self-confident woman
- OQO: s.(1) exploiter; profiteer
- OQO QORA: s.(bot) kind of herb
- OQOCHO: adj. obese; fat; pot-bellied; corpulent
- OQONQATI: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Ocongate
- OQOÑA: s.(mus) kind of flute
- OQOQO: s.(zoo) toad
- OQORO: adj. obese; fat; pot-bellied; corpulent
- OQORURU: s.(bot)(1) cress; kind of herb
- OQORURU: s.(bot)(2) kind of herb
- OQOTI: s.(ana) rectum; anus
- OQOTI ONQOY: s.(med) haemorrhoids
- OQOTI SURUY: s.(med) hemorrhoids; piles; sickness involving the anus
- OQOY: to swallow; to devour; to eat greedily
- OQSA: s.(bot) straw; reed; grass
- ORQO: adj.(1) male (animal)
- ORQO: adj.(2) mountain; hill
- ORQO: s.(fam) person; man (male adult)
- ORQO: s.(geo) mountain; hill
- ORQO: s.(zoo) male (animal)
- ORQO KISA: s.(bot) kind of herb
- ORQO PATA: s. top; peak
- ORQOMANTA: adj. mountain
- ORQOPA: s.(ana) cheek-bone
- ORQOPA TULLU: s.(ana) lachrymal bone
- ORQOTA QHAWAY!: expr. look at the hill
- OSQO: adj. coward; fearful; timid
- OSQOLLO; OSQHOLLU: s.(zoo) wildcat; cat (wild)
- OTAQ: adv.m. also
- OTAQ: conj. or
- OWERO: s.(med)(esp) vitiligo
- P: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- P’: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -P; -PA; -Q; -QPA: [GENITIVE]; of; -‘s; with
- -P; -Q; -QPA: [GENITIVE]; of; -‘s; with
- -PA: [GENITIVE]; of; -‘s; with
- -PA-: [repetitive]; once more
- -PA/-Q/-QPA …(-…) KAN: expr.v.aux. to have; to posess
- PACHA: postpos. since; for (time)
- PACHA: s. earth; world; age; era; time; soil; space; nature; environment; place
- PACHA: s.(uni)(neo) hour
- P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress; clothes; clothing
- PACHA ILLARIY: s. dawn
- PACHA ILLARIY: s.(mit) beginning of time
- PACHA KUYUY: s. shiver; earthquake
- PACHA MACH’AY: s. underground cave
- PACHA PHUYU: s. fog
- PACHA POQOY: s.(agr) maduration of fruit and grain
- PACHA POQOY KILLA: s.(mes) fourth month in the year (end of march, beginning and middle of April); March (in the Inka era: Month of fruit and grain ripening, the animals grew fat and people ate the produce in early form. Black wethers (llamas) were sacrificed to the local mointain deities in this month. People fasted renouncing salt and touching no woman)
- PACHA QORORUMPA KAYNIN: s.(fis) roundness of the earth
- PACHAK: num.c. hundred; one hundred
- PACHAK CHAKI: s.(zoo) millipede
- PACHAKA: s.(his)(1) province with one hundred families
- PACHAKA: s.(his)(2) ruler of one hundred families in Inca times; the Inka’s majordomo
- PACHAKAMAQ: s.(top) temple outside of Lima where the philosophy of yanantin was born
- PACHAKAMAQ MAYU: s.(top) river in the Department of Lima (Peru); (Span.) río Lurín
- PACHAKAMAQ; PACHAKAMAQ: s.(mit) deity of the andes; creator of the world; creator; he who puts order in the world; title for the mystical God-Creator of all that is
- PACHAKUTI: s.(agr) plant with regenerative effect on fallow fields
- PACHAKUTI: s.(mit) turning-point of time; world reversal; world turned upside down; returning world; apocalypse; cosmic transmutation occuring between one era and the next (in Inka history)
- PACHAKUTIQ INKA YUPANKI: s.(per) the ninth Inka ruler attributed with building most of the Inka Empire, governed approximately between 1438 and 1471
- PACHAKUTIQ; PACHAKUTEQ: s.(mit) transformer of the world; reformer; name of an Inka
- P’ACHAKUY: v.intr. to dress oneself; to put on; to take on
- PACHALLAN P’ACHA: s.(tex) new dress
- P’ACHALLICHIY: to dress; to clothe
- P’ACHALLIKUNA: s. clothes
- P’ACHALLIKUQ: s.a. dressed person
- P’ACHALLIKUY: v.intr. to dress oneself; to put on; to take on; to dress onesself; to change clothes; to dress; to wear; to wear
- P’ACHALLISQA: p.p.p. worn; worn-out
- PACHALLOQ’E: s.(bot) plant used to dye yellow
- PACHAMAMA: s.(bio) world life; nature
- PACHAMAMA: s.(mit) deity of the andes; native goddess “Mother Earth”; mother earth; universe; Mother Earth; literally ‘our mother in time and space.’ Both Mother Earth (spirit) and cosmic divine feminine principle; cosmic mother. “Our mother in time and space” refers to the planet earth aspect: our mother while we have a physical existence
- PACHAMANKA: s.(mik) meal prepared in an earth pan; public meal offered by the authorities to the people
- PACHAN: postpos. under
- PACHAN P’ACHA: s.(tex) new dress
- PACHAN PURALLAM RIKCH’AY: to look like; to resemble
- P’ACHANNAQ: adj. who has no clothes
- P’ACHAP QAYLLAN: s.(tex) seam; hem
- PACHAPAQA LUSIRU: s.(ast) morning star; Venus
- PACHAPAQARIQ CH’ASKA: s.(ast) morning star; Venus
- PACHAPI KASHAQ: s.(fil) being in the world
- PACHAQ: s.(his) kuraka who took care of the poor (in Inka times)
- PACHAQ KURAKA: s.(his) kuraka who took care of the poor (in Inka times)
- PACHAR: s.(min) marble
- PACHATA: expr.(neo) at … o’clock
- P’ACHATA HUÑUYKUKUY: to put on warm clothes
- PACHATIRA: s.(mit) perverse deity
- PACHATUSAN: s.(top) name of a mountain in the Department of Qosqo (who bears the world)
- PACHAYACHACHI: s.a. vivifyer of the world
- P’ACHAYOQ: s.p. dressed person
- PADRE AKSU: s.(p.esp) cassock; soutane
- PAJARO: s.(zoo)(esp) crow
- PAKALLA: adv.m. secretly
- PAKASQA: p.p.p. hidden; secret
- PAKAWI: s.(zoo) kind of multi-coloured bird
- PAKAY: s.(bot) inga fruit; guava (but not guayaba); kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
- PAKAY: to hide; to cover; to reserve
- P’AKCHAY: to cover with a lid (the vessel itself is the lid)
- PAKI: s.(tex) sixteen-strand braid with spiral pattern
- P’AKI: adj. torn; broken
- P’AKIKUQ: s.a. fragile; breakable
- P’AKIKUY: v.intr. to break
- P’AKINCHAY: to break the law; to commit a crime; to defile; to transgress
- P’AKIRIQ: s. light (not heavy)
- P’AKISQA: p.p.p. broken
- P’AKISQA: s.(med) fracture; rupture
- P’AKIY: to break; to tear
- PAKPAKA: s.(zoo) red owl
- P’AKTIY: to cover with a lid
- PAKU: s.(his) ear decoration of Inka nobles
- PAKU: s.(myk) big und white mushroom
- PAKU: s.(zoo) hybrid of vicuña and alpaca; alpaca
- PAKURMA; PANKURMA: s.(bot) maize carbon fungus
- PAKUYOQ: s.(his) Inka captain (orejón)
- PALLA: s. lady; respected woman
- PALLA-PALLALLA P’ACHALLIKUY: to put on elegant clothes (woman)
- PALLAQ: s.a. collector of small things
- PALLAR: s.(bot) kind of bean
- PALLAY: s.(agr) potato harvest; harvested potatoes; process of harvesting potatoes from the furrow (khata) of a field
- PALLAY: s.(tex) woven pattern; pickup design in warp-patterned band; stripes of warp-patterned weave; in textiles, the cultural (stripes) as opposed to the natural (pampa); process of forming a design from the khata of a textile; figure
- PALLAY: to collect small things; to pick up, to gather; to collect; to harvest; to gather, to harvest; to pick; to select; to pick up; to gather
- PALLAYSO: s.(zoo) cockroach
- PALLQOY: to mislead; to cheat; to deceive
- PALLWA: s. conclusion
- PALLWAY: to conclude
- P’ALQA: s. fork (in a road); fork or divide (in road, river, material, etc.); forked stick; branch
- P’ALTA: adj. wide; broad; large; plane; flat; extended; far
- PALTA UMA: s. wide head
- PALTA; PALTAY: s.(bot) avocado; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food)
- PALTAY-PALTAY: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- PAMPA WARMI: adj. adulteress
- PAMPACHAWAY!: expr. Excuse me!; Sorry!; I am sorry!
- P’AMPAKUY: v.intr. to cover oneself; to be buried
- PAMPAMESAYOQ; PAMPA MISAYOQ: s.(spi) lower shaman; Andean priest of the second level who specializes in rituals like performing despachos or coca leaf readings
- P’AMPASQA: p.p.p. buried
- P’AMPAYKUY: to bury; to cover; to hide in the ground
- PAMPAYRUNA: s.(2) prostitute; whore
- PAMUKU: s.(bot) kind of herb whose fruits are similar to pumpkins
- PANA SUYU AWASQA: p.p.p. left-woven (tissue)
- PANA; PANAY; PANI: s.(fam) a man’s sister; sister (to a brother); sister; sister (man’s)
- PANAKA: s.(1) family tree; genealogical tree; dynasty; lineage
- PANAKA: s.(his) in Inka times this word refers to the twelve royal lineages of Inka families that competed in Wiraqocha temple to become the next Sapa Inka or ruler of the empire
- P’ANAY: to beat with a pole/stick; to hit
- PANKUNKU: s. torch
- P’ANPA: s. funeral; burial
- PANPA; PAMPA: s.(geo) land; plain; floor; ground; valley; ground; plain, flat terrain
- PANPACHAY: s. pardon; remission
- PANPACHAY; PAMPACHAY: to level; to forgive; to pardon; to cope with (problems)
- PANPAMARKA: s.(top)(1) town in the Department of Cajamarca (Peru); (Span.) Bambamarca (region of plains)
- PANPAMARKA: s.(top)(2) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Bambamarca (region of plains)
- P’ANPAQ: s.a. grave-digger
- P’ANPAY; P’AMPAY: to bury
- P’ANQA: s.(zoo.ana) wing
- PANQALLA: adj. light; light (not heavy)
- PANTA: adj. incorrect; wrong
- PANTA: s. mistake; error
- PANTACHINA: s. disguise
- PANTACHIY: to confuse; to mislead; to hinder; to ruin
- PANTA-PANTA: s.(bot) kind of herbaceous plant of the high mountain region
- PANTAQMASI: s. lover
- PANTASQA: p.p.p. wrong
- PANTAY: s. confusion
- PANTAY: v.intr. to be wrong; to be confused
- PANTAYKACHA: v.intr. to be confused
- PANTI: adj.(col) reddish; violet color; pink; dark red; dark cherry colored
- PANTI: s.(bot)(aym) kind of shrub; plant with a red flower used as dark cherry colored or purple dye
- PAÑA: s. right hand; right side; right handside of the path, relating to mystical knowledge; the cold, rational, objective and structured side of the path governing initiation and ritual; known as “the road to god”
- PAÑA: s.(tex) right-spun yarn
- PAÑA SORQ’AN: s.(ana) right lung
- PAÑA; PHAÑA: adv.l. right; right (side); right (hand side)
- PAÑO: s.(tex)(esp) rectangular cloth
- PAÑOQ QAYLLAN: s.(tex)(p.esp) hem of cloth
- PAPA: s.(bot) potato
- PAPA: s.(bot)(1) potato
- PAPÁ: s.(fam)(esp) father; dad; daddy
- PAPA AWKI: s. ball for playing
- PAPA DIOS KRUS: s.(ast)(esp) Cross of God the Father: Head of Scorpio (provenience: Misminay)
- PAPA KURU: s.(zoo) potato worm (larva of a beetle)
- PAPA PHIÑA: s.(bot) kind of wild plant, star plant of potato
- PAPA QALLU: s.(k) stammerer
- PAPA QAQA: s.(bot) fungus that effects frictions in potatoes
- PAPA WAYK’U: s. cooked potato
- PAPA YANUY: s. cooked potato
- PAPAYA: s.(bot) papaya; kind of fruit tree; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: food, medicinal)
- P’API: adj. damp; fresh
- PAPIL; PAPEL: s.(esp) paper
- -PAQ: [DATIVE]; for
- P’AQ SIWK: adv.t. equal
- PAQA: s.(bot) thin thread
- PAQAR: s. dawn
- PAQARICHIQ MACHU CHAWCHU (HURUTMI): s. beginning of lineage
- PAQARICHIY: to found; to invent
- PAQARIMUY: v.intr. to be born
- PAQARIN: s. morning; dawn; morning hours
- PAQARIN: adv.t. tomorrow
- PAQARIN: adv.t. tomorrow
- PAQARIN: s. morning; dawn; morning hours
- PAQARIN MINCHA: adv.t. after tomorrow
- PAQARINA: s.(mit) female nature spirit who is the guardian of one’s birthplace; most prominent feminine aspect of the natural geography at one’s birth site; female counterpart of the Itu Apu
- PAQARINKAMA: adv.t. until tomorrow
- PAQARINKAMA: adv.t. until tomorrow
- PAQARIQ KILLA: s.(ast) waxing moon; crescent moon
- PAQARIQ TAMPU: s.(top) place of the mythical origin o the Ayar brothers, in the Department of Qosqo, province of Paruru (Peru)
- PAQARISQA: p.p.p. born
- PAQARISQA YACHAKUY KAQ: s.a. old, natural costum
- PAQARISQAMANTA KAQ: s.a. old thing; old custom
- PAQARIY: v.impers. to dawn
- PAQARIY: s. dawn
- PAQARIY: s.(fil) origin; birth
- PAQARIY: v.impers. to dawn
- PAQARIY: to rise; to appear; to gush forth; to be born; to wake up; to originate
- PAQAY: s. night
- P’AQLA: adj. bald; smooth; bald; bare
- P’AQLA UMA; P’AQRA UMA: s. bald head
- P’AQLAY: to remove hairs; to shave
- PAQO: s.(spi)(1) shaman; priest of Andean religion; initiate or student of the andean path; wizard; sorcerer
- PAQO: s.(zoo) alpaca; male alpaca
- P’AQO: adj.(col) auburn; maroon; golden (gold color); blond; dark brown
- PAQO WACHO: s.(spi) the master’s (wizard’s) furrow
- PAQOCHA: s.(zoo) alpaca; male alpaca
- PAQPA: s.(bot) agave; American agave; a succulent shrub used to make ropes; century plant; cactus
- PAQTA: adj. equal; perfect; enough
- PAQTA: adv.m.(1) perhaps; possibly; maybe
- PAQTACHAY: s. justice; equality
- PAQTACHAY: to judge
- PAQTATAQ!: interj. Be careful!; Attention!; Careful!; (warning to be careful); careful!
- PARA: s.(met) rain
- PARA: s.(met) rain
- PARA QALLARIY KILLA: s.(mes) December
- PARA WATA: s.(met) rainy year
- PARAQAY: adj. white corn or oca
- PARAY: v.impers.(met) to rain
- PARAY: v.impers.(met) to rain
- PARAY MIT’A: s.(met) rain season
- PARAY TIMPU: s.(met)(p.esp) rainy season
- PARIS: s.(med)(esp) placenta
- PARIWANA: s.(zoo) flamingo; heron
- PARLAY: v.dic.(esp) to speak; to converse; to talk
- P’ARPAY: to flatten; to plane
- PARQA: s.(tri) Paracas (old culture of the Peruvian coast)
- PARU: adj.(col) light brown; golden yellow; orange; ripe; ready to harvest; toasted-color
- PARWA: s. maize bloom
- PARWAY: s. maduration of maize
- PARWAY: v.intr. to bloom
- -PAS; -PIS: also
- PASAQ: adj. frequent
- PASAQ: adv.t. often; frequently
- PASAQ: s.(1) frequency; repetition
- PASAQ KUTILLA: adv.t. always; continually; constantly
- PASAQLLA: adj. constant; continuous
- PASAQLLA: adv.m. frequently
- PASAQLLATA: adv.m. continually
- PASAQPAQ: adv.t. forever
- PASAQTA: adv.t. repeatedly
- PASAY: to go; to pass; to happen; to pass through
- PASAYKAMUY!: expr. Welcome!
- PASIKUY: v.intr. to shave (oneself)
- PASIY: to paint; to color; to colour
- PASKACHIY: to loosen; to detach
- PASKAKUQ: s.a. detachable
- PASKAKUY: v.intr. to detach; to untie; to get loose
- PASKANA: adv.l. place where animals are untied
- PASKANA: s. lodging
- PASKARIKUSQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress with unpicked seams
- PASKAY: to untie; to detach; to let loose; to free; to open; to pardon; to forgive; to solve (problem); to resolve
- P’ASÑA: s.(fam) girl; servant girl; school girl (seven years and older); girl, 7 to 13 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: participation in field work and cattle rearing); young (female)
- PASU: s.(fam) widower; unlucky
- PASULLU; SACH’A PASULLU: s.(bot) kind of bean
- PASYUN: s.(cri)(esp) Passion (of Jesus Christ)
- PASYUN KRUS: s.(ast)(esp) Cross of the Passion (constellation, provenience: Lucre)
- PASYUN KRUS: s.(cri)(esp) Cross of the Passion
- PATA: adj. neighbouring; adjoining; place; spot
- PATA: adv.l.(1) above; high up
- PATA: postpos. near; on; above; over
- PATA: s. square; edge; terrace; shore; cliff
- P’ATA: s. bite
- P’ATA KISKA: s.(bot) kind of opuntia
- PATAMAN: adv.l. above
- PATAN: s. bank (shore); edge; banks; shore
- PATANA: s. stone seat
- PATA-PATA: s. stairs; terraces; tribune
- PATAPI: adv.l. above
- PATAPI: postpos. on (added as suffix)
- PATARA: s. fold
- PATARA: s.(neo) book
- PATARAY: to fold up
- P’ATAY: to tear with the teeth; to bite up; to chew (with incisors); to bite
- P’ATE: s.(bot) agave; American agave; a succulent shrub used to make ropes; century plant
- P’ATMAY: to divide; to fractionate
- PATO: s. confusion; duck
- PATRUN: s.(esp) landlord; owner of the hacienda; boss; sponsor of a ceremony (especially the owner of a field or herd in collective work parties and rituals); benefactor
- PAWAW PALLAQ: s.(fam) girl, 9 to 12 years old (meaning in Inka times); girls who picked flowers, served outside and inside, wove serving noble ladies and helped in the kitchen
- PAWKA: s.(bot) kind of plant
- PAWKAR; PAWQAR: s.(zoo) russet-backed oropendola; kind of black and yellow songbird that imitates the children’s weeping, the dogs’ barking and the women’s laughter and tells everything in the forest it has seen and heard
- PAWQAR: adj. multi-coloured; multi-colored; polychrome
- PAWQAR: s. colour; color; colouring; coloring; bloom; blooming; garden
- PAWQAR QORI: s.(zoo) sparrow
- PAWQAR UNKU: s.(tex) shirt with multicoloured design
- PAWQAR WARAY: s.(his) ceremonial vestment in the Inka era
- PAWQAR WARAY KILLA: s.(mes)(his) February in the Inka era (Time of ceremonial vestments, also time of great plant growth. There was abundance of water with strong plant growth. The fruits were still unripe, so people were often hungry and ill. The Inka and his reign offered gold, silver and cattle as sacrifices to the deities)
- PAWQARCHASQA: p.p.p. multi-coloured; multi-colored
- PAWQARKUNA: s. colour diversity of feathers, flowers or plumage
- PAWQARPATA: s. meadow; garden
- PAWQARTAMPU: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Paucartambo
- PAY: pron.pers. he; she; it
- PAYA: adj. old (woman); old (female)
- PAYA: s. old woman
- PAYA: adj. old (woman); old (female)
- PAYA: s.(1) old woman
- -PAYA-: [repetitive]; many times; redundantly
- PAYA KAY: s. age (old woman)
- PAYA WARMI: s. old woman
- PAYAYAY: v.intr. to age (woman); to become old (woman)
- PAYKUNA: pron.pers. they; them
- PAYLLA: s.(l.esp) pay; wage; salary; refund; wages; scholarship; grant
- PAYPA: pron.pos. her; hers; his; its
- PAYQO: s.(bot) kind of medicinal plant (herb)
- PAYTITI: s.(mit) The Mythical “City of Gold” or El Dorado spoken of in many historical writings on the Inkas. The Spanish were searching to plunder “El Dorado” but more than likely misunderstood the spiritual significance of “gold” to the Inka; a metaphysical city (similar in concept to the Tibetan Shambhala) that will manifest physically during the coming new Golden Age, much misunderstanding about this concept – many have searched for its fabled golden treasures on the physical plane
- P’ENQA: s. shame
- P’ENQACHIY: to shame
- P’ENQAKUY: v.intr. to be ashamed; to get embarrassed
- P’ENQALLI; P’ENQALI: adj. bashful; ashamed; timid
- P’ENQASQA: p.p.p. ashamed; bashful
- P’ENQAY: s.(1) shame; dishonor
- P’ENQAY: v.intr. to be ashamed; to get embarrassed
- P’ENQAYCHAY: to shame
- PENQO-PENQO: s.(bot) horsetail; kind of herb
- P’ENQOYLLO: s.(zoo) kind of cicade
- PEQO: s.(zoo) cloth worm (moth larva); woodworm
- PERQA: s. fence; wall
- PERQA T’UÑIYKAMUN; PIRK’A T’UÑIYKAMUN: expr. the fence came down
- PERQACHAY: to build
- PERQACHIY: to make someone build a wall
- PERQAQ: s.a. bricklayer; mason
- PERQASQA: p.p.p. made out of bricks
- PERQAY: to build a wall; to make a wall
- PERQAY KAMAYOQ: s. bricklayer; mason
- PESQO; PISQO; P’ISQO; P’ESQO: s.(zoo)(1) bird; crow
- PH: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- PHAK: interj. puff (the sound of a soft explosion); expression used for the opening of a flower
- PHAK: s. puff
- PHAKA: s.(ana)(1) groin; gore; gusset; crotch; lap
- PHAKA: s.(ana)(2) peroneal bone; calf bone
- PHAKA KUCHU: s.(ana) groin; gore; gusset; crotch
- PHAKA USA: s.(zoo) pubic louse
- PHAKMAY: to distribute; to divide; to separate
- PHAKWI: s. half
- PHALA: s. rope
- PHALAY: to skin over the surface
- PHALICHA: s.(tex) skirt of the little chidren
- PHALLCHA: s.(bot) gentian; a red-flowering plant of the puna
- PHALLCHAY: to strew flowers (gentian) over the animals at the end of a ceremony; to throw phallchay (gentian) flowers over animals
- PHALLUY: to destroy by physical blows
- PHANCHI: adj. blooming
- PHANCHIY: v.intr. to shoot forth (plant); to sprout; to bloom; to blossom (open up the bud); to blossom; to bud
- PHANKA: s.(bot) kind of tree
- PHANQA: s.(bot.ana)(1) husk; leaf covering the corn cob
- PHAPU: adj. crumbly (dirt)
- PHAQCHA: s.(geo) waterfall; cascade; cataract
- PHAQCHAY: v.intr. to cascade; to overflow; to flood
- PHAQSA: s. brightness; brilliancy; radiance
- PHAQSAY: v.intr. to glitter
- PHAQSAYOQ: adj. bright
- PHAQSI: s.(met)(aym) sunshine
- PHAR: interj.onom. [sound of humming birds]
- PHARARARAY: v.intr. to flap one’s wings; to flap one’s arms like wings
- PHARARAY: v.intr. to flutter (wings); to blink rapidly; to blow (wind) with a characteristic sound
- PHASI: adj. steamed
- PHASIY: to parboil beans
- PHASKIY: v.intr. to dry in the sun or the air
- PHASMI; PATMA; PHATMI: s. part; portion
- PHASPA: adj. rough
- PHASPA: s.(med) flake (of the skin)
- PHATA: s.(2) cracked; burst
- PHATACHIY: to blast
- PHATATATAY: to beat (bound/flutter); to convulse
- PHATAY: v.intr. to burst; to explode; to blow up
- PHATU: adj. large; bulky
- PHAWAKACHAY: v.intr. to strut
- PHAWAQ: s.a. flyer; runner
- PHAWARIY: v.intr. to raise the wing
- PHAWAY; PHALAY: to fly; to run; to run
- PHAWAY; PHALAY: to fly; to run; to run away
- PHAWAYKUY: to assail; to set upon
- PHAWCHI: s.(geo) waterfall; cataract
- PHAWKA: s.(bot) plant used to dye yellow
- PHAWSI RUNA: s.(mit) little nature deities inhabiting running water: streams, creeks, and waterfalls
- PHEQTUSQA: p.p.p. mixed; weakened; disheartened; despondent
- PHICHU: adj. expert; piece
- PHICHU: s.(2) hair lock; curl; piece of wool
- PHICHU: s.(3) bedding
- PHICHU: s.(ana) eyebrow; eyebrows
- PHICHU: s.(zoo) dog
- PHILLILLU: s.(ana) kneecap; patella
- PHILLTI: s.(min) iron
- PHIÑA: adj. angry; mad; angry; upset
- PHIÑACHIY: to anger; to bother
- PHIÑAKUY: s. anger
- PHIÑAKUY: v.intr. to be angry; to get mad; to become angry; to become upset
- PHIÑARIKUY: to berate; to rebuke
- PHIÑASQA: p.p.p. angry; mad; upset
- PHIÑAY: v.intr. to bluster; to storm
- PHIÑAY: to annoy; to make angry; to reprimand; to rebuke; to admonish
- PHIRIY: to shatter; to make phiri; to waste; to profligate; to squander; to unload or sell off at any price
- PHIRU: adj. stubborn; wild; dangerous
- PHIRURU: s. pegtop; spinning top; top (for spinning); top (originally the kind used for spinning); small wooden or clay disk portion of the puchka; spiral; spindle; whorl; spindle whorl; small disk of wood or clay used to make a spindle (puchka) by piercing it with a thin wooden stick (shaft)
- PHIRURU: s.(ana) ulna
- PHISQA KAQ; PISQA KAQ: num.o. fifth
- PHISTA: s.(l.esp) celebration; party
- PHISTAY: to party
- PHIWI: s. first-born son; eldest son
- PHIWI WAWA: s. first-born son
- PHIWICHU: s.(zoo) small parrot
- PHOQCHI: adj. full
- PHOQCHIY: v.intr. to bubble; to boil; to overflow
- PHOSOQO: s. foam; froth
- PHUCHU: s. toof of wool or matted hair
- PHUKU: s. breeze; blowing
- PHUKUNA: s. blowpipe; small flute; horn
- PHUKURI: s. wind instrument
- PHUKUY: s. blowing
- PHUKUY: to blow
- PHULLPUQ UNU: s. bubbling spring
- PHULLPUY: v.intr. to bubble up
- PHULLU: s.(tex) cover; blanket; hand-woven blanket of dyed yarn, may be half or completely covered with woven design; women’s carrying blanket; women’s shoulder shawl (smaller than q’epiña); tissue
- PHULLU-PHULLU: s. fluff; fuzz
- PHULLWA: s. dust
- PHULQENQA: s. dent
- PHULQU: s.(aym) sock; slipper; home-made, llama-hide slippers worn by women
- PHUÑA: s.(bot) a white-flowering plant of the puna
- PHURU: s. feather; feather; plumage
- PHURU PICHANA: s. duster
- PHUSKAKUY: to spin for oneself; to spin
- PHUSKANA: s.(tex) spindle; distaff
- PHUSKAQ PHIRURUN: s.(tex) whorl; spindle whorl
- PHUSKAQ TULLUN: s.(tex) spindle stick
- PHUSKASQA: p.p.p. spinned
- PHUSMA: adj. apostate
- PHUSMAYKACHAY: v.intr. to be apostate
- PHUSPU: s.(mik) cooked broad beans
- PHUSULLO: s.(med) blister
- PHUTIKUY: v.intr. to suffer morally; to be very sad; to be gloomy; to worry; to be sad; to grieve
- PHUTIY: s. grief
- PHUTIY: v.intr. to worry; to be afflicted
- PHUTIY: to bake (in steam)
- PHUTU: s.(l.esp) photograph
- PHUTUY: s. flowering of a plant or of the spiritual seed of the initiate
- PHUTUY: v.intr. to bud; to develop
- PHUYU: s.(met) cloud; fog
- PHUYU PHUYU: s. cloud over; dense cloud; layer of cloud
- PHUYUSQA: p.p.p.(met) cloudy
- PHUYUY: v.impers.(met) to cloud over
- PHUYUYLLAM PHUYUM RIMAQPI MANAN PHUYU CH’EQERIKUNCHU: expr. In Lima (Rimaq) there is continuous fog without dissolving the fog
- -PI: [LOCATIVE]; on; in; while
- -PI: [LOCATIVE]; on; in; while
- PI?: who?; who of …?
- PICHANA: s. broom
- PICHASQA: p.p.p. swept; cleaned
- PICHASQA: s. blue sky
- PICHASQA: s.(med) cleansing; ritual cure performed to cleanse the body of illness (clothing or food is rubbed over or tied on the body to lure the illness out of the body, then these are burned)
- PICHAY: to sweep; to clean; to erase; to sweep; to clear; to wipe
- PICHIKU: s.(zoo) small monkey; black-mantled tamarin
- PICHINCHU: s.(zoo) bird
- PICHINKU; PICHIKU: s.(ana) penis
- PICHINKU; PICHIKU: s.(zoo) sparrow; swallow; little bird
- PICHITANKA: s.(zoo) sparrow; swallow; bird; small person
- PICHU: s.(ana) tibia; wrist
- P’ICHUK: s.(tex) belt or wreath dyed with several colours
- PICHUSKI: s.(ana) instep; ankle
- PIKAQ: s.(zoo) scorpion
- PIKCHAY: v.intr. to chew coca
- PIKCHU: s. mountain; hill; peak; cone; pyramid
- PIKI: s.(zoo) flea
- PIKI CHAKI: s.(zoo) flea penetrating the skin between the toes
- PIKI PICHANA: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- PIKILLAQTA: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Piquillacta (town of fleas, named in 18th or 19th century, original name probably Muyuna = turn, curve)
- PIKUCHIY: to demonstrate
- PIKUNA?: who? (plural)
- PIKURO: s.(zoo) paca; kind of rodent
- PIKUWA: s.(bot) kind of purple-flowering herb
- PIKWAYU: s.(bot) coconut palm
- PILA: s. tube; pipe
- PILI: s.(zoo) duck
- PILLA: s.(tex) tassel; tassel marking ears of camelids, of special red wool
- PILLAKA LLAWTU; PILLAKA LLAYTU: s.(tex) headband of two colours; Inka headband of various colours
- PILLAPAS: pron.indef. anyone; anybody; whoever
- PILLCHI: s.(bot) species of squash tree; big pumpkin
- PILLI-PILLI: s.(bot)(1) chicory
- PILLI-PILLI: s.(bot)(2) dandelion
- PILLI-PILLI: s.(bot)(3) dwarf lobelia
- PILLKU: s.(zoo) canary
- PILLKUSQA: p.p.p. banded
- PILLKUY: to band
- PILLPINTU: s.(zoo) butterfly
- PILLU: s.(tex) crown (wreath); flowers or food worn as a band on a hat; crown; cylindrical woolen hair wreath
- PILLUCHAY: to crown
- PILLURICHIY: to crown
- PILLURIKUY: v.intr. to crown oneself
- PILLUY: to spin; to twist threads
- PILUTA HAYT’AY: s.(p.esp) soccer; football
- PILUTA; PELOTA: s.(esp) ball
- PIN?: who?
- PINCHI: s. space
- PINCHI: s.(fis) spark; flash; lightning
- PINCHIKILLA: s.(neo) electricity; electric energy
- PINCHINCHU: s. bird
- PINCHINKURU: s.(zoo) brilliant black wasp that kills spiders for alimentation of its descendants; firefly
- PINKUYLLU: s.(mus) pipe of baked clay; musical instrument (flute); a flute-like musical instrument
- PINSAY: to think; to think (over, about)
- PINTOQ: s.(bot) kind of grass; kind of huge grass of the costal region (up to 1300 m) and the Amazon (up to 1500 m) forming dense vegetation along the river banks (principal uses: medicinal – diuretic (root), anemia (infusion of leaves and stem), asthma (young leaves) -, construction, basketry); kind of herbaceous, up to 4 m high plant, thick and hollow cane stems of 4 to 6 cm diameter. Lineal, 1,5 to 2 m long and 5 to 6 cm broad leaves, disposed in 2 lines. Large, frondose, panicle, up to 1 m long inflorescence, spikes up to 12 mm long, with big tricomas. Narrow, oblong, approximately 1 mm long fruits
- P’INTUNA: s.(tex) nappy; napkin; diaper; bunch; shroud; pall
- P’INTUYKUKUY P’ACHATA: to put on warm clothes
- PIÑAS: s. torment; jail
- PIÑAS: s.adj. prisoner; captive
- PIÑAS: s. misfortune; calamity
- PIÑI: s. jewel
- PIPU: adj. thick (liquid); viscous; doughy
- PIPU: s.(tex) tight or compressed tissue
- PIPU P’ACHA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- PIPUCHAY: to comress tissue
- P’IPU-P’IPU AWASQA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- PIQPA?: whose?
- PIQPAN?; PIQPAM?: whose?
- PIRA: s.(bot)(esp) pear
- PIRASQA: p.p.p. striped; speckled; striped with colours
- PIRAYKU?: by whom?
- PIRWA: s. granary; barn; shack used to store food
- PIRWA: s.(ast)(1) planet Jupiter
- PIRWAY: to pile up; to stack
- P’ISAQ: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo, province of Kalka/Calca (Peru); (Span.) Pisac
- P’ISAQ: s.(zoo) South American partridge
- PISI: adj. little; small quantity; rare; short; small; a little; few
- PISI KAY: s. lack; weakness; deficiency; insufficiency
- PISI P’ACHAYOQ: s.p. who wears short dress
- PISI SONQO: adj. sentimental; weak person; pusillanimous; coward
- PISI WASKALLA: s.(tex) short rope
- PISICHAKAPUY: to disdain
- PISICHASQA: p.p.p. crestfallen; dejected
- PISICHAY: s. shortcut; abbreviation; summary
- PISICHAY: to shorten; to make small
- PISICHAY: to berate; to scorn
- PISILLAM WASKA: expr. there are only few ropes
- PISIPACHAPI: adv.t. shortly
- PISIPASQA: p.p.p. backward
- PISIPAY: v.intr. to tire; to become tired; to be backward
- PISIPAYPI: adj. backward
- PISI-PISIMANTA; PISI PISIMANTA: adv.m. little by little
- PISIRI: s. necessity
- PISIY: s. scarcity
- PISIY: v.cop. to be missing; to be absent; to lack; to deminish; to end
- PISIY: v.intr. to diminish; to decrease; to lessen; to lose intensity; to weaken
- PISIY PISIY: s. smallness; littleness
- PISIY PISIY!: interj. Take it easy!
- PISIYACHIY: to decrease; to reduce; to diminish
- PISIYAY: v.intr.(1) to diminish; to decrease; to diminish; to lessen; to reduce
- PISIYAY: v.intr.(2) to become impoverished; to become poor
- PISK’AY: s.(bot) kind of plant
- PISQA QOLLQA: s.(ast) Five Storehouses: Located somewhere from the belt of Orion to the Hyades (provenience: Sonqo)
- PISQA QOYLLUR: s.(ast) Five Stars: The Hyades (provenience: Misminay)
- PISQA; PHISQA: num.c. five
- PISQOSAPA: adj.(k) excellent man
- P’ISTU: s. wraparound skirt made of homespun, brightly dyed or natural white wool, worn in layers by women
- P’ISTUKUY: v.intr. to cover oneself
- P’ISTUNA: s. coat; overcoat
- P’ISTUY: to cover
- PISUNAY: s.(bot) coral tree
- PITA; P’ITA: s.(tex) thin thread
- PITA?: whom?
- PITAHAYA: s.(bot) kind of cactus
- P’ITALLA: adv.m. rapidly
- PITAN?: whom?
- PITAY: to smoke; to smoke (cigarette, cigar)
- P’ITAY: to jump; to jump over
- P’ITI: adj. shabby; dilapidated
- P’ITICHIY: s. weaning (tearing the thread) (happens when the child is between one and a half and two years old)
- P’ITICHIY: to delay; to postpone; to defer; to suspend
- P’ITIKUTIY: v.intr. to agonize (death)
- P’ITI-P’ITI WASKA: s.(tex) rope torn or cut into pieces
- P’ITISQA: p.p.p. torn; broken
- P’ITIY: to cut (a rope; a thread); to cut; to cut off; to break; to tear; to pull apart; to interrupt; to suspend; to pick; to harvest
- PITU: s. pair; twins; couple; couple
- PITU CHANIYOQ: adj. bivalent
- PITU KUNDISYUNAL: s.(neo)(p.esp) biconditional
- PITUCHAKUY: v.intr. to hold one’s palms together
- PIWAN?: with whom?
- PIWICHU: s.(zoo) kind of small, very vivid parrot
- PLATANU: s.(bot)(esp) banana
- POLLERA; PULLIRA: s.(tex)(esp) pleated skirt worn by cholitas; full, short skirt made from synthetic fabric worn by the cholas of southern Peru; traditional skirt
- P’OLQACHIY: to deceive
- POLQAY: to avoid
- P’OLQAY: to tease
- P’OLQO: s. slipper for babies; baby boots made from yarn
- P’ONQO: s. water-filled depression; puddle; deep spot in river; pool of water
- P’OQAY: to squeeze; to compress; to press out a pimple or a boil
- POQO: adj. ripe; mature
- POQOSQA: p.p.p. ripe; mature; mature
- POQOY: s. maturation; ripening; season of ripening; season of fruit; fermentation; fruit
- POQOY: v.intr. to ripen; to mature; to ferment; to grow (plant); to mature (fruit); to bear fruit
- POQOY KILLA: s.(mes) February
- POQOY PACHA: s. autumn; summer
- POQP’O: s. bubble; air bubble; energy bubble (field of living energy surrounding the human body)
- POQTOY; PHOQTOY: s. portion; a double handful
- PORO: s. container made out of a kind of pumpkin; gourd
- PORO: s.(bot) porongo (certain kind of pumpkin used as containers); kind of pumpkin; gourd
- P’OSQO SIMI: s.(med) bitter mouth
- P’OSQO; P’USQO: s.(che) acid
- P’OSQO; P’USQO; PUCHQO: adj. bitter; acid; astringent; sour; salty
- P’OSQOY: v.intr. to ferment; to become sour; to decay; to rot; to decompose; to turn sour
- PRUPINA: s.(esp) tip; gratuity
- -PU-: [benefitial]; [malefitial]
- PUCHU: s. rest; left-overs; residues; cigarette end
- P’UCHUKAY: s. end; extinction; death; remaining
- P’UCHUKAY: v.intr. to end; to be completed
- P’UCHUKAY: to end; to complete; to consume
- P’UCHUKAYPI: adv.m. finally
- PUCHUNRAQ: s. excess
- PUCHUQ: s. left-overs
- PUCHUY: v.intr. to remain; to be sufficient; to exceed; to be overabundant; to be left over
- PUKA: adj.(col) red
- PUKA: adj.(col) red
- PUKA ALLPA: s. argillaceaous soil; clay
- PUKA ITANA: s.(bot) kind of herb
- PUKA LLUYCHU: s.(zoo) red deer
- PUKA MULLU: s.(zoo) coral
- PUKA PUKARA: s.(top) archeological site near Qosqo, was an administrative and military centre, from which it was possible to control the Inka road to Qosqo; Puka Pukara (red fortress)
- PUKA UMIÑA: s. ruby
- PUKA WIRP’A: s. red lips
- PUKALLPA: s.(top) departmental city in Peru; (Span.) Pucallpa (tierra roja)
- PUKAMAKASHKA: s.(bot) kind of gentian of the high mountain region
- PUKAPANTI: adj. pink
- PUKAPUNI: adj. stronger red; always red
- PUKARA: s. castle; tower; fort; fortress; ancient altar
- PUKARA KAMAYOQ: s.(mil) commander of fortress
- PUKARAYAY: to fortify
- PUKAYAY: v.intr. to redden; to turn red; to blush; to become red
- PUKINA: s.(tri) ancient people living in the region of Lake Titicaca, and their extinct language
- PUKLLA: s. game
- PUKLLACHIY TURUTA: to make bulls fight (bullfight)
- PUKLLAKUQ WAMRA: s.(fam) boy, 5 to 9 years old (meaning in Inka times); boy who plays, serves his parents and is disciplined, looks after his younger brothers and sisters and helps at home; child, 5 to 9 years old (meaning in Inka times); child who plays, serves his/her parents and is disciplined, looks after his/her younger brothers and sisters and helps at home
- PUKLLAKUQ WARMI WAMRA: s.(fam) girl, 5 to 9 years old (meaning in Inka times); girl who plays, serves her parents, takes care of her younger brothers and sisters, helps at home and in preparing chicha
- PUKLLANA: s. toy; game; game; toy
- PUKLLAPÁYAY: to incite; to stir up; to provoke
- PUKLLAQ: s.a. player
- PUKLLAY: to play
- PUKLLAY: s. game; play; Carnival; the play of children, lovers, or the playing out of a ritual
- PUKLLAY: s.(tex) tassel marking ears of camelids, of special red wool
- PUKLLAY: to play
- PUKPUKA: s.(zoo) quail
- P’UKRU: adj. hollow; concave; holey; holed
- P’UKRU: s.(geo) gorge; ravine; gully; hollow; valley
- P’UKTU: adj. sunken; dished; concave
- P’UKTU: s. basket
- P’UKTUCHA: s. basket
- P’UKTUY: to make a concave depression or shape
- P’UKU: s. bowl; plate; deep bowl; dish; plate
- PUKUCHU: s.(bot) red campanula
- PUKUCHU: s.(tex) coca purse made of complete dried baby alpaca skin (fur) which is marked with yarn ear tassels
- PUKYU: s. source; spring; natural spring; well; fountain
- PULLA-PULLA: s.(bot) kind of annual plant with lilac five-petaled flowers that sprouts without leaves
- PULLAQCHA: s.(tex) sling tassel
- PULLU AP’A: s.(tex) fuzzy blanket
- PULLU-PULLU P’ACHA: s.(tex) fuzzy dress
- PULLU-PULLUYOQ: s.(tex) fuzzy dress
- PULLUPUNTU: s.(bot) ivory palm
- PULLURKI; PILLURKI: s.(ana) eye-lashes; eye-lash; eyelashes
- PULLUSAPA: adj. fuzzy; fluffy; hairy; plushy
- PULLUSAPA P’ACHA: s.(tex) fleece; tuft; plush
- PULLUY: to mark an animal with a tassel
- PULMUN: s.(med)(esp) shoulder or upper back region of the body (Spanish, “lung”), and symptoms in this area (usually refers to shoulder pain resulting from work movements, but sometimes includes respiratory complaints)
- PULQANQA: s.(mil) shield; leather shield covered with coloured feathers
- PULQANQAKUNA: s.(mil) defensive weapons
- P’ULTIY: to sink; to dive; to splash
- P’ULTIY: to plunge into the water
- PUMA: s.(zoo)(1) puma; mountain lion; silver lion
- PUMACHU: s.(bot) grass species of the puna region
- PUMACHUKU: s.(bot) kind of tree
- PUMAP RURUN: s.(bot) cactus fruit
- PUNA: s.(geo) lofty region; elevated, cold plain; altitude level in the Andes from 4000 to 5000 m; highland plateau in the Andes
- PUNA AYLLU: s.(top) upper community; community oriented to the puna; community in the District of Kuyu Kuyu (Cuyo Cuyo, Province of Sandia, Department of Puno, Peru)
- PUNA ICHHU: s.(bot) straw from the lofty region
- P’UNCHAWQELLQA: s.(neo) newspaper (daily)
- P’UNCHAY; P’UNCHAW: s. day
- -PUNI: shurely; in any case
- PUNKI: s.(med) oedema
- PUNKICHIY: to make swell
- PUNKILLIKUY: s.(med) hydropoiesis
- PUNKISQA: adj. swollen
- PUNKIY: v.intr. to swell; to become inflamed; to swell
- PUNKU: s. door; entrance
- PUNKU: s.(geo) narrowing of a river
- PUNKU CHAKA: s. threshold
- PUNKU KAMAYOQ: s. doorkeeper; goalkeeper
- PUNKUTA WISQ’AY: expr. close the door
- PUNU: s.(top) departmental city in Peru; (Span.) Puno
- P’UÑU: expr. clay jar
- PUÑUCHIY: to send to sleep; to lull to sleep; to put to sleep
- PUÑUKUY: v.intr. to fall asleep
- PUÑUNA: s. bed
- PUÑUNA WASI: s. dormitory
- PUÑUNA WASIMAN HAYKUY: expr. go to the dormitory
- PUÑUNAYAY: v.intr. to slumber
- PUÑUPAKUY: v.intr. to sleep at a stranger’s home
- PUÑUQLLARAQ: s.(fam) baby still sleeping most time
- PUÑURQOY: s. siesta
- PUÑUY: v.intr. to sleep
- PUÑUY AYSAY: to put to sleep
- PUÑUY SIKI P’ASÑA: adj.(k) inveterately sleeping girl
- PUPA: s.(bot) kind of parasitic climbing plant
- PUPU: s.(ana) belly button; navel; bellybutton
- PUPU; PUPUTI: s.(ana) belly button; navel; bellybutton
- PUPUTI: s.(ana) belly button; navel
- -PURA: among; amongst
- PURA KILLA: s.(ast) full moon
- PURAPURA: s.(mil) breastplate
- PURICHIY: to drive; to conduct
- PURIKUQ: s.a. tramp; vagabond; vagrant
- PURIKUY: to go
- PURINAUNANCHAQ: s.(neo) traffic light
- PURINKICHU: s. hiker; tourist; vagabond
- PURIQ: adj. consecutive
- PURIQ: s.a. traveller; hiker; rambler; consecutive
- PURIQ UMA: s.(mit) flying head (wandering head of a sleeping person, especially when he/she has done something wrong)
- PURIRIY: s. direction
- PURIRIY: to set off; to embark; to begin a journey
- PURISUNCHIS: expr. Let’s go
- PURIY: s. conduct (behavior); current; conduct; current
- PURIY: to go; to walk; to hike; to ramble; to travel; to wander; to flow; to travel
- P’URU: adj. hollow; empty
- P’URU: s. globe; bulb
- P’URU; PURU: s.(ana) bladder; gourd
- PURUN: adj. wild; barren
- PURUN: s. wilderness; wasteland
- PURUN LLAQTA: s. abandoned village; empty village; ghost town
- PURUN QORA: s. adolescent
- PURUN QOWI: s.(zoo) wild guinea pig
- PURUN RUNA: s. savage
- P’URUÑA; POROÑA; PURUÑA: s. ceramic wash basin; large ceramic plate or dish; bucket
- PURU-PURU: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- P’URURAWQA: s.(mil) stone balls thrown down from the castle
- PURUS: s.(bot) kind of granadilla
- PURUTU; POROTO: s.(bot) dwarf bean; bean
- PUSAQ: num.c. eight
- PUSAQ: s.a. leader; guide; boss; president
- PUSAQ CHUNKA: num.c. eighty
- PUSAQ ÑEQEN: num.o. eighth
- PUSAQ PACHAK: num.c. eight hundred
- PUSAQ URA: adv.t. eight o’clock
- PUSAY: to lead; to guide; to bring (persons or animals); to conduct; to drive
- PUSKA; PHUSKA: s.(tex)(1) spindle; instrument used to spin wool into yarn
- PUSKAY; PHUSKAY: to spin; to use the phuskha to make yarn; to spin; to spin using the drop spindle method
- P’USTI: s.(zoo) kind of bird; calf
- PUSU Q’ELLU: s.(bot) begonia; kind of herbaceous plant
- PUTAQLLANKU: s.(bot) kind of climbing herb
- P’UTI: s. key; lock; padlock; chest; small chest made out of pumpkin
- PUTIKUY: s.(med) anxiety; worry; worry (a cause of illness, often related to depression/llakikuy)
- P’UTISQA: p.p.p. sad; worried; afflicted
- PUTU: s. chicha dipper
- PUTU: s.(zoo.ana) down (of a bird)
- PUTUKA: s.(mus) kettledrum
- PUTUKUSI: s.(top) the name of the female mountain just at the entrance to the ruins of Machu Pijchu; her name means “flowering joy”
- PUTUKUY: s. chicha dipper
- PUTUN: adj. stinking; fetid
- PUTUN: adj. evil-smelling
- PUTUNA: s. chicha dipper
- PUTUSI: s.(top) city in Bolivia, formerly capital city of colonial South America (spelling adjusted to Spanish pronunciation); (Span.) Potosí
- PUTUTU: s.(mus) horn (trumpet); sea shell or cow horn trumpet; conch shell trumpet (in some Andean communities it is made of wood)
- PUTUTU: s.(zoo) marine snail shell
- PUYA: s.(bot) the only tree of the puna; cactus
- PUYLLU: s.(tex) tassel; tassel marking ears of camelids, of special red wool
- PUYLLUCHAY: to make a tassel
- PUYLLULLICHIY: to attach a tassel
- P’UYÑU: s. jar; ceramic pitcher; jug
- P’UYONQO; P’UYUNQO: s. pool; dammed up water
- PUYTU: s. round building; round pitcher
- Q: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- Q’: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -Q: [doer]; -er; -or
- -Q HAMUY: expr. to come to (do)
- -Q RIY: expr.(1) to go to (do)
- -QA: [topic]; [already known information]; the; but
- QACHA: s. dried fruit
- Q’ACHACHACHAY: to crackle (sparking)
- Q’ACHAN: s.(bot) kind of plant with spicy fruits
- QACHIN: s.(top) community in the Department of Qosqo (Province of Kalka/Calca, Peru); (Span.) Ccachín
- QACHIY: to stir; to scatter; to stir cereals with a stick
- Q’ACHU: s.(agr) pasture; fodder plant; barley; grass; grass (green and tender); fodder; forage
- Q’ACHU: s.(bot) grass
- Q’ACHUY: to cut pasture
- QAKA: s. uncle
- Q’ALA: adj.(1) naked; bald; peeled
- Q’ALA: adj.(2) absolutely all of it; total; complete; entire; bare; all
- Q’ALA CHAKI: adj. barefoot
- Q’ALACHIY: to strip
- Q’ALAY: v.intr. to strip; to put off; to take off (clothes)
- QALLA: s. wheel; round plate; paving-stone (round)
- QALLARIQ: adj. initiator
- QALLARIQMACHU: s. progenitor
- QALLARISQA: p.p.p. begun; started
- QALLARIY: to begin; to start
- QALLARIY SIMI: s. introduction
- QALLARIYNIN: beginning; introduction
- Q’ALLAY: to cut; to cut in slices
- QALLMAN SIMI: adj. plain; simple
- Q’ALLPAKUY: v.intr. to pull oneself together; to struggle to one’s feet
- QALLU: s.(ana) tongue
- Q’ALLU: s. section; slice; sauce
- QALLU TAKA: s.(zoo) slug
- QAM: pron.pers. you (singular, formal)
- QAMA: adj.(1) bland
- QAMCHU: s.(his) court jester; jester at the side of the Inka for amusement and thanking
- QAMKUNA: pron.pers. you (plural, formal)
- QAMPAQPAS!: expr. The same to you!
- QAMPAS HINALLATAQ!: expr. The same to you!
- QAN: pron.pers. you; you (singular); thou (you sg.)
- QAN LLULLAYPAS ÑOQAN ARI AMATAQ: s.a. Just tell your lies, I won’t
- QANCHI: s.(top)(?) ancient people and province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Canchis
- QANCHIS: num.c. seven
- QANCHIS ÑAWI: s.(spi) the seven levels of the Inkas’ holy spiritual path
- QANCHIS ÑEQEN: num.o. seventh
- QANKUNA: pron.pers. you (plural); you (plural, informal); you (pl.); you all
- QANKUNAQ: pron.pos. your (plural); yours (plural)
- QANÑATAQ: expr. and now you
- QANPA: pron.pos. your; yours
- QANRI: expr. and you?
- QANTU; Q’ANTU; QANTUTA: s.(bot) a bush having red or yellow flowers that are considered as the Peruvian national flowers; kantu (kind of wild plant, an illa of oca)
- QANTUTA: s.(bot) a bush having red or yellow flowers that are considered as the Peruvian national flowers
- QAÑIWA: s.(bot) cereal from the Chenopodiaceae family
- Q’AÑUY: to crumble
- Q’APACHI: s. incense; perfume
- QAPARIQ: s.(gra) interjection
- QAPARIY: s. call; cry; scream; yell; shreak; shout
- QAPARIY: v.dic. to call; to cry; to shout; to scream; to bark; to sing (bird); to shout; to yell; to roar; to scream; to shout
- Q’APAY: s. smell; aroma; odor; perfume
- Q’APAY: to smell (of something); to smell; to give off an odor
- Q’APCHI: adj. elegant, haughty nobleman
- Q’API Q’API: s. bumpy terrain
- Q’APINAKUY: v.recip. to shake hands
- Q’APIY: to squeeze with the hand; to shake hands; to give the hand; to squeeze out; to crush; to extrude; to sqeeze with the hand; to knead
- QAPYA: adj. soft
- QAQA: adj. hard; filled completely with people
- QAQA: s.(geo) rock; pass; cliff; mountain; chasm; abyss
- QAQA QAQA: s. boulder
- Q’AQALO: adj. born out of wedlock
- QAQAPANA: s. cliff; abyss
- QAQAPAY: to throw down
- QAQAQAQAN: s.(onom) thunder
- Q’AQCHA: s. honor
- Q’AQCHA: s.(mus) type of Carnaval dance
- Q’AQCHA WARAQ’A: s.(mus) dance sling
- Q’AQCHA; K’AKCHA: s.(met) thunder
- Q’AQCHAKUY: s. terror; horror
- Q’AQCHAY: s. terror
- Q’AQCHAY: to whip
- QAQE: s.(zoo) kind of bird
- QAQLLI: s.(ana) face; cheek
- Q’AQÑUSQA: p.p.p. crumpled; crushed
- Q’AQÑUY: v.intr. to crumple up
- Q’AQÑUY: to crush; to crumple
- Q’AQRIY: v.intr. to stink; to smell terrible
- QAQTI: adj. bitter
- QARA: s.(ana) skin; leather; bark; peel; bark (tree); hide; bark; skin; hide; pelt
- Q’ARA: adj. naked; bare; bald
- QARA LLIP’IYAQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) smooth tissue; atlas (tissue)
- Q’ARA UMA: adj. bald head
- QARA WASKA: s.(tex) leather rope
- QARACHA: s.(med) scabies; itch; scab
- Q’ARACHUPA: s.(zoo)(1) opossum
- Q’ARACHUPA: s.(zoo)(2) armadillo
- QARALLAMA: s.(tex) smooth tissue; atlas (tissue)
- QARAPATI: s.(med) scurf; dandruff
- QARATI: s. dandruff
- QARATU: s.(bot) native tree with large leaves
- QARAY: s. early morning, pre-breakfast work period, used especially during the broad bean harvest in May
- QARAY: to deal out; to dish out; to distribute; to feed; to give; to give a present; to serve food; to share; to serve
- QARAYAPUY: v.intr. to develop skin
- QARAYWA; QALAYWA: s.(zoo) lizard
- QARI WILLKA; K’ARI WILLKA: s. grandson
- QARI; QHARI: adj. male; masculine
- QARI; QHARI: s.(fam) man; male; man (male adult)
- QARI; QHARI: adj. male; masculine; courageous; brave; strong
- QARMIN; QHARMIN: s.(ana) shoulder-blade; scapula
- QARPANA: s. irrigation ditch
- QARPASQA: p.p.p. irrigated
- QARPAY: s. ritual bath
- QARPAY: to irrigate
- QARQOY: to throw; to throw out; to vacate; to evacuate; to cast out; to throw out; to dismiss; to sack; to fire (a worker)
- Q’ARU: s. vandal
- Q’ARUY: to vandalize; to waste; to break utilities
- QARWA: adj.(col) golden (color); yellow
- QARWA: s.(zoo)(1) leaf worm, larva of a beetle
- QARWAY: s. winter
- QASA: adj. cold
- QASA: s.(met)(2) hoar-frost
- Q’ASA: s. pass; notch; aperture; breach; chip; chipped; window; opening
- QASA PHUYU: s.(ast) major and minor Magellan cloud
- QASA; QHASA: s.(met)(1) frost
- QASAMARKA: s.(top) departmental city in Peru; (Span.) Cajamarca (cold land – cf. Kashamarka, land of thorns), (hist.) Caxamarca, Caxamalca [x=sh]
- Q’ASANA UNKU: s.(tex) shirt with chessboard design
- QASAY: v.impers.(met)(1) to freeze; to be cold; to fall hoar-frost
- Q’ASAY: to chip; to make notches
- QASI: adj. free; peaceful; in vain; quiet; vacant; quiet; silent; motionless; an empty habitation; unnecessary; something done in vain or for its own sake; ordinary; unadorned textile; tranquil
- QASI KAY: s. peace
- QASI WAYTA: s.(tex) plain weave
- QASICHIY: to calm
- QASIMANTA: adv.m. in vain; in vain; vainly
- QASIRUNA: adj.pers. at leisure; non-employed; lazy
- QASIY: v.intr. to loiter
- Q’ASPAY: to toast; to barbecue; to singe; to burn; to singe; to scoarch; to scorch; to sear; to scorch; to roast in flames; to seduce
- QATA: s. blanket; cover; coverage; bedding; blanket; covering; the side of a hill
- QATA: s.(arc) roof
- Q’ATA: adj. cloudy; dull
- QATAKUNA: s.(tex) covering; blankets; bedding; clothes
- QATAKUY: v.intr. to cover oneself
- QATAN SUMAQCHA!: expr. the roof looks nice
- QATANA: s. cover; wraps; shelter
- QATARIY: to insist; to urge
- QATASQA: p.p.p. covered
- QATAY: to cover; to cover up; to cover
- QATAYKUKUY: v.intr. to cover oneself
- QATAYKUY: to cover again
- QATAYMASI: adj. two people whose husbands or wives are brothers or sisters
- QATI QATILLA: adv.m. one after the other
- QATICHIKUY: to imitate
- QATICHIY: to imitate
- QATIKACHAY: to pursue; to persecute; to course
- QATIPAYAY: to persecute; to course
- QATIQ: s.(ass) effect
- QATIQ; QATEQ: adj. consecutive; following; next
- QATIQNIN: adj. consecutive
- QATIQNIN: consequent
- QATIRIY: to compel; to force; to oblige; to follow; to start following
- QATIY: s.(ass) hierarchy; time; era
- QATIY: to follow; to drive; to lead
- QATIYKACHAKUY: s. persecution
- QATIYKACHAY: to persecute; to persecute; to torment
- Q’AWA: s. animals’ excrements
- QAWI: adj. dried in the sun
- Q’AW-Q’AW: s.(med) rumbling
- QAYA-QAYA: s.(bot) mora herb
- QAYLLA: adj. near; close; neighbouring; adjoining
- QAYLLA: s.(1) rim; point; tip; ending
- QAYLLA: s.(2) presence
- QAYLLACHIY: to move closer; to approximate; to present
- QAYLLAKUY: v.intr. to approach; to come up; to come closer
- QAYLLAMANTA NIY: v.dic. to describe
- Q’AYMA: adj. insipid; sour; tasteless; insipid; tasteless
- Q’AYMASQA: p.p.p. awful; in bad condition; indifferent
- Q’AYMAY: v.intr. to be in very bad condition
- QAYNA: adj. yesterday; last
- QAYNA: adv.t.(1) yesterday
- QAYNA WATA; K’AYNA WATA : adv.t. last year
- QAYNA; HAYNA; K’AYNA: adv.t.(2) the last time; last time; once before; one before
- QAYNIMPA: adv.t. before yesterday; day before yesterday; a few days ago; days before; the other time; last time
- QAYNIWANCHAY: adv.t. yesterday
- QAYQA: s.(med) vertigo; nausea; a psychic or energetic knot of energy released through healing, ritual or intiation work, often causing the initiate or patient to choke or dry heave
- QAYRI: s. cousin
- Q’AYTU: s. thread; yarn; rope; cord; strand of wool; wool thread; ribbon; tape
- Q’AYTUNCHAY: s.(tex) thread mark
- Q’AYTUNCHAY: to thread; to thread a needle
- Q’AYTUY: to reel; to spin; to make a thread
- QAYWINA: s. spoon or ladle for stirring
- QAYWIY: to stir
- Q’EA; Q’EYA: s.(med) pus
- Q’EACHAY; Q’EYACHAY: v.intr. to become infected; to infect
- Q’ECHA: adj.(k) watery; muddy; marshy
- Q’ECHA: s.(med) diarrhoea; diarrhea
- Q’ECHAY: v.intr.(med) to have diarrhoea; to evacuate diarrhoea
- Q’ECHU: s.(med) sciatic pain; lumbago
- QECHUNAKUY: v.recip. to fight over the possession of something
- Q’ECHUY: to crook; to bend; to curve
- QECHUY; QHECHUY: to take away; to snatch; to appropiate; to carry off; to deprive
- QECHUY; QHECHUY: to subtract
- Q’ELETE: s.(med) adenitis
- QELLA: adj. lazy; idle; lethargic
- Q’ELLA: s.(med) scar
- QELLA ONQOY: s.(med) illness thought to be caused by laziness (more frequently used as a criticism for a lazy person)
- QELLA; QILLA: s. laziness; idleness; moon
- QELLAKUQ: s.a. lazy
- QELLAKUY: v.intr. to be lazy; to be idle
- Q’ELLAY: s.(min) money; silver; metal
- QELLMA: s. irony
- QELLMO: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- Q’ELLO PESQO; Q’ELLU PISQO: s.(zoo) kind of bird
- Q’ELLO; Q’ELLU: adj.(col) yellow; orange; pale
- Q’ELLPU: s.(tex) belt (of a child)
- QELLPU; QEYPU: s. glory; good fortune
- Q’ELLU CH’USPI: s.(zoo) cocoa bug
- Q’ELLU SARA: s.(bot) yellow corn; yellow maize
- Q’ELLU T’IKA: s.(bot) yellow flower; marigold; calendula; goldbloom; mary gowles
- Q’ELLUYASQA: p.p.p. yellowish
- Q’ELLUYAY: v.intr. to turn yellow; to grow pale; to fade
- QELLWA: s.(zoo) gull; tern
- QELQA; QELLQA: s. letter; letter (both meanings); writing; scripture; book; sign; discourse
- QELQAKAMAYOQ: s. writer; secretary
- QELQANA: s.(1) pen; pencil; writing utensil
- QELQANA: s.(2) desk
- QELQAQ: s.a. writer
- QELQARIMA: s. script; document
- QELQARIMAY: to read; to read (aloud)
- QELQASQA: p.p.p. text; written text; script; book
- QELQAY: s. writing; notation; spelling; orthography
- QELQAY: to write; to sign
- QELQAYTA MUNANI: expr. I want to write
- QELQERE: s. writer; secretary; know it all; argumentative person; lawyer
- Q’EMI TULLU: s.(ana) ethmoidal bone
- Q’EMINA: s. wedge
- Q’EMIY: to support (physically); to support; to wedge
- QEMPUR; QEMPU: s.(arc) eaves
- QENA: s.(mus) reed pipe; flute; bamboo flute
- QENCHA: s. wall; stone wall; rustic wall; wall of twigs or reed; fence; enclosure; corral; animal pen
- QENCHAY: to build a wall of twigs or reeds; to build a wall; to plant a hedge
- Q’ENPIY: to roll in; to roll up
- Q’ENQO: adj. wound; sinuous; meandered; zigzag; complicated
- Q’ENQO: s.(1) curve; winding; serpentine
- Q’ENQO: s.(2) maze; labyrinth
- Q’ENQO: s.(top) archeological site near Qosqo, was an admiration site for Mother Earth (Pachamama); Q’enqo (labyrinth)
- Q’ENQO Q’ENQO: adj. bending; in bends; in zigzag
- Q’ENQOY: to twist
- Q’ENTE; Q’ENTI: s.(zoo) humming bird; hummingbird
- Q’ENTESQA: p.p.p. shrunken
- Q’ENTI: adj. pulled in
- Q’ENTICHIY: to pull in; to draw in; to retract; to shorten
- Q’ENTIKUY: v.intr. to be rolled up; to be twisted; to contract
- Q’ENTIY: to contract; to reduce
- QENTURI: s.(bot) plant, the root used for a brown or dark orange dye
- Q’EPE; Q’EPI: s. bundle; load; luggage; bundle; load carried on the back; package; bundle that is carried on the back, supported by the shoulders, and tied across the chest; cloth bundle held between men and women dancers in Carnival celebration; bundles, containing old ceremonial weavings (tunics, ponchitos, mantles, and ancient headdresses), are kept by south altiplano chieftains on an altar with burning candles, offerings of coca, alcohol, pre-columbian objects placed around – form an historical archive of each ayllu; load carried in a shawl on the back where the shawl is folded over the load, then tied at the chest
- Q’EPEQ; Q’EPIQ: s. carrier
- Q’EPICHAY: to make a bundle
- Q’EPINA; QEPIÑA: s.(tex) rucksack; bundle; carrying shawl; woman’s carrying shawl; pre-hispanic type woman’s carrying shawl of two, four-selvage rectangular cloths, seamed on weft side selveges to form squarish (average 100 cm), usually decorated with center and side bands of stripes and pallay, used as outer wrapping for señal q’epi bundle; large carrying cloth
- Q’EPIRINA: s. portable; transportable
- Q’EPIRIY: to carry in a bundle
- Q’EPIY: to carry; to carry in a bundle
- Q’EPIYKUY: to carry
- QEQAÑO: s. wind instrument leader
- Q’EQE: s. vigor
- QEQERE: s. cornet; horn; trumpet; wind instrument
- QEQERE KUNKA: s. blast (of trumpet)
- QEQO: s. cunning; guile; trickery
- QEQOY: to embroil; to entangle
- Q’ERA: s.(bot) lupin species
- QERAR: s.(mil) shield; leather shield covered with coloured feathers
- QERARA: s. shield
- Q’ERO: s.(top) place and community in the Department of Qosqo (Province of Pawqartampu, Peru), known for their traditional way of life and their legends; a small settlement of Indians who claim to be direct decendents of the once numerous Inkan tribes. Oscar Nuñez del Prado, discovered their high Andean village in 1957 and worked to free them from bondage to landowners and give their lands back to them
- QERO; Q’ERO: s. cup; mug; glass (for drinking); beaker; jar
- QERO; QERU: s. wood; stick; pole; rod; bar; stem; tree
- QERU BANKU: s. wooden bench
- QERU MESA: s. wooden table
- QESA: s. heap; accumulation; throng
- QESA: s.(2) offence; injustice
- Q’ESA: s. nest
- Q’ESACHAY: s. blame
- Q’ESACHAY: to despise; to treat badly; to corrupt; to discriminate against; to slander
- Q’ESACHAY: to blame
- Q’ESACHAY: to build a nest
- Q’ESHWAY; Q’ESWAY: to twist; to make ropes
- QESIPRA AKTUY, PHUKUY: to offer one’s eyebrows to the sun blowing them
- QESPE QERO: s. a glass; glass beaker
- QESPE; QESPI: adj. free
- QESPE; QESPI; Q’ESPI: s. glass
- QESPESQA WAWA: s.(fam) child, 2 to 3 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: change of clothes)
- QESPESQACHAÑA: s. child, tres years old (who already achieves something)
- QESPI: adj. transparent
- QESPICHIY: to end; to complete; to free; to liberate; to forgive; to save; to set free; to liberate; to redeem; to solve; to make real
- QESPIKAY: s. freedom; liberty
- QESPIKUY: v.intr. to free oneself; to liberate oneself
- QESPINA: s. refuge; shelter
- QESPINQAY: s. success
- QESPISQA: p.p.p. free; liberated; solved; made real
- QESPIY: to appear; to emerge; to escape; to free oneself; to be completed; to come to an end; to free
- Q’ESQENTO; Q’ESQES: s.(zoo) kind of cicade
- Q’ESTIY: to contract; to shorten; to shorten
- Q’ESWA: adj. intertwining; human copulation
- Q’ESWA: s. rope of twisted straw
- Q’ESWA: s.(bot) vining plant
- Q’ESWA: s.(tex) pallay motif in weaving (intertwining, vining plant, human copulation)
- Q’ESWA CHAKA: s. suspension-bridge
- Q’ETO-Q’ETO: s.(bot) everlasting; cudweed; kind of herb
- QEWA: s.(agr) grass; wild herb
- QEWAYLLO: s.(bot) kind of herb, eatable when fresh and attaching to clothes when dry
- Q’EWE: adj. crooked; curved
- Q’EWE: s. bow; arc; curve
- Q’EWE: s.(med) dislocation; luxation
- Q’EWE: s. torsion
- Q’EWIKUY: v.intr. to twist
- Q’EWIRAYAY: v.intr. to remain twisted
- Q’EWIRKAYAY: to twist many things together
- Q’EWISQA: p.p.p. twisted
- Q’EWIWIY: v.intr. to have cramps
- Q’EWIY: to twist; to injure; to lame; to cripple; to harvest corn cobs twisting them
- Q’EWIYKACHAKUY: to convulse
- Q’EWIYKACHAY: to contort
- Q’EWIYKAMAYOQ: s. who is able to twist well
- QEWÑA; QEWIÑA; QEÑWA; Q’EWÑA; Q’EWIÑA; QEWUÑA: s.(bot) kind of tree whose bark easily peels off; native tree with peeling bark, used for firewood; plant used to dye brown; plant used to dye beige
- Q’EWSU: s.(zoo) snail
- Q’EWSUY: v.intr. to wink
- QH: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- QHACHUN: s. daughter-in-law; sister in law; any female familiar adjunct
- QHACHUN: s.(fam) daughter-in-law; sister-in-law; any female familiar adjunct
- QHACHUNNIY: s. my daughter-in-law
- QHALI: adj. healthy
- QHALIYACHIPUY: to cure; to heal
- QHALIYACHIY: to cure; to heal
- QHALIYARIY: v.intr. to convalesce; to recover
- QHALIYARQACHIPUY: to cure; to heal
- QHALIYAY: v.intr. to convalesce; to recover; to cure
- QHALLAY: to throw out violently
- QHALLU UKHUÑA: s.(aym) unkhuña scarf divided vertically into two halves of contrasting color (aym. qhallu = half of a cloth)
- QHALLWA: s.(zoo) quail
- QHAMASAYRI: s.(bot) wild tobacco
- QHAMIYAY: to spy
- QHAMSAY: to bite
- QHANPU; QHAMPU: s.(zoo) spider
- QHANQE: s. corn on the cob (immature)
- QHANRA: adj. dirty
- QHANRA KAWSAY: v.intr. to live a bad life
- QHANSAPAKUY: to badger (with words); to bait (with words); to bark at (with words)
- QHAPA RIKCH’AY: adj. arrogant
- QHAPAQ: adj. mighty; powerful; rich; wealthy; noble
- QHAPAQ: s. lord; king; emperor; politician
- QHAPAQ INTI RAYMI: s.(his) fiest of the Lord Sun
- QHAPAQ INTI RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) December (in the Inka era: Fiest of the Lord Sun. Great sacrifices to the sun were made in this month. It is said that five hundred children were sacrificed by burying them alive, standing and adorned with gold and silver. After the human sacrificie, a big fiest with eating, drinking and dancing was celebrated)
- QHAPAQ KAY: s. wealth; might; power; reign
- QHAPAQ ÑAN; QAPAQ ÑAN: s. royal inka road; inka road
- QHAPAQ RAYMI: s.(his) principal celebration of the year; fiest of the Inka lords
- QHAPAQ RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) January; january (in the Inka era: Time of fiest of the lords, month of rest. Sacrifices, processions, fasting and penitences for local deities (wak’as) were also made)
- QHAPAQ YUPANKI: s.(per) the fifth Inka ruler
- QHAPAQKUNA: s. royalty
- QHAPAQYACHIY: to enrich
- QHAPAQYAY: v.intr. to enrich oneself; to become wealthy
- QHAPAYAY: v.intr. to prosper
- QHAPHRAYAY: s. fragility
- QHAPHTUY: to rub something between the hands
- QHAQLLI: s.(ana) jaw; lower jaw; mandible
- QHAQORIKUPUY MAKINTA: v.intr.(his) to rub one’s hands (after spitting into them – cursing the enemy during the battle)
- QHAQOY: to rub; to knead; to rub; to massage; to rub one’s hands; to butter up (deceiving)
- QHAQYA: s.(met) thunder
- QHAQYA ONQOY: s.(med) tuberculosis
- QHAQYA THOQAY: adj. expectoration
- QHARI: s.(fam) man; male; man (male adult)
- QHARI KAY: s. male gender
- QHARI WAWA: s. son (referring to the mother)
- QHARICHAKUQ: s.p. brave; courageous; valiant
- QHARICHAKUY: s. courage; bravery
- QHARICHAKUY: v.intr. to be brave; to be courageous
- QHARINCHU: adj. lesbian
- QHARIY: s. my husband
- QHARQA ONQOY: s.(med) asthma
- QHASÑU: adj. breakable; fragile; delicate; fragile; weak
- QHASQA: p.p.p. rough; coarse (surfaces); rough textured
- QHASQA: s.(med) pox scar; crack
- QHASQA PARU: adj.(k) ugly; dirty
- QHASQO: s.(ana) chest; chest cavity; thorax; breast (chest); breast; bosom
- QHASQO WASA TULLUKUNA: s.(ana) dorsal vertebrae
- QHASURQARISQA: p.p.p. torn clothes; pierced dress
- QHASURQAYASQA: p.p.p. new pierced dress
- QHASURQAYAY; QHASURQARIY: to tear cloth; to pierce clothes
- QHASUSAPA P’ACHA; QHASUYSAPA P’ACHA: s.(tex) torn clothes; pierced dress
- QHASUY: to tear cloth; to break; to tear; to claw
- QHASUYKUY: to tear cloth or leather
- QHASWA: s. circle dance
- QHASWA QOYLLUR: s.(ast) Circle Dance Star(s): (a) gamma, delta, kappa, lambda Vela, (b) Corona Borealis (provenience: Sonqo)
- QHASWAY: to dance
- QHATA: s. hillside
- QHATAY; QATAY: s. son in law
- QHATE SONQO YUYARINA: s. bitter memories
- QHATQE; QHATE: adj. bitter; astringent
- QHATQECHIY: to embitter
- QHATQEY: v.intr. to become embittered
- QHATU: s. market; market stand
- QHATUQ: s.a. dealer; salesman; seller
- QHATUY: to sell; to negotiate
- QHATUYLLA: s.(ast) planet Mercury
- QHAWACHIKUY: v.intr. to show oneself
- QHAWACHIQ: s.a. who makes look
- QHAWACHIY: to show
- QHAWAKUY: to look at oneself; to watch oneself; to watch out
- QHAWANA: s. window; look-out
- QHAWANAKUY: s. considerateness
- QHAWANAKUY: v.recip. to envy each other; to watch each other
- QHAWANILLAS: s.(ast) Pleiades (group of small stars which rise on August 1 and are used for crop predictions, lit. those to look at, to foresee, hispanized Cabañuelas = small huts, cottages) (provenience: Qosqo); Pleiades (constellation)
- QHAWAPAYAY: to watch; to observe; to admire; to imitate
- QHAWAQ: s.a. guard; watcher; keeper; clairvoyant; seer of living energy; mystical seer; one who can directly perceive the Kausay Pacha and lives in a reality of living energies
- QHAWARICHIY: s. example
- QHAWARINA: s. window; look-out
- QHAWARIY: s. attention
- QHAWARIY: to pay attention to; to test
- QHAWARIYLLA: s. point of view; viewpoint
- QHAWARPARIY: to ignore
- QHAWASQA: p.p.p. watched; observed
- QHAWAY: s. sight; vision; observation
- QHAWAY: to watch; to observe; to look at; to look; to observe; to watch
- QHAYQASQA: s.(med) evil air caused by the dead
- QHECHI: adj. stiff; attenuated
- QHECHINCHA: s. soot; ashes
- QHECHINCHAY: to blacken with soot
- QHECHIPHRA; KHICHIPHRA; CHIPEQYAY: s.(ana) eye-lashes; eye-lash; eyelashes
- QHELLI: adj. dirty; dishonest
- QHELLI: s. dirt
- QHELLICHAY: to soil; to pollute; to contaminate
- QHELLIUNU: s. dirty water
- QHELLIYAPUY: v.intr. to become corrupted
- QHENCHA: s. bad luck; unlucky person; person who brings bad luck; adverse; adulterer; fatal; wretched
- QHENCHACHAKUY: v.intr. to commit adultery
- QHENCHACHAY: to bring misfortune; to condemn; to insult
- QHENCHAPIRA: s. plague
- QHEÑIPA: s.(ana) eyebrow; eyebrows
- QHEPA: adj. back; behind; following; next; after
- QHEPA: adv.l. behind; at the back; last; next
- QHEPA: adv.t. after; later
- QHEPA: postpos. behind; after
- QHEPA PACHA: s. future; coming time
- QHEPA TARPUY: s.(agr) late harvest
- QHEPACHIY: to delay
- QHEPAKUY: v.intr. to stay behind; to rest behind; to lack
- QHEPAMAMA: s.(fam) stepmother
- QHEPAMAN: adv.t. later; after
- QHEPAN: adj. next; following
- QHEPANCHAY: to put backward
- QHEPANMANTA: adv.l.t. afterwards
- QHEPATA: adv.t. then; afterwards; later
- QHEPATATAQ: adv.t. then; afterwards
- QHEPAY: v.intr. to remain; to stay; to stay
- QHESHWA RUNA: s.(tri) Quechua people; Quechua-speaking indigenous person
- QHESHWA SIMI: s.(tri) Quechua (language)
- QHESHWA; QHESWA; QESHWA; QESWA; K’ISWA: s.(tri) Quechua people; Quechua language; inhabitant of temperate climate region; language family spoken by many different tribes throughout the Andean region
- QHESTIY: s. whimpering; whining
- QHESTIY: v.intr. to whimper; to whine
- QHESWA; QHESHWA; QESHWA; QESWA: s.(geo) sierra valley; altitude level in the Andes from 2300 to 3500 m; valley
- QHETE: s.(zoo) mosquito
- QHETI CH’USPI: s.(zoo) mosquito
- QHIPA WIÑAY: s.(fam) descendent
- QHOCHU: adj. close
- QHOCHU: s.(1) team; crew; band; gang
- QHOCHUNTIN: s. band; chorus; refrain
- QHOCHUY: to join; to make a package; to put in a heap; to carry a big load
- QHOLLA: adj. tender; unripe
- QHOLLA WAWA: s.(fam) tender child
- QHOLLAWAWA: s. just born
- QHOLLQOY: s.(med) aerophagia; flatulence
- QHONAY: to grind
- QHONCHU: s. mud; sediment
- QHONCHUUNU: s. muddy water
- QHOÑA: s. nasal mucus; slime; snot; booger; mucous; snot
- QHOÑA SAPA: s.p. snot nose
- QHOÑA SURU: s. snotty-nosed kid
- QHOPA: s. frost
- QHOPO WASA: s.(med) kyphosis
- QHOPO; Q’OPU: adj.(k) hunchbacked; bumpy; humpy
- QHOPO; Q’OPU: s.(med) hump
- QHOPOCHAKUNA: s.(med) protuberances
- QHORO TASKI: s.(fam) girl, 12 to 18 years old (meaning in Inka times); young girls who helped her parents and grandparents, served the noble ladies, spun, cooked, grazed cattle and did other services
- QHORQOY: v.intr. to snore
- QHORUCHIY: to behead; to decapitate
- QHORURUNPA: s. sphere; ball
- QHORUY: to behead; to decapitate; to cut off (behead); to cut off
- QHOSI: adj. blue (blue eyes)
- QHOT’APATA: s.(top)(aym) sanctuary of the Altiplano, pilgrims coming first of August
- QHOTO; QHOTU: s.(med) mucus; slime; spit; sputum
- QHOTOY: v.intr. to boil (pot, kettle)
- QHOYA: s. mine
- QHURU QALLU: adj. who talks badly and at random
- QIKLLAY; QIKLLA: s.(min) metal
- QILQA KAMANA: s. orthography
- QINQU: s. cave
- QISPIQANCHI: s.(top) province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Quispicanchi (free + Canchi)
- Q’OA: s. smoke offering; incense burned to a virgin or saint
- Q’OA: s.(bot) sagebrush
- QOCHA: s.(geo) lake; puddle; pond; pond; lagoon
- QOCHAMOQO: s.(top) name of one of the highest altitude Q’ero villages (lit. “lake hill”)
- QOCHAYUYU: s.(bot) algae
- QOCHIKUY: to arrange; to put into order
- QOCHIY: to make give; to take away; to rob
- Q’OCHU: s. joy; happiness; unbridled happiness; frenzied happiness; joy
- Q’OCHUKUY: s. joy
- Q’OCHUKUY: v.intr. to celebrate; to rejoice
- Q’OCHURIKUY: v.intr. to celebrate
- Q’OCHUY: s. joy
- QOLLA: s.(tri) Aymara
- QOLLANA: s. authority; director; excellence; the designated leader of a collective work party; excellency; majesty; in mystical training this refers to the student who keeps the teacher honest by continually pointing out inconsistencies or contradictions in their teaching; teacher’s pet inka style!
- QOLLANAN: adj. splendid
- QOLLARÍ: s.(mit) Qolla King (Qolla Rey); mythical king of the Qolla (Aymara), who was defeated by Inkarí on the Raya pass
- QOLLASUYU: s.(top) southern region (out of four) of the Tawantinsuyu, now Bolivia and southernmost part of Peru (Puno etc.)
- QOLLASUYU: s.(top)(neo) Bolivia
- QOLLE; QOLLI: s.(bot) butterfly bush; plant used to dye yellow
- QOLLI: adj. purple; dark purple
- Q’OLLMA; QOLLMA: adj. false; negative
- QOLLO: s.(1) pile; heap; rampart; mountain
- QOLLOTA: s. mortar stone; clapper
- QOLLPA: adj. salty
- QOLLPA: s.(min) salpetre; nitre; salpeter; niter
- QOLLQA: s.(ast) Pleiades; Storehouse (observed in weather and crop predictions): (a) the Pleiades, (b) the tail of Scorpio, (c) the Hyades (provenience: Misminay, Quispihuara, Sonqo, Yucay); Pleiades (constellation)
- QOLLQA: s.(ast)(ant) constellation of the big cereal storehouse (approximately the Big Bear)
- QOLLQA PATA: adj. with chessboard design; checkered
- QOLLQA QOTU: s.(ast) Storehouse Pile (observed in weather and crop predictions): Pleiades (provenience: Sonqo); Pleiades (constellation)
- QOLLQAMPATA: s.(tex) seam with three kinds of squares (chessboard design)
- QOLLQE PATA: s.(tex) shirt with stripes with chessboard design of Qulla origin
- QOLLQE Q’AYTUWAN: adj.(tex) with silver thread
- QOLLQE UNKU: s.(tex) shirt with silver threads
- Q’OLLTIY: to gulp; to drink noisily; to gulp
- QOLLUCHIY: to annihilate; to devastate; to eliminate
- QOLLUPUY: v.intr. to go bankrupt
- QOLLUY: s. destruction
- QOLLUY: v.intr. to fail; to go bankrupt
- QOLQA; QOLLQA: s. storehouse; deposit; warehouse
- QOLQE HUÑUY: v.intr. to save money
- QOLQE; QOLLQE: s.(fin) money
- QOLQE; QOLLQE: s.(min) silver
- QOLQESAPA: adj. rich; wealthy
- QOLQEYOQ: adj. rich; wealthy
- Q’OMA: s. crime
- Q’OMALLI: adj. criminal
- Q’OMER: adj.(col) green
- QOMER RAP’I: s. green leaf
- Q’OMER UMIÑA: s.(min) emerald
- Q’OMER; QOMER: adj.(col) green
- QOMI: adj. sterile; infertile
- Q’OMPU: s. ball
- QONAKUY: v.recip. to barter
- QONCHA: s.(myk) big and white mushroom; mushroom
- Q’ONCHA: s. fire place; big, round stove of stones half in the earth; rustic oven; fireplace; oven; stove; hearth
- QONCHO; QONCHU: s.(myk) yeast; sediment
- QONCHU: adj.(1) cloudy; clouded (liquid); turbulent
- QONCHUYAY: v.intr. to be clouded; to become cloudy
- QONOPA; QONUPA: s. amulet; small stone or ceramic figure of an animal, with a hole in the back to place ritual offerings
- QONOQ: adj. warm; wearing a jacket; hot
- QONOY; QONUY: to build a bonfire; to build a bonefire
- QONPI; QOMPI: s.(tex) blanket; rug; blanket of fine woven cloth; wool blanket (chusi is one of two varieties of cobertores – the other is qumpi)
- QONQASQA: p.p.p. forgotten
- QONQAY: to forget
- QONQAYLI: s.(med) amnesia
- QONQAYLLA: adv.m. suddenly
- QONQAYMANTA: adv.m. suddenly
- QONQOMANTA ISMUPUY: v.intr. to become corrupted
- QONQOR TULLU: s.(ana) kneecap; patella
- QONQOR; QONQORI: s.(ana) knee
- QONQORCHAKI: adv.m. on one’s knees
- QONQORIKUY: v.intr. to fall on one’s knees; to kneel down; to bend down; to bend over; to kneel
- Q’ONTAY: s. smoke
- Q’ONYA: s. burnt offering
- Q’OÑI: adj. hot; warm; hot; warm
- Q’OÑI: s.(med) a “hot” temperature or essence in a food or in the environment that enters the body and causes illness
- Q’OÑICHIY: to heat; to warm; to heat up; to warm up
- Q’OÑIKUY: v.intr. to get hot; to be excited; to warm
- Q’OÑIUNU: s. warm water
- Q’OÑIY: to warm
- Q’OPA; QOPA: s. waste; rubbish; trash; garbage
- QOPANAKUY: v.recip. to rub clothes or flesh of each other
- QOPAY: to rub; to chafe; to rub clothes or flesh
- QOPUY: to return something lent; to bring back; to return; to pay; to repay
- QOQA: s.(bot)(aym) tree
- Q’OQA: adj. ignorant; stupid
- Q’OQA SIMI: s.(k) incorrect language
- QOQAW: s.(mik) cold food (for travel); food supplies; provisions; cold meal; afternoon meal for a trip; snack; traveler’s food
- QOQMAY: v.intr. to overexert; to overstrain
- QORA: s.(bot)(1) herb; weeds; weed; plant; weed; growth; grass
- Q’ORANA: s.(agr) hoe; cutting blade of a foot plow; foot plow
- QORA-QORA: s. scrub; undergrowth
- QORAWASI: s.(top) town in the Department of Apurimaq (province of Abancay/Awankay, Peru); (Span.) Curahuasi
- QORAY: to weed; to pull up the weeds; to weed
- QORI: s.(min) gold
- QORI CH’USPI: s.(zoo) cocoa bug
- QORI Q’AYTU: s.(tex) gold thread
- QORI Q’ELLO: adj. golden yellow; orange
- QORI RUNA: s.(his) praise of the worker who is tireless until old age
- QORI UNKU: s.(tex) shirt embroidered with gold
- QORIKANCHA: s.(top) Inka palace in Qosqo; central place where the Inkans erected temples to the sun and other energy spirits, such as moon, thunder, etc. – considered to be the most sacred place in all of Qosqo
- QORIMOQO: s.(top) the apu that watches over Hatun Q’eros (lit. “golden mountain”)
- QORIPAQO: s.(his) Inka captain (orejón)
- QORIRINRI: s.(his) Inka captain (orejón)
- QORIWAN CHIPIYAQ CHIPIPIPIQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) cloth with gold
- QORMAY: to roll; to slide
- QOROPUNA: s.(top) mountain in Peru (in the Department of Arequipa, was a female deity); (Span.) Coropuna
- Q’OROTA: adj.(k) awkward; clumsy; useless
- Q’OROTA: s.(ana) testicles
- Q’OROTA ONQOY: s.(med) orchitis
- Q’OROTASAPA: adj.(k) having big balls (testicles); useless; stupid; stupid idiot
- QORPA: s. guest
- Q’ORPA: s. clod of dirt
- QORPA WASI: s.(neo) hostel; hotel
- QORPACHAKUQ: s. host; innkeeper
- QORPACHAQ: s.a. host
- QORPACHAY: to lodge
- QOSA: s.(fam) husband
- QOSAYOQ: s.p. married woman
- Q’OSÑI: adj. grey; gray; smoke-gray
- Q’OSÑI: s. smoke
- Q’OSÑICHIY: to smoke; to blacken
- Q’OSÑIY: v.intr. to smoke; to make smoke; to exhale smoke
- QOSQO: s.(spi) spiritual stomach (in analogy to the ancient name for the Inka capital), refers in mystical terms to the energy center located near the physical navel (its function is to eat and digest living energy); spiritual stomach, navel center; find its mouth by poking gently all around your navel until you find a sore spot. It’s in a different place for different people
- QOSQO: s.(top) departmental city in Peru (Qosqo), was spiritual and political center of the Inka empire; (Span.) Cuzco (Cusco)
- QOSQO HATUN LLAQTA NAPAYKUYKIN!: expr. Qosqo, grand city, I greet you!
- QOSQO K’ITI: s.(top) Qosqo region
- QOSQO QHAPAQPAQ CHURAQLLAY YANAPAWAY MAYPIN KANKI!: expr. Qosqo, who you only sustain the mighty, there where you are, help me!
- QOSQOPI KASQAY KANMI: expr. I have been in Qosqo
- QOSQOTOQA CH’ASKA: s.(ast) star in the zenith; star of the two equal parts (provenience: Sonqo)
- Q’OTO: s.(med) goitre; goiter; crop
- QOTO KISWAR: s.(bot) kind of tree
- Q’OTO K’USILLU: s.(zoo) howler monkey; alouatta (monkey); red howler monkey
- QOTO; QOTU: s. heap; mound; pile; rampart
- QOTOY; QOTUY: to pile up; to accumulate; to pile; to pile up things; to earth up; to put ground at the foot of a plant
- QOTU: s.(ast)(1) Pleiades; Pile: the Pleiades (provenience: Sonqo); Pleiades (constellation)
- Q’OTURICHIY: to entertain
- Q’OTUY: s.(bot) maniok
- Q’OTUY: to cheat; to fool
- QOWA: s.(mit) cat (mythic); tail of a legendary cat seen in the clouds
- QOWASUN: expr. is equal
- QOWE; QOWI: s.(zoo) guinea pig; female guinea pig; rabbit
- QOWI: s.(zoo) guinea pig; female guinea pig
- QOY: to give; to deliver; to give; to present; to present
- QOYA: s. queen; female or priestess of the sixth level; feminine priest of the Inka sixth level; the Inka’s consort
- QOYA RAYMI: s.(his) fiest of the queen in Inka times
- QOYA RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) September (in the Inka era: Fiest of the queen, which refers to the moon, the lady of the sun and queen of all planets. Celebrations were in honour of the noble ladies, princesses as well as the peasant women. The men dressed as warriors drew out verbally illnesses and pestilences)
- QOYKUY: to hand over; to deliver
- QOYLLOR RIT’I; QOYLLUR RIT’I: s. an ancient festival in the high andes attended by more than eighty-thousand indigenous people, whose principal ceremony takes place on foot of the snow mountain Awsanqati; literally the word means “star snow”; a pilgrimage site; a regional pilgrimage that takes place immediately prior to Corpus Christi (literally Star-Snow)
- QOYLLU: adj.(col) clear white; a color tone of white
- QOYLLUR: s.(ast) star; asterisk
- QOYLLURYACHAY: s.(neo) astronomy
- QOYLLUY: to wrinkle
- QOYLLUY: to pleat; to attach something sewing it; to mark with threads
- QOYLU: s.(bot) kind of melon; blackeye
- Q’OYO: adj.(col) dark blue; blue (bruise on the skin); grey; gray
- Q’OYO: s. bruise
- QOYRU: s.(med) cataract (of the eye)
- QOYSUY: to drag clothes
- -QTI-: when (subj1->subj2)
- -QTI-…-MI/-N: because (subj1->subj2)
- -QTI-…-PAS: though (subj1->subj2)
- -QTI-…-QA: if (subj1->subj2); when (subj1->subj2)
- Q’UCHU: s.(tex) minor end of a sling, braided after the more complex braid is completed, usually 5- or 7-strand braid of oblique interlacing with only one interlacement before changing direction, also 8- or 16-strand 4-sided zig-zag patterned braid
- QULLAW: s.(top) Altiplano; plateau of the Andes in Bolivia and southern Peru
- R: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -RA-: to undo; once more
- RACHAPAKUY: to claw; to tear
- RACHAY; RACHIY: to claw; to tear
- RACHISQA: p.p.p. scratch; abrasion
- RADIYU: s.(esp) radio
- RAKA: s.(ana) vagina; vulva; female genitals
- RAKA K’AKARA: s.(ana) clitoris
- RAKA LLIKA: s.(ana) hymen
- RAKA T’OQO: s.(ana) vagina
- RAKA WIRP’A PUNKILLIKUY: s.(med) bartholinitis
- RAKAQ HATUN WIRP’AN: s.(ana) major labia of the vulva
- RAKAQ HUCH’UY WIRP’AN: s.(ana) minor labia of the vulva
- RAKAQ LLIKAN: s.(ana) hymen
- RAKAY: s. corral
- RAKHTA; RATHKA: adj. double; thick; fat
- RAKHU: adj. thick; fat; strong; fat (for animals and objects and people); solid; wide; coarse
- RAKHU CH’UNCHUL: s.(ana) large intestine; great gut; colon
- RAKHU CH’UNCHUL ONQOY: s.(med) colitis
- RAKHU URAY CH’UNCHUL: s.(ana) descending colon
- RAKHU WASKA: s. thick rope (of agave)
- RAKHU WICHAY CH’UNCHUL: s.(ana) ascending colon
- RAKHUCHAY: to fatten
- RAKHUTA AWAY: to spin thick threads
- RAKI: s.(1) storehouse
- RAKINAKUY: v.recip.(1) to separate; to divorce
- RAKI-RAKI: adj. when two things are separate that should be together
- RAKI-RAKI: s.(tex) pallay motif in weaving (showing things separate by two that should be together)
- RAKI-RAKI; RAKIRAKI: s.(bot) fern; kind of fern; fern species
- RAKIY: to distribute; to divide; to take apart; to separate; to distribute; to pass out; to distribute; to share
- RAKIY: to divide
- RAKRAKUQ: s.a. ferocious
- RAKRAPU: adj. glutton
- RAKU: s.(tex) very coarse-spun yarn; coarse yarn for frazadas (8.528 g/10 m)
- RAMA: s.(bot.ana)(esp) branch
- RAMRAN; LAMPRAS; LANRAN: s.(bot)(1) alder; alder tree; alder (plant root used in Bolivia to dye black, same plant used in Huancayo to dye yellow, in Inkawasi to dye grey, related plant used in Ecuador to dye black); alder (the bark boiled with miyu gives a deep black dye – used in Huánuco)
- RANAY: to sell
- RANKHI: s. dawn
- RANKURKARIY: v.intr. to get entangled (thread, rope); to be entwined (thread, rope)
- RANKURKAYAY: v.intr. to get entangled (thread, rope); to be entwined (thread, rope)
- RANK’UY: to intercross
- RANPAY; RAMPAY: to lead; to take by the hand
- RANPHU: adj. coarse (threads)
- RANRA: adj. covered with small stones
- RANRA: s.(geo) stony terrain
- RANRA-RANRA: s.(geo) stone desert
- RANTI: adj. equivalent; substitute
- RANTI: s. purchase; exchange; interchange
- RANTIKUY: to sell
- RANTIMUY: to buy; to go shopping
- RANTINAKUY: v.recip. to barter; to change; to exchange; to trade
- RANTIPAPUY: to ransom; to rescue
- RANTIQ: s.a. buyer
- RANTISAKUNA P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress to be put on afresh
- RANTISAY; RANTISAKUY: to change clothes again
- RANTIY: s. purchase
- RANTIY: s.(spi) highest development
- RANTIY: to buy; to acquire; to purchase
- RAP’A: s. page
- RAPHAPAPAY: v.intr.(1) to flutter
- RAPHAPAPAY: v.intr.(2) to wave
- RAPHI!: expr. Hello! [informal]
- RAPHI; RAP’I; RAPI; LAPHIN; LAPHI; RAP’A; RAPHA: s.(bot.ana) leaf
- RAPHRA; RAPRA: s.(zoo.ana) wing
- RAPI; RAPHI: s.(ass) page
- -RAQ: [question (uncertain)]; still; yet
- RAQ’A: s.(zoo) worm
- RAQACHA: s.(bot) certain tuber plant
- RAQAY: s. shed; shack; barrack; hut; dilapidated house
- RAQCH’I: s. ceramic; ceramics
- RAQHAQAQAY: v.intr. to rustle
- RAQRA: adj. split; cracked
- RAQRA: s.(geo) valley; crack; crevice; opening; gorge; canyon; gully; ravine; small canyon
- RAQRA MANKA!: interj. Supperlot!
- RAQRACHIY: to split; to crack; to break
- RAQRASQA: p.p.p. cracked
- RAQRAY: to split; to crack; to break; to scratch
- RASAY: v.intr. to happen
- RASAYYAQ P’ACHAYAY: v.intr. to come down (by poverty); to become impoverished; to become poor
- RASHKAY: to scrape; to scratch; to claw
- RASPHIYAY: v.impers. to dusk
- RATAPA: s. rag; cloth; patch
- RATAPA P’ACHAYAY: v.intr. to come down (by poverty); to become impoverished; to become poor
- RATAPAY: to mend
- RATA-RATA: s.(bot) kind of tree
- RATAY: to adhere; to attach; to bind together
- RATULLA: adv.l. briefly
- RAWIY: s.(esp) disorder
- RAWIY: to get into disorder
- RAWK’ANA: s. light tool to earth up potatoes; Andean hand hoe, used for most agricultural work
- RAWK’AY: to pile up; to stack
- RAWRACHIY: to light fire
- RAWRAQ SIKI: adj.(k) stinking like a skunk
- RAWRARIY; YAWRARIY: s. conflagration
- RAWRAY; YAWRAY: v.intr. to burn; to sting; to burn (intr.)
- RAYAN; LAYAN: s.(bot) elder; elderberry
- RAYKU: s. reason; cause; occasion
- -RAYKU: because of
- -RAYKU: because
- RAYK’UY: v.intr. to gossip
- RAYMI: s. celebration; festivity; party; festival; ritual; event at which agricultural lands are redistributed
- RAYMI P’UNCHAY: s. celebration day
- RAYO: s.(med)(esp) lightning sickness, an illness attributed to being struck by lightning in the lowlands
- RELOQ: s.(esp) clock; watch
- REPARAKUY: to notice; to realize
- REQSICHIKUY: v.intr. to introduce oneself; to present oneself
- REQSICHIQ: s.a. guide
- REQSICHIY: to make known; to introduce (someone); to acquaint (others) with; to guide; to show
- REQSIKUY: to recognize
- REQSINACHIY: to make one or more persons know each other
- REQSINAKUY: v.recip. to know each other
- REQSIQ: s.a. the one who knows; friend
- REQSISQA: adj. common; popular; conventional
- REQSISQA: p.p.p. known; well-known; famous
- REQSISQA: s. object
- REQSIY: s. science; knowledge
- REQSIY: to know; to recognize; to examine; to have seen; to recognize
- RETAMA: s.(bot) retama (plant with yellow flowers)
- -RI: [emphasis]; [politeness]
- -RI-: [inchoative]; to begin to …
- RIKCH’AKUQ: s.a. similar; analogous
- RIKCH’AKUY (-MAN): v.intr.(1) to look like; to seem like; to resemble; to appear like
- RIKCH’AQ: s. species; sort; appearance; image; similarity
- RIKCH’ARIY: v.intr. to wake up
- RIKCH’ASQA: s.(spi) dawning; all night ritual whose central feature is a midnight pago a la tierra. It is performed before important undertakings such as a trip or a houseraising. Participants must stay awake until dawn for the ritual to be effective
- RIKCH’AY: s.(ana) face
- RIKCH’AY: v.intr.(2) to wake up (oneself); to awake
- RIKCH’AYRIMANA: s.(gra) adjetive
- RIKHURICHIY: s. proof
- RIKHURIY: s. appearance; vision
- RIKHURIY: to appear; to become
- RIKHURIY: s. appearance
- RIKHURIY: to appear
- RIKI: adv.afirm. yes; of course; clearly; really; shurely
- RIKI!: interj.(1) Of course!; look!
- RIKI?: interj.(2) is it OK?
- RIKRA: s.(ana) shoulder; arm; wing
- RIKRA CHAKA: s.(ana) clavicle
- RIKRA; REQRA: s.(bot.ana) branch; twig
- RIKRAY: to carry; to carry on the shoulders
- RIKUCHI: s. exposition; manifestation; demonstration; proof
- RIKUCHIKUY: s. gift
- RIKUCHIKUY: to express; to present; to represent
- RIKUCHIQ: s. indicator
- RIKUCHISQA: p.p.p. shown
- RIKUCHIY: to show; to expose; to present; to reveal
- RIKUKUY: v.intr.(1) to see oneself
- RIKUKUY: to appear
- RIKUNALLA: adj. visible
- RIKUQ: s. seer
- RIKURICHIY: to make appear; to exhibit; to organize; to prove
- RIKUY: to see; to notice
- RIKUY: to know by experience; to understand
- RIKUY: to know a place
- RIKUY: to look at; to watch; to observe; to take care of
- RIKUY: to consider
- RIKUYLLA: s. point of view; viewpoint
- RIMA: s. conversation
- RIMACHIY: to converse; to talk
- RIMAKUY: s. proverb
- RIMANAKUY: s. agreement; covenant; agreement; pact; dialogue; talk; congress
- RIMANAKUY: v.recip.(1) to agree; to discuss; to talk together
- RIMANAYACHAY: s.(gra) morphology
- RIMANAYAPAQ: s.(gra) suffix; affix; morpheme
- RIMAPAYAY: v.dic. to express; to chatter; to babble; to repeat words
- RIMAPUY: v.dic. to talk in favour of someone; to intercede
- RIMAQ: s.(top) river in Lima; (Span.) Rímac
- RIMAQ: s.a. speaker; oracle
- RIMAQ PANPA: s. meeting place; assembly; auditorium; lecture-hall
- RIMAQMAYU: s.(spi) the talking river
- RIMARICHIY: to make declare
- RIMARIMUY: to answer; to reply
- RIMARIY: to declare; to announce; to announce; to announce; to announce; to declare
- RIMASQA: p.p.p. predicate
- RIMAY: s. talk; speech; word; voice; language; conversation; discourse
- RIMAY: v.dic.(1) to speak; to talk; to express
- RIMAYKUY: to greet; to explain
- RIMAYSAPA: adj. talkative; conversationalist
- RIMAYTA K’ASKACHIY: v.dic. to talk subtly; to speak concisely and precisely; to pronounce well
- RIMI: s.(bot) plant used to dye brown
- RINRI LLIKA: s.(ana) tympanum
- RINRI NANAY: s.(med) earache; otalgia
- RINRI QARA: s.(ana) external ear
- RINRI T’OQO: s.(ana) exterior opening of the auditory canal
- RINRI WIRA: s. ear wax
- RIÑUN: s.(med)(esp) lower back, digestive tract, urinary tract, and reproductive organs of a man’s body (Spanish, “kidney”), and symptoms in this area of the body (analogous to madre/matríz in women)
- RIQCH’ASQA: p.p.p.(1) awake
- RIQCHAY: v.intr.(1) to seem
- RIQCHAY; RIKCH’AY: s. image; form; appearance; countenance; facial expression
- RIRPU; LIRPU: s. mirror; crystal; glass; eyeglasses; spectacles
- RIRPUY: to reflect; to mirror
- RISAQ!: expr. I am going!
- RISUNCHIS!: expr.(2) Let’s go!
- RIT’I: s.(met) snow; ice
- RIT’I ORQO: s.(geo) snow mountain
- RIT’IY: v.impers.(met) to snow
- RIWMATISMU: s.(med)(esp) rheumatism; thought to be a health hazard for gold miners who stand in “cold” water for much of the day
- RIWU: s.(bot)(l.esp) corn; wheat
- RIY: to go; to walk; to travel
- RIY: to go; to walk; to travel
- RONQHO: adj. incomplete; badly done
- ROQ’A: adj. generous; heartful; affectionate
- ROQ’A: s.(bot) kind of cactus
- ROQ’E: s. thorn
- ROQ’E: s.(bot) kind of shrub; holy thistle; plant, roots used in yellow dye
- ROQHOQOQOY: v.impers.(met) to thunder
- ROQOQOKU: s.(met) thunder
- ROQOTO: s.(bot) kind of red pepper or paprika; chillies; pepper
- ROQT’O: adj.(med) deaf
- ROQYA: s. noise
- ROWAL: s.(mit) deity living in the major mountains
- ROYA; RUYA: s.(bot) tree
- -RQA-; -RA-: [past]
- -RQAN: [3rd pers. sing., past]; he … (past); she … (past); it … (past)
- -RQANI: [1nd pers. sing., past]; I … (singular, past)
- -RQANKI: [2nd pers. sing., past]; you … (singular, past)
- -RQU-; -RU-: [hurry]; quickly; suddenly; just
- RUK’A: s.(ana) finger
- RUK’ANA: s.(ana) finger; toe
- RUK’ANA: s.(mil)(agr) arm (weapon); weapon; tool for breaking up the earth
- RUK’ANAKUNA: s.(ana) fingers
- RUK’I P’ACHA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- RUK’I; RUKI: s.(tex) weaving sword; batten (of a loom); weaving sword, inserted in the open shed while the weft is passed; beater (for compacting weft); board used in weaving; bone beater; pick; bone picks; instrument for pressing together the threads in the fabric
- RUK’ISQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) thick, closewoven cloth
- RUK’IY; RUKIY: to press together the threads in the tissue
- RUKMA UMA: s. bald head
- RUKMA; LUKMA; ROQMA: s.(bot) kind of fruit tree
- RUKRIY: to clear a field; to cultivate land; to plough hard soil
- RUK’U: adj.(1) old (man, augmentative suffix also); old (male)
- RUK’U KAY: s. age
- RUKUPAKUY: v.intr. to be afflicted
- RUMI: s. rock; stone; stone
- RUMI KAY: s. apathy
- RUMI MILLMA: s.(bot) moss
- RUMI ÑAWI: s.(per) Stone Eye; name of an Inkan general; Inka captain in the times of the Spanish conquest
- RUMI SONQO: adj. cruel; hard-hearted; cold-hearted
- RUMI WASI: s. a house made of stone
- RUMICHAY: to pave
- RUMIKUNA; RUMI KUNA: s.(med) calculi
- RUMI-RUMI: adj. stony
- RUMIYASQA: adj. petrified; hardened; turned to stone
- RUMIYASQA: s. fossil; petrification
- RUMIYAY: v.intr. to turn to stone; to petrify; to harden; to freeze
- RUMP’U UMA; RUMPU UMA: s. round head
- RUMU: s.(bot) maniok; cassava; kind of tuber plant of the jungle (main use: food); yucca; potato-like tuber
- RUNA: adv.l. right (hand side)
- RUNA: s.(fam) person; people; human; human being; man; indigenous; Quechua Indian; indigenous Andean person; American Indian; man (male adult); husband
- RUNA KAY: s. human nature
- RUNA MIKHUQ: s.a. man-eater; cannibal
- RUNA PACHA: s.(fil) balance between man and nature
- RUNA PANTACHIY: to bribe
- RUNA QOYLLUR: s. luck
- RUNA SAQRO; RUNA SAQRU: s.(ana) human skeleton
- RUNA WANAQ: s. jail; prison; hard punishment
- RUNA YUPAY; RUNAYUPAY: s. census; demography
- RUNAMASI: s. comrade; neighbour; neighbor; fellow man; fellow woman
- RUNAQ ÑAT’INKUNA: s.(ana) human viscera
- RUNAQ Q’OPAN RUNA: s. beggar
- RUNASIMI; RUNA SIMI: s. Quechua; Quichua; Qhechua; literally man’s mouth; the tongue of man; the language of the inkas
- RUNAYUKUY: v.intr. to cohabit (from a woman’s point of view)
- RUNKU: s.(agr)(his) basket for coca or chili (Inka agriculture); division and names of fields (Inka agriculture)
- RUNP’U; LUNP’U; RUMP’U; LUMP’U: adj.(1) round; spherical; rounded; obese
- RUNTU: s. egg
- RUNTU: s.(ana) testicle
- RUNTU PHASI: s. hard-boiled egg
- RUNTU-RUNTU: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- RUNTUTA BINDIKUWAY!: expr. sell me some eggs
- RUNTUY: v.intr. to lay eggs; to spawn
- RUPHA: adj. hot; burning
- RUPHA: s. fever
- RUPHACHIKUY: v.intr. to be burnt
- RUPHACHIY: to make burn; to burn
- RUPHAPAKUY: v.intr.(med) to have fever
- RUPHAQ: adj. hot; burning
- RUPHAQ MIT’A: s. dry season
- RUPHARIY: s.(med) fever
- RUPHARIY: v.intr. to have fever
- RUPHARUPHA: s.(geo) hot, burning vegetation zone on the eastern slope of the andes; altitude level in the east of the Andes from 400 to 1000 m
- RUPHASQA: p.p.p. burnt; burned
- RUPHAY: s. heat; burn
- RUPHAY: s.(ast) sun
- RUPHAY: v.intr. to burn; to sting; to be hot
- RUPHAY MIT’A: s. summer
- RUPHAYAY: v.intr. to burn (intr.)
- RURAY: to form
- RURAYRIMANA: s.(gra) verb
- RURAYRIMANACHAY: s.(gra) conjugation
- RURIN: s. deeds
- RURIN: s.(top) river in the Department of Lima (Peru); (Span.) río Lurín (middle, inside)
- RURU: s.(ana) testicle
- RURU: s.(ass) product; produce; result
- RURU: s.(bot.ana) fruit; seed; pit
- RURU: s.(zoo.ana) egg
- RURUCHIY: to cultivate; to produce
- RURUN: s.(ana) kidney
- RURUPAKUY: v.intr. to be beset
- RURUQ: s.(agr) fruit plant; fruit tree
- RURUY: v.intr. to grow; to bear fruit
- RUTUCHIKUY: s. first haircut
- RUTUKUY: to cut (oneself); to clip one’s hair
- RUTUNA: adj. to be sheared
- RUTUNA: s.(agr) sickle
- RUTUQ: s.a. shearer
- RUTUSQA: p.p.p. sheared
- RUTUSQA TASKI: s.(fam) girl, 12 to 18 years old (meaning in Inka times); young girls who helped her parents and grandparents, served the noble ladies, spun, cooked, grazed cattle and did other services
- RUTUSQA UMA: s. sheared head
- RUTUY: s. haircut; hairdress; haircut (takes place when the child is between two and five years old)
- RUTUY: s.(tex) fleece
- RUTUY: to cut; to shear; to clip; to crop; to peel; to skin; to remove hair from; to harvest crops; to mow
- RUTUYKAMAYOQ: s. shearer
- RUWANA: s. task; obligation; mission; work
- RUWANINKUNA: s. accomplishements
- RUWAPAKUQ: s.a. worker; servant
- RUWAPAPUY: to restore
- RUWAPAY: to repeat; to exercise
- RUWAQ: s.(gra) subject
- RUWAQ: s.(mat) operator
- RUWAQ: s.a. worker; builder; creator
- RUWASQA: p.p.p. done; made
- RUWASQA: s. work (opus); deed; achievement
- RUWAY: s.(1) action; function; ceremony; festivity; duty; practice; activity
- RUWAY: s.(2) light work (housework and most women’s work)
- RUWAY; RURAY: to do; to make; to work; to create; to apply
- RUWAYKAMA: s. project
- RUWAYKUNA: s. facts
- RUWAYNIYOQ: adj. able; capable (of)
- RUWAYSIY: to help to do
- RUYNAS: s.(esp) ruins
- S: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- S: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language, preserved in the northern and central dialects. In the South /s/, but in Qosqo original /chk/ is pronounced /sh/)
- -S: [evidential]; to be said to …
- SACHA: adj.(1) wild
- SACH’A: s.(bot) tree; bush; plant; wild plant; grass
- SACH’A CHUKI: s.(mil) lance of tropical wood
- SACH’A KHUCHI: s.(zoo) peccary
- SACH’A Q’ERA: s.(bot) kind of tree
- SACH’A QORA: s.(bot) epiphytic plants
- SACH’A RUMU: s.(bot) tuber plant of the pumpkin familiy
- SACH’A SUNKHA: s.(bot) beard-like epiphytic plants on tree trunks
- SACH’A TOMATE: s.(bot)(p.esp->naw) tree tomato
- SACH’A WAKA: s.(zoo) tapir; lowland tapir
- SACH’A; SACHA: s.(geo) jungle; forest; vegetation; mountain; hill; non-cultivated forest (including secondary forest 20 years and more after a field had been cleared); forest ecosystems under low human influence, where the main indigenous activities are hunting, extraction of forest resources, and ritual practices
- SACH’A; SACH’AN: s.(bot.ana) branch; twig
- SACH’AQA: s. jungle
- SACH’A-SACH’A; SACHA-SACHA: s. forest; stand of trees
- SACRIFICIO: s.(esp) burnt offering
- SAKHA: adj. wide; broad
- SAKSA: adj.(2) replete; satisfied
- SAKSA: adj.(tex) frayed (dress); frayed out
- SAKSACHIY: to satiate
- SAKSAKUY: v.intr. to satiate oneself; to appease one’s hunger; to be full after eating; to be satisfied; to satiate
- SAKSASQA: p.p.p. satiated; satisfied; full
- SAKSAY: v.intr.(1) to satisfy; to satiate; to appease one’s hunger; to satisfy oneself; to be satisfied; to get full or saticfied; to eat too much
- SAKSAY; SAQSAY: s. satisfaction
- SAKSAYWAMAN; SAQSAYWAMAN; SAKSAWAMAN; SASAWAMAN; SASAYWAMAN: s.(top) fortress of Qosqo in the Inka time; (Span.) Sacsayhuaman (satisfied falcon); Sacsahuamán; Inka fortress in Qosqo, whose original name is probably Sasawaman (Çaçça Huaman, Çaççay Huaman, which means royal golden eagle and not satisfied falcon as generally interpreted)
- SALLA: s. girl-friend; lover
- SALLALLALLAY: v.dic. to make noise of stones and thunder
- SALLQA; HALQA: s.(geo) nature; wilderness; lofty region; mountain region; altitude level in the Andes from 3500 to 4000 m; suni; puna (in central Peru, also above 4000 m)
- SALQA: adj. stubborn; wild
- SALQA: s. wild animal; beast
- SAMA: s. breath; rest
- SAMACHIY: to make someone rest
- SAMANA: s.(1) breath
- SAMANA: s.(2) resting place
- SAMANA WASI: s. lodge or hotel
- SAMAPAKUY: v.intr. to pant
- SAMARIY: to breathe
- SAMARQOY: v.intr. to breathe one’s last breath
- SAMAY: s.(1) breath; air (interior); spirit; soul
- SAMAY: s.(2) rest
- SAMAY: v.cop. to sit
- SAMAY: v.intr. to rest; to exhale deeply; to breathe deeply, especially when tired; to sit
- SAMAY: to breathe
- SAMAY PACHA: s. vacation
- SAMAY P’UNCHAY: s. holiday
- SAMAYKUY: v.intr. to tire
- SAMI: s.(1) fortune; luck; success; fortune; refined energy; animating essence; good fortune; happiness
- SAMIKUY: s. satisfaction
- SAMILLISQA: p.p.p. blessed
- SAMINCHA: s. blessing
- SAMINCHAKUY: v.intr. to be blessed; to receive subtle energy from the environment around us
- SAMINCHASQA: p.p.p. blessed
- SAMINCHAY: to bless; to commend; to congratulate; to congratulate
- SAMIRAKI: s. raffle; lottery
- SAMIRAKIY: to raffle; to draw lots
- SAMIYOQ: adj. lucky
- SAMKA WASI: s. life-long prison where the most evil criminals were punished by throwing snakes and toads with them into the cell
- SAMP’A AWASQA: p.p.p. badly woven; loose (tissue); thin (tissue)
- SAMP’ATA AWAY: to weave loose or thin cloth
- SAMPAYAY: v.intr. to tire
- SANANPAY: to mark
- SANAPA: s. sign; mark
- SANDIA: s.(top)(esp) town and province in the Department of Puno (Peru)
- SANI: adj.(col) bright brown; lead-coloured; livid; crimson; violet; purple; light purple
- SANI PUKA: adj. crimson
- SANI UYA: s.(med) cyanosis
- SANKA TULLU: s.(ana) palatine
- SANKA; SANQ’A: s.(ana) palate
- SANK’ASQA: p.p.p. prisoner
- SANK’AY WASI: s. jail; prison
- SANKHA: s.(geo) cliff; gully; ravine
- SANKHU: adj. thick (liquid); viscous; doughy; dense (liquids); thick; dense; muddy; cloudy
- SANKHU: s.(mik) flour; meal; dough; porridge made of ground corn, sugar, and other condiments; typical North Argentinian meal; cornmeal porridge; corn bread
- SANKHUY: v.intr. to make sanku
- SANP’A; SAMP’A: adj. light (not heavy); soft; delicate; docile; strengthless; humble
- SANQ’AR: s.(ana) alimentary canal
- SANSA: s. reflection; burning coal; coal (red hot); glow; blaze
- SANSAY: to burn
- SANTU; SANTA: adj.(esp) holy; saint
- SAPA: adj. every; each; any
- SAPA: adj.pron. alone; each; only; unique, the one and only
- SAPA: s.(spi) male priest of the 6th level; one whose physical body can be seen by others to literally glow with light
- -SAPA: rich in; with much; with many; with big
- SAPA INKA: s.(his) the Inka ruler; the only Inka
- SAPA KUTI: adv.t. often
- SAPA P’UNCHAY: adv.t. every day; daily
- SAPA YANACHAKUY, SAPA MASICHAKUY: s.(spi) creation of paired energy rings
- SAPALLA: adj.(1) single; alone; widow; widower; only
- SAPALLA: adv.m. only
- SAPALLAN: adj. alone; just he; just she; only
- SAPAN: adj. alone
- SAPAN TIYAQ: s.a. unmarried
- SAPANCHAKUSQA: adj. solitary
- SAPANKA: pron.indef. everyone
- SAPANPI: adj. alone
- SAPAQ: adj. different
- SAPAQ: s.a. different; distinct
- SAPAQCHAY: to distinguish; to separate
- SAPAQYUPA: s.(gra) singular
- SAPATU: s.(esp) shoe
- SAPAY: pron.def. I alone and no one else
- SAPAY APU: s.(his) I the king of this earth or supreme lord and judge (title of the Inka)
- SAPAY AWKI: s.(his) head of the noblesse
- SAPAY AWKI AWKIKUNAP AWKIN: s.(his) highest lord (lord of the lords, title of the Inka)
- SAPAY INKA: s.(his) I the king of this earth or supreme lord and judge (title of the Inka)
- SAPAY ÑUST’A: s.(his) princess
- SAPAY QOYA: s.(his) queen
- SAPHI: s.(fil) origin; beginning
- SAPHI: s.(gra) root (of a word)
- SAPHI: s.(top) river in Qosqo
- SAPHI (KUNKA SAPHI, SONQO SAPHI, QOSQO SAPHI, SIKI SAPHI): s.(spi) roots in the body (in the neck, the heart, the stomach, the buttocks) for the projection of energy
- SAPHI RIKCH’AY: s.(spi) awaking the roots
- SAPHI; SAP’I: s.(bot.ana) root
- SAPHICHAY: to sprout roots; to put down roots; to deepen
- SAPHISAPA: adj. complex
- SAPRA: s. beard; hairs of the body; pubic hairs
- SAPSI: adj. collective; communal; common; general
- -SAQ: I will …
- SAQELLAY: to permit
- SAQEPUY: to forsake; to abandon; to leave; to desert
- SAQERPARIY: to give up; to leave; to abandon; to desert
- SAQERPAY: to abandon
- SAQESQA: p.p.p. abandoned
- SAQEY: to leave; to abandon; to leave alone; to let; to allow
- -SAQKU: we without you will …
- SAQMA: s.(1) fist
- SAQMANAKUY: v.recip. to box
- SAQMAY: to slap in the face; to slap up the face; to punch; to hit with the fist; to hit; to bash
- SAQRA: adj. filthy; nauseating; ugly; bad; mean; evil
- SAQRA: s.(1) devil
- SAQRA: s.(mit) supernaturally powerful being who lives underground and who is generally thought to be evil (represented by snakes, lizards, toads, and animals that live underground); negative and destructive energies subject to the laws of the Creator and under the control of the Children of the Sun, the Inkas, have limited power, well-controlled from pre-Inka times to arrival of the Spaniards because the people lived in harmony with the laws of the universe, with the Spanish invasion, were liberated and joined forces with the Spaniards, thus enabling the latter to destroy the Inkan Empire
- SAQRAYACHIY: to disfigure; to distort
- SAQSA: adj. rough (person); rude; rough
- SAQSA: adj.(med) spotted
- SARA: s.(bot) corn; maize
- SARA HANK’ATA MIKHUY: expr. Eat toasted corn!; eat toasted maize!
- SARA MUT’I: s. cooked dry corn
- SARA PHIÑA: s.(bot) kind of wild plant, star plant of maize
- SARA Q’ELLO: adj. corn yellow; orange
- SARA TIPIY: s. harvest of corn
- SARAHANK’A: s. toasted corn
- SARAMAMA: s.(mit) deity protecting the maize sowings; Mother Corn
- SARAQ WARAN: s.(bot.ana) husk; leaf covering the corn cob
- SARAYAKU: s.(top) place and Kichwa community (1500-2000 people) in the eastern rainforest region of Ecuador (province of Pastaza), on the Bobonaza River, known for their resistance against exploitation of their land by the Argentinian petroleum company Compañía General de Combustibles (CGC); (Span.) Sarayacu (water/river of maize/corn)
- SARUNAKUY: v.recip. to tread (animals); to mate; to copulate
- SARUSQA: p.p.p. treaded
- SARUY: to tread down; to step onto; to step on; to exploit; to rule
- SARUY: to cover the female animal (by the male); to tread (animals); to mate; to copulate
- SARUYKUY: v.intr. to tread
- SASA: adj. difficult
- SASA K’IKUY: s.(med) dysmenorrhoa
- SASA MILLP’UY: s.(med) dysphagia
- SASA SAMAY: s.(med) dyspnoea
- SASA SIRANA: s.(tex) difficult seam; difficult suture
- SASACHAY: s. difficulty
- SASACHAY: to make difficult
- SASAWAMAN; SASAYWAMAN: s.(top) possible (probable) original name of Saksaywaman, the Inka fortress of Qosqo (meaning royal golden eagle and not satisfied falcon as generally interpreted)
- SASI: s. fasting
- SASIY: v.intr. to fast
- SAT’IY: s. insertion; connection; coitus
- SAT’IY: to put into; to put in; to plug in; to inject; to insert; to connect; to copulate
- SAWA: s. marriage; matrimony
- SAWAKUY: v.intr. to marry; to get married; to marry
- SAWASQA: p.p.p. married
- SAWAY: v.intr. to bind; to marry
- SAWCHU: adj. renegade; furious; raging
- SAWINTU: s.(bot) kind of fruit tree; guava
- SAWKA: s.(1) mockery
- SAWKA SAWKA HAWARIKUYKUNA: s.(ant) fables for pastime
- SAWKU: s.(bot)(esp) elder; elderberry; plant, fruit used to dye purple
- SAWNA: s. pillow
- SAWNAY: v.intr. to lean against a pillow; to rest on a pillow; to recline or lean; to get closer to
- SAWSI: s.(bot)(esp) willow
- SAYACHIKUY: v.intr. to be presented
- SAYANPA: adj.poses. vertical
- SAYANTIN P’ACHA: s.(tex) whole dress
- SAYAPARIY: v.intr. to stop; to halt; to stand still; to stand up
- SAYAPAYAQ: s.(mil) garrison; guard
- SAYAQ: adj. steep; tall; vertical; upright; erect
- SAYAQ RUNA: s.(fam) adult
- SAYARICHIY: to build; to construct; to construct
- SAYARIY: s.(cri) resurrection
- SAYARIY: to stand up; to stop; to halt; to stand; to arise; to arise; to uplift; to resurrect
- SAYASQA: p.p.p. stopped
- SAYAY: adj. steep
- SAYAY: s. size; height; stature; size
- SAYAY: v.cop. to stand up; to stop; to halt; to stand; to behave
- SAYAYKUY: v.cop. to stop; to halt; to stand still; to stand up
- SAYAYNINTIN P’ACHA: s.(tex) whole dress
- -SAYKI: I will … you
- -SAYKICHIS; -SAYKICHEQ: I will … you all
- -SAYKIKU: we will … you
- SAYK’U: s. tiredness; fatigue; weariness
- SAYK’UPAKUY: v.intr. to be agitated (through exhaustion or fatigue)
- SAYK’USQA: p.p.p. tired; weary; fatigued
- SAYK’UY: s. tiredness; weariness; fatigue
- SAYK’UY: v.intr. to tire; to become tired; to get tired; to be exhausted; to pant
- SAYLLA: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Saylla
- SAYNATA: s. mask
- SAYNATA RUNA: s. masked; dancer
- SAYNATASQA: p.p.p. masked
- SAYRI: s.(bot) tobacco
- SAYRI TUPAQ: s.(per) the second Inka ruler of Willkapampa (1544-1561)
- SAYRIY: to smoke
- SAYTA: adj. spindle-shaped
- SAYTA UMA: s. spindle-shaped head
- SAYWA: s.(1) border; hedge; frontier; boundary; limit; a tall column of stones built by an andean priest to represent his/her power, or a column of living energy; energy column created by priests by intention and that extends from the middle world to the upper world
- SAYWACHAKUY: v.intr. to get energy from Pachamama (Mother Earth)
- SAYWAY: to plant hedges
- SAYWITI: s.(neo) map
- SELQ’O: s. signature
- SENQA: s.(ana) nose
- SENQA: s.(tex) top of the spindle shaft (nose)
- SENQA SAPA: adj. large conk
- SENQA T’OQOKUNA: s.(ana) nasal cavities
- SENQA TULLU: s.(ana) vomer
- SENQACHANPI CHOFER RISHAN: expr. The driver is driving in the cockpit (of the lorry/truck)
- SENQAPAQ: s.(tex) for the nose (1-2 half hitches securing spun yarn to top of spindle shaft)
- SENQ’AY: s. snuff
- SENQ’AY: v.intr. to breathe through the nose
- SEQANA: s. stairs; steps; ladder; staircase
- SEQAY: to climb; to ride a horse; to ascend; to climb; to appear
- SEQE: adj. insipid; sour; tasteless
- SEQ’E: s. line; row; letter (letra); symbol; drawing; line of living energy running through the earth, or between two ritual sites
- SEQ’E (RIMAY SEQ’E): s.(gra) suffix; grammatical morpheme
- SEQ’E LLUMPA: s.(neo) alphabet
- SEQ’E MIT’AY: s.(gra) declension
- SEQ’E RUMI: s.(mit) stone of living energy lines; a sacred shrine in Hatun Q’eros
- SEQ’E YAPAKUQ: s.(gra) postposition
- SEQ’E YAPAYKUNA: s.(gra) morphology (grammatical, in Quechua, by adding suffixes)
- SEQ’ECHAY: to design; to underline
- SEQ’EKUNA: s. illustration; figure; drawing
- SEQ’EMPA: s.(bot) pampas grass
- SEQ’ENCHAY: to draw
- SEQ’EQ: s.a. designer; illustrator; drawer; draftsman
- SEQEQ APU: s.(his) land surveyor
- SEQ’ESQA: s. drawing; figure; icon; image; picture
- SEQ’ETA YAPAY: to add a suffix
- SEQ’EY: to scribble; to draw
- SEQHA: adj. robust; stout (rope, thread); sturdy (rope, thread)
- SEQHA Q’AYTU, ANKU HINA MANA P’ITIQ: s.(tex) sturdy thread
- SEQHA WASKA, ANKU HINA MANA P’ITIQ: s.(tex) sturdy rope
- SEQO: s. loop; noose; sling; snare
- SEQ’O: adj. fierce; ferocious; wild
- SEQ’OQ: adj. whipper; hangman
- SEQ’OY: to whip; to punish
- SEQ’OY: to strangle; to hang somebody
- SEQOY KUTAMATA: to tie up a bag folding it
- SEQOY; SEQHOY; SEQORQOY: to lace up; to tie up a bag; to bind up
- SEQSEY: s.(med) itch; tickle
- SEQSEY; SEQSIY: v.pron. to itch
- SEQSI: s.(med) itch; tickle
- SEQSIN: s.(bot) pampas grass; sigsi
- SERVINAKUY; SIRWINAKUY: v.recip.(esp) to cohabit (usually before marriage); to marry; to cohabit
- -SHA-; -SA-: [progressive]; ]durative]; now; just
- SHALLA: s. minute stone
- SHAPUNPA: s.(bot)(amz) big fern of the rain forest
- SHAQAY; HAQAY; HAQIY: pron.dem. that; yonder
- -SI: [evidential]; to be said to …
- SICHU: conj. if
- SICH’U: adj.(med) disabled at the feet
- SICH’U: s.(med) defectuous scar
- SICHUS: conj. if (assumption)
- SIKI: s.(ana) buttocks; backside; bottom; arse; butt; ass; base; bottom; rear-end; rump; buttocks
- SIKI T’OQO: s.(ana) anus
- SIKI T’OQO: s.(ana) anus
- SIKI TULLU: s.(ana) hip
- SIK’INA: s. bracket; tool for tearing off
- SIKIPAPA: s.(ana) buttocks; backside; bottom; arse; butt; ass
- SIKITAY PHUKUY: expr.(k) fart, my arse!
- SIK’IY: to withdraw; to remove (from a place); to tear off; to uproot; to pull out; to extract; to take out with tweezers; to remove
- SIKLLA: adj. slim; nice
- SIKLLALLA: adj. simple
- SIKLLAY: to direct; to guide; to straighten; to correct
- SIKLLAYKUSQA: p.p.p. plaited
- SIKLLAYKUY (CHUKCHATA): to plait; to braid
- SIKSI: s. rubble
- SIKU: s.(bot)(aym) cane; straw
- SIKU: s.(mus)(aym) andean panpipes; pan flute
- SIKURI: s.(mus)(aym) andean panpipes; player of andean panpipes
- SIKUWA: s.(bot)(aym) cane; straw
- SIKUWANI: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru), provincial capital of Qanchi; (Span.) Sicuani (place where cane grows)
- SIKWA: s. crack of the whip; rod
- SIKWAY: to whip
- SILLA: s. small stone; gravel; pebble; particle
- SILLAKUY: to ride
- SILLARIY: to mount; to ride
- SILLKU: num.fract. quarter; fourth
- SILLKU RUNKU: s.(agr)(his) quarter of a basket for coca or chili (Inka agriculture)
- SILLKUY: to tear cloth or meat
- SILLU: s.(ana) nail; claw; fingernail; claw; fingernail; hoof; nail
- SILLWI: adj. cross-tied
- SILLWI: s. band; strip; stripe; belt
- SILLWI KURU: s.(zoo)(2) species of noctuid larva
- SILLWI P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress with broad, loose stripes
- SILLWISQA: p.p.p. cross-tied
- SILU: s.(l.esp) sky; heaven
- SIMI: s. word; language; tongue
- SIMI: s.(ana) mouth; lip
- SIMI PICHANA: s. serviette; napkin
- SIMI QARA: s.(ana) lip
- SIMI QELQA: s. book
- SIMI TAQE: s. dictionary; vocabulary
- SIMI T’OQYACHIY: s. learning of speech
- SIMICHAQ: s.(gra) verb
- SIMICHAQPA K’ASKAQNIN: s.(gra) adverb
- SIMICHAQPA T’IKRAPAYAYNIN: s.(gra) conjugation del verbo
- SIMIKUNA: s. dictionary; vocabulary; vocabulary
- SIMILLAMANTA: adv.m. orally; verbally
- SIMINCHAY: to suggest
- SIMISAPA: s.p. blabbermouth; loud-mouthed
- SIMITA K’ASKACHIY: v.dic. to talk subtly; to speak concisely and precisely; to pronounce well
- SIMIWAN TUPAPAKUY: s. accusation
- SIMIWAN TUPAPAKUY: to accuse; to attack with words
- SIMIYACHAY: s.(neo) linguistics
- SIMIYACHAYNIYUQ: s.(neo) linguist
- SIMIYKITA KICHAY; SIMIYKITA KICHAY!: expr. open your mouth
- SIMPA: s.(tex) plaited rope
- SIMP’A; SINP’A: s. braid; pigtail; plait
- SIMP’AY: to plait; to braid
- SIMPUY: to bite; to sting
- SINAK’ARA: s.(top) the overlighting mountain deity of the Q’oyllor Rit’i festival
- SINCHI: adj. strong; brave; hard; solid; healthy
- SINCHI: adv.m. enough; too much; strongly; terribly (exagerating)
- SINCHI: adv.preadj. very; too
- SINCHI KAY: s. strength; resistance
- SINCHI ROQ’A: s.(per) the second Inka ruler
- SINCHICHAKUY: v.intr. to build oneself up
- SINCHITAN AÑAYCHAYKI!: expr. Thank you very much! [to several people]
- SINCHIYAY: v.intr. to harden; to get strong
- SINKRIRKARIY: to string (pearls etc.); to thread (pearls etc.)
- SINKRIY: to walk in a row
- SINKRIY: to string (pearls etc.); to thread (pearls etc.); to attach on a thread
- SINKU: s. sphere; ball
- SINP’A; SIMP’A: s. braid; pigtail; plait; single, long braid worn by men
- SINP’AQ: adj. who makes braids
- SINP’ASQA; SIMP’ASQA: p.p.p. plaited
- SINP’AY; SIMP’AY: to plait; to braid
- SINPHI: s. upper lip
- SINRI: s. series; order; row; line
- SINRIY: to thread; to thread up; to tie various animals together
- SINTIRU: s.(zoo) wild pig
- SIPAN: s.(tri) Sipan (old culture of the Peruvian coast)
- SIPAS: adj. young (girl, woman); young woman; young (female)
- SIPAS: s. young girl; adolescent
- SIPASÑA: s. very young woman
- SIPI: s. collar; bracelet; punishment
- SIPI: s.(tex) feather collar for dances
- SIPIQ: s.a. murderer; killer
- SIPIT’IKA: s.(tex) feather collar for dances
- SIPIY: to kill; to slaughter; to break the neck; to assassinate; to strangle; to hang somebody
- SIP’USQA: adj. wrinkled
- SIP’UTI: s.(ana) anus
- SIP’UY: to wrinkle; to pleat
- SIP’UYKUY: to close; to occlude
- SIRAKA: s.(bot) blackberry (spiny plant whose fruits are eaten or used for dye works, its root is remedy against diabetes)
- SIRAKUNA: s.(tex) tailor’s instruments
- SIRANA: s.(tex)(2) seam; suture
- SIRANAKUNA: s.(tex) seam
- SIRAQ: s.a. tailor; dressmaker
- SIRARA: s.(zoo) scorpion
- SIRASQA: p.p.p. sewn; seam
- SIRAY: s.(tex) seam; suture; central, decorated band of carrying shawl (q’epiña)
- SIRAY: to sew
- SIRAYKAMAYOQ; SIRAY KAMAYOQ: s. tailor; tailoress
- SIRICHINAKUY: v.recip. to fight
- SIRIY: v.cop. to lie; to lie down; to go to sleep; to rest
- SIRIYKUY: v.cop. to recline
- SIRK’A: s.(ana) blood vessel; vein; artery
- SIRK’A: s.(geo) vein (geology)
- SIRK’A ONQOY: s.(med) phlebitis
- SIRK’AP T’IK-T’IK ÑIYNIN: s.(med) pulse
- SIRK’AY: v.intr. to bleed
- SIRK’AY: to cut off at the vein; to shed blood
- SIRPA: s. betrayal; treason; traitor
- SIRPAY: to betray
- SIRPHI: s.(ana) upper lip; lip
- SIRVANAKUY; SIRWINAKUY: s.(esp) community of life on trial; common law marriage (in most cases followed by a civil-religious ceremony after one or more children have been born)
- SIRWARQENTI; SIWAR Q’ENTE: s.(zoo) humming bird
- SIRWIQ: s.(spi)(esp) ritual specialist who “pays” or “serves” the Pachamama, the same person who performs healing rituals and sorcery (dañuq, hampikuq)
- SIRWISA: s.(esp) beer
- SIRWISQA: s.(spi)(l.esp) the serving; a ritual to give thanks to the Pachamama and to make requests (the central feature of the all-night rikch’asqa ritual)
- SISA: s.(bot) flower; bloom
- SISA: s.(bot.ana) pollen; glue
- SISAY: v.intr. to flower; to bloom; to blossom
- SISI: s.(zoo) ant
- SISINA: s.(mik) dried meat; smoked pork meat
- SISIRA; SIRARA: s.(zoo) scorpion
- SISKUCHA: s. Siskucha (boy of Chinchiru)
- SISPA: adv.l. close; near
- SISPA: postpos. near
- SISPA ÑAÑA: s. a woman’s female cousin
- SISPA PANA: s.(fam) cousin
- SISPA PANA: s. a man’s female cousin
- SISPA TURA: s.(fam) cousin
- SISPA TURA: s. a woman’s male cousin
- SISPA WAYQE: s. a man’s male cousin
- SISPAYKAMUY: to approach
- SIT’IKIRA: s.(zoo) cicada
- SITUWA: s. sunlight in spring
- SITUWA KILLA; SITUA KILLA: s.(mes)(1) August
- SIWAR: s.(min) turquoise
- SIWAYRU: s.(zoo) agouti; kind of rodent
- SIWI: s. ring
- SIWI RUK’ANA: s.(ana) ring finger
- SIWICHI: s.(mik)(esp) Peruvian fish meal
- SIWINA: s. whistle; blowpipe
- SIWIS: s.(bot) cedar
- SIWK: adj.(1) straight
- SIWK: adj.(2) exact; absolutely right
- SIWK: adv.m. straight on; straight ahead
- SIWK: s. straight line
- SIYARU: s.(l.esp) cigarette
- SOBREPARTO: s.(med)(esp) confinement sickness; illness resulting from childbirth, whose principal symptoms are an itchy rash, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, headaches, and sensitivity to “heat” and “cold,” among others. It is regarded to be incurable and can occur at any time in a woman’s life after having given birth (Spanish “after childbirth,” or “confinement sickness”)
- SONAHA: s.(ast)(esp) Tambourine, Rattle: Corona Borealis (provenience: Misminay)
- SONQO: s.(ana)(1) heart
- SONQO APAQ: s.a. amiable; heart stealer
- SONQO AYCHA: s.(ana) myocardium
- SONQO CHURAY: s. confidence; trust
- SONQO NANAY: s. misfortune; disaster
- SONQO ONQOY: s.(med) cardiopathia; heart sickness; illness characterized by anxiety, sadness, headaches, and fainting spells, usually caused by llakikuy (depression)
- SONQO P’ITIY: s.(med) myocardial infarction
- SONQO SUWA: adj. beautiful; romantic
- SONQO SUWA: s. heart stealer; heartbreaker
- SONQO T’URPUY: s.(med) stitches in the heart
- SONQO; SONQ’O: s.(ass) core; kernel; nucleus; center; centre; inner part; disposition (of a person)
- SONQOCHAKUY: v.intr. to be enthusiastic
- SONQOCHAY: to take care of; to comfort; to console; to encourage; to inspire
- SONQOLLAY: expr. my beloved
- SONQOLLIKUY: v.intr. to be confident; to be inspired; to strive to achieve
- SONQOLLIY: s. confidence; trust
- SONQOLLIY: to confide in; to confide; to trust; to inspire others; to give others confidence
- SONQOMANTA: adj. confident
- SONQOMAT’IY: to confuse
- SONQOQ SIRK’ANKUNA: s.(ana) coronary arteries
- SONQOSAPA: adj. animous; generous
- SONQOYAKUY: s. anguish
- SONQOYAKUY: v.intr. to be anxious
- SOPLA: s.(med)(esp) illness-bearing wind or air; illness that travels in the air; illness that enters a woman’s body when it is exposed during childbirth, symptoms include headaches, swollen gums, and rashes, among others
- SOQA: adj. light (not heavy)
- SOQ’A: adj. cripple; disabled
- SOQ’A: s.(med) sciatica; paralysis; polio; rheumatism
- SOQ’A: s.(mit)(1) twisted female nature spirit; more accurately, a third level initiates vision of a powerful female nature spirit; when fear is conquered, the frightening soq’a transforms into a beautiful ñust’a
- SOQ’A: s.(mit)(2) evil; bad spirit; ghost
- SOQ’A MACHU: s.(mit) people (men) of pagan times, whose bones can be found in old graves; malignant, evil spirit
- SOQ’A PAYA: s.(mit) women of pagan times, whose bones van be found in old graves
- SOQ’ALLIQ: s. dictator; tyrant
- SOQO: adj.(col)(1) grey; gray
- SOQO: adj.(col)(2) blond; light-haired; light-skinned
- SOQO: s. blond hair; white hair
- SOQOPURU: s.(bot) kind of small cactus
- SOQOS: s.(bot) reed; kind of rush; hard grass growing in tufts; cane (hollow); cane like bamboo
- SOQ’OY: to drink; to suck; to suck in; to absorb
- SOQ’OYTA Q’OWAY: expr. give me something to drink
- SOQSUY: to eat greedily
- SOQTA: num.c. six
- SOQTA K’UCHU: s. hexagon
- SOQTA ÑEQEN; SOQTA ÑEQE: num.o. sixth
- SOQTA UYA: s. hexaeder
- SOQYA: s. abuttal; boundary stone; landmark; pile of stones
- SOROQCH’I; SOROQCHI: s.(med) altitude disease
- SORQ’AN: s.(ana) lung; lungs
- SORQ’AN LLIKA: s.(ana) pleura
- SORQ’AN ONQOY: s.(med) bronchitis
- SORQ’AN PHIRU ONQOY: s.(med) lung cancer; bronchial carcinoma
- SORQ’AN SIRK’A: s.(ana) pulmonary artery
- SORQ’ANKUNA: s.(ana) lungs
- SOTUMA; SUTUMA: s.(bot) an herb of the Compositae similar to valeriana
- -SPA: [Gerundium]; [Participle Present Active]; -ing
- -SPA: [Participle Present Active]; when (Subj1=Subj2); -ing
- -SPAN: because (subj1=subj2)
- -SPAPAS; -SPAPIS: though (subj1=subj2)
- -SPAQA: if (subj1=subj2); when (subj1=subj2)
- -SQA: [Participle Perfect Passive]; [perfective]; [relative clause, before]
- -SQA: [historical past]
- -SQAYKI: I will … you
- -SQAYKICHIS; -SQAYKICHEQ: I will … you all
- -SQAYKIKU: we will you …
- -STIN: while
- -SU-: you (object) [if subject is 3rd person, or generally in Q2A dialects]
- SUCHI: s.(2) present
- SUCH’I: s.(zoo) fish species of lake Titicaca; catfish
- SUCHIY: to send (things); to ask to do (to deliver)
- SUCH’U: adj.(med) lame; paralized; a paralized person; crippled; disabled at the feet
- SUCHUNA: s. slippy place; hill; slope
- SUCHUY: to slip; to trail; to crawl; to limp; to totter; to scoot; to move over; to slip and fall
- SUCH’UYAY: v.intr. to become lame
- SUCHUYKACHAY: v.intr. to slip and fall
- SUCHUYKUY: to approach
- SUKA: s.(1) furrow
- SUKAMA: s.(zoo) chachacomo butterfly
- SUKHA: adv.t. in the afternoon
- SUKHA: s. afternoon
- SUKULLUKU: s.(zoo) lizard
- SULLA: s.(met) dew; foam
- SULLK’A: adj. younger (relative)
- SULLK’A RUK’ANA: s.(ana) little Finger
- SULLK’A; SULLKA: s.(fam) junior; younger; youngster; youngest brother; youngster (term of address to express solidarity at work parties and on ritual occasions)
- SULLU: s. padlock; primitive key
- SULLU: s.(med) fetus; abortion; animal fetus used by jampiris
- SULLULL SONQO: adj. faithful; honest; loyal
- SULLULL; SULLUL: adj. faithful; honest; loyal
- SULLULL; SULLUL: adj.(ass) positive
- SULLULL; SULLUL: s. evidence; oath
- SULLULLCHAY: s.(1) oath
- SULLULLCHAY: s.(2) promise
- SULLULLCHAY: to make an agreement; to promise; to vow
- SULLULLPACHASQA: p.p.p. obstinate; stubborn
- SULLU-SULLU: s.(bot) kind of plant
- SULLUY: to abort
- SUMALLIKUY: v.intr. to brag; to be considerate; to be courteous
- SUMAPAYAY: v.intr. to be on one’s best behavior; to behave exemplarily
- SUMAPAYAY: to compliment
- SUMAQ: adj. beautiful; nice; good (person); good (tasty meal); tasty; delicious; good in general; good; pretty; kind; delicious; tasty
- SUMAQ KAWSAY: s. good health; peace; right way to live; life in harmony
- SUMAQ KAWSAY: v.intr. to live in best relation with nature
- SUMAQ KAY: s.(1) beauty
- SUMAQ KAY: s.(2) good character
- SUMAQ P’UNCHAY!: expr. Good afternoon!
- SUMAQ SARA: s. good corn; good maize
- SUMAQ SIPAS: s. beautiful girl
- SUMAQ SONQO: adj.(1) humble
- SUMAQ SONQO: adj.(2) good-hearted; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; charitable; pious
- SUMAQ UQI: adj. beautiful light blue
- SUMAQLLA: adv.m. excellent; first-rate
- SUMAQLLAÑA!: expr. Good luck!; Good journey!
- SUMAQTA YACHACHIY: expr. teach well
- SUMAQWASICHAY: s.(neo) architecture
- SUMAQYACHIY: to make beautiful; to beautify; to embellish
- SUMAYCHASQA KAY: v.intr. to be amazed
- SUMAYCHAY: to exalt
- SUMAYKACHAQ: s. boaster; bragger; braggart
- SUMAYKACHAY: to boast; to brag
- SUMPU: adj. narrow; tight (dress)
- SUMPU P’ACHA: s.(tex) tight dress
- SUMPU SUMPULLA: adj. very narrow; very tight (dress)
- SUMPU SUMPULLA UNKU: s.(tex) very tight shirt
- -SUN; -SUNCHIS; -SUNCHEQ: I and you will …; we with you will …; lasst uns …; lass uns …
- SUNCH’U: s.(bot) daisy; kind of herb or shrub with yellow flowers; daisy-like flower; sunchu (kind of wild plant, an illa of potato)
- SUNI: adj.(1) long; big; large
- SUNI: adj.(2) deep
- SUNI: adj.(3) loud
- SUNI: s.(geo) lofty region; altitude level in the Andes from 3500 to 4000 m
- SUNIYAY: v.intr. to lengthen; to become longer; to widen; to become wider; to stretch; to deepen; to become deeper; to be extended
- SUNKHA: s. a man’s facial hair; beard; mustache
- SUNKHAYOQ: adj. bearded
- -SUNKI: he … you; he will you …; it … you; it will you …; she … you; she will you …
- -SUNKICHIS; -SUNKICHEQ: he … you (plural); he will you (plural) …; it will you (plural) …; she … you (plural); she will you (plural) …
- SUNTUR: adj. round; circular
- SUNTUR: s. cabinet (retinue); congress; convention; coucil; court; retinue; congress; convention; council
- SUNTUR: s.(mat) circle
- SUNTUY: to heap up; to pile up
- SUÑA: s.(2) present; treat; courtesy; attention
- SUÑAY: to give as present
- SUPAY: adj.(ant) extraordinary; exceptional
- SUPAY: s.(mit)(1) devil; demon; bad spirit; bad person; supernaturally powerful being who lives underground and who is generally thought to be evil (represented by snakes, lizards, toads, and animals that live underground)
- SUPAY QARQO: s.(bot) exorcist; kind of tobacco
- SUPAY T’IKA: s.(bot) kind of annual plant with lilac flowers
- SUPAYPA WAWAN: s.(k) devil’s son; devil’s daughter
- SUPAYSUPAWA: s.(per) Inka captain in the times of the Spanish conquest
- SUPHU: adv.m. bristly
- SUPHU: s.(ana) bristle; animal hair; body hair
- SUPI: s. fart; flatus
- SUPISIKI: adj. someone who farts often or loudly
- SUPIY: v.intr. to fart; to pass gas making a noise
- -SUQTIYKI: if he … you; when he you …; if she … you; when she you …; if it … you; when it you …
- SURI: s.(zoo) South American ostrich; nandu
- SURU: s.(med)(aym) snow blindness
- SURUMUY: v.intr. to cascade
- SURUY: to drip; to run (liquid)
- SUSHUPI: s.(zoo)(amz) giant amazon viper; kind of snake
- SUSKHAY: to slip on something not slippy
- SUSUNKA: s.(med) drowsiness
- SUSUNKHAY: s. drowsiness
- SUSUNKHAY; SUSUNKAY: v.pron. to stiffen (part of the body); to go numb; to grow numb; to tingle
- SUTI: s.(1) name; title
- SUTI: s.(2) truth
- SUTI: s.(gra) noun
- SUT’I: adj. clear; clear (day, sky); clear (evident); concise; visible; evident; true
- SUT’I: s. light; truth
- SUT’I: s.(fil) sense; meaning
- SUT’I KAQ: s.a. certain; real
- SUT’I KAYLLA: s. reality
- SUT’I PACHA: s. reality
- SUT’I RIMAQ: s.a. correct person; who tells the truth
- SUTI SELQ’OY: to sign
- SUT’I SONQO: adj. frank; honest
- SUT’ICHAKUY: s. proof
- SUT’ICHANA: s. interpreter
- SUTICHAY: s. title
- SUTICHAY: to name; to identify; to give a name to; to make the name; to express; to mention
- SUTICHAY: to call
- SUT’ICHAY: to clarify; to clear up; to make visible; to explain
- SUT’IN: s. truth
- SUT’INCHAPUY: to avenge
- SUT’INCHASQATA: adv.m. clearly
- SUT’INCHAY: to clarify; to explain; to make clear; to prophesy
- SUT’IPI: adj. convinced
- SUT’IPI KAY: v.intr. to be convinced
- SUTIQ RANPAQNIN: s.(gra) adjective
- SUTIQ RANTIN: s.(gra) pronoun
- SUTIRIMANA: s.(gra) noun
- SUT’ITA RIMAY: v.dic. to tell the truth
- SUTIY: v.intr. to be called
- SUTIY.: expr. My name is …
- SUTIYAKUY: v.intr. to be called; … name is …
- SUTIYAY: to understand as; to denominate; to name
- SUT’IYAY: v.impers. to dawn; to become clear
- SUT’IYAY: to clarify
- SUTIYMI ….: expr. My name is …
- SUTIYQA ….: expr. My name is …
- SUT’U: s. drip; drop; tear
- SUT’UCHIY: to make drip; to filter
- SUT’UY: v.intr. to drip; to get wet
- SUWA: s. thief; plunder; robber; thief
- SUWA HUK’UCHA: s. food thief (thievish mouse)
- SUWA KASKAQOQ MAKI: s. thief who steals everything
- SUWAKUSQA WAWA: s.(fam) illegitimate child of a married woman
- SUWAKUY: to rob
- SUWANAKUY: s. mutual elopement of the girls
- SUWANAKUY: v.recip. to rob (each other)
- SUWAPUKUY QOSAN HAWANPI (HAWAMANTA): v.intr. to commit adultery without the husband knows (woman)
- SUWAQ: s. thief
- SUWAQ’ARA: s.(zoo)(1) turkey vulture; carnivorous bird
- SUWAQ’ARA: s.(zoo)(2) black vulture
- SUWAY: s. theft
- SUWAY: to steal; to rob
- SUWIQ’ARA: s.(zoo) carnivorous bird; raven
- SUYAKUY: s. hope
- SUYAKUY: to hope
- SUYA-SUYA: adj. badly woven; loose (tissue); thin (tissue)
- SUYA-SUYATA AWAY: to weave loose or thin cloth
- SUYAY: to wait; to wait for; to expect; to expect
- SUYAY: to wait; to wait for; to expect
- SUYK’U: s. cup
- SUYK’UPIN: s. pancreas
- SUYNAY: s. sound
- SUYRU: s.(tex) very long dress dragged after when worn
- SUYRU TAKSA P’ACHA: s.(tex) very short dress
- SUYRUY; SUYRUYKACHAY: to drag a dress
- SUYSUNA: s. sieve; filter
- SUYSUSQA: p.p.p. sieved
- SUYSUY: to sieve; to strain; to sift; to filter; to filtrate; to search for something intensively
- SUYT’U: s.(zoo.ana) snout
- SUYT’U RUMI: s. stone erected by people
- SUYT’U; SUYTU: adj. thin and long; long; having length; extended; elongated
- SUYU: s.(1) area; region; country; piece; district; region; territory; zone
- SUYU: s.(his) what is included in one’s part of work
- SUYU APU: s.(mit) a large-sized tutelary mountain spirit overseeing an entire region, related with the third level of the andean path
- SUYU K’ITI: s.(his) judicial district
- SUYU LLANK’ANA: s.(his) task of an ayllu; partial work
- SUYU RUNA: s.(his) tributary vassal
- SUYUCHANAKUY: v.recip. to put oneselves (lit. each other) in order or position – for work or war
- SUYUCHAY: to delimit; to separate; to group people according to their nationality
- SUYUNCHAY: to conquer land; to design
- SUYU-SUYU P’ACHA: s.(tex) striped man’s dress
- SUYU-SUYU; SUYUSUYU: s.(tex) colour stripes in fabric
- SUYUY: to parcel out; to allot; to distribute land
- T: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- T’: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -TA: [Adverb]
- TAKA: s.(1) punch; blow; collision
- T’AKAKUY: v.intr. to flow out
- TAKANA: s. hammer; mortar
- TAKANAKUY: s. ritual fight
- TAKAQ: s.a. boxer; brawler; rowdy
- TAKARPU: s. stake; stakes (four) for ground loom
- T’AKASQA: p.p.p. separated; divorced
- TAKAY: to box; to beat; to smash; to pound; to hit; to punch; to knock on; to hammer; to nail; to knock; to strike; to knock at a door
- T’AKAY: to sow; to drop; to scatter (like seeds); to scatter; to separate
- TAKI: s.(1) singing; song; song; music
- TAKI ONQOY: s. collective delirium brought about by singing; in Inka history the Taki Onqoy refers to a national Inka movement of the sixteenth century against the Spaniards
- TAKI YACHAQ WAKANKI: s.(his) singers of fables and old chants
- TAKILLPA: s. heel
- TAKINA: s.(mus) song
- TAKIQ: s.a. singer; musician
- TAKIQCHAY: s. balance
- TAKIQKUNA: s. musicians
- TAKIRI: s. chorus
- TAKITA HUQARIQ: s.a. precentor; leader of a choir; who strikes up a tune; who intones; conductor of orchestra
- TAKIY: to sing; to play an instrument
- TAKKA: s.(zoo) horsefly
- TAKLLA: s.(agr) plough; plow
- TAKLLA: s.(ast)(ant) constellation of the plough (approximately the Scorpion)
- TAKSA: adj. small; medium; short
- TAKSA UMA: adj.(ana) brachycephalous
- TAKU: s.(min) red soil; iron(III) oxide; an ochre-colored clay and iron oxide
- TAKURIY: to insult; to disturb; to talk bad things about
- TAKYACHIY: to affirm; to assure; to stabilize; to set; to support; to install; to found; to create; to establish; to maintain
- TAKYAPACHIY: to confirm
- TAKYAPASQA KAY: v.intr. to feel certain; to feel confident
- TAKYASQA: adj. safe; secure
- TAKYAY: v.intr. to stay on a place; to stop; to maintain
- T’ALA: adj. concrete (not abstract)
- T’ALLA: s. woman
- TALLIY: to empty; to pour out; to decant; to splash; to spill; to empty a bag or container; to copy
- TALON: s.(ana)(esp) heel
- TAMA: s. herd
- TAMBUR: s.(mus)(esp) drum
- T’AMPAY; T’AMPACHIY: to entwine; to felt
- TAMPU: s.(top) ancient people in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); old name of Ollantaytambo; (Span.) Tambo
- TAMPUMACH’AY: s.(top) archeological site near Qosqo, known as the Inka Baths (Baños del Inca), considered to be a water cult centre; Temple of Death where initiates learn to overcome their fear of death; (Span.) Tambomachay (store, lodging or tribal name Tampu + cave)
- TAMPUPAMPA: s.(top) town in the Department of Apurimaq (Peru); (Span.) Tambobamba
- TANAPA: s.(med) heel ache
- TANKA: s. fork; crossbar
- TANKANA: s. cradle
- T’ANKAR: s.(bot) kind of barberry; bramble; kind of shrub which is in Qispillaqta the star plant of potato
- T’ANKAR KISKA: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- T’ANKAY: to pour; to pour out
- TANKAYLLU: s.(zoo) wasp
- T’ANPA: adj. entangled
- T’ANPA; T’AMPA: s.(1) ruffled hair
- TANPU; TAMPU: s.(1) lodging; hostel; storehouse; rest stop; storehouse along a road or trail
- TANQA: s. push
- TANQAY: to push
- TANTA: s. meeting; gathering
- T’ANTA: s.(mik) bread
- T’ANTA CHURANA: s. bread-basket
- T’ANTA RANTIKUQ: s.a. bread seller
- T’ANTA RUWAQ: s.a. baker
- TANTACHIY: to assemble; to collect; to gather; to add; to gather (people); to add on; to make gather
- TANTANAKUY: s. meeting; gathering
- TANTANAKUY: v.recip. to assemble; to gather; to congregate
- T’ANTATA MUNANI: expr. I want bread!
- TANTAY: to assemble; to collect; to gather; to pick up; to meet; to join; to compose
- T’ANTAY WALLKACHANAY: v.intr. to be badly dressed who was once well dressed
- TAPARA: adj. doubled
- TAPARAY: to fold; to double; to double over
- TAPHKACHIY: to cut short; to abbreviate; to paralyze
- TAPHKAY: to cease; to cut short
- T’APHSANA: s.(zoo.ana) beak
- TAPHYA: s. bad sign; bad providence; bad luck; disaster; disgrace; misfortune
- T’APSAY; T’APHSAY: to peck
- TAPUKUY: to inspect; to investigate; to research
- TAPUNAKUY: v.recip. to argue
- TAPUPAKUQ APU: s.(his) inspector
- TAPURINAKUY: v.recip. to ask each other
- TAPURIY: to inquire
- TAPUY: v.dic. to ask; to ask a question
- TAPUYKACHAQ: adj. curious
- TAQ: interj. [sound of a hammer blow]
- -TAQ: but; nevertheless; while; and; [contrast]
- -TAQ?: [Information question]
- T’AQA: s. division; herd; fold; group; portion; type
- T’AQACHA: s. fragment
- T’AQAKUY: s. class; sort
- T’AQAKUY: v.intr. to separate; to divorce
- T’AQANAKUY: s. separation; disjunction
- T’AQANAKUY: v.recip. to separate; to divorce
- T’AQAY: to separate; to divide; to dish out small portions with the ladle; to separate; to set apart; to sow
- TAQE: s. storage; deposit
- TAQEY: to accumulate; to join forces, or join energy bubbles; to bring together in harmony
- T’AQLLA; T’AKLLA: s. palm (of the hand)
- T’AQLLAKUY; T’AKLLAKUY: v.intr. to clap; to applaud
- T’AQLLAY; T’AKLLAY: to clap; to slap
- TAQRU: adj. mixed
- TAQRUY: to mix; to combine
- TAQSA NIWA: s.(bot) pampas grass
- T’AQSAKUY: v.intr. to wash one’s hairs
- T’AQSAQ: s.a. washer
- T’AQSASQA: p.p.p. washed
- T’AQSAY: to wash laundry; to wash clothes; to wash the hair
- TAQSU: s. tall, thin man
- TAQTAQYACHIY: to hit something with a hammer (repeatedly)
- TAQTAQYAY: v.dic. to make noise (hammer)
- T’AQWEQ: s. explorer
- T’AQWEY; T’AQWIY: to inspect; to investigate; to research; to explore
- T’AQWIRIY: to examine
- TARA: s. cradle of a herding sling
- TARA; T’ARA: s.(bot) kind of leguminous tree; plant, fruits used in Bolivia to dye yellow, same plant used in Qosqo and in Inkawasi to dye black and in Huancayo to dye gray; plant that gives a very strong black dye when mixed with clay
- TARANTACHAY: v.intr. to be agitated (through fright)
- TARANTACHIY: to agitate; to annoy; to bother; to excite; to revolt
- TARDE: s.(esp) afternoon; evening
- TARI: s.(fam) grand-grandchild
- TARIKUY: v.cop. to be (locally, there is etc.)
- TARIPANAKUY: s. litigation; dispute
- TARIPARIY: to examine
- TARIPASQA: p.p.p. caught up; condemned; condemnation
- TARIPAY: s. judgement; justice; proof
- TARIPAY P’UNCHAY: s.(cri) Doomsday; Last Judgement
- TARIPAY; TARPAY: to meet with; to meet up with; to come across; to catch up; to catch up with; to consult; to examine; to condemn; to condemn; to judge
- TARIPAYPACHA; TARIPAY PACHA: s.(mit) world or age of encounter; in andean prophecy this word refers to a new golden era in the human experience – it is known as the “age of meeting ourselves again” and heralds coming together again of the Andean people, and the recreation of a new and better Inka empire; literally age of meeting ourselves again, from 1993 to about 2012, a transitional time during which the Andeans feel we must learn to live and work together to prepare for the new Golden Age, a period when humans can graduate from the fear-based 3rd level to the 4th level; in Christian sense time of Jesus Christ’s return
- TARIPUY: to recover; to regain
- TARIQ: s.a. discoverer; finder
- TARIY: to find; to meet with a person; to meet up with people; to discover
- TARPUQ: s.a. sower; farmer; seeder
- TARPUSQA: p.p.p. sown
- TARPUY: s.(agr) sowing; planting
- TARPUY: to plant; to sow; to sow seeds
- TARPUY KILLA: s.(mes) September
- TARPUY PACHA: s.(agr) sowing season
- TARUKA: s.(zoo) andean deer; red brocket deer; deer; taruca; type of deer
- TARUKA RINRI: s.(bot) kind of herb
- T’ASTA: s.(bot) kind of tree
- T’ASTAY: to flatten
- TATICHIY: to interrupt
- TATIY: s. refrain
- TATIY: v.intr. to interrupt (continuous action)
- TATIY: to quiet; to suspend; to interrupt a continuous action
- TAWA: num.c. four
- TAWA: num.c. four
- TAWA CHUNKA: num.c. forty
- TAWA CHUNKA: num.c. forty
- TAWA PACHATA: adv.t.(neo) at four o’clock
- TAWANTIN: s. four parts belonging together, a principle of Andean thinking
- TAWANTIN SUYU; TAWANTINSUYU: s.(his) Inka Empire; the four regions of the earth; country with four corners, or four regions; the ancient quechua name of the Inka empire
- TAWNA: s. walking-stick; stick; crutch; cane (staff)
- TAWQA: s. pile; heap; rampart
- TAWQAMARKA: s.(top) place and community in the Department of Qosqo (Province of Pawqartampu, Peru), known because of a tragedy on October 22nd, 1999, when twenty-four children died after being intoxicated by the insecticide methyl parathion from the German company Bayer; (Span.) Tauccamarca
- TAWQAQ: s. who piles up; acculmulator
- TAWQAY: to pile up; to stack (adobes); to stack
- TAWRI; TARWI: s.(bot) lupin; edible lupine beans that are very popular in high zones
- TAWTINKU: s. harp
- TAYANKU: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- TAYKU: s.(ana) heel
- TAYKUNA: s.(ana) heel
- TAYRI: adj. late
- TAYRIYAY: v.intr. to be late
- TAYTA; TATA: s.(fam) father; sir; sir; priest; sir; priest
- TAYTACHA: s. father; lord; saint
- TAYTACHA TEMBLORES: s.(mit)(p.esp) Lord of the Earthquakes (an icon/statue of the Black Christ given to the city of Qosqo by Charles the Fifth of Spain. It was paraded around Qosqo during a terrible earthquake and is considered by the people to have the power to stop earthquakes. This is a powerful guiding star for many andean priests); Lord of Earthquakes (an image of Jesus on the cross in the Cathedral in Qosqo that is believed to provide protection from tremors, a procession is conducted for the image through the streets of Qosqo on Monday of Holy Week)
- TAYTAKU: expr. Father (old man)
- TAYTAKU: s. grandfather
- TAYTAMAMA: s. parents
- TAYTAMAMAKAY: s.(neo) parenthood
- TAYTANCHIS RANTI: s.(mit) equivalent to God on Earth; this term refers to the powers and capacity of the seventh level initiate in the Andean system of psychospiritual development; according to Inka prophecy the seventh level priest will be capable of ressurecting their own physical bodies after death
- TAYTAY: s. my father
- TAYTÁY!: expr. Sir!
- T’EQE: adj. stuffed (pillow etc.); full; filled with wool or hairs; swollen; plump; crowded; closely packed and full; baby-faced; doll
- T’EQEY: to fill a bag; to stuff; to fornicate; to stuff (like a pillow); to upholster; to cover (furniture)
- T’EQMUY: v.intr. to be idle; to have a soft life
- TEQNI TULLU: s.(ana) ilium
- TEQNI; TEQNE: s.(ana) hip
- T’EQO: s.(mik) soup of vegetables and meat; bundle; sack
- TEQSE: adj. universal; basic; fundamental
- TEQSE; TEQSI: s.(1) fundament; base; origin; foundation
- TEQSEMUYU; TEQSI MUYU; TEQSIMUYU; TEQRIMUYU: s.(ast) Earth; planet Earth; world
- TEQSI RUMI: s. cornerstone
- TEQSIMUYU: s.(1) world; universe
- TEQSIMUYUSIQ’IY: s.(neo) geography
- TEQSIRUNKHU: s. nature
- TEQSIY: to begin; to initiate; to found; to drive into
- TEQTI: s. drink (made of fermented corn)
- T’EQWAY; T’IQWAY: to peel; to husk corn; to shell
- TH: fon. (consonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- THAK KAY: s. peace
- THAK NISQATA: adv.m. completely
- THAK NIY: v.dic. to calm down
- THAK(NIY): adj. peaceful; tranquil
- THAK; THAK(NIY): s. peace
- THAKA: adj.(1) thick (liquid); viscous; doughy
- THAKA: adj.(2) hot
- THALLAY: v.intr. to put on weight; to become fat; to stretch out; to shake off
- THALTA: s. saliva
- THAMI: s.(ana) placenta
- THAMIN: s.(ana) placenta
- THANAKU: s. bedding; mended bedding; bum
- THANICHIY: to make heal; to make calm; to cause to subside; to pacify
- THANIRICHIY: to alleviate
- THANIRIY: v.intr. to calm down; to heal; to be healed
- THANIY: to calm; to cease; to calm down; to subside; to cease; to clear up; to come to an end; to finish; to cease
- THANKAY: to hit
- THANKUY: to thicken
- THANPIY; THAMPIY: v.intr. to stumble
- THANTA: adj. old (things); used; old; ragged; tattered
- THANTA: s. rag
- THANTASQA: p.p.p. worn out
- THANTAYAY: v.intr. to wear out; to wear down
- THAPARANKU: s.(zoo) big moth (kind); bum
- THAQO; TAKU: s.(bot)(1) American carob tree
- THASKIY; THATKIY: to go step by step; to start; to walk quickly; to take big steps; to walk
- THASNUY: to extinguish; to put out a fire; to extinguish
- THAWTIYKACHAY: to allege
- THEQTICHIY: to fry; to toast
- THEQTIY: to fry; to toast
- THINTIRICHIQ: s. clown
- THINTIRICHY: to tickle
- THINTIY: v.intr. to giggle
- THOQA: s. saliva; spittle
- THOQANA: s. spittoon; cuspidor
- THOQAY: s. saliva; spittle
- THOQAY: to spit
- THOQAYPA CH’AÑAN: s.(ana) salivary gland; parotid gland
- THULTU: adj. old; ancient
- THUMANA: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- THUNI: s. abyss; precipice; collapse; crash; wreck; rubble; ruin
- THUNICHIY: to tear down; to pull down; to demolish; to pull down (building)
- THUNIKUY: v.intr. to collapse; to break down; to fall in; to come apart; to fall
- THUNISQA: p.p.p. collapsed
- THUNIY: to collapse; to break down; to fall in
- THUNIY: to shatter; to smash; to destroy; to demolish
- THUNKUY: to hop; to hop on one foot; to limp
- THUNKUY: to tie someone’s hands
- THUPA AMARU: s.(per)(1) the last Inka ruler of Willkapampa (1566-1572), fought against the conquistadores, captured and executed in Qosqo in 1572
- THUPA AMARU: s.(per)(2) José Gabriel Kunturkanki (born in 1743), organized an uprising against the Spaniards in 1780, at whose hands he was killed in Qosqo in 1781
- THUPA YAWRI: s. cane (staff)
- THUPA YUPANKI; TUPAQ INKA YUPANKI; THUPA INKA: s.(per) the tenth Inka ruler; Pachakutiq Inka’s son and successor, governed approximately between 1471 and 1493
- THUPAY: to rub; to rub out; to scrape off; to plane; to scrape
- THUTA: s.(zoo) moth
- THUTASQA: p.p.p. infested by moths
- THUTUPAKUY: to grumble
- T’IHUÑA: s.(aym) speed
- TIKA: s.(arc) a brick baked in the sun; adobe
- T’IKA: s.(bot) flower; bloom
- T’IKACHIY: to make bloom
- T’IKALLIKUY: v.intr. to make up oneself with flowers or feathers
- T’IKALLIY: to adorn with flowers or feathers
- T’IKARICHIY: to make bloom
- T’IKARIY: v.intr. to cheer up; to be amused; to bloom; to blossom; to blossom
- T’IKAY: v.intr. to bloom; to flower; to blossom
- TIKAYAY: to solidify (grease)
- TIKLLA: s.(tex) black and white tissue
- TIKLLA; TEQLLA: adj. two-coloured (black and white)
- T’IKRA: . rear; back; underside
- T’IKRAKUQ: s.a. convert
- T’IKRAKUY: to turn
- T’IKRAKUY (-MAN): v.intr. to convert (into)
- TIKRAQTA KUTIMAN: adv.m. vice versa
- TIKRAQTA KUTIMAN P’ACHALLIKUNKI: expr.(txx) vice versa you dressed yourself
- T’IKRASQA: adj. inverse
- T’IKRAY: to dig up; to overturn; to turn over; to flip; to turn (a page); to change; to translate
- T’IKSANA: s. tool to comb wool
- T’IKSAQ: s.a. wool carder
- T’IKSASQA: p.p.p. combed wool
- TIKSI MUYU PACHA: s. whole roundness of earth
- TIKSIN KAY: v.intr. to be the beginning of a lineage or another founded thing
- T’IKSU: adj. inclined; tilted; diagonal
- T’IKSUY: s.(zoo) cuckoo
- T’IKSUY: v.intr. to incline; to lean; to tilt
- TIKTI: s.(med) wart
- TIKTIKYAY: v.intr. to beat (heart); to pulse (heart)
- TIKTISAPA: s.p. warty; full of warts
- TILIWISYUN; TILIWISIYUN: s.(esp) television
- TILIWUNU: s.(esp) telephone
- T’ILLA: adj. wild; savage
- TIMPU: s.(esp) time
- T’IMPUYKUY: to invade
- T’IMTI KURU: s.(zoo) cloth worm (moth larva)
- T’INKA: s.(1) gift; bonus given to workers (usually alcohol); prize; reward
- T’INKA: s.(2) welcome party; initiation ceremony
- T’INKAY: to celebrate welcome
- T’INKI: adj. united
- T’INKI; TINKI: s. union; pair of equal things (like gloves)
- T’INKINAKUY: v.recip.(bio) to copulate; to fuck
- T’INKISQA: p.p.p. two or more things together; adjacent; enclosed
- TINKI-TINKI P’ACHA: s.(tex) whole piece of male or female clothing
- T’INKIY: to bind together; to put together in pairs; to unite; to join
- TINKU: adj. small
- TINKU: s. meeting
- TINKUCHIY: to mix; to unite; to level; to compare
- TINKULLPA: s. ring; wheel; wheel
- TINKUNACHIY: to make people meet
- TINKUNAKUY: v.recip. to meet; to gather
- TINKUNANCHISKAMA!: expr. See you!
- TINKUPURAY: to confront
- TINKUPUY: to copulate; to fuck
- T’INKUSQA P’ACHA: s.(tex) dress just fitting
- TINKUY: s. annual ceremonial fight held at Macha; encounter; meeting
- TINKUY: to meet; to meet up with; to fight (two); to come together; to meet
- T’INKUY: to fit (clothing)
- TINKUYPACHA CHAYAMUN!: expr. What a coincidence!
- TINKUYPURA: s. limit
- T’INPU: adj. cooked
- T’INPU; T’IMPU: s.(mik) stew; popular meal of rice, dried potatoes, meat and white chillies; cabbage meal; a special Carnival food dish with boiled meat and vegetables
- T’INPUNAYAY: v.intr. to be at the point of boiling
- T’INPUQ: s.a. boiling; bubbling
- T’INPUSQA: p.p.p. boiled
- T’INPUY: s.(1) boiling
- T’INPUY; T’IMPUY: v.intr. to boil; to be angry
- T’INRI: s. dwarf
- TINTIN: s.(bot) granadilla
- TINYA: s.(mus) drum
- TIPA: s.(bot) kind of tree whose bark secretes a brown-reddish resin after being wounded
- T’IPAKUY: to clasp; to button up; to fasten
- T’IPANA: s. staple; stitch; buttonhole; clasp; brooch
- T’IPARQOY: to nail
- T’IPASQA: p.p.p. pinned; affixed
- T’IPAY: s.(tex) warp pattern stripe of q’epiña (lliclla) border zone
- T’IPAY: to pin clothes; to affix; to fasten clothing with a pin; to pin
- T’IPAY: to stitch; to sew together; to crochet
- T’IPIKUY: to snap by itself (thread, etc.)
- TIPIY: to harvest; to harvest corn; to shuck corn
- T’IPIY: to tear off; to rip off; to cut off; to pull apart; to pinch; to snap off; to snip off; to pluck; to wean; to snap; to snap or snip off; to pluck
- T’IPKI: s.(tex) pin
- T’IPKIKUY: to pin (cloth)
- TIQLLA UNKHUÑA: s.(tex) unkhuña divided vertically into two halves of contrasting color
- T’IRA: s.(fam) twin
- T’IRAKUY: v.intr. to pull out one’s own hairs
- TIRAY: v.intr.(esp) to hurry
- TIRAY: to pull; to drag
- T’IRAY: to pull out; to uproot; to uproot
- T’IRIY: to mend
- T’ISAY; T’IKSAY: to comb wool; to card wool; to pull wool apart preparing it to be spun into yarn; to card
- TISI: s.(tex) small, unspinnable lumps of wool
- TISÑA: s.(bot) species of grass
- TITI: adj.(col) lead-colored; lead
- TITI: s.(min)(2) lead; tin
- TITI; TETE: s.(min)(1) lead
- T’ITU: adj. dark
- T’ITU: adj.(ass) difficult to understand; unintelligible
- T’ITU: s.(1) alms
- T’ITU: s.(2) obscure and difficult words
- TITU KUSI WALLPA: s.(per) the third Inka ruler of Willkapampa (1561-1566)
- T’ITUY: to foresee
- T’IWKA: s. bow
- T’IWKAY: to run rapidly
- T’IWKAY: to shoot an arrow
- TIWLI: adj. weak
- TIWLI: s. bowstring; wire
- TIWLLI: s. string
- TIYACHIY: to set
- TIYALLAY: to cohabit
- TIYANA: s. seat; chair; stool; bench
- TIYANAPI TIYAY: v.intr. take a seat
- TIYAQ: s.(2) living together stage of marriage, when a couple lives in the man’s natal home before a formal wedding takes place
- TIYAQ: s.a. inhabitant
- TIYAQMASI: s. unmarried partners living together
- TIYAY: v.cop. to sit; to stay; to remain; to sit down; to live (somewhere); to reside; to be located; to exist; to be sitting
- TIYAY: v.cop. to sit; to live (somewhere); to reside; to be located; to exist; to be sitting; to live; to stay; to sit down
- TIYAYUKUY!: expr. sit down!
- T’IYU: s. sand; sandy soil; sediment
- TIYU Q’EWIY: s.(mit)(p.esp) Uncle Twisted Nose, ambiguously good and evil spirit who helps miners in Madre de Dios to find gold (the Madre de Dios version of the Anchanchu)
- TONQHO: adj. badly done
- TONQOR K’IKLLU: s.(ana) glottis
- TONQOR MOQO: s.(ana) larynx
- TONQOR ONQOY: s.(med) laryngitis
- TONQOR; TONQORI: s.(ana) throat; pharynx
- TONQORI: s.(ana) windpipe; trachea
- TOQLLA: s. lasso; trap; trick
- T’OQLLACHIY: to shoot
- TOQLLAKUQ WAMRA: s.(fam) boy, 9 to 12 years old (meaning in Inka times); boys who hunted little birds, was educated in working, grazed animals, carried firewood and straw, spun, carried out his parents’ and authorities’ orders
- TOQLLAY: to lasso; to ambush; to lie in ambush against; to pry; to trap
- T’OQO: s.(1) hole; window; gap; recess; pit; big hole in the ground
- T’OQO ÑAWI: adj. hollow-eyed; cavernous eyes
- TOQOCHA: s.(tex) shed rod (bamboo preferred)
- T’OQONA: s. tool for making holes
- TOQORO: s.(mat) cylinder; tube
- T’OQOY: to bore a hole; to make hollow; to make a hole in the ground
- T’OQRAYAY: v.intr. to fade
- T’OQRIKUQ: s.a.(his) who has protection by the people (Inka society)
- T’OQSIY: to prick; to sting; to pierce; to puncture; to burn (sting; wound); to indicate; to mark; to point
- TOQTE: s.(bot) walnut; walnut tree
- TOQTO: s.(zoo) broody hen; dove
- T’OQTO: s.(tex) white, fatty feathers of birds
- TOQTON: s. marrow
- T’OQYAY: v.intr. to burst; to explode; to burst (egg shell), when the chicken hatches out; to hatch (an egg)
- T’OQYAY: to pronounce
- TORITO: s.(ast)(esp) Little Bull or Rhinoceros Beetle (name of a star, provenience: Misminay)
- TRABAJU: s.(esp) work; work (for wages); job; wage labor; a category of work foreign to Andean peasant culture, referring to wage labor in cities, office work, teaching, etc.
- TRANTACHIY: to annoy
- TRISIKLU: s.(esp) a three-wheeled, pedal-powered vehicle used to transport cargo and people in southern Peru
- TRUKI: s.(esp) barter exchange; barter-exchange
- TRUKIY: to barter; to change; to exchange; to trade
- TUHU: s. chair
- TUKAM Q’ESPI: expr. the loose dress is transparent
- TUKAPU: s.(tex)(1) embroidery; geometric figures in tissue, marked within squares which can be either isolated or lined up in horizontal or vertical belts
- TUKAPU: s.(tex)(2) dress of the Inka; precious women’s dress
- TUKAY: to play an instrument
- TUKINAYA: s. puzzle
- T’UKTIY: to mischievously look at or pick up something
- T’UKU: adj. meditative; lunatic
- T’UKU: s.(med) swoon; faint; sincope; stroke; apoplexy
- TUKU; TUKA: s.(zoo)(1) owl; type of owl
- TUKUKUNA HULCHA: s.(tex) loom bar; warp beam
- TUKUKUQ: adj. final; ultimate; limited; finite
- TUKUKUY: s. end; ending; purpose; objective; intention
- TUKUKUY: v.cop. to become
- TUKUKUY: v.intr. to fall; to sink; to perish; to finish; to terminate
- TUKUKUY: to conclude; to finish; to end
- TUKUKUYPI: postpos. at the end of
- TUKUPUY: v.intr. to change; to become
- TUKUPUY: to end; to complete; to eliminate
- TUKUQ: adj. variable
- TUKUQ KAWSAY: s. temporal life
- TUKURU: s. glue; paste
- TUKUSQA: p.p.p. ended; finished; completed
- TUKUY: adj. all; every; each; any
- TUKUY: adj.(1) all; every; each; any
- TUKUY: adj.(2) complete; fully developed
- TUKUY: pron.indef. all; everyone; everybody; everything
- TUKUY: v.intr. to happen; to end; to become
- TUKUY: v.mod. to be able to
- TUKUY: to complete; to conclude; to stop; to end; to finish; to pretend
- TUKUY: to consume; to spend
- TUKUY HANPIQ: s.(spi) having the fully developed or complete healing power; refers to the fifth level of psycho-spiritual development and the healing abilities of the Inka Mallku
- TUKUY LLANK’AYNIYOQ: s.(spi) having the fully developed power of the body
- TUKUY MUNAYNIYOQ: s.(spi)(1) having the fully developed power of the heart
- TUKUY MUNAYNIYOQ: s.(spi)(2) complete realization of personal power
- TUKUY SONQOWAN: adv.t. attentively
- TUKUY YACHAYNIYOQ: s.(mit) having the fully developed power of the mind
- TUKUYNINTIN: pron.indef. all; everyone; everybody; everything; everyone
- TUKUYNIQPI: adv.l. everywhere inside
- TUKUYRIKUQ: s.a. spy; supervisor
- T’ULA: s.(bot) plant with small fibery flowers; plant used to dye orangish-yellow (three varieties – nacatola, ghirutola, umatola)
- TULLPA: s. cooking spot in the kitchen; stove; cooking stones
- TULLPIKUNA: s. colours; colors
- TULLPU; TULLPI: s. ink; color; colour; paint; dye; stain
- TULLPUCHAKUY: to dye and redye many times
- TULLPUNA: s. ink; dye; dye-house
- TULLPUNA LLIMPIKUNA: s. dye for cloth
- TULLPUPAYAY: to dye and redye many times
- TULLPURAYAY: to keep dying (colouring)
- TULLPUY: to color; to colour; to stain; to dye; to tinge; to paint
- TULLU: adj. lean; thin; skinny
- TULLU: s.(ana) bone; skinny; thin
- TULLU ONQOY: s.(med) rickets; rachitis
- TULLU P’AKI: s.(med) fracture
- TULLU QARA: s.(ana) periosteum
- TULLUMAYU: s.(top) river (and street) in the city of Qosqo
- TULLUYASQA: p.p.p. emaciated
- TULLUYAY: v.intr. to lose weight
- TULUMPI: s. earrings
- TUMAQAYA; TOMAQAYA: s. foreigner
- TUMAYPERQA: s.(mil) wall; fence; fencing
- TUMI: s. knife
- TUMIPAMPA: s.(top) city in Ecuador; (Span.) Cuenca; (hist.) Tomebamba (plain of stone knives)
- TUMPA: adj.(1) little; a little bit; some
- TUMPA: adj.(2) something used up; something worn out; regular; somewhat
- TUMPANAKUY: s. mutual accusation
- TUMPAY: s. blame
- TUNA; TUNAS: s.(bot) prickly pear; type of cactus and its fruit
- TUNAW: s. pestle
- TUNI: s.(arc) pale; pole; stake; post;column
- TUNKI: s.(zoo) cock of the rocks; kind of bird
- TUNKIY: to doubt
- TUNPASQA: p.p.p. blamed
- TUNPAY; TUMPAY: to accuse; to blame; to attribute; to calumniate; to backbite; to suspect
- TUNQA: s.(agr) cloth for collecting and carrying potatoes at harvest
- TUNTI: adj. weathered by the sun; crumbled
- TUNU: adj. paralyzed; paralysed
- TUNU: s. pillar; column
- TUPA: adj. something noble; something worthy; something of exceptional quality; name of honour
- TUPA KUKA: s. coca of fine leaves; most fine and tasty coca for the king
- T’UPA P’ACHA: s.(tex) elegant men’s dress
- TUPA QOCHOR: s.(his) golden plate with enclosed precious stones to put the maskapaycha in, which all together formed the Inka crown
- T’UPA UNKU: s.(tex) elegant shirt
- TUPACHIY: to make meet; to make clash; to accomodate
- TUPAKUY: v.recip. to clash; to bang heads (like rams)
- TUPANA: s. meeting
- T’UPANAKUQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) worn dress
- TUPANANCHISKAMA!: expr. See you!
- TUPANCHISKAMA!: expr. See you!
- TUPAPAKUY: v.intr. to wrangle
- TUPAQ: adj. decorated; rich
- TUPAQ: s. challenge; as a title “one who challenges”
- TUPA-TUPALLA P’ACHALLIKUY: to put on elegant clothes (man)
- TUPAY: s. fight; encounter; meeting; conflict; spiritual sparring of two andean priests
- TUPAY: to meet; to meet up with; to find (people); to clash; to meet
- T’UPHSI RUK’ANA: s.(ana) forefinger; index finger
- T’UPHSINA RUK’ANA: s.(ana) forefinger; index finger
- T’UPHSIY: to point at; to show
- TUPU: s.(2) measuring tape; cord used for measuring
- TUPU: s.(tex) fastening pin for women’s clothing; fastening pin; marker put on costal; hook; metal pin with large head used for fastening women’s garments; fastener
- TUPU; TOPU: s.(uni) measure; cereal measure (55.5 litres); area measure (6460 square metres); weight measure; length measure (mile); a unit of land measurement, technically equivalent to about 37 by 73 meters (44 by 88 Spanish varas) or 2705 m2; a unit of land that allows for the production of a determinate quantity of products; by the latter definition, the measure can vary from 0. 1 to 1.0 hectare, leading to conversion errors.
- TUPULLAY: adj. adequate; fitting one’s nature; conforming to one’s talent
- TUPULLIKUY: to put on clothes with a fastening pin
- TUPUQ: s.a. measurer; surveyor
- TUPUTUPU: s.(bot)(1) goldenberry; peruvian gooseberry
- TUPU-TUPU: s.(bot)(2) red-stemmed filaree; kind of annual endemic plant of the high mountain region
- TUPUY: to measure; to compare; to measure; to delimit
- TUPUYOQ: s.p. finite; limited; measurable
- TURA; TURAY; TURI: s.(fam) a woman’s brother; brother (to a sister); brother (woman’s)
- TURISTA: s.(esp) tourist
- T’URPU: adj. precise
- T’URPU: s. point
- T’URPUY: s.(neo) minute
- T’URPUY: to stab
- TURQASQA: s.(aym) ritual cure that transfers an illness from a human body into the body of a small animal, such as a guinea pig, cat, or dog. The animal is rubbed or tied onto the ill person and then disposed (“the exchanging,” from Aym. turqaña, “to exchange”)
- TURQAY: s.(aym) to transfer an illness from a human body into the body of a small animal by rubbing or tying it onto the ill person (from Aym. turqaña, “to exchange”)
- TURU: s.(zoo)(esp) bull
- T’URU: s.(geo) mud; clay; dirt
- T’URU T’URU: s. slough; morass; mud hole
- T’URU WASI: s. a house made of clay
- TUSA: s. prop
- T’USTUY: to berate; to degrade; to trample
- TUSUCHIQ: s.a. precentor; leader of a choir; who strikes up a tune; who intones; conductor of orchestra
- TUSUNA: s. dance
- TUSUQ: s.a. to dance
- TUSUY: s. dance
- TUSUY: to dance; to jump
- TUTA: s.(1) night; darkness
- TUTA: s. night
- TUTA: adj. dark
- TUTA: s. night; darkness
- TUTAKURU: s.(zoo) firefly; lampyrus
- TUTALLAMANTA: adv.t. in the early morning; before sunrise
- TUTAMAN: adv.t. later (relate to the becoming of time, not an absolute relation as in objectified time)
- TUTAMANTA: adv.t. in the morning; early
- TUTAMANTA: s. morning
- TUTAMANTA; TUTALLAMANTA: adv.t. in the early morning; before sunrise
- TUTARAQ: adv.t. still night; dawn
- TUTASHAÑA: adv.t. almost at night; late in the afternoon
- TUTAY : v.impers. to be night
- TUTAYARIY: s. beginning of dusk
- TUTAYAY: v.impers. to get dark; to become night
- TUTAYAY: v.impers. to get dark; to become night
- TUTAYAY: v.impers. to get dark; to become night
- TUTU: s.(zoo.ana) udder; tit
- TUTURA; TOTORA: s.(bot) kind of rush; reed; reed plant that grows near shore of lakes; reeds; marsh grass
- TUTUY: to breast-feed
- TUY: s.(neo) minute
- TUYA: s.(zoo) lark
- TUYLLA: adv.t. immediately; briefly; shortly
- TUYRU: s. mark; monument; code; sign
- TUYTUY: to float; to swim
- T’UYU: s. oar
- TUYUY: to swim
- T’UYUY: to row
- UCHHA: s.(agr) horse dung
- UCHKU: s. hole; opening
- UCHPA-UCHPA: s.(bot) kind of plant
- UCHU: s.(bot) kind of red pepper or paprika; chili; chili spice; hot pepper; chile; chili pepper
- UCHU UCHU: s.(zoo) red grasshopper
- UCHUK: s. spoon
- UCHUQ’ASPA: s.(bot) yellow flower; marigold; calendula; goldbloom; mary gowles
- UCHUTA MANA MUNANICHU: expr. I don’t want chili
- UFYAYTA QOWAY: expr. give me something to drink
- UHA; UWIHA: s.(zoo)(esp) sheep; lamb
- UHU: s.(med) cough
- UHU HAP’IY: v.pron. to catch a cough
- UHUY: v.intr. to cough
- UKATI: s. base; basement; foundation wall
- UKATI: s.(zoo) ferret
- UKHU: adj. deep; under; interior; at the bottom; body; inside; inner; interior; deep; hollow; profound
- UKHU: adv.l. inside; below
- UKHU: s.(ana) body; human body; interior; profundity
- UKHU HARK’AKUNA: s.(mil) defensive weapons
- UKHU PACHA: s. underworld; underground world; interior world; lower world; underworld; unconscious; inside of the planet; the world within, traditionally symbolized by the serpent; interior or lower world, within the earth and each individual; heavy energies, a place for spirits to begin to learn energy reciprocity (ayni); hell; hell (meaning after christianization)
- UKHU SONQOTA (ANIMATA) CHUYAYACHIY: v.intr. to clear one’s consience; to purify one’s soul
- UKHUCHAY: to deepen
- UKHUNCHAY: to deepen
- UKHUPI: postpos. in; into; among; among; inside
- UKHUPI; UKUPI: adv.l. inside; in between
- UKSIY: to burrow (animal); to burrow
- UKUKU: s.(mit) the bear men; spiritual warriors of the Taripay Pacha, or new era; the “police” or keepers of order at the Q’oyllur Rit’i festival
- UKUKU: s.(zoo) bear
- UKUMARI; UKUKU: s.(zoo) bear
- UKUN: centre; center; ground; soil
- UKUNCHANA: s.(tex) underwear; slip; undershirt; inner skirt; vest
- UKUNCHAY: to put on underwear
- UKUNTA: adv.l. deep; under; at the bottom
- UKUSIPAQ: centre; center; ground; soil
- UKYACHIY: to give something to drink
- UKYANA: adj. drinkable
- UKYANA: s. watering-place; cup; beaker; drinking vessel; drink
- UKYAY; UFYAY; UHAY; UPYAY; OQYAY: to drink; to consume
- ULLASKU: s.(zoo) carrion vulture
- ULLPUKUY: v.intr. to kneel
- ULLTI LLIPTA CHURANA: s.(tex) bag to carry condiment for coca
- ULLU: s.(ana) penis
- ULLUKU: s.(bot) ulluku (kind of potato-like plant)
- ULLURUY: to sting
- ULUYPIÑA: s.(bot) kind of herb
- UMA: s.(ana) head; top; capital; a rounded hill
- UMA: s.(geo) mountain peak
- UMA CHAKI: s. head down, hands up; head over heels
- UMA CHUKU: s. helmet
- UMA K’ULLU: adj.(k) blockhead
- UMA LLAQTA: s.(pol) capital
- UMA RAYMI: s.(his) principal fiest in Inka times (in october)
- UMA RAYMI KILLA: s.(mes) October (in the Inka era: Month of the main fiest. Offerings were given to the main deities, wethers (llamas) were tied on the square and to dogs to make them help wining of hunger, praying to Runa Kamaq for water. People went from hill to hill making processions, crying to the god of the sky for water)
- UMA RUNA: s. boss
- UMA SAPA: adj.(1) big-headed
- UMA TUKUYNIN: s. top of a hill
- UMA TULLU: s.(ana) skull
- UMA TULLUKUNA: s.(ana) skull bones
- UMAKIPAKUQ: s.a. diver
- UMAKIPAKUQ: s.a. diver
- UMAKIPAY: to sink; to submerge; to plunge
- UMALLI: s. title
- UMALLI LLAQTA: s.(pol) capital
- UMALLIQ: s.a.(neo) president; boss
- UMAMUYUY: s.(med) vertigo; dizziness; giddiness
- UMAPI HAP’IY: to understand
- UMAPURIQ: s.a.(mit)(his) witches; phantastic night beings (said to be seen at night in form of human heads whistling wis-wis)
- UMAQE: s. ancestors; predecessors
- UMASU: s.(ana) rennet stomach; abomasum
- UMATE: s. part in the hair
- UMAYOQ: adj. intelligent
- UMIÑA: s. precious stone; jewel
- UMITA: s.(mik) kind of meal
- UMIY: to give a prolonged kiss
- UMPHUY: to pull in; to draw in; to retract; to shorten; to spend
- UMSIRI: s.(zoo) ferret
- UMU: s.(1) wizard; witch; sorcerer; priest (pagan)
- UMU: s.(2) witchcraft; wizardry; magic; sorcery
- UMUY: to do magic; to bewitch; to enchant
- UNACHIY: to retard; to delay
- UNANCHA: s. flag; signal; sign; symbol; meaning; reason
- UNANCHASQA: p.p.p. marked; signed; understood
- UNANCHAY: to understand; to comprehend; to consider; to deduce; to symbolize
- UNAQ: s. period; era; space of time
- UNAY: s. delay; delaying; slowing down; long time; long time (real or imagined); time; duration
- UNAY: v.intr. to hesitate; to last; to take long; to slow down; to delay; to last
- UNAYCHAY: to immortalize; to perpetuate
- UNAYMANTA: adv.t. after a long time; long time after
- UNAYTAN P’ACHAY MAWK’AN: expr. my dress is worn out
- UNIY: to accept
- UNKA: s.(bot) kind of tree whose very hard wood is used for tools
- UNKU: s.(tex) sleeveless shirt; small poncho; traditional black inka ceremonial shirt with a red seam made of alpaca and woven left-handed for spiritual power; man’s shirt; tunic; dress in general
- UNKUCHA: s.(bot) kind of tuber plant of the Araceae family
- UNKULLIKUY: v.intr. to dress oneself
- UNKUQ KUNKAN: s.(tex) opening for the neck, of a shirt
- UNKUSAPA: s.p. who has a large shirt
- UNPHU: adj. weak; sickly
- UNPHU: adj.(med) crestfallen; depressed
- UNPHUY; UMPHUY: v.intr. to decay; to be overwhelmed; to feeble; to crouch
- UNPHUYAY: v.intr. to contract
- UNQUSQA; ONQOSQA: s.a. ill; sick
- UNU: s. water; waters; any liquid
- UNU: adj. watery; boiled
- UNU: s.(1) water
- UNU KARPAY: s.(spi) integration of energy, transference of power by water
- UNU KAWSAY: s.(mit) the living energy of water; water spirit
- UNU KURU: s.(zoo) hydra
- UNU PACHA: s. sea; ocean
- UNU PACHA PUMA: s.(zoo) seal
- UNU RAYMI ARMAY KILLA: s.(mes) October
- UNU T’IMPUYKUY: s. flood
- UNU T’IMPUYKUY: to flood
- UNU WIKSA: s.(med) ascites
- UNUCHASQA: s.(spi) the pouring of water; a lay baptism performed soon after birth by parents and godparents, creating compadrazgo ties between the participants
- UNUCHAY: to sprinkle with water; to baptize; to prepare fleece for spinning by watering it
- UNUQ’OÑI; UNU Q’OÑI: s. breakfast; morning tea
- UNUTA APAMUY!: expr. bring water
- UNUYACHIY: to melt; to liquefy
- UNUYAY: v.intr. to melt; to liquefy; to melt
- UÑA: adj. tender; unripe; small
- UÑA: s.(bio) small child; young animal; animal baby; baby animal; small animal; calf; nursing baby (animal or human)
- UÑA: s.(zoo)(2) calf
- UÑA PALLAYNIN: s.(tex) baby pallay, warp-patterned weave in center of narrow (guardan or uña guardan) stripes
- UÑA WAKA: s.(zoo) calf
- UÑA WAWA: s.(fam) new-born child
- UPA: adj. deaf; dumb; silent
- UPA: adj.(med) deaf; dumb; mute; silent
- UPA; OPA: adj. stupid; dumb; useless
- UPALLA: s. silence
- UPALLALLA: adj. silent
- UPALLAY: v.intr. to be silent; to be quiet; to calm down
- UPALLAY!: expr. Be silent!; Be quiet!
- UPAYAY: v.intr. to become deaf
- UPHAKUY: v.intr. to wash one’s face
- UPHAY: to wash the face of another person
- UPI: s. incompletely fermented corn beer
- UPICHU: adj.(med) anaemic; anemeic
- UPICHUKAY: s.(med) anaemia
- UPIY: s. sir
- UPIY: to drink in small portions; to snort; to slurp
- URA: adj. lower; inferior; lower place; lower
- URA: adj.(geo) southern
- URA: adv.l. below; down; south; under
- URA: adv.t. formerly; earlier; last time
- URA: postpos. under
- URA: s.(geo) South
- URA: s.(uni)(esp) hour; time
- URA AYLLU: s.(top) lower community; community oriented to the lowlands; community in the District of Kuyu Kuyu (Cuyo Cuyo, Province of Sandia, Department of Puno, Peru)
- URA QHAWAY: v.intr. to read the time
- URA WATA: adv.t. last year
- URAN: adv.l. downwards
- URANCHAY: to put down
- URANPI: adv.l. below
- URAÑA: s.(med)(l.esp) fright; fright sickness; the state of one’s soul or life force being frightened out of the body, or the remains of fright sickness that have been cleansed from the body through the urañasqa ritual. Fright sickness is suffered principally by infants and young children who are thought to have a loose body-soul connection. Its symptoms are diarrhea, fever, and crying. The Spanish etymology (“hurañía,” shyness, unsociableness, elusiveness, or “huraño,” shy, elusive, wild) likely refers to the qualities of a person without a life force, who is thought to be wild, animal-like, and inhuman
- URAÑASQA: s.(med)(l.esp) ritual cure for uraña (fright) that consists of bathing the body with sweet-smelling substances and praying to Andean and Catholic supernatural beings; the state of a person being cured for uraña
- URAPATA: postpos. under
- URAQAY: to go down; to descend
- URAY: adj.(1) lower
- URAY: adv.l. down; downwards; downhill; below
- URAY: s. descent; slope; hillside
- URAY: to descend
- URAYKUMUY: to come down
- URAYKUY: to go down; to descend; to climb down
- URAYKUY: to go down; to descend; to climb down; to make halt; to camp
- URI: adj. premature; untimely; precocious
- URIN: s. lower part
- URIN QOSQO: s.(top) Lower Qosqo; lower part of the Inka capital Qosqo; first Inka dynasty (approx. 1200 – 1350), under which the lower part of Qosqo was built
- URIN SUYU: s. lower part (region)
- URIN YARI: adj.(fil) subcontrary
- URIN; URA: s.(geo) South
- URIN; URA; URAY: adj. lower; inferior; lower place
- URIN; URA; URAY: adv.l. below; down; south
- URINSAYA: s.(pol) lower region of an ayllu; lower part of a community, lower moiety (contrasts with hanansaya)
- URITU: s.(zoo) parakeet; kind of small parrot; parrot
- URMA: s. downfall; collapse; ruin
- URMAKUY: to throw oneself down
- URMANA: s. trap; snare; sling
- URMASQA: p.p.p. fallen; fall
- URMAY: to fall
- URMAY: to fall; to fail
- URMAY: s. fall
- URMAY: to fall; to fail
- URMAYKUY: to lie down; to stretch oneself out
- URPI: s.(zoo) pidgeon; turtledove; bird; dove; grey-fronted dove
- URPI CHAQLLA WASI: s. birdcage
- URPI SONQO!: expr. Thank you very much! [to several people]
- URPILLAY: expr. my beloved
- URPITU: s.(zoo) bird
- URPU: s.(cer) jar; vat
- URQOP SENQAN: s.(geo) what is between two gorges
- URQU: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru), provincial capital of Qispiqanchi; (Span.) Urcos (mountain)
- URU: s. vermin
- URU: s.(tri) people living in the region of Lake Titicaca with some communities still remaining today, and their language
- URU: s.(zoo)(1) spider
- URU K’USILLU: s.(zoo) spider monkey
- URUPAMPA: s.(top) town and province in the Department of Qosqo (Peru), gave the Urubamba river (Willkamayu, Willka Ñust’a, Vilcanota) its present name; (Span.) Urubamba (plain of spiders)
- URUYA: s. funicular; ropeway
- URWA: adj. woman without children; sterile woman
- USA: s.(zoo) louse
- USA Q’EPE: adj.(k) lousy
- USACHIKUY: v.intr. to take advantage of
- USACHINALLA: adj. easy to advance with
- USACHIY: to earn; to win; to gain; to achieve; to acquire; to reach
- USACHIY: to create
- USAPU: adj. lucky; prosperous; successful
- USARIY: s. drought
- USARIY: v.impers. to clear up; to cease raining
- USASAPA: adj. lousy
- USAY: to end; to finish; to create
- USAY: to delouse; to take out lice
- USKA: s. beggar
- USKAY: to beg
- USLILLA: s. plain; simple
- USNU: s. platform; high platform in the public plazas from which rulers or chiefs used to talk to their people; altar; niche
- USÑUY: v.intr. to breathe noisily through the nose
- USPHA: adj.(k) sterile
- USPHA: s. ash; ashes
- USPHA CHURANA: s. ashtray
- USPHA RUNA: s. childless person
- USQAY: adj. fast; quick
- USQAY; USQHAY: adj. fast; quick; light (not heavy)
- USQAYCHAY: to hustle; to drive; to urge; to accelarate
- USQHACHIY: to hustle; to drive; to urge; to accelarate
- USQHAQ: s.a. speedy
- USQHAY: s. hurry
- USQHAY; USQAY; UTQAY: adv.t.(1) soon; hurriedly
- USQHAY; USQAY; UTQAY: v.intr. to hurry; to rush; to run; to accelerate work
- USQHAYLLA; USQAYLLA; UTQAYLLA: adv.t. immediately; at once
- USQHAYTA: adv.m. hurried; quickly
- USQHAYTA: adv.m. hurried; quickly
- USU: s.(esp) waste; use; custom; tradition
- USU: s.(tex)(esp) spindle; instrument for spinning and rolling the thread into it
- USUCHIQ: s.(p.esp) bum
- USUCHIY: to waste
- USUMA: s.(bot) kind of fruit tree
- USUQ SULK’A CH’UNCHUL: s.(ana) appendix
- USURPA: s. tramp; vagabond; vagrant
- USUSI: s.(fam) daughter; father’s daughter; daughter (Ecuador: daughter in general – Peru, Bolivia: father’s daughter)
- USUT’A: s.(tex) sandal; shoe; sandals made from old tires; sandals; footwear; formerly leather sandals, now includes shoes and rubber boots; sandals, of leather sole and straps ; shoes
- USUY: v.intr.(1) not to have; to miss
- USUY: v.intr.(2) to be wasted; to be discharged; to flow out
- USUY: to pour; to pour out; to waste; to misuse
- USYAY WATA: s.(met) dry year
- UTA: s.(med) leishmaniasis (a tropical illness feared by Madre de Dios miners)
- UTALLAQ’E: s.(zoo) kind of fruit-eating bird
- UTHU: s. dwarf
- UTI: s. effort; wearyness; tiredness; pensive
- UTINKAYNIYOQ: s.p. magician
- UTIRAYACHIY: to amaze; to overwhelm; to overcome
- UTIRAYAY: v.intr. to be amazed; to be overwhelmed; to be overcome; to muse
- UTI-UTI: s.(zoo) kind of beetle
- UTIY: v.pron. to be really tired; to tire (get tired); to become numb; to become paralyzed
- UTKHU; UTKU: s.(bot) cotton
- UTKU P’ACHA: s.(tex) cotton cloth
- UTUKULLU; UTUKULLO: s.(ana) velum
- UTULU: s.(zoo) rooster
- UTURUNKU; OTORONQO: s.(zoo)(1) jaguar; South American tiger
- UWAS: s.(bot)(esp) grape; bunch of grapes
- UYA: s.(ana) face; cheek
- UYA: s.(neo) page
- UYA K’AKLLA: s. cheek
- UYA SAPA: adj. large-faced
- UYACHIY: to persuade
- UYAKUQ: s.a. guest student
- UYAKUY: to listen; to accept; to admit; to agree to; to agree
- UYANCHAQ: s.a. witness
- UYANCHAY: to say things directly; to confront; to confront; to surprise
- UYAPURA: s. face to face
- UYARICHIKUY: s. appeal
- UYARICHIKUY: v.intr. to appeal
- UYARICHIY: to make listen; to make know
- UYARILLANKI: expr. just listen
- UYARINA: s. hearing
- UYARIQ: s.a. listener
- UYARIWAY; UYARIWAY!: expr. listen to me
- UYARIY: to hear; to listen
- UYARIY: to hear; to listen
- UYNICHIY: to convince; to persuade
- UYNIKUY: to accede; to accept; to concede; to consent; to concede; to consent
- UYNIY: adj. acceptable
- UYNIY: to accept; to assent; to agree
- UYUY: v.dic. to sob
- UYWA: adj. tame; domestic; domesticated; animal
- UYWA: s.(zoo)(1) domesticated animal; domestic animal; animal (domesticated, tame); tame beast; young animal; cub
- UYWA: s.(zoo)(2) horse
- UYWA KAY: s. bestiality; brutality
- UYWA MICHINA WARAQ’A: s. herding sling
- UYWA QARANA: s. manger
- UYWA WASI: s. stable; zoo
- UYWAQ: s.a. who takes care of domestic animals
- UYWAQE: s. who takes care of and educates a stranger child; tutor
- UYWASQA: adj. tame; domestic; domesticated; animal
- UYWASQA: p.p.p. adoptive child
- UYWAY: to bring up; to raise
- UYWAY: to bring up; to rear; to breed; to bring up; to care for; to raise animals; to raise children
- UYWAY: to bring up; to rear; to breed; to bring up; to care for; to raise animals; to raise children; to raise; to educate; to hold (animals)
- UYWAY: to tame; to domesticate; to rear; to tend
- W: fon. (semiconsonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -WA-: me
- WACHACHIY: to deliver (birth); to make a pregnant woman give birth
- WACHAKUQ: s.(med) woman giving birth
- WACHAKUY: s. childbirth
- WACHAKUY: to give birth to; to be delivered (birth)
- WACHANQA: s.(bot) kind of shrub
- WACHARU: s.(zoo) kind of fruit-eating bird
- WACHAY: s. birth
- WACHAY: to give birth to; to give birth; to bring forth; to whelp; to lay eggs; to produce; to bud; to sprout; to come out
- WACH’I: s.(1) arrow; spear; sting; prick
- WACH’I TULLU: s.(ana) radius
- WACH’IKAMAYOQ: s.(mil) arrow-maker
- WACH’IKOQ: s.(mil) archer; bowman
- WACHO WACHOLLAN: adj.(his) lined up in a row (peasants in Inka times)
- WACHOY; WACH’UY: to whore; to fornicate; to commit adultery
- WACH’U; WACHU; WACHO: s.(agr) row; furrow; file; groove; stripe; lineage; row of earth dug to plant seeds; the waking spiritual seed in people
- WACHUQ: s. adulterer; adulteress
- WACHUY: to make furrows
- WAK SUYU: s.(mil) enemy army
- WAK; WAQ: pron.dem. that; other; another
- WAK; WAQ: adj. distinct; different; stranger; another; other
- WAK; WAQ: pron.dem. that; other; another
- WAKA: s.(zoo)(l.esp) cow
- WAK’A: adj. sacred
- WAK’A: s.(spi) sacred rock or crevice; sanctuary; deity; holy and dangerous place inhabited by ghosts and daemons where the bad prevails; any sacred object or place of the Inkas
- WAKA P’USTI: s.(zoo) calf
- WAKA QALLU: s.(bot) kind of plantain
- WAKA SULLU: s.(bot) kind of herbaceous plant used for the birth of calves
- WAKA UÑA: s.(zoo) calf
- WAKAMAYU; WAKAMAYO: s.(zoo) parrot; macaw; kind of parrot
- WAKAQ ÑAWIN: s.(tex) cow eyes (pallay motif in weaving)
- WAK’ARPAY: s.(top) town in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Huacarpay (place of offerings?)
- WAKATAY: s.(bot) marigold; type of composite plant
- WAK’AY: s.(spi)(his) gifts or greetings to the wak’as and apachiqtas
- WAKCHA: adj. landless; poor; orphaned; needy
- WAKCHA: s. orphan; landless farmer; poor
- WAKCHA KAY: s. poverty
- WAKCHA KAY: v.intr. to be poor
- WAKCHA PAQARIQ: s.a. who are born poor
- WAKCHA PITIWIKUQ: s.(his) procurator for the poor in colonial times
- WAKCHA RIMAPUKUQ: s.(his) procurator for the poor in colonial times
- WAKCHA WAWA: s. child born out of wedlock; illegitimate chld
- WAKCHAYAY: v.intr. to become impoverished; to become poor
- WAKI: adj. particular
- WAKICHAY: to compare
- WAKICHIY: to prepare; to contract (work)
- WAKIN: adj.(1) some; other
- WAKIN: adj.(2) particular
- WAKIN: pron.indef. part; rest; other; the others; some; someone; somebody
- WAKIN: s. image
- WAKIN: s.(gra) suffix; grammatical morpheme
- WAKINMANTA: adj. particularly
- WAKIY: to compare; to negotiate; to trade
- WAKLLICHIY: to damage
- WAKPI: adv.l. over there; elsewhere
- WAKSI: s. steam; vapor; vapour; gas
- WAKSICHIQ: s.a. evaporator
- WAKSIY: v.intr. to evaporate; to vaporize
- WAKU: s.(bot) kind of medicinal plant of the rainforest
- WALAY: to run in a flock or herd
- WALAYCHUY: to wander; to walk around
- WALEKUY; VALEKUY: to ask; to beseech; to beseech; to plead; to request
- WALEQ: adv.m.(l.esp)(1) well; fine; good; alright; ok
- WALEQ: adv.m.(l.esp)(2) much; enough
- WALEQ; WALIQ: adj.(l.esp) abundant; abundance
- WALEQ; WALIQ: s.(l.esp) abundance
- WALLA: s. fighter; warrior; soldier; domineering person
- WALLA: s.(tri) ancient people in th valley of Qosqo, conquered by Manqu Qhapaq
- WALLA QHOYU: s. army
- WALLAQA: s.(top)(?) river in the Departments of Junín, Pasco, Huánuco and San Martín (Peru); (Span.) Huallaga
- WALLATA: s.(zoo)(aym) andine goose
- WALLPA: s.(zoo) chicken; hen
- WALLPA CHAKI: s.(bot) kind of anemone
- WALLPA SILLU: s. claw
- WALLPA WAQAY: s. cock-crowing
- WALLPAPU: adj. dressed showily
- WALLPARIKUY: to get armed in an elegant way (warrior); to get dressed beatifully (warrior)
- WALLPARIKUYKUNA: s.(his) any kind of arms and decoration for war; decoration of clothing
- WALLQANQAKUNA: s.(mil) defensive weapons
- WALLUY: to cut; to cut in pieces
- WALLWA: s.(bot) trinitaria; kind of scurf pea
- WALLWAK’U: s.(ana) armpit
- WALQA: s.(tex) collar; necklace; pearl necklace; rosary
- WALQAKUY: v.intr. to hang something on one’s neck
- WALQANQA; WALLQANQA: s.(mil) shield
- WALQAYKUY: v.intr. to put on a collar
- WALTHANA: s. nappies; napkins; diapers
- WALTHAY: to wrap up a baby
- WAMAN: s.(zoo) sparrow-hawk; falcon; hawk
- WAMAN QERO: s.(bot) kind of tree
- WAMAN TULLU: s.(ana) front part of the shin
- WAMANI: s.(ana) shoulder-blade; scapula
- WAMANI: s.(his) province with 10000 inhabitants
- WAMANQA: s.(top) capital of the Department of Ayakuchu (Peru); (Span.) Huamanga; (syn.) Ayacucho (Ayakuchu)
- WAMANRIPA: s.(bot) medical plant of the Andes
- WAMANRIPA: s.(top) a mountain and apu in Q’ero
- WAMAQ: adj.(2) first; primary
- WAMAQ: adv.t.(1) any time; rarely
- WAMAQ AWQAQ: s.(mil) novice soldier
- WAMAQ P’ACHA: s.(tex) newly purchased dress
- WAMINK’A; WAMENQA: s.(his) general; captain
- WAMINKU: s.(zoo) ferret
- WAMPAR UNKU: s.(tex) shirt with triangle design
- WAMPHU: s. opening
- -WAN: [INSTRUMENTAL]; with; by means of; and
- -WAN: he … me; he … me; she … me; she … me
- WANAKAWRI: s.(top) mountain in the Department of Qosqo; (Span.) Huanacaure
- WANAKU: s.(zoo) guanaco; animal like the alpaqa
- WANANA: adj. incorrigible
- WANAY: s.(zoo) guano cormorant
- WANAY: v.intr. to amend one’s way
- -WANCHIS; -WANCHEQ: he … me and you; he … me and you; he … us; he … us with you; she … me and you; she … me and you; she … us; she … us with you
- WANKA: s.(mus) sacred song; also spelled huanca; the Señor de Wanka or “lord of the sacred song” is an important healing sanctuary in the Qosqo area
- WANKA: s.(tri) ancient people in present Department of Junín (Peru), enemies of the Inkas, conquered by Pachakutiq; Quechua spoken in southern Junín
- WANK’A: s.(1) rock; stone; boulder
- WANK’A WILLKA: s.(top) departmental city in Peru; (Span.) Huancavelica
- WANK’ALLI; WANKALLI: s. stone column; column (stone); pillar
- WANKANE: s. music instrument similar to the pan flute
- WANKANE: s.(top) town in the Department of Puno (Peru); (Span.) Huancane
- WANKAPI: s.(top) town in the Department of Ayakuchu (Peru); (Span.) Huancapi
- WANKAR TIPA: s.(bot)(1) kind of tree
- WANKAR; WANKARA; WANQAR; WANQARA: s.(mus) drum; small drum; large drum
- WANKARTIPA: s.(bot)(2) kind of plant
- WANKAY: to sing
- WANK’AYOQ; WANKAYO: s.(top) departmental city of Junín (Peru); (Span.) Huancayo (who has rocks or clan of the Wanka)
- WANKI: s. figure; image
- -WANKI: you … me; you will … me
- -WANKICHIS; -WANKICHEQ: you all … me; you will … me
- -WANKIKU: you … us; you … will us
- WANKU: s.(tex) bundle; sheaf
- -WANKU: he … us; he … us without you; she … us; she … us without you
- WANKUY: to bind; to wrap
- WANLLA: s.(mik) food brought back from a banquet or travels as a family gift; large and well-formed produce, a gift of the best produce given by the owner of a field as a token of appreciation to those who help in ayni and yanapay during the harvest
- WANP’AR; WAMP’AR; WANPAR; WAMPAR: s. table; ordinary table
- WANP’U; WAMP’U; WANPU; WAMPU: s.(1) boat; ship
- -WANQA: he will … me; it will … me; she will … me
- -WANQAKU: he will … us without you; it will … us without you; she will … us without you
- WANQANA: s.(zoo) white-lipped peccary; kind of wild pig
- WANQHA: s. crowbar; lever; pole used for prying
- WANQHAY: to lift with a lever; to break open; to push down
- WANTA: s.(top) city and province in the Department of Ayakuchu (Peru); (Span.) Huanta
- WANTAR: s.(bot) pampas grass
- WANTHI: s.(med) swelling; tumor
- WANTHI: s.(med) syphilis
- WANTU: s. sedan-chair; litter
- WANTUY: to transfer; to transpose; to carry; to carry a heavy load; to carry with two people; to carry a heavy object (usually two or more persons)
- WANU: s.(agr) manure; dung; fertilizer; guano
- WANUCHAY: to fertilize; to manure
- WANUKU: s.(top) departmental city in Peru (and Department with the same name); (Span.) Huánuco
- WANUY: to fertilize; to manure
- WAÑU: s.(1) death; life after life
- WAÑU KILLA: s. moon on the wane
- WAÑUCHINAKUNA: s.(mil) offensive weapons
- WAÑUCHIQ: s.a. murderer; killer
- WAÑUCHIY: s. killing; murder; massacre
- WAÑUCHIY: to kill; to turn off; to murder
- WAÑUNA: s.(ana) temple (of the head)
- WAÑUNA TULLU: s.(ana) temporal bone
- WAÑUNAYAQ: s.a. moribund; dying
- WAÑUNAYAY: v.intr. to agonize (death)
- WAÑUQ: s.a. mortal
- WAÑURQACHIY: to assassinate; to execute
- WAÑUSQA: p.p.p. dead
- WAÑUSQA: s. corpse
- WAÑUY: s. death
- WAÑUY: v.intr. to die; to perish
- WAÑUY P’ITIY: v.intr. to agonize
- WAQ’A: adj. crazy
- WAQACHAY: s. security
- WAQ’ALANKU: adj. crazy; mad; insane
- WAQAPUKUQ: s.a. mourning; mourner
- WAQ’AR: s.(zoo) heron
- WAQATE: s. woman-like man; homosexual
- WAQAY: s. tear; crying
- WAQAY: v.dic. to cry; to weep; to say (certain animals); to sing (certain birds); to sound
- WAQAY CH’URU: s.(k) cry-baby
- WAQ’AYASQA: adj. violent
- WAQ’AYAY: v.intr. to go crazy
- WAQAYCHAKUY: v.intr. to take care of oneself; to look after oneself; to survive; to be healthy
- WAQAYCHAQ APU: s.(mil) captain of sentry
- WAQAYCHAQ RUNA: s.(mil) guard; man on guard; watchman
- WAQAYCHAY: to guard; to spare; to save; to keep; to preserve; to conserve; to store
- WAQAYPATA: s.(top) main square of Qosqo (Plaza de Armas in Cuzco)
- WAQAYSIKI: s. cry-baby
- WAQE!: interj. Hurrah!; Hooray!
- WAQMANTA: adv.m. again
- WAQO: s.(ana) cheek
- WAQO KIRU: s.(ana) molar
- WAQO TULLU: s.(ana) lower jaw bone; lower maxillary bone
- WAQORO: s.(ana) wisdom-tooth
- WAQRA: s.(zoo.ana) horn
- WAQRAY: to butt (with horns); to butt with a horn (animal)
- WAQSA: s.(ana) eyetooth
- WAQSA KIRU: s.(ana) eyetooth
- WAQTA; WAQTAN: s.(ana)(1) rib; side of the body
- WAQTANA: s. club; bludgeon; flail; hammer
- WAQTANAKUY: v.recip. to beat each other
- WAQTAPAY: to beat into pieces
- WAQTAY: to beat; to beat with a pole/stick; to hit with an object; to hit
- WAQTU: s. drink
- WAQTU: s.(che) alcohol
- WAQWA: s.(zoo) kind of bird; pelican
- WAQYA: s. call; telephone call; warning; notice
- WAQYANA: s. call
- WAQYANCHAY: to proclaim
- WAQYAY: to call
- WARA: s.(tex)(1) trousers; pants; man’s loincloth
- WARA: s.(tex)(2) skirt
- WARACHIKUY: s.(his) Inca ceremony in which elite young males were presented with first loincloth and initiated into knight-like status
- WARACHIKUY: to dress young males with loincloth first time in the course of a ceremony
- WARAK’A: s. sling; catapult
- WARAK’AY: to shoot with a sling; to catapult
- WARALLI: s.(tex) underpants
- WARALLICHIKUY: to get dressed with loincloth (by others)
- WARALLICHIY: to dress with loincloth
- WARALLIKUY: v.intr. to put on loincloth
- WARANI: s.(ast) constellation
- WARANNAQ: adj. who wears no trousers
- WARANQA: num.c. thousand; peso
- WARANQA HUNU: num.c. thousand million; billion (109 or 1,000,000,000)
- WARANQA ÑEQEN: num.o. thousandth
- WARANQA WARANQA: num.c. one million; million
- WARANQO: s.(bot) kind of acacia
- WARANTA AWAKUY: to weave one’s own trousers
- WARANWAY: s.(bot) kind of tree with white wood and pods hanging on the branches for a long time; andean tree with white wood
- WARAPU: s. sugar cane sap; sugar cane juice
- WARAQO: s.(bot) cactus
- WARAS: s.(top) town in the Department of Ancash (Peru); (Span.) Huaraz (dawn)
- WARAYOQ: s.p.(p.esp) who carries the staff of office; edil; town councilor; who wears pants (wrong etymology)
- WARI: s.(top)(1) centre of the Wari culture (today archaeological site) in the Department of Ayakuchu (Peru); (Span.) Huari
- WARKUKUY: v.intr. to hang
- WARKUNA: s.(1) hook; hanger; closet; shipowner
- WARKUNA: s.(2) curtain
- WARKUSQA: p.p.p. hanged
- WARKUY: v.intr. to hang
- WARKUY: to hang; to hang up; to suspend
- WARMA: adj. young; adolescent
- WARMA: s.(fam) child (ca. 5 years); child; kid; adolescent; child, 4 to 6 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: haircut, help at housework, care for younger brothers and sisters, grazing cattle, autonomy in mobility and care for oneself, beginning of school); child, 1 to 5 years old (meaning in Inka times); girl (meaning restricted to girls in Wanka and San Martin Quechua); young man or boy (male meaning in Ecuador)
- WARMACHA: s. child at school age
- WARMI: adj. female
- WARMI: s.(fam) woman; wife; lady
- WARMI ERQECHA: s. girl
- WARMI KAY: s. womanliness; womanhood; female gender
- WARMI WAWA: s. daughter (referring to the mother)
- WARMI WILLKA: s. granddaughter
- WARMICHAKUY: s. marriage; matrimony
- WARMICHAKUY: to marry (man); to take a wife
- WARMIQHARI: s. married couple
- WARMIY: s. my wife
- WARMIYOQ: s.p. married man
- WARPI: s. mourning chant
- WARUCHIRI: s.(top) community on the Mala river and province (capital Matucana) in the Department of Lima (Peru); valley in the district of Matucana, Department of Lima (Peru); (Span.) Huarochirí
- WARU-WARU: s.(geo) watering-places for cattle at the shores of lake Titicaca
- WARWASKU: s.(bot)(esp) barbasco; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: fishing)
- WASA: s.(ana) back
- WASA CHAKI: s.(ana) instep
- WASA RURU: s. kidney
- WASA RURUN NANAY: s.(med) pain in the kidneys
- WASA RURUN ONQOY: s.(med) nephritis
- WASA RURUN RUMI ONQOY: s.(med) nephritic stones; renal calculi; nephrolithiasis
- WASANACHANA K’ASPI: s.(tex) warp rod used for final stage of weaving on horizontal loom (replacing the awa k’aspikuna)
- WASANCHAY: s. adultery
- WASANCHAY: to commit adultery; to betray; to commit treason; to turn the back on someone
- WASAPAY: to climb over; to dominate; to master; to overtake
- WASHKA: s. cord; rope
- WASI: s. house; building
- WASI RUWANA: s. housework (generally women’s work)
- WASI RUWAQ: s.a. builder
- WASI WATANA: s.(bot) kind of climbing plant
- WASICHA: s. small house
- WASICHAKUQ: s.a. the one who builds his own house
- WASICHAKUY: to build one’s house
- WASICHAQ: s.a. house-builder
- WASICHAY: s.(neo) construction; structure
- WASICHAY: to build a house
- WASIK’IKLLU: s.(arc) corridor
- WASIMASI: s. neighbour; neighbor
- WASIP’AKU: s. chimney
- WASIPATA: s. house roof
- WASIQATA: s. roof
- WASITA PICHAY: expr. sweep the house
- WASI-WASI: s. many houses together
- WASIY: expr. my house
- WASIYKI: expr. your house
- WASIYOQ: s.p. the owner of the house; house owner
- WASIYPI: adv.l. at my home
- WASK’A: adj. long
- WASKA KAWCHUSQA: s.(tex) thin rope of three threads twisted in the leg
- WASK’ANA: s. length
- WASK’APAMANTA: postpos. along
- WASKAR: s.(per) the twelfth ruler of the Inka Empire (1525-1532); the son of Wayna Qhapaq and Mama Rawa Uqllu, the last “officially selected” ruler of the Inka
- WASKATA RUWAY: to make rope
- WASKHA; WASKA: s. rope; whip; cord; spanking; cable
- WASKHAR: s. chain
- WASKHAY: to throw lasso
- WASKHAYKUY: to throw lasso; to throw a lasso onto one animal among many
- WASQEY: v.intr. to abdicate; to renounce
- -WASUN; -WASUNCHIS; -WASUNCHEQ: he will … me and you; he will … us with you; it will … me and you; it will … us with you; she will … me and you; she will … us with you
- WASWA: s.(zoo) lake duck
- WATA: s. year
- WATA: s.(tex) tie strap; hair tie used by women to tie their braids behind their backs; rope
- WAT’A: s.(geo) island
- WATA HAMUQMANQA TAKANAKUNKIÑA: expr. next year you will already take part in the takanakuy (ritual fight)
- WATA HUNT’AY: s. birthday
- WATAKUY: v.intr. to tie oneself
- WATAN WATAN: adv.t. annually
- WATANA: s. place where something is attached; rope to bind something; bond; fetter; tie cord at top of wayaqa (medium-sized bag); rope
- WATANAY: s.(top) river in the valley of Qosqo; (Span.) Huatanay
- WATANQILLQA: s.(neo) calendar
- WATASQA: p.p.p. tied up
- WAT’ATATAY: to convulse; to wrestle
- WATAY: to attach; to bind; to tie; to tie up; to tie; to tie; to wrap; to complete a cycle
- WATAY WASI: s. jail; prison
- WATAY, WATADO: s.(tex)(f.esp) tied or wrapped (term used for ikat tie-dye technique)
- WAT’AYKACHAY: to convulse; to writhe
- WATEQAY: s. temptation
- WATEQAY: to observe; to examine; to spy
- WATHIA; WATHIYA: s.(mik) baked potato; dish with potatoes; food baked in a pit in the field during harvest; meal prepared in an earth stove
- WATIQMANTA: adv.t. again; once again; once more
- WATU: s.(1) rope; cord; chain; clothesline; a rope to hang the wet clothes to dry; thin cord; little band; strap on bolsa
- WATUCHI: s. riddle
- WATUCHIKUY: s.(spi)(his) consulting of oracle
- WATUCHONAKU: s. riddle
- WATUKUSHAY: to care for
- WATUKUY: s. request; question
- WATUKUY: to visit
- WATUQ; WATOQ: s.a. diviner; wizard; sorcer; witch
- WATURIKUY: v.intr. to miss (emotion); to visit
- WATUY: s. oracle in coca done by the Andean shamans
- WATUY: to enchant; to cast a spell
- WATUY: to ask; to question; to guess; to query; to riddle; to prophesy; to predict
- WAWA: s.(fam) infant; child (referring to the mother); child; kid; baby; small; baby; child; baby; infant, 0 to 3 years old; child in his/her first childhood; child, 0 to 3 years old (meaning today) (critical moment of change: weaning); child, 0 to 1 year old (meaning in Inka times); breast-fed child
- WAWACHA: s. baby
- WAWAN CHUMPI: s.(tex) thinner belt
- WAWQE: s. statue
- WAWSA: s. semen; sperm
- WAYA: adj. loose
- WAYANAY: s.(zoo) swallow
- WAYAQA: s. bag; pouch; sack; shoulder bag; small woven sack; medium-sized bag
- WAYAW: s.(bot)(1) weeping willow; plant, root used to dye purple
- WAYKA: s. collective work
- WAYKA: s. aggression of more against one person
- WAYKAY: s. quick collective work
- WAYKAY: to rob as a group one person
- WAYK’U: s. cooked potatoes; potatoes and oca steamed in a clay pot
- WAYK’UQ: s.a. cook
- WAYK’USQA: p.p.p. cooked
- WAYK’UY: to cook; to poke fire; to stoke; to poke; to add wood to the fire
- WAYLAS: s.(top) valley in the Department of Ancash (Peru), valley of the Santa river; (Span.) Callejón de Huaylas
- WAYLLA: s.(geo) meadow; lawn; turf; green pasture; moist field
- WAYLLA: s.(mus) joy; dance; kind of dancer outfitted in bulrush from a green pasture or moist field
- WAYLLA PANPA: s. blooming meadow
- WAYLLA PILLI: s.(bot) kind of herbaceous plant
- WAYLLA Q’EPA: s. snail horn (music instrument)
- WAYLLAPAMPA: s.(top) village on the Inka Trail in the Department of Qosqo, province of Urupampa (Peru); (Span.) Huayllabamba (plain of blooming meadows)
- WAYLLA-WAYLLA: s. meadows altering with trees
- WAYLLUNAKUY: v.recip. to caress each other
- WAYLLUSQA: adj. tenderly loved
- WAYLLUY: to love passionately; to love tenderly; to caress
- WAYNA: adj. young (boy, man); young man; young (male)
- WAYNA: s.(1) young boy; adolescent; young male; boy
- WAYNA KAY: s. youth
- WAYNA QHAPAQ: s.(per) the eleventh Inka ruler; Tupaq Yupanki’s son and successor, governed approximately between 1493 and 1525
- WAYNA RUNA: s. young boy
- WAYNAÑAN KASHANKI WAWQEY: expr. brother, you are already an adolescent
- WAYNAPIKCHU: s.(bot) kind of herb of the upper jungle
- WAYNAPIKCHU: s.(zoo) kind of beetle living in wood
- WAYNAYAKUY: v.recip. to cohabit (from a woman’s point of view)
- WAYNAYAY: v.intr. to get young
- WAYNU: s.(mus) tripping dance; traditional Andean country songs
- WAYPITI: s.(top) lowland gold mining site in the Department of Madre de Dios (Peru); (Span.) Huaypetue
- WAYQE; WAWQE; WEYQE: s.(fam) brother (among brothers); brother (to a brother); brother; brother (of a man); spiritual brother; brother (man’s)
- WAYQO: s.(esp) landslide; alluvion; avalanche; flood
- WAYQ’O: s.(geo) gorge; canyon; gully; ravine; small canyon; crevice; valley; brook; mountain stream; stream
- WAYQ’OMANTA LLOQSIMUY: expr. to come out from the gorge
- WAYRA: s.(met) wind; air
- WAYRA: s.(mit) illness-bearing wind or air, caused by cold, gases, fumes, wind, and evil entities, such as limbu or machus; illness that travels in the air
- WAYRA CHAKI: adj. fidget; thoughtless
- WAYRA HAP’ISQA: s.(med) evil wind; evil air; illness-bearing wind or air
- WAYRA KAWSAY: s.(mit) the living energy or spirit of the wind
- WAYRA MILLP’UY: s.(med) aerophagia
- WAYRACHIY: to ventilate; to put in the wind; to winnow; to fan; to make wind
- WAYRANA: s.(arc)(2) building having just three walls
- WAYRAY: v.impers. to blow (wind)
- WAYRONQO: s.(zoo) bumblebee; bumble-bee; bumble bee
- WAYRU: s. cube; die; dice
- WAYRURU: s.(bot)(2) kind of ornamental tree bearing red seeds with black patches
- WAYSALLPU: s.(bot) rose
- WAYTA: s.(bot)(1) flower; bouquet; bunch of flowers; carnation
- WAYTA: s.(tex) women’s shawl; plain weave yardage woven on treadle loom by men
- WAYTA AWANA: s.(tex) treadle loom used by men; upright pedal loom (European introduction) used by men to weave bayeta, jerga, cordellate
- WAYT’AMPU: s.(zoo) larva of the chachacomo butterfly
- WAYTAY: v.intr. to bloom; to flower
- WAYT’AY: to swim; to wallow in the mud
- WAYWA: s. decrease; diminution
- WAYWAY: v.intr. to decrease
- WELANCHUY: to sacrifice
- WEQA: adj. crazy; mad
- WEQAW: s.(ana) waist; size
- WEQAW WASA TULLU: s.(ana) lumbar
- WEQAW WASA TULLUKUNA: s.(ana) lumbars
- WEQE; WAQE: s. tear; cry
- WEQEPACHA: s. vale of tears
- WEQO: adj. crooked; incorrect; wrong
- WEQ’OY: v.intr. to vomit; to puke; to knit
- WEQRO: s.(zoo) parrot
- WEQRU: adj. lame; crooked; twisted
- WEQRUY: to limp
- WESQ’AY; WISQ’AY: to close; to shut
- WEYQEY: s. my brother (among brothers)
- WICHANA: s. stairs; ladder
- WICHARIY: to ascend; to go up; to climb
- WICHAY: adj.(1) upper; northern; high up
- WICHAY: adv.l. above; up; north; high up; upwards; uphill
- WICHAY: s. ascent; incline
- WICHAY: to ascend; to go up; to climb
- WICH’I: s.(cer) jug; wide mouthed container; ceramic mug
- WICH’I: s.(zoo.ana) tail
- WICHIWICHI: s.(tex) braided dance tassel
- WICH’U: s.(ana) heel
- WICH’U Q’ONPO: s.(ana) malleolus
- WICH’UN: s.(ana) femur
- WIKAPAY: to throw; to throw away; to throw out; to discard
- WIKCH’UNA: adj. worth to be thrown away
- WIKCH’UNAYAY: s.(med) nausea; sickness; faintness
- WIKCH’URAYAY: v.intr. to lie on the side; to relax; to lie
- WIKCH’UY; WISCH’UY: to throw (without precise direction); to throw; to throw away; to leave; to abandon; to throw out
- WIKSA: s.(ana) belly; stomach; womb
- WIKSA NANAY: s.(med) belly-ache; gripes; stomach-ache
- WIKSA Q’EWI: s.(med) intestinal colic
- WIKSA; WIKSAN; WEQSA: s.(ana) belly; tummy; stomach; womb
- WIKSALLIKUY: to conceive; to be pregnant
- WIKSAQ SIMIN: s.(ana) epigastrium; cardia
- WIKSASAPA: adj.(k) pot-bellied; fat
- WIKSAYAKUSQA: p.p.p. pregnant (for people)
- WIKSAYAY: v.intr. to become pregnant
- WIKSAYOQ: s.p. pregnant (for people); pregnant
- WIK’UÑA: s.(zoo) vicuña
- WILALI: s. milk
- WILAPI: adj. orange
- WILAPI: adj.(col)(aym) red
- WILA-WILA: s.(bot) onion weed; honey-bells; grace garlic (weed similar to garlic)
- WILLA: s. announcement; news
- WILLACHIY: to make announce; to denounce
- WILLAKUQ: s.a. narrator; story-teller
- WILLAKUY: s. tale; fable; legend; confession; history; story
- WILLAKUY: to tell (stories); to confess
- WILLAKUYKUNA KAMACHIQ: s.a.(neo) collector of tales
- WILLANA: s. announcement
- WILLANAKUY: v.recip. to converse; to communicate
- WILLAPAKUY: to complain (of suffering); to complain
- WILLAPUY: to announce someone
- WILLAQ: adj. anointed
- WILLAQ: s.a. spokesman; speaker; messenger; announcer; informant
- WILLAQ UMU: s. Inkan priest
- WILLARIWAY!: expr. Tell me!
- WILLARIY: to tell; to report; to communicate; to comment
- WILLARIY KAMAYOQ: s.(neo) journalist
- WILLASQA: p.p.p. announced; mentioned
- WILLAY: s. message; tale; news
- WILLAY: to announce; to tell; to inform; to warn; to advise; to mention; to communicate; to tell; to advise; to inform; to tell
- WILLAYKUY: s. tale; fable; legend
- WILLKA: adj. holy; sacred; sacred and dangerous
- WILLKA: s.(ast) sun
- WILLKA: s.(fam) grandchild
- WILLKA: s.(spi)(1) reverend; god; lower deity
- WILLKA ÑUST’A: s.(top) Vilcanota (“princess of the black light”); ancient name of the Urubamba river
- WILLKA QHESWA: s.(top) Sacred Valley; valley of the Willkamayu river (Vilcanota, Urubamba)
- WILLKA WAMAN: s.(top)(1) town, province and archaeological site of the Inkas in the Department of Ayakuchu (Peru); (Span.) Vilcas Huamán (sacred falcon)
- WILLKA WASI: s. a temple
- WILLKACHAY: to consecrate; to sanctify
- WILLKAMAYU: s.(top) Holy River; river in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Vilcanota; Urubamba
- WILLKANQA: s. portent
- WILLKAPAMPA: s.(top) region in the Department of Qosqo (Peru); (Span.) Vilcabamba
- WILLKAWAMAN: s.(top)(2) historical refuge of the Inkas in the Willkapampa region, probably present Machu Pikchu; (Span.) Vilcashuamán (sacred falcon)
- WILLKAY: to adore
- WILLK’U: s.(bot) kind of bindweed
- WILLU: adj. one-armed
- WILLUY: to cut; to lop off; to cut off
- WIN: s. sound
- WINA: adj. full
- WINAS NUCHIS!: expr.(esp) Good evening!; Good night!
- WINAS TARDIS!: expr.(esp) Good morning!
- WINAY: to put into; to fill
- WINKU: adj. twisted; scoop; cross-eyed
- WINKU: s. bowl; chicha dipper
- WINU: s.(esp) wine
- WINU MAQANA: s.(mil) cudgel; truncheon
- WINUS DIYAS!: expr.(esp) Good afternoon!
- WIÑA: adj. full
- WIÑACHIY: to bring up; to raise; to augment
- WIÑAPU: s. flour fermented for the chicha; germinated kernels or mash for corn beer
- WIÑAQ KILLA: s.(ast) waxing moon; crescent moon
- WIÑAQ RUMI: s.(mit) growing rock, refers to the living energy and changing nature of rock
- WIÑA-WIÑAYMANTA: adv.t. since the beginning of time
- WIÑAY: adj. eternal
- WIÑAY: adv.t. always; forever; eternally
- WIÑAY: s.(1) eternity; germination; refers to plant germination as well as the spiritual germination of the initiates “seed”; age
- WIÑAY: s.(bio) growth
- WIÑAY: v.intr. to grow; to sprout; to develop
- WIÑAY HUNT’ASQA: adj. adult
- WIÑAY KAQ: adj. everlasting; eternal
- WIÑAY KASHAQ: adj. eternal
- WIÑAY KAWSAY: s.(cri) eternal life
- WIÑAY MASI: s. contemporary; person of same age
- WIÑAY WAYNA: s.(bot) kind of orchid
- WIÑAYCHAKUY: v.intr. to perpetuate oneself; to immortalize oneself
- WIÑAYNINTIN: adj. contemporary (peers)
- WIÑAYPAQ: adv.t. forever
- WIÑAYPURA: adj. contemporary (peers)
- WIÑAYWAYNA: s. forever young
- WIPAQ: s. waste; rubbish; trash
- WIPHALA: s. flag; inca flag; banner
- WIQONTOY: s.(bot) kind of epiphytic shrub used against rheuma
- WIRA: adj.(1) thick; fat; fat (for animals and objects and people)
- WIRA: s. fat; butter; lard; oil; suet; grease; tallow; wax; fat (grease)
- WIRA ONQOY: s.(med) lipoma
- WIRA Q’ONPO; WIRA Q’OMPO: s.(med) lipome
- WIRACHAY: to smear; to grease
- WIRAQOCHA: s. non-indian; white man; gentleman; white person
- WIRAQOCHA: s.(mit) deity of the andes; invisible superior god; one of the titles of the supreme mystical nameless Creator-God; great white god of the Incas; lord; god; creator; title of respect; the Q’ero use this term to refer to one another meaning something like “good sir”
- WIRAQOCHA INKA: s.(per) the eighth Inka ruler
- WIRAQOCHAPAMPA: s.(top) place close to the community of Q’ero where, according to the myths of Q’ero, a Spanish army was destroyed by some paqos from Q’ero, the last survivors of the Inkas and ancestors of the present Q’ero community
- WIRASAPA: s.p. fat
- WIRA-WIRA: s.(bot)(1) kind of composite plant; a food shrub for guinea pigs
- WIRAYACHIY: to make fat; to make thick
- WIRAYAY: v.intr. to become fat; to become thick; to get fat
- WIRI: s.(agr)(aym)(1) Andean footplow; foot plow (earlier version, similar to the chakitaklla except that its blade is made of wood instead of metal)
- WIRI: s.(agr)(aym)(2) man using the foot plow; pair of plow team members (the number of pairs limited by the number of foot plows present)
- WIRKHI; WIRK’I: s. container of clay with a wide opening; type of container; container
- WIRP’A; WERP’A; WIRPHA: s.(ana) lower lip; lips; lip
- WIRREY: s.(his)(esp) viceroy (in colonial times)
- WIRREYPA PACHAKAN: s.(his)(p.esp) viceroy’s majordomo (in colonial times)
- WIRU: s. reed; cane (corn, sugar); green corn stalk that is eaten; stick
- WIRU MILLMA: s.(tex) twisted, long wool
- WISA: s.(mil) Inka warrior; military; militiaman
- WISCH’URIY: v.intr. to lie down
- WISINA: s. container
- WISIY: to draw liquid from a container; to take water and but it into a bigger container; to take water out of its container
- WISK’ACHA: s.(zoo) viscacha; wild rabbit-like animal; andean rodent
- WISLLA: s. ladle; spoon
- WISNIYKUY: to spoil
- WISPA: s.(fam) twin
- WISQ’ANA: s. bolt; lock
- WISQ’ARPARIY: to close
- WISQ’ASQA: p.p.p. closed
- WISQ’AYKAPUY: to close again
- WISQOCHO: s.(mit)(his) witches; phantastic night beings (said to be seen at night in form of human heads whistling wis-wis)
- WIST’U: adj. twisted; crooked; lame
- WIST’U ASNU: s.(k) useless donkey!
- WIST’U CHAKI: adj. lame
- WIST’UY: to limp
- WISWI: adj.(k) lazy; greasy
- WIS-WIS: s.onom. witches’ whistling
- WITA: s.(zoo) kind of small fish
- WITOQ: s.(bot)(1) kind of fruit tree whose fruit is called hawa; kind of tree of the jungle with very hard wood, its eatable fruit is used against cough, the green fruit is used for protection against mosquitos and to dye black; huituc; kind of plant of the jungle (main use: medicinal, ritual)
- WITOQ: s.(bot)(2) kind of fig
- WIT’U: s. curtailed tail
- WIT’UY: to amputate; to clip; to cut off
- Y: fon. (semiconsonant phoneme of the quechua language)
- -Y: my; mine
- -Y: [Gerundium]; (act of doing it); -ing (noun)
- -Y: [Infinitive]
- -Y KAN: expr.v.aux. I have (possess) …
- -Y!: [Imperative Singular]
- YA: expr. okay!; i agree!
- -YA-: to become
- -YÁ: [emotion]
- YACHA: s. notion; idea; news; message
- YACHACHIKUQ: s.a. learner; pupil; student
- YACHACHINAKUY: v.recip. to agree; to concur
- YACHACHIQ; YACHACHEQ: s.a. teacher
- YACHACHISQA: p.p.p. apprentice; student
- YACHACHIY: s. principle; teaching; guidance; education
- YACHACHIY: to teach
- YACHAKUQ: s.a. pupil; student
- YACHAKUY: v.intr. to adapt
- YACHAKUY: to learn; to study; to accustom; to become accustomed to
- YACHANA: s.(1) lesson; class; school
- YACHANA WASI: s. school
- YACHAPA: s. echo
- YACHAPAKUQ: s.a. apprentice; student
- YACHAPAYAY: to imitate
- YACHAQ: s.a. wise man; healer; wise woman; witch; sorcerer; wizard; healer; shaman
- YACHASQA: p.p.p. accustomed
- YACHASQA: p.p.p.(2) famous; known; learned
- YACHASQA UYAY SUWA: s. publicly known thief
- YACHAY: v.intr. to learn
- YACHAY: s. knowledge; wisdom; science; skill; the power of the mind; experience; practical knowledge
- YACHAY: to know; to learn; to realize; to find out
- YACHAY MUNAQ: s. student
- YACHAY PUKYU: s. knowledge; wisdom
- YACHAY SUNTUR: s.(neo) university
- YACHAY WASI: s. school; college; university
- YACHAYKACHIY: to advise; to counsel; to counsel
- YACHAYLLAWAN RUWAY: s. craft (astuteness); astuteness; cunning
- YACHAYLLAWAN RUWAY: v.intr. to be crafty
- YACHAYNIYOQ: s.(ass) experienced
- YACHAYNIYOQ: s.p. wise; expert; with knowledge power
- YACHAYPI TAKYAY: v.intr. to be convinced
- YACHAYSONQO: s.(neo) philosopher
- YACHAYSONQOKAY: s.(neo) philosophy
- YACHAYWAYLLUKUQ: s. philosopher
- YACHAYWAYLLUKUY: s. philosophy
- YACHIY: to train; to instruct; to qualify
- YACHIY: to train; to instruct; to qualify
- YAKI KIKIN: pron.indef. almost the same
- YAKTA KAMACHIWAYCHU: expr. Don’t command me too much
- YAKUMAMA: s.(mit) deity of the river; mother of the river; spirit mother of the water in form of a mythical huge anaconda thought to live at the bottom of lakes and rivers, counterpart – in water – of what the Sachamama is on earth
- YAKUNAYAWACHKANMI: expr. I am thirsty
- YAKUNAYAY: s. thirst
- YAKUNAYAY: v.pron. to be thirsty; to thirst
- YAKUTA APAMUY: expr. bring water
- YAKYAY: to establish
- YALLINRAQ: conj. but; nevertheless; however
- YALLINRAQ: adv.m. rather
- YALLIY: to pass (physically); to overtake someone; to pass; to excede; to overcome; to win
- YANA: adj.(col) black; black or blue
- YANA: s. girl-friend; boy-friend; partner; belonging counterpart
- YANA CH’ILLU: adj.(col) black
- YANA KISA: s.(bot) nettle of blackish colour
- YANA LLACHU: s.(bot) kind of water plant
- YANA ÑAWI: s. black eyes
- YANA RUNA: s. black people
- YANA UHU: s.(med) whooping cough; pertussis
- YANA WAQTA: s.(k) disgrace of the lazy
- YANACHAKUY: s.(spi) the andean ritual for joining together two different energy bubbles
- YANACHAY: to blacken; to stain; to spot
- YANAKUNA: s. serves; slaves; people forced to compulsory service for the landlord; home servants; the blacks
- YANAKUQ: s. slave; servant
- YANAKUY: v.intr. to serve
- YANALI: s.(bot) kind of tree; plant, leaves and grains used in yellow dye
- YANAMANKA: s. black pot; soot; blackness (of a pot)
- YANANCHAKUY: v.intr. to have a partner; to marry; to come together in marriage; to drink the second glass of alcohol
- YANANTIN: s. pair; pair of different persons or things; harmonious relationship between two different things; what we usually conceive as opposites the Inkas conceive as complements, i. e., male and female, light and dark, right and left
- YANANTIN, MASINTIN, TAWANTIN: s.(spi) the relations of totality
- YANAPA: s. help
- YANAPAKUQ: s.a. helper
- YANAPAQ: s.a. helper; aide; assistant
- YANAPAQ AKLLAY: s.(spi) selection and visualisation of one’s three personal allies
- YANAPAQ HUÑUNAKUY: s.(spi) meeting of allies
- YANAPAQE: s. helper; protector
- YANAPAQKUNA: s. allies
- YANAPAY: s. help; care; protection; volunteer help
- YANAPAY: to help; to cooperate; to collaborate; to care for
- YANAQ: s.a. servant; slave; companion; servant; slave
- YANASA: s. friend
- YANASQA: p.p.p. accompanied
- YANAY: s.(1) my love
- YANAY: to accompany
- YANAYACHIY: to blacken; to paint black
- YANAYAY: v.intr. to blacken; to become black
- YANKIY: s. interchange; swap; barter exchange; barter-exchange
- YANKIY: to exchange; to swap
- YANQA: adj. gratis; useless; in vain; common; ordinary; uncareful; mad; false; wrong
- YANQA: adv.m. in vain; vainly
- YANQALLA NIY: v.dic. to suppose
- YANQALLA TUMPALLA SIRANA: s.(tex) easy seam; easy suture
- YANQALLAMANTA: adv.m. freely
- YANQAY: s. infinity; space; open space
- YANUQ: s.a. cook
- YANUY: to cook; to prepare food; to parboil
- YAPA: s. addition; supplement; increase; repetition; extra amount; small gift or extra amount given with a purchase to a valued customer
- YAPA YAPA: adv.t. often; very often
- YAPAKUY: to increase; to augment
- YAPAMANTA: adv.m. again
- YAPAMANTATAQ: adv.m. again
- YAPAY: s.(mat) addition; sum
- YAPAY: v.intr. to increase; to augment
- YAPAY: to add; to augment; to increase; to repeat
- YAPAY: to add; to add up
- YAPUQ: s.a.(agr) farmer; peasant; plower
- YAPUY: to plough; to plow; to cultivate
- YAQA KIKIN: pron.indef. almost the same
- YAQA WAT’A: s. peninsula
- YAQA; YAQE: adv.m. almost; nearly
- YAQALLA: adv.preadj. almost; nearly
- YAQOLLAKUY; LLAQOLLAKUY; YAQOLLQAKUY: v.intr. to cover oneself with a cape; to put on one’s cloak
- YARAWISQO: s.(bot) kind of tree
- YARI: adj. contrary
- YARINA: s.(bot) ivory palm; palm nut wood used for making spindle whorls
- YARITA: s.(bot) kind of herbaceous plant of the high mountain region
- YARQACHIKUY: v.intr. to expose oneself to hunger
- YARQANAYAWACHKANMI: expr. I am hungry
- YARQASQA: p.p.p. famished
- YARQAWANMI: expr. I am hungry
- YARQAY: s.(2) hunger
- YARQAY: v.pron. to be hungry; to starve
- YARQAY: s. hunger
- YARQAY: v.pron. to be hungry; to starve
- YARQHA: s.(agr) irrigation ditch; waterditch; brook; pit; ditch; irrigation canal or sewer
- YARQHA: adj. thirsty
- YAW MAQLLA!: expr.(k) Hey, milksop!
- YAW!: interj. Hello!; Hey!
- YAW! KHUCHI HINA ASNAQ EH!: expr.(k) stinking like a pig!
- YAWAR: s.(ana) blood; blood linage
- YAWAR APARIY: s.(med) haemorrhage
- YAWAR AQTUY: s.(med) haematemesis
- YAWAR CH’ONQA: s.(bot) red primrose
- YAWAR CH’ONQA: s.(zoo) leech
- YAWAR HAMUY: v.pron. to menstruate
- YAWAR KHUTU: s.(med) blood clot
- YAWAR Q’ECHA: s.(med) dysentery
- YAWAR UNU HISP’AY: s.(med) haematuria; haematuresis
- YAWAR WAÑUSQA: s.(med) effusion of blood; haematoma
- YAWAR WAQAQ: s.(per) the seventh Inka ruler; the one who weeps blood
- YAWARCHAKUY: v.intr. to stain oneself with blood
- YAWARCHASQA: p.p.p. bloody
- YAWARCHAY: v.intr. to bleed
- YAWARCHAY: to stain with blood
- YAWARCHUNKA: s.(bot) goldenberry; peruvian gooseberry
- YAWARMASI: adj. relative
- YAWARMASI: s. relative (link of consanguinity)
- YAWIRKA: s. cable; wire; strong rope; thick leather rope
- YAWRAY: s. burning; combustion; flame
- YAWRI: s. big needle; thick and long needle; large sewing or fastening needle
- YAWRINA: s. fish-hook
- YAWRI-YAWRI: s.(bot) red-stemmed filaree; kind of annual endemic plant of the high mountain region
- YAWYU: s.(top)(haqaru) ancient people and province in the Department of Lima (Peru); (Span.) Yauyos
- YAYA: s.(fam)(1) father
- YAYA: s.(fam)(2) grandfather; old man
- YAYA: s.(fam)(3) uncle on father’s side; father’s brother
- YAYA: s.(spi) wise man; elder; priest
- YAYAYACHAY: s.(neo) theology
- YAYAYKU: s.(cri) Our Father (prayer); Lord’s Prayer
- YAYKUNA: s.(ana) mouth
- -YCHIS!; -YCHEQ!: [Imperative Plural]
- -YKI: your; yours
- -YKI: I … you
- -YKI KAN: expr.v.aux. you have (possess) …
- -YKICHIS KAN: expr.v.aux. you (all) have (possess) …
- -YKICHIS; -YKICHEQ: your (plural); yours (plural)
- -YKICHIS; -YKICHEQ: I … you all
- -YKIKU: we … you
- -YKU: our; our; not your; ours; not yours
- -YKU: [1st pers. plur. excl.]; we without you …
- -YKU KAN: expr.v.aux. we (without you) have (possess) …
- -YKU-; -YU-: intensively; strongly
- -YOQ: with; posessing; having; having … as property; permanent ownership
- -YOQ KAY: expr.v.aux. to have; to posess
- YOQOY: s. sexual intercourse; sex (intercourse); copulation
- YOQOY: to copulate; to fuck
- -YSI-: to help to
- -YTA ATIY: expr.v.mod. to be able to; to be capable of; can
- -YTA MUNAY: expr.v.mod. to want to; to will (to have the will, to be willing)
- YUKA: s. deceive; swindle
- YUKA: s.(bot)(esp->taino) maniok; kind of plant with edible root
- YUKALLI: s. craft (astuteness); astuteness; cunning (guile); cunning
- YUKAY: s. deceit
- YUKAY: s.(top) village in the Department of Qosqo, province of Urupampa (Peru); (Span.) Yucay
- YUKAY: to deceive; to swindle; to cheat
- YUKRA: s.(zoo) shrimp; river shrimp
- YUKSA: s.(zoo) duck of the puna
- YUMA: s.(ana) semen; sperm
- YUMAY: s. seminal fluid
- YUMAY: ejaculate; to fertilize
- YUNKA: s.(geo) coastal valley; yunga; jungle; forest; altitude level in the Andes from 500 to 2300 m, in the east from 1000 to 2300 m; lowland jungle
- YUNKA WASI: s. house in the forest
- YUNKAPATA: s.(geo) over the rainforest; high rainforest
- YUPA: s.(3) count
- YUPAKUQ: adj.(mat) countable
- YUPANKI: s. accountant
- YUPARPARINA: s.(neo) computer
- YUPASQA: adj. numeric; numerical
- YUPAY: to count
- YUPAY KAMANA: s.(neo) mathematics
- YUPAYCHAQ: s. believer
- YUPAYCHASQA: adj. respectable
- YUPAYCHAY: s. adoration; glory; honour; honor
- YUPAYCHAY: to thank; to honour; to honor; to adore; to worship; to praise; to respect; to worship
- YUPAYKAMAYOQ: s.(mat) mathematician
- YUPAYOQ KAYNIY: s.(spi)(his) honour; honor
- YUPI: s. track; footprint
- YUPICHAY: to follow a track; to trace
- YURA: s.(bot) plant; any plant; shrub; bush; tree; medium-sized plant; bushy growth; stem; physical body
- YURAQ: adj.(col) white
- YURAQ ANKHAS: adj.(col) sky-blue
- YURAQ KAY: s. being white
- YURAQ RIT’I: s.(met) white snow
- YURAQ UYWA: s. white horse
- YURAQ WASI; YULA WASI: s. white house
- YURAQYAY: v.intr. to turn white; to become bleached; to dawn
- YURI: s.(bot) plant; sprout; shrub; medium-sized plant; plant; bushy growth; stem
- YURIKUY: v.intr.(fil) to ensue (from)
- YURIY: to be born; to branch out; to grow; to appear
- YUSPAGARASUNKI!; YUSPAGRASUNKI!: expr.(esp) Thank you!; Thanks!; (lit.) God will repay you!
- YUSPAGARASUNKICHIS!; YUSPAGRASUNKICHIS!: expr.(esp) Thank you, guys!; Thanks to you all!; (lit.) God will repay you all!
- YUSULPAY: to thank
- YUSULPAYKI!: expr.(l.esp) Thanks!; Than you!
- YUTHU: s.(ast) Partridge (constellation), a dark spot in the Milky Way (Mayu), formed by dark interstellar space
- YUTHU KRUS: s.(ast) Partridge Cross: The Southern Cross (provenience: Chumbivilcas)
- YUYACHIQ: s.a. reminder; remembrance
- YUYAMPAY: to warn
- YUYANCHA: s. subject
- YUYANCHASQA KAY: v.intr. to be convinced
- YUYAQ: adj. adult; elder and wise; old and wise
- YUYAQ: s. thinker; elder
- YUYARAYAY: to await with interest; to consider; to consider
- YUYARINA: s.(neo) index
- YUYARIY: v.intr. to remember; to recall; to decide; to agree; to remember; to reflect
- YUYAY: to remember; to think; to think
- YUYAY: to remember; to think; to think (over, about)
- YUYAY: s. memory; idea; thought; judgement; opinion; mind; understanding; intelligence
- YUYAY: to remember; to think; to imagine; to expect; to think (over, about)
- YUYAY ALLINTA!: expr. Remember well!
- YUYAY CHINKAY: v.pron. to lose one’s consciousness
- YUYAY HUNTASQA: p.p.p. child que ha completado su razón, considerado juicioso (hacia los siete years old)
- YUYAY MAST’ARIY: to argue
- YUYAY QOQ: s. counselor
- YUYAY QOY: s. advice
- YUYAY QOY: to advise
- YUYAY TULLU: s.(ana) parietal bone
- YUYAY UNANCHA: s. abiltiy; abilities
- YUYAYCHAKUY: v.intr. to reflect; to think about; to think carefully
- YUYAYCHAKUY: v.intr. to reflect; to think about; to think carefully
- YUYAYCHASAPA: s.(fam) child, one to three years old (lit. who already notices, what is going on in his/her environment)
- YUYAYCHAY: to advise
- YUYAYCHAYOQ: s.(fam) child, one to three years old (lit. who already notices, what is going on in his/her environment)
- YUYAYKACHAY: v. to conjecture, to guess
- YUYAYKUNA: s. data; notes; details; remembrances
- YUYAYKUSQA T’IKRAY: v.intr. to change one’s mind
- YUYAYKUY: to reflect; to think about; to think carefully; to reason
- YUYAYMANAY: s. lament
- YUYAYMANAY (-PI): v.intr. to contemplate
- YUYAYNIYOQ: adj. intelligent; reasonable; wise
- YUYAYPI: adv.m. voluntarily; intentionally
- YUYAYSONQO: s.(neo) idealist
- YUYAYSONQOKAY: s.(neo) idealism
- YUYAYTA HAP’IY: to understand
- YUYU: s. vegetable; vegetables; herbs; grass; undergrowth
- YUYU: s.(bot) turnip